»King Beauty Show Saturday Night April 2 • THE DANBURY REPORTER. Volume 66 Miss Inez Jessup Elected At Francisco CONTEST SUCCESS MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL OF BIG CREEK TOWNSHIP TAKES LEAD AND WINls— RECEIVES HANDSOME BOX OF CANDY AND THE HONOR OF CONTESTING FOR MISS STOKES COUNTY. * When Miss Inez Jessup yn« elected as '"Miss FVan ciflco" at Francisco high school beauty contest Saturday night, 4 phe was at once presented with a Mandsotme box of aandy and proclaimed the most beautiful young lady of Big Creek town- Bhip, or Fnancisco high school district. Automatically she came in line for the honor of later being chos en as "Miss Stokes County" when the grand contest is put on at the ctose of the series of beauty •hows being conducted at the high schools of the county. When the voting began the v auditorium was packed, every •eat being filled and many stand ee in the aisles. Miss Jemxp at once took the lead in T lb* voting and held it. I*ny of her friends were pres «ML la the audience sat Miss Madeline Martin, of Sandy Ridge Ugh school, who has been elect ed as "Miss Sandy Ridge." This - racy attractive Sandy Ridge lady Interested in the race of her efr-contesthnt. •Before the beauty contest an interesting program was carried 1 eat, and enjoyed by everybody. Miss Evelyn Page, superintend- ent of public welfare, was prcs- out and delivered a tMlk on "Some Problems of Social Security." Miss Ruth Patterson, also con- aected with the welflare agencies fe the county, sang several num bara, being accompanied on the piano by Mias Mary Taylor, who Ji music teacher at the German- ten high school, and who is one of'the most accomplished pianists In the State- Harold and Wfclter Jessup made Mts with several aongs. i There were other interesting 4 numbers on the program, includ r tog the presentation of Miss Saflidy Ridge. KING NEXT. The next beauty contest will be gtven at King high school: the . night of April 2- Full particulars '* program will appear in the next issue at the Reporter. King is the largest school in the county, with more than 700 students. And Yadkin township Is noted for its beautiful young women. It is expected thfct this contest will be a great success. a W? T. Oakley was here Wed nesday from North View section. Established 1872. Danbury, N. C., Thursday, March 17, 1938. FARM PROGRAM GOES OVER IN STOKES MEET MISS FRANCISCO. 1 HHkS r - - W I m ■ ■ Mia Inez Jfawup was elected the most beautiful girl of Francisco high school district Saturday night. L. W. SISK PROVED WRONG MAN PREACHER BROUGHT FROM OKLAHOMA NOT LEFF SISK WHO SIJOT SAM LAWSON TO DEATH THIRTY YEARS AGO —HEARING AT DANBURY SUNDAY AFTERNOON. J The man Sisk, brought to Dan bury jail last week from Okla homa by Sheriff John Taylor and Deputy Sheriff Cleve Lawson, proved to be the wrong man. After a hearing here Sunday afternoon before Esquire J. L. Moore of Lawsonville, Rev. L. W. Sisk, changed with being the slayer of Sam lawson 34 years ago at Kelly Siak'a place near Lawuonville, was exonerated by the proof of many witnesses, an j discharged. P. C. Campbell. R. M. Clamp bell, Richard Joyce. Rufus Mabe, T F. Lawßon, Georgia Sisk. Mrs. Rufus Shelton land others who knew Left Sisk wihen he lived Ja Stokes, testified that Rev. Lu W Sisk was not the man. Soon after the hearing began, Mrs. Sisk, the wife of the prison er, arrived, and was happily brought into the presence of her husband. At the hearing Bob Lawson and Jim Tom Lawson, brothers of Sam Lawson who was killed, stated after studying the accuse man from Oklahoma, that in their judgment, he wjas not Leff Sisk. L. W. Sisk was brought here Saturday night from Shawnee, Okla-, by Sheriff Tkplor and Deputy Lawson on representation:: made t» the Sheriff that the slay er of Sam Lawson had been daught. Other friends of the cccu'id man, coming from Lexington, Ga., did mot arrive in Danbury, b'l. reached Winston-Salem where they were interviewed. They in cluded a brother, W J. N. Sisk; a nephew, E. A. Sisk; Colonel E. P. Shull, so'icitor of city court at Lexington, Ga-; and Colon-'! Hamilton McWhorter, former senator. They were in readiness to present proof Sisk was not in rjarth Carolina at the time the Lawson murder was committed, Messrs. Monroe Fagg and E. R> Nelson went to Charlotte Tuesday to aittend the State Republican convention as delegates from Stakes county. STOKES VOTES ' TOR CONTROL HUGE MAJORITY , CAST IN SATURDAY'S REFERENDUM —BIG CREEK TOWNSHIP LEADS IN MAJORITY. The returns from 10 polling places in Stokes county gfeye 3.- 805 votes for control and 595 Big Creek township—ss3 for control, 17 tagainst. Beaver Island twnship—4ll for control, 11 against. Dfcnbury township—l4s for control, 82 against- Meadows township—2s7 for coitrol, 158 against Peter's Creek township—32o for control, 78 agafost. Quaker Gap township—3B6 for control, 20 against. Sauratown township—42o for control, 30 against. Snow Creek township—46l for control, 36 against (Lower Yadkin township—ss4 (or control. 