THE DANBURY REPORTER. Established 1872 SANDY RIDGE P. T. A. MEETS INTERESTING PROGRAM REN DERED —HELEN KELLER BOOK CLUB ALSO MEETS— MARRIAGES—BIRTHS —PER SONAL AND SOCIAL. Sandy Ridge, Nov. 13. —Th e Parent Teacher 3 meeting was held i n the Sandy Ridge High School auditorium Thursday evening, No vember 10. The president, Miss Laura Ellington, presided after which the Secretary took charge. The following program was ren dered: "Onward Christian Soldiers" — group. Devotional —Mrs. Pratt Hill. Girls Trio, "Carolina Moon". Guitar Solo—Mrs. Charlie Eaton. Recitation—Mrs. Rosa Hutcher son. Guitar Solo —Mrs. Charlie Eaton. Girls Trio—"The Yellow Rose of Texas." Rhythm Drill — Grammar Grade Boys and Girls. During the business session it was voted to have a Brunswick and oyster stew in the near fu ture to celebrate the completion of the new gymnasium. It is hoped a good sum of money will be real ized from the project. A basket ball game will be the highlight of the evening's entertainment. The Helen Keller Club of the S. R. H. S. met Thursday and the following program wwas render ed: "Aloha Oeby club. Bible reading—Mary Lou Martin. Pray er. Helen Keller's Childhood— Evelyn Joyce. Helen Keller's Ed ucation —Lou Ella Amos. Helen Keller's Letters —Mildred Steele. Duet —Edith Hennia and Evelyn Reed. Believe It or Not—(Mildred Mabe. CHAMBERS - AMOS Mis s Mary Jane Chambers be came the bride of David Abn»s Friday, November 11, at the Stoneville M. E. Parsonage with Rev. P. L. Shore officiating. Mrs. Amos is the daughter of Mrs. Fannie Chambers of Mayo dan. She received her education at the Mayodan High SchooL Mr. Amos is the sog of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Amos of Sandy Ridge. He received hi s education at the Sandy Ridge High School and now holds a responsible posi tion with Busick's Cask Store in Madison. They will reside with the bride's mother. DODSON - AMOS Miss Grade Mae Dodson and Mr. Lowell Amos motored to ' Wentworth, N. C. Saturday, Octo ber 26 and were united in mar riage. Mrs. Amos i* the daughter , of the late Mr. and Mrs. Dodson of Madison. She received her education at the Sandy Ridge High School. Mr. Amos is the son of Mr., and Mrs. Jack Amog of Sandy Ridge. He received his education at the Sandy Ridge High School, and is a prosperous farmer. They will reside with groom's parents. MOORE - VEWOjNT Volume 66 Death Of Infant I L. T. Smith, Jr., aged seven | months, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Smith, Danbury, Route 1, died at the home of the parents Sunday afternoon of pneumonia. The parents, one sister, one half sister and two half-brothers sur-i vive. Interment was at the Hardban* Primitive Baptist cemetery on i Monday. Miss Mattie Marie Moore and Mr. Norman Vernon were united !in marriage Saturday, November 12, at Stuart, Va. Mrs. Vernon is the daughter of, Mr. and the late Mrs. Johnnie, Moore of Sandy Ridge. Mr. Ver-, non is the son of Mr. and Mra. William Vernon of Sandy Ridge. ) They will reside with the I groom's parents. AMOS - PLASTER Miss Shirley Amo a and Mr. Kerneal Plaster motored to Mar-J tinsville, Va., Saturday, Novem-. ber 5, where they were united » n i marriage. ' Mrs. Plaster is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Amos of Sandy I Ridge. Mr. Plaster is the son of Mr. and Mn. Pink Plaster of Sandy Ridge. VERNON - WRIGHT Mis* 'Barbara Vernon and Mr. Sherman Wright veFe united in marriage Saturday, November 12. Mrs. Wright is the daughter of Mr. and Mn. Pat Vernon of Mad ison, Route 1. BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Alphooao Vernon announce the arrival of a daugh ter, November 7. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Darr and daughter, Joan, were the supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson and daughter, Shelby Jean, were in Madison Sunday. Miss Nannie Belle Dodson of Madison spent Sunday with her • parenls, Mr. and Mra. J. W. A. Dodnn. Miss Flora Jane Hawkins, Anita ; Moorefield and Messrs. .Marshall I Brown and Hampton Knight were in Roanoke, Va., Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. rinrtor had as their dinner guests Sunday: Rev. and Mrs. T. G. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Greenaon, and Miss Doris Vernon. Mr. and Mrs. Hilary Chapman were the supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Stephens Sunday night. Mr. Warner Alley of Greensboro spent the week-end with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Alley. Misses Abbie Hfewkins and Nell Wall spent the week-end in Lib erty. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Darr were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hilary chapman Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Oakley and family will move into their new home near Lawsonvilie Tuesday. Danbury, N. C., Thursday, November 17,1938. AT THE COVE TUESDAY NIGHT "WOMANLESS WEDDING" TO BE PULLED OFF AT THE HIGH SCHOOL—BIG CROWD EXPECTED. i "A Womanlesg Wedding" will oe given at Walnut Cove high school the night of November 22, which I is next Tuesday night, when Ed-i I win Taylor, one of Walnut Cove's most promising young shrieks, will lead to the altar Madamoisellt C. J. Helsabeck, one of the fairest of the town's young ladies. The admission will be 15 and '25, the proceeds going to the ben-| j eQt i f Walnut Cove Baptist' ■ church. A large crowd is expect-! ed. | The ceremony will be perform ed by the Irrelevant Leake Lovin, ' pastor of the Friendly Cafe, where iyou can get a good meal with old I fashioned southern cooking at i | reasonable prices. | The ceremony will be very im ; pressive. The bride will be attired jin a beautiful going-away gown of rust taffeta or something, and will have on red stockings, flaw less except for a small hole just above the left heel, which how-' ever, does not show except when' she walks. On herlletf t shoulder* she vil] wear a lovely boquet of' artificial roses, as there are no live ones left. The ceremony of the ring will be used anj one of Kress' most beautiful ones has been purchased, and will be close at hand. The groom's outfit will be en tirely correct. He will wear a' Philco tuxedo, and wiH have oni soc&s. Unfortunately the tuxedo' was slightly split in the back, but I , this vent is not visible at night, if he will n°t button the coat. His i tie will be of one of the most P°P" jular fall shades, presumably green, and he will be smoking Camel cigarettes. As the dulcet tone s of "Oh Promise Me" come from the Dan River Park Hill Billy Band in the corner, it will he a most solemn i moment, and at this juncture the bride will lean anrer ®b the groom's "breast and take a draw from his cigarette. After the psychological moment has passed, and the promises have "been duly made, the tune of the band will ehange to "Coning Around the Mountain." Come out and enjoy the eve ning. Lawsonville Tobacco i Nick Stevens of Lawßonvme stopped by Tuesday from mar ket. He appeared to be a little bit downhearted, as he said tobac co was off, and he only averaged 62 on a big lot. His nephew, Clif ton, the son of Ham, only aver aged 29. Nick said however, that he was pretty well satisfied as long as he could sell so much higher than the crowd trying to beat him. He said he was taking them to ride and the weather is fine. HEALTH PROGRAM IN THE COUNTW MISS OLIVER, DISTRICT NURSE, OUTLINES SCHED ULE—OFFICE IS IN WAL NUT COVE. For the parents, teachers and others interested in health activi ties of Stokes county and wish to use these services the following is the schedule of the county nurse for the East District of the coun jty: CLINIC ACTIVITIES: Prenatal and Infant Hygiene I Clinics are held every first Mon jday at the Danbury Welfare De j partment; every last Monday at j j Preston's Store in Pine Hall; every last Thursday at Office in' Walnut Cove, from 2 p. m., to 4' p. m. The Venereal Clinic is held every Friday of each week from 1 p. m. to 3 p. m., at the Walnut Cove Office. Vac£nations far I Typhoid and other free service is ; also included at this clinic. SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Monday of every week at Sandy- Ridge School from 10 A. M. to 12 noon. Tuesdays of every week I at Pine Hall School from 10 A. M. to 12 noon. Wednesdays of every JLfik at Meadows, Danbury and Dillard Schools. Thursdays of every week at Lawsonville ' School from 10 A. M. to 12 noon. Fridays of every week at Walnut Cove School from 10 A. M. to 12 noon. For the month of November the I Baby Clinics will be held at Wal nut Cove on the Third Thursday | and at Pine Hall the Third Mon |day. After this month the sche dule above will be followed. HARTE OLIVER, East Stokes District Nurse. Death Of H. C. Atkinson Herbert Cole Atkinson, aged 57, who was the father of Mrs. Paul |T. Taylor, died in Winston-Salem at his home suddenly Saturday night. Mr. Atkinson was ill only for a few moments after a heart attack. The following survive: Mrs. Raul T. Taylor of Winston-Salem; three sons, Henry D. Atkinson, of Washington, D. C.; Herbert At kinson, of Rocky Mount; and Phil C. Atkinson, of Winchester, Vs.; one granddaughter; two sisters, Mrs. W. H. Newberry, of New berry, S- C., and Mrs. Edward Muse, of Carthage; one brother. J. W. Atkinson, of Florence, S. C. Burial was at Fayetteville, the home of the deceased. Mrs. Will Dalton Better Mrs. Gertrude Lawsqn.of Law sonville visited friends at Dan bury today. Mrs. Lawson informs the Reporter that her mother, Mrs. Dalton, who has been serious ly ill in a Stuart, Va., hospital with diabetes, i s slightly im proved. BIG HORSE SHOW PUT ON AT KING THE OCCASION EXPECTED TO AN ANNUAL EVENT —RL'T