nHJRSDAY, APRIL 28, 1938 A! Iftl-fftP— —T Iftggftg—glflggftg! Iftllftg-—TftfTAP 1 Home Demonstration Department! Edited By Miss Ellen Jekins q , Home Demonstration Agent For Stokes County II j.. . o Stokes County Has Sev- ■ 11 8 effect of small expenditures IS Seven committees have organiz- 1 w ' H O ' --Mmt--' Chewing gum. so.t dnnks, picture M ed Home Demonstration Clubs un- . ,*• I . . '..* '•'• !' , , II • { .* shows, candy, etc. can amount IV O" der the supervision of the County v ' ***»k .... H fTrT rP to a large sum over a iktiou oi a m Home Demonstration Agent, Miss V-/ lUH 9 'H years—enough to put a child M Ellen Jenkins. H -«" • .. U \ HI through college, li a person is to Each club has elected its presi- IM , H BR # be tinanc-ially secure, he must dent and officers. President and Bt «h4Mßß|wp , II . 9Hfc learn to save and manage well. location of each club is as fol- wife. r\ .. .. u . .. IB / Do you buy things on the 111- I Mrs. Emma Tuttle at Ross' - :V' ? I the amount ol interest one pays \ tore. , | >• • to auto finance companies or any M Mrs. E. M. Macon at Sandv =\'. -**. a "'■■' : «f installment buying 7 ■ i a /»,a ; " ■ ' Omr&x Installment payment contracts I Mrs. E. W. Carroll at Quaker • IO.SGMOQ . _____ J9Ua ll y carry a higher rate of in- Gap. North Carolina State Director State H.mie Demonstration tcl . est than ]oans i iqu j dated in n 1 | Mrs. J. S. Barr at Mt. View. of Extension Service and a native Agent who is asking that every large sum. I Mrs. W. R. Ferguson at King. Bon of Stokes County, who is home-maker do her part in the Doeg yoU| , llini jj y s;lve Byßtem . S Better Homes has been stress- urging tf.at each extension work- National Better Homes Campaign, atically? The intelligent Ameri- % | ed at each meeting in April and er leni nil efforts to make North by doing her bit toward making can f am jjy B h o u| d have or.lv «n2 I every club member has been ask- Carolina f . c.eancr State. 1 homes and communities better rfison lor spending—tliiu is 10 J ed to do her share in cooperating. ar-d more desirable places in which px-ovide goods and service which ' I Also during this month, a flower to live, wi „ Batlßfy thcir present W(lnt3 1 exchange has been held. Every rural North Carolina a better and they shou , d save so Mto J member was asked to bring flow- place to „ve. Family bCOnomiCS. provi de out of the present in ) er seed ' cuttin S a 0r pLants to ** Not only Lave we stressed PAULINE E. GORDON. come financial security for the j jj "swapped with other club mem- more comfortable and conven- Extension Specialist in Home future. Every family should S | l)erß * ient bemte but also more beauty Management And Home Fur- study means of saving. I ) COUNTY-WIDE MEETING FOR on the outside of the home. The ' nishings. Does your family have a spend- \ I MAY 17. following figures are gratifying: The Eetter Homes in America ing plan? It is absolutely essen- « On May 17th the first County- There were 19,383 women and campaign will be successful only tial that the family work out ail I wide meeting will be held. The girls enrolled in home beautifica- if our hemes are financially so of its specific spending problems purpose of this meeting is to tion "Ugt year. In 3,463 >:jre, The American family is f_s a carefully integrated spend g form a county organization. The homes woodpiles were neatly the biggtst business in the United ing plan. Then every month it p membership of this organization stacked. 2,026 fences were repair- States. Your family is just a is wise to go over every detail O is made up of the officere in the ed, and 8,409 homes had a gene- branch of this big business. To- r the spending plan and make community clubs. . ral cleaning up of the premises; Jay there are many economic .'.djustments. U I, 1,443 families moved their farm problems facing us; therefore, it Progress towards better living © Achievements In Home machinery to shelter, 1,669 would be wise for you to check comes only as each individual houses were painted and 1,776 re- over many of the problems that family learns to look down the I Demonstration Club paired your familv rnU£t V£ars and makes wise use of jts J Work, j What is the attitude of you: !inancial and social resources. M It is estimated in dollars and 4 :amily toward work? One of the RUTH CURRENT cents that Home Demonstration ...... ox , n . " ' 9 greatest pltifisures of civilization otOkes Countv M State Home Demonstration Agent. Club Work has meant $919,824.29 . . .. J . is earned bv doing ones part. 4-rl ( Illn A most successful year has to farm homes in North Carolina . m ¥-» i > M r.very member ol the successful Jo F^roanfast i come to a close in Home Demon- during 3937. This is in addition . „ r , . , . 0 * O" , fumtly should share in its work. 4-H Club members from San- M stration Club Work. Never 1 in to the $534 «95.15 farm women ' ~ p - )o/a , c . . D Every child should be taught '•> Kidge will represent btokes its history can we boast of earned in marketing farm pro- , . ... , that Ljibor is sorr 'biiig to seek County in a broadcast over \\. A. greater achievements and accom- ducts and dees not include the , ' , n c? . , a 6 ;md to en;oy. Cin-e liini r.o money I. It. Winston-Salem, Saturday, 1" plishments. And this is as it accomplishments of the Negro ... In ., . „ to spend until he ha:i performerl April JOth at 12:lo. The pro- i should be; the last inventory al- home agents and farm women ?n equiva)ent ~ ; , K „, P!an work gram will be on -The Parent O ways should be the best. > and girls. ' •' E;bout your home so that your Part In 4-H Club Work." Good planning Was been re- What other organization can children may learn to do their Those selected to participate U sponsible for the success of the come> joln rartß in maintaining the home. are: Nancy Joyce, Marie O I J past years work Members of , &t home and Who shares the financial prob- Stovall, Melvin Wall, Walter the County Councils, ome , q thoge things kraa of your family? The child Joyce and Mr. Clyde Joyce. | agents, district agents, and ex- that wll ma ke for a happier, who has a part in making choices Each Saturday at ' 12:15 9 tension specialists assisted in more contented life? develops judgments and soon Station W. A. I. R. is sponsoring making plans that would meet realizes that he is expected to ,a 4-H Club broadcast. These Q the needs of the rural home mak- With the interest, enthusiasm, idd Wa contr ibution. broadcasts are presented by the- H I era. The long time objectives and cooperation of club members, , Are the members of your fami- different counties within a reason- 11 and the basis of planning were county extension agents, and , y carefu| q{ theJr possessions? able radius of the station. The O % le 8811,6 wi " remairv 80 for Bta ® members, 1938 should bring Do they take pride in them? o\v- program will be fifteen minutes O * several yeara to c*me; (1) A farm people nearer the goals nership teaches one to be careful long and is planned to create H comfortable, convenient and Uv- they are striving to reach. hijj poß9eßßiona . an in . more interest in 4-H Club work. || able home which will give satis- ttbove figures tell a won- ventory of the things you own. Also they will give to the public O faction and where children may , r wt h. W can This may grow 11110 * Bystem of the real meanin e and a better find security and happiness. (2) tanei(/>' good but whnt family bookkee P in & financial knowledge of 4-H Club work. A wide awake, cooperative com- " * planning. .. . i , about the intangible v-iluea of ■ munity where men, women, and Are the members of j-our fami- ~ v » PI : tTH II l , home demonstration work? ' If You re Planning Io children plan together for com- ly careful conßUmera? Do you Bui]d 6 JJ J munity development and recrea- Home Demonstration Work has realize how one is tempted b y D ti ° n ' ' taUght 3 great many ° f ° Ur advertisements? Discuss adver- .»« Q Of the 100 counties in the. club members self confidence, -Using. Study both honest and Building .... _ u .. ~ International Correspondence Schoolf State, 79 are organized in home courage,, rehance— the rudi- dishonest ads. Avoid being misled L 5 demonstration p|ub work; three * ments of parliamentary proce- by advertising.' Two good A SAVING in the first co*t of a of the seventy-nine have dure. It has taught the apprecia- rules for the consumer are: inexpenafve Ca mntoriaK (i in b its"coi^ assistant home agents, making a tion of good books and the joy L When making an important tKamework s and'iKe exlwiw total of 82 agents. This eighty of service; to enlarge the circle purchase, keep the matter under finish of houses.is the cheapest ma- II | \ ' home agents are . working with of friends and experiences. And- consideration for at least one day. today, and is consequently the most Q 0 ' *,..•. .. ■. • _. h ' .«..u ™ •••*,. ' common used. Houses built of wood kg approximately sixty thousand . perhaps We could say we need Do no t accept the donations from require frequent repairs, however. women and girls who are making ' " club work to dignify' -farm* life.: • - aic subject to destruction hy U OC3Qt=IOaOi—3QOOE—»C—tOPQI—IQE3QI 'Awab THE DANBURY EEPORTR Page Three

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