THE DANBURY REPORTER. " Established 1872 Volume 66 Danbury, N. C., Thuisd ay, February 16, 1939 STOKES FARMERS GET SIOO,OOO COUNTY AGKNT BROWN'S OF FICK TO PAY THOSE WHO COMPI IHD WITH CROP PRO ORAIVI IN 1938—OONSERVA TION PROGRAM TO CON TINUE IN 1939. ' I Stokes county farmers who complied with the 1938 Agricul tural Conservation Program will receive more than SIOO.OOO in payments, it has been announced by J. F. Brown, County Agent. ( Of the ?600 land owners in the , county, it is estimated that ap priximately 2,000 will earn full or partial payment. Payments un-' der the 1938 program, Mr. Brown explained, are made to farmers j y who have complied with the to bacco acreage allotment estab liahed for their farm and car ried out approved soil building practices as stresses under the program. The county office 13 working full speed to complete the preparation of application.-; for payments as rapidly as possi ble for all farms in the county, j As soon as the applications arc signed by the landowners and in terested tenants, they are bring forwarded to tire State office in | Raleigh. Most ,of the payment;. 1 sfcbuld be received*thisng. "| The Agricultural Conservation I Program, a voluntary program, will continue in operation in 1939 ' and farmers who comply with their acreage allotment and car-1 ry out approved soil buildingj practices, may expect a payment; again in 1939. There are a very i few changes tn the program for j 1539 as compared with 1938. The i "basic principles of operation arc 1 about the same. Of course, there would be no T»mpulsory control k. on poundage as a result of the ! referenda on December 10. All j reduction in tobacco acreage Is j •voluntary with payments beuvj, made to those who comply. Zack Isom Dies Zack Isom, aged 52, died at hi?' , borne al Walnut Cove last week, after a long illness. Survivors include: the widow, i who was Miss Isa Abbott prior to marriage; six (laughters, Mrs. Carrie Marshall and Mrs. Grace Brown, of Walnut Cove; Mrs. Emma Glenn, of Greensboro; Mrs. Ola Dunlap, of Mount , Gilead; Mre. Geneva Mjddleton, of Germanton; and Miss Claries Isom, of the hove; four sons, Henry Isom, of Liberty; Wilson, 1 Jerry and light Isom, of the borne; one brother, Light Isom, of Walnut Cove; and two sisters. Jfrg, gallic Uijhn and Mrs. Per tfe Farmer, Walnut Cove, The funera; vai helu ' ->tu» iay afternoon. .. 2:30 o'clc. "t the First Bap; •». Chuj ch • ainvt Cove. Rev,. X A. Britt J... ev. C. B. Hutcherson constat. I servicea. Burinl v•• ui c'ja V- ( , Oovc Cemetery. J«nes W Lrgley of WnJjut Covs was iu town WVlncviay. K. Death Qt Rufus P. Ma be At Ether, Montgomery County RufUs P. Mabe, TO, formerly o' - Stokes county and former Stoker, coroner, died Monday afternoon at his home at Ether. He lia-i , been ill from a stroke of paraly sis sustained three days before. Surviving arc the widow, the former Minnie Vaden of Stoke:, county; four daughters, Mrs. J. I