THE DANBURY REPORTER. , Volume 66 TWO KING WOMEN ON DEATH LIST MBS. MARY ELIZABETH MOORE AND MBS. HATTIi: GIBSON PASS ON—BIRTHS AND MABBIAGES—EDGAR ' FULK PULLS FIBST BABN OF TOBACCO—TONSIL OPEB ATIONS. King, July 6.—Funeral service for Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Moore, aged 80, widow of Lucian Moore, was held at Poplar Springs Church Monday at 2:30 P. M. Surviving are 3 daughters and 5 Bons and a number of grandchild ren. The service was in charge of Rev. R. A. Helsabeck and Rev. J. A. Taylor. Interment was iu the church graveyard. Dr. G. E. Stone and family left Saturday on a two weeks vaca tion. They will visit Miami, Fla., New Orleans, La., and a number of other cities. The following births were rec orded here last week: Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Rachel, a daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Westmore land, a son; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sands, a son; Mr. and Mrs. Luther Angel, a daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Basil Boyles, a son. Mrs. Lula Pulliam is having some repairs made on her home on Main street. Elbert Loggins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Loggins, and Miss .Ovaline Caudle, daughter of Mrs. Ett a Caudle, motored to Martins ville, Va., Sunday where they were united in marriage. Charlie N. Boles has returned to his home in Monroe, Va., after paying asshotr t visit to relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Boyles of Mebane are visiting relatives in this section. Martin Spainhower is 'quite sick at his home here, we are very sorry to note. Mrs. Hattie Gibson Snider, aged 52, died at her home near here Saturday. The deceased is sur vived by the husband, Roy Snider, and one daughter, Miss Maud Snider. Three sisters also sur vive, they are, Mrs. James Doyle, Mrs. Luther Pulliam and Mrs. William Denny, all of King. The funeral service, which was in charge of Rev. Franklin feowles and Rev. John Spainhower, was held at Trinity Church Sunday morning at 11:00 and burial fol lowed in the church cemetery. Jjames Gravitt, son of Grant Gravitt, of Miami, Fla., is spend ing some time with relatives here. Mrs. Patsy Kiser is reported to be critically ill at her home two joiles east of town. Lonnie Long of King and Miss Inez Moore of Rural Hall were married Saturday, Rev. R. A. Helsabeck officiating. Pete Tuttle is very sick at his bome near here, his friends will regret to learn. Edgar Fulk has the distinction of having pulled the first harn of tobacco in this section. He states that he made a splendid cur©. ~ fThe following patients under- Established 1872. COUNTY BOARD CUTS TAX RATE COMMISSIONERS FIX TENTA TIVE RATE AT SI.6S—BOABD GOES ON BECOBD FOB BLUE SUNDAYS—NOTHING SAID ABOUT SUNDAY BASE BALL A tentative tax rate of $1.65 on hundred dollars valuation was fix ed for years 1938-39 by the coun ty commissioners in regular ses sion here Tuesday, July 5, this date having been decided upon fo: the meeting instead of the regu lar first Monday of July 4, this being legal holiday. A full board was present as follows: Rev. J. A. Joyce, chair man; H. L. Gibson and Harvey Johnson. In response to requests of seve ral citizens asking for a blue Sun day, the board went on record as opposed to the sale of wine and beer or the operation of pool tables on Sunday. The matter of Sunday baseball was not discussed. After the regular routine of business consisting mainly in the payment of claims, the board ad journed. , Ivie Congratulates Scott That Allan D. Ivie, Jr., is not only a good Democrat, but a true sport, is shown by the following letter which the defeated candi date for solicitor has written to his successful rival: Leaksville, July 5. Mr. Ralph J. Scott, j Attorney-Xt-Law, Danbury, N. C. Dear Rialph: 1 hope you will accept my sin cere congratulations and best wishes upon your victory. 1 am sure that the splendid gen lemjan and accomplished lawyer you are, will enable you to bring to the solicitorship that character of fine service and ability in keep ing with the demands and highest ideals of the office. I want yon to know that I stand ready at all times to co-operate with you in every possible way in making your administration a success for your self and a lasting service to the people of our district. ALLAN D. IVIE, JR. i Weiner Roast Saturday night at number of young people enjoyed a weiner roast near Danbury. Those who were present were: Margie and Hazel Petree, Prather and Wini fred Hall, Katherine Sisk, Angela Taylor, Lois Wall, and Ellen Pep per, of Danbury, and Margaret | Wren Koontz of Greensboro; Ins Grey and Elizabeth Voss of Wal nut Cove, and Beverly Christian, Ralph Thomas, Frances and Paul Martin of Danbury. went tonsil operations here laat week: Paul Merritt of Rural Hall, Mrs. William Smith of Westfi?!d, Ozell Repager of Winston-Salem and Ralph Moser of King. Danbury, N. C., Thursday, July 7, 1938. SCOTT'S MAJORITY MORE THAN 6,000 DANBURY MAN DEFEATS IVIE FOR SOLICITOB IN A LAND SLIDE— SURRY AND STOKES GAVE SCOTT OVERWHELM ING ENDORSEMENT — IVIE CARRIED ROCKINGHAM AN!) CASWELL BY SMALL MA JORITIES—VOTE IN STOKES BY PRECINCTS. i Ralph J. Scott was nominated over A. D. Ivie, Jr., in last Satur day's primary by a majority of I more than 6,000 votes. His ma- I jority in Stokes was 3,178 and in Surry 3,487. Ivie carried Rock ingham and Caswell by small ma jorities. | The vote by counties: Stokes, i complete, Scott 3,346; Ivie, 167; I Surry, complete, Sc«tt, 3,855, Ivie,- 308; Rockingham, 20 out of 2$ precincts. Scott 1,521; Ivie, 1886; Caswe)), 10 cut of 13 precinct's, Scott, 593; Ivie 646; totals, Scott, 19,315; Ivie, 3,067. The vote by precincts in Stokes ;was as follows: Precinct Scott Ivie PRECIN CTS ! DANBURY 3il Z HARTMAN 17 1 jMJTCHELL 206 - 5 PINE HALL 2*B « IE. SANDY RIDGE • 166 . 7 W, #ANDY'B*BOE • 267 ~T HWSONVILLE 185 13 TULLEY 111 7 MOIB ISS 36 iFBANS 110 1 BROWN MOUNTAIN i FLINTY KNOLL 80 3 PINNACLE 162 12 ! IfiENG 235 16 MT. OLIiVE 116 ti MIZPAH 31 3 j WILSON'S STOKE 144 23 i GEEMANTON 108 2 I IW. WALNUT COVE 250 13 jE. WALNUT COVE 365 8 FREEMAN 65 ft TOTALS 3345 167 Rockingham Vote By Precincts Precinct Scott Me BRYAN 167 » DOBSON 847 « 20 ELDORA 28 ? 0 ELK IN 460 f 6 FRANKLIN MS F 2 LONG BILL 28 T 1 MARSH 138 * U MOUNT AIBY I 295 ' 88 MOUNT AIBY 2 129 75 MOUNT AIBY S 181 24 MOUNT AIBY 4 183 69 MOUNT AIBY 5 253 41 PILOT MOUNTAIN 170 44 ROCK FORD 150 1 SHOALS 194 4 SILOAM 135 9 ] STEWART'S CBEEK 323 7 WESTFIELD 125 8 TOTALS 3,849 355 j i Burley Mabe j Cures First Barn, The first barn of the new tobac- ■ co crop in this section was cured | i 'ast week by Burley Mabe and he! j got it fine. SANDY RIDGE NfcWS NOTES MBS. DOWDY AND MBS. PBID DY GIVE LUNCHEON—BE-1 VIVALS AT THE CHURCHES.! MRS. JENNIE STEELE RUSH ED TO HOSPITAL—\\ OK K STARTS ON THE SCHOOL' GYMNASIUM. Sandy Ridge, July s.—Mrs. J ' E. Dowdy and Mrs. Taze Piiddy ya,ve a luncheon at their home here Saturday honoring Miss Mary Sterling of Winston-Salem who ,s I to be married Saturday, July J, ' Covers were laid for eight. A de licious lunch was served after which the honuree was presented I a service plate in her chosen pat- ! tern. Those present were: Miss Mary Sterling, Mrs. J. G. Sterling, Mrs. E. E. Williamson, Miss Alicj Williamson, Mrs. George Whaling, ' Mrs. W. V. Hilton, Mrs. Dowdy 'and Mrs. Priddy. OAK RIDGE REVIVAL The Oak Ridge Baptist Church ,will have a Home Coming Sunday, | July 10. Everyone is invited to come and bring a well-filled bas jket. A picnic lunch will be spread during the noon hour. This will also be the beginning of the I revival meeting. Rev. R. E. Adiar.-.s ©f Mayodan will conduct Uie revival assisted by the pastor, Rev. J. A. Joyce. Services will he held each afternoon at 2 and 4 o'clock. The publiic is cordially invited to attend all the services. PRESBYTERIAN MEETING j Rev. L. F. Cowan is conduct ing a successful Bible school and j revival meeting at the Presbyter ton church here. Large crowds jhave been attending all services: . Rev. Cowan has been preaching forceful sermons eac.i evening. SERIOUSLY ILL Mrs. Jennie Steele was rushed ,to the Baptist hospital in Win ston-Salem Monday where she is in a serious condition. PERSOIn j_#o Miss Nancy and Hampton Joyce spent the week-end with their i grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fulcher at Patrick Springs, Va. ] Misses Hazel and Evelyn Mar ' - 1 I "tin of High Point are spending some time with their grand mother, Mrs. Sam Martin. Miss Nannie Belle Dodson spent the week-end with Mr. and Mr 3. Clarence Martin. Misses Ruth and Willie H>ll, Mrs. Hilary Chapman, Miss Ethel Lcdbetter of Madison and Mrs. Will Joyce of Mayodan shopped in Winston-Salem Saturday. Mrs. A. J. Gann of Crozet. Va., Mr. and Mrs. Edison Gann of Rustburg, Va., and Miss Joy Ann Tillman of Charlottsville, Va., are ' expected to arrive here Friday to [spend several days with the for ! mer's daughter, Mrs. J. M. H»w --j kins. | Miss Erline Hinshaw of Spencer, jN. C. spent the week-end here !with Miss Frances Hawkins. Mr. and Mrs. Jeyse Joyce visit !ed Mrs. N. F. HP.II at L»a\vsonville I Sunday. . 1 HANES-GENET RITES THURSDAY BEAUTIFUL WEDDING O F DAUGHTER OF DR. AND MRS. J. L. HANES TO >IR. GKET— WEDDING BREAKFAST A r "SPOTS WOOD." (Miss Luna Taylor in Greens boro News.) July I.—The wedding of Miss Mildred Hanes and Max Gt nev was solemnized Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in the Methodist Church of Madison. Rev. Robert Anderson, cousin of the bride and president of Montreat Association, officiated. Arches >f wcic used ns !a background at the altar. A sev ; cn-branched candelabra holding tall white tapers centered the dec ! oration arid candelabra were used at the sides. White floor baskets! filled with regal lilies were on either side and the altar rail was banked with regal lilies. Pews for the relatives and honor guests were set off by sprays of gladioli i and fern tied with white tulle. MUSIC Miss Mary Taylor, ol Danbury, presided at the piano. The music preceding the ceremony was 1 "Sweetest Story Ever Told'' and I "Because" sung by Mrs. Ntrris Smith, of Greensboro. Vvilliarr. I Wright, violinist, of Winston-Sal em, played "Souvenir." Lohen grim's Wedding March was play ed and during the ceremony Liebe straum" was played. Mendels sohn's Wedding March was used 'as recessional. ATTENDANTS I Ushers were Tom Van Hopper, of Madisc.n: James Sheffield of Winston-Salem; Chisman Hants, I jof Washington, D. C., Charles | Henry Dalton of Madison. Charl jton Genet, of Tulsa, Oklahoma, j was his brother's best man. I Groomsmen were Clarence Hed ■ reck, of Greensboro; Henry Roan, of Winston-Salem; Joe Anderson Weir, of Madison: Tom Preston, of Pine Hall. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Tom Preston, of Pine Hall; Miss Luna Taylor, of Danbury; Miss Eliza beth Tucker, of Madison: Miss Anne Shuford, of Conover; Mis 3 Pettus Chisman, of Memphis, Tenn.; Miss Ruth McLead, of (Continued on 4th page.) J. A. Cooper of Martinsville, jva., was a business visitor here | Tuesday. j Miss Bessie Joyce has accepted a position with the agriculture de partment in Danbury. Mr. and Mis. Penn Fulcher of Patrick Springs, Va., visited Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Joyce Friday. E. H. Wilson, new agriculture teacher, a rr ' ve d here the first of July and has started his work with the boys and farmers. The work on the new gymnau jium has been started. It is hoped, jto have this completed wh en ! school opens. The agriculture tie- I 1 partment will be under the gym nasium. Number 3,329 LADIES MEET WITH MRS. ii. W. WATKINS INTERESTING MEETING AT LAW SON'VILLE STAGED BY COL' XT V HOME DEMON SKATOK MlSs KLLEN JEN KLVS—MRS. WATKINS EN TERTAINS. The ladies of Lawsonville, who are aiwjays progressive and enter prising, enjoyed a very interest ing and profitable home demon stration meeting arranged by the county home demonstrator. Miss Ellen Jenkins, at the home of Mrs. G. \V. Wat kins. The meeting opened with a sons "I'm On The Upward Trail," and special music by Mrs. E. G. Law son, Various questions touching home demonstration work were ! ditcussed chief among them being the subject of salads. Many re cipes were exchanged. The "Wo men's Short Course" to be held in Raleigh August 1-5, which several anticipate attending, formed on interesting topic of the evening. Ladies who were present and wh 0 were charmingly entertained by the hostess, Mrs. Watkins, were as follows: Mrs. A. R. Robertson, Mrs. Z. R. Sheppard, Mrs. E. G. Lawson, Mr*: P: H. Robertson, Mrs: C: I M. Mabe, Mrs. B. O. Sheppard, 'Misses Ruby, Hattie and Thelma, Watkins, Miss Anne Lawson. Bill Payne Buried As Family Watches ) High Point. July 2. Bill Payne, jUho died for murder in the state I prison chamber before the watchful eyes 0 f 35 curious peo ple. today was buried in Abbots Creek Baptist Church cemetery while his relatives stood around i the open grave. | Only members of his family at tended funtral services held in the little chapel () f the Sechrest Funeral Home here. Dr. A. B. Conrad, pastor of the First Bap tist Church, and Rev. J. M Hil liard conducted the services. » A brief funeral ritual an 1 bur ial quietly closed Payne's career of crime which made news headlines for many months. Prison Chaplain E. C. Cooper characterized Payne and his Com panion, W«a Turner, who died for the same crime, as "tw 0 coun try boys gone wrong." While Tur ner sat dying in the gas chamber, Payne said "that his only regret was that he didn't know the Christian way before." 1 X ——————— -v John David Fulk of Hardhank was in town Monday. daughter, Mary Elisabeth, visited | the former's sister, Mrs. Elmo Cromer, niar Walnut Cove Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Eaton and b".t" of Bassett, Va„ spent the v. -k-~nd htre with relatives. 3. 4 '. Hawking was a business in Dant.iry Tuesday.