116 against. Upper Yadkin township—3oß fcr control, 49 SANDY RIDGE BEAUTY QUEEN Jm Jk jj| ijHgwHßgii * ttjii % ? JT~ * ififji^Mi^ E_- BI B MJua Madeline Martin, elected as Sandy Ridge beauty queen. She attended the Francisco contest Saturday night. Hydraulic Ram Demonstration On | Farm of Alex Rogers: A very interesting hydraulic demonstration meeting was held | on the farm of Alex Rogers of Lawsonville on Friday, March li with 35 farmers and farm women attending. L;ist r/pnth Mr. Rogers came in tin; office one day and asked some information about hydraulic rams. I visited Mr. Roger's farm a few days later and made a sur vey of the availble location- a spring located 600 feet from the house was flowing three gal lons of water per mimite. By going 140 feet below the spring eight feet ftxll could be obtained. The elevation to the house was 85 feet. I drew up specifications for votes against. Four challenged votes remained in the envelopes and were not counted. Four other votes were not counted due to the fact they were mutilated. 86.47 per cent of the votes cast were in favor of control a n d 13.53 per cent were against. The following is a tabulation of the votes cast by townships: pipe and installing a 'am. The location was ideal- The ram was installed under supervision of the county agen: | I The total cost including jjico, ce ment and the ram was 9109.05. The pipe and cement amounted j to S7O of the total cost. Mr | Ro'jc'S and his boys fitted the I pipe and dug the ditches in their spare time. They made a com plete installation using concrete around the spring and making a concrete pit for the ram. A con crete storage tank was also built l at the house. This ram is dcliver i ;ing to the house 17 gallons of . water per hour, or 408 gallons per day which is more tha n enough water to supply the house, live stock and poultry on the farm Upon investigation I found that Mr. Rogers a n d his wife had been 'carrying water from this spring lup the hill for 40 yeaj-s. They • have made an average of three Strips daily to the spring for househould purposes only. We found that this farmer and his wife had in 40 years Walked a total of 24,000 miles and spent 365 ten hou r days carrying water for household purposes alone. Be fore Mr. Rogers installed the ram he spent considerable money in trying to drill a well but was un successful. This fa r mer and his wife are highly elated that they have running water at the house and say they wouldn't be without it for many times the coat. . J. P. BROWN, County Agent. Number 3,341 MURDER ON DRY HOLLOW ROAD DETROIT. MICHIGAN, MAN FOUND DKAD IN! IJIS CAR IX LOWER STOKES, HEAD CRUSHED AND CHOKED— SUSPECTS ARRESTED, NOW IN JAIL—MVSTERY SUR ROUNDS GRUESOME AF FAIR. Geo. W. Taylor, 44, was found dcta/J in the rear seat of his a,uto mobile parked on Dry Hollow ioad early Wednesday moiling. His head was crushed in at the hack, and his throat bore evidence of choking. Wednesday, on evidence pre sented by Sheriff John Taylo>\ of Stokes, Forsyth officers ar rested Clyde Byrd of Winston- Salem. charging him with the c>'ime. Later a negro named Mc- Donald, also of Winston-Salem, was apprehended and both of the accused men were brought here to jail charged with the murder. Dry Hollow ie a few miles jno'th-east of Walnut Cove. Tfu> automobile in which the do_ad body of Taylor Was found, was 1032 Ford. Tote Dalton, a I nop, TO, discovered the tragedy, 'notifying Deputy Sheriff Carl Ray of Walnut Cove. Sheriff Tay ' lor also was quickly summoned. I An inquest held by the coroner j rendered a verdict that Taylor j'Vinne to his ddnth at the hands lof unknown persons." | Sarii! T;,ylor is in p O3 . scsiibn of evidence implicati:; • oiK-ther negro in the crime- Tlu loffceraI offcera ai e looking for Tout Da!- I ton. who found the body slumped in the car. A hearing will be hold later, while the grand jury at April i court will investigate. TWO MORE MEN ARRESTED. Since the above was wrjtt ;n Deputy Sheriffs Bert Smith and , Everett Wagner }»ve a'ested Teat Dalton, who found the body and Dave Dalton, both negroes. Who are being held for complicity in the murder. It now develops that Clyde Byrd is a, paroled convict, Announcement. Subject to the will G f the Demo crat.c voters in the primary June • I announce myself ■> ? r the of « ce «>f 2«L r. SUPen ° r Court, of Stokes County. My Pas t re cord is well known to most of sh!n mem -° f the P art y and I e^L aPPreCmte t0 the full »t "ated . s " pport- If nomi nated and elected I shall dU charge the duties of the office in ■">« acceptable Respectfully, 15m4w ,AMES " BAKER '