The Danbury Reporter N. E. PEPPER, Editor and Publisher iMued Wednesdays at Danbury. N. C, and enlensd *t thte Danbury postoffiae sm second cUa« matter, under act of Oongrea*. Ickes and Bailey Secretary of the Interior Ickes says that Sena tor Josiah W. Bailey has been offered the 1940 Presidential nomination by ex-President Hoover. Senator Bailey denies the charge. We do not pretend to know which of this pair of redoubtable functionaries is correct in his as severation. But assuming: that Ickes is right, it would be easy to believe that the ex-President could afford to be generous with gifts that go begging. But many people would at the same time applaud his spirit of wishing to reward one who has given such distinguished service to the Republican party. Let America Be Ready It has always been the policy of this newspaper to advocate for our great country the strongest military power in the world as a means of main taining peace and security for our people. We flatter ourselves that this position was never so well established as today when it is dem onstrated unquestionably that there is no honor or integrity among the nations of Europe. Over there treaties are but scraps of paper. Alliances are made only to be betrayed. Solemn pacts and obligations are false as dicers' oaths. America should have two battle fleets guard ing our immense shore lines and two oceans, either of the fleets bigger than England's. We should have more battleplanes than any four nations of the world. We should be prepared at all times to defend America against the world. Do We Have An Election? Both parties are either doing nothing, or else are keeping their operations very quiet. It is only 4 weeks till the election. Is it a calm that precedes a storm? This is a good crop—maybe next will not be good. Sow wheat, and make home supplies. "Colossus at New York Fairj r. ' ■r-W I '■- >* r H ' :£■.'■ ■■). ■ ■ ' ■ AH ■ -..yr.-n 'hwat. NEW YORK—Tlic larjjtjt portrait statue cxcvu'.. J in modern times will honor George Washington at t!ic Now York WorliM Fair, It will be 65 feet tall and will depict Washington as l.c arrived fir his iri.ugu'aticn exactly ISO yean previous lo the OF""in£ day of •' "''air, April -v, 1'):/' lis maat will be 800 times that of n ir -n. « t 6,000 Stokes Children C To Get Tickets To ij State tair | Superintendent J. C. Carson of { Stokes county schools an- | rounced today he had received I Iree tickets to the North Carolina I State Fair, which will be held I Raleigh October 11-15, for distri- bution to ail of Stokes county's to ' b,OOO children in the public I j schools. He will distribute the { tickets next week. Dr. J. S. Dorton of Shelby, I Manager of the State Fair, haj I designated Friday, October 14, u I Young North Carolinians' Day at •he Fair. Tickets will be avail- jto able for 900,000 school children to I be guests of the State on that' day, he declared. j f Wake county school children 1 1 will be admitted free Tuesday I to lesse Q congestion on Friday of I fair week. Governor Clyde R. Hoey has joined Dr. Dorton in expressing I the urgent hope that as many children as possible take advan- ► tage of their free tickets to the I fair. "No fair is complete unless I children have an opportunity to \ c Tee the exhibits and enjoy the en- Z tertainment features", declared I Manager Dorton. "We want to £ see the midway full of youngsters to on Friday of fair week." In addition to an impos ing array of exhibits, the child ren will find much to interest tbem at the fair. The gigantic Johnny J. Jones Exposition, with 40 high-type rides and shows, will be a brand new attraction on the midway. A dozen thrilling hippo drome acts will be presented in noon and nigh't. and a sparkling the grandstand arena each after musical comedy will feature each evening's program. Little streams should be stock id with fish before big streams are stocked. Little boys have as much right to do good minnow fHhing as men have to good basa lor trout fishing. New York's Fair and Skyline, All in One Picture I - SiwH fefl NEW YORK—Proximity of the New York World'* Pair 1939 to Man* batten Is ahown In this "location? photograph taken from the Bermuda Clipper "Cavalier" flying above the Government Zone of the exposition. The famlHar skyscraper skyline at Manhattan Is shown here nine miles away, bat wttfcft fifteen minutes ride by rail. Note the patterns of buildings, foundations, gardens and thoroughfares emerging la thb Central Exhibit Area and the One finish of landscaping THE D ANBURY REPORTER Heavy Sales And A Rising Market Webster's MADISON, N. C. Better Grades Are Steadily Advancing TOM FRANK AND 808 are on the Sales at all times, and your Tobacco at WEBSTER,S SIM PLY MUST bring the HIGH DOLLAR. First Sale Next Monday Sell Every Day You Cqme tQ WEBSTER'S. Advertise in Reporter And Watch the Results ocaoi—-— IOPO: about the steelwork of the 700 foot Trylon and 200 foot Feriiphere and along the broad Constitutional Mall. Shown, right, are the elevated tracks of the'lßT-BMT subway system* and, neater, the Long Island Railroad tracks crossing the lowered Grand Central Parkway Extension. The pontoon of the plane obscures Wew sf the Trlborongh Bridge, one of the main approaches to the Fair. The b«lli» lags shown are among forty already under construction. £ THURSDAY, OCT. 6, IMS. " =o=o«