LEDGE-SLATE MARRIAGE BIRTHS —MRS. DOSS IM PROVES— OTHER K I Nt NEWS. King, Nov. 16. —A large crowd attended the big horse show put j on here last Saturday. The main feature of the entertainment was the street parade which was made up of vehicles of a'' descriptions from an ox cart to a six-horse , team. A number of prizes were awarded. It is planned to make' ' I thi s an annual event here. j Mrj. Julius Rierson and Miss I Pauline Holder are spending a .few day 3 in Pittsburgh, Pa., where ■ they are the guests of Mr. and ItMrs. Rome McCoin. Mr. McCoin I was reared here. There is decided impiovement lin the condition of Dale, the small son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman New sum, who is suffering from an at tack of pneumonia. Robert Pulliam is nursing a I sprained back the result of a fall during a basketball game at the King High School. Mr. and Mrs. Latney A. Rut ledge of Nterth Side announce the marriage of their daughter, Ona Kate, to Robert Edward Slate Saturday, September 24th, at Stuart, Va. Mr. Slate in the son of Mr. and Mrß. D. C. Slate .yf Rural Hall. The young couple will reside at King. The following births were re corded here last week: To Mr. and Mrs. Ollie G. Tuttle, a son; to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crcw3, a daughter, and to Mr. and Mrs. I Robert William George, a son. Miss Jean Christie of Andrews, formerly a member of the King high school, i s visiting Mrs. | Grady E. Stone on West Main street. j Mrs. Garfield Doss, who has been seriously sick at her home |in Five Forks, seems to he on her way to recovery again, her friends will be pleased to learn. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Caudle and daughter, Mis a Flossie Caudle of WJnsfon-Salem, were among the throng of visitors here Saturday. The following college students spent the week-end with their parents here: Frank Rains, of Chapel Hill, and Misses Rebecca Rain 9 and Virginia Francis of Greensboro. Attended Funeral Mrs. J. S. Taylor and Misses Grace and Luna Taylor attended the funeral of Mr. Atkins Sun day afternoon in Winston-Salem. Mr. Atkinson was the father of Mrs. Paul Taaylor. Miss Ella Downing, county su perintendent of public welfare, ac companied by attaches Miss Nan nie Jones and Miss Grace Wood ruff attended the district welfare conference at Mocksville Wednes day. Number 3,346 WAR VETERANS MET FRIDAY STOKES SOLDIERS AND SAILORS CU B ORGANIZED WITH MATT SIMMONS PRES IDENT—O TII E R OFFICERS ELECTED OVSTER FRV FOLLOWS MEETING—CLUB MOUSE TO BE BI'ILT NEAR DANBURY. Stokes county veterans of all wars, i n a county-wide meeting here Friday at the courthouse, formed a permanent organization to be known as the Stokes Soldiers and Sailor s Club. The club will have as its prin cipal purpose the banding togeth er of all soldiers and sailors and other participants in all wars that the United States has in th 3 past been engaged in. Since there is no organization of the Veterans of Foreign Wars in this county the step was taken to form the independent club. C. Matt Simmons, World War veteran, was elected President and N. E. Wall, also of Danbury, was named secretary and treasur er. Following the business meet ing the veterans feasted on I oysters and other refreshments. | In addition to the formation of I the Stokes Soldiers and Sailors 'club, the veterans voted to build |an appropriate chibhouau In antic ipation of this action plans for j a clubhouse were exhibited for the inspection of those present, 'and their approval. The clubhouse may be erected a mile south of Danbury at aa 'appropriate site. W. H. Aj-mand, architect con ' nectcd with the Hanging Rock 'state Park near here, had drawn | j the plans in advance, which met i the approval of the veterans. A 'committee was named to inspect I and decide upon a site for the ' proposed structure, j Several sites have been offered I for the erection of the clubhouse, j The plans for such a building in j elude material such as native ; rock, log construction and board roofing in the most rustic style . Announcement that the Dan bury Woman's Club would furnish j the clubhouse for the privilege of holding their semi-monthly meet ing there has been made here. Francisco Wins ~ >/ Over Critz (By W. G'enn Martin.) Francisco, Nov. 19.—The Fran cisco boy s and girls won their initial basketball game here to night by defeating the strong Critz clubg by the follow in g scores: Girls, 36 to 23; Boys, 27 to 20. Smith led the scoring at tack for the Francisco girls receiving 20 points to her credit, while George and M. Collins divid ed honors for the boys receiving 10 each. This was the second de feat for the Critz club thi s season. Both teams will meet here again Nov. 16th. * J The Danbury Reporter One Year One Dollar.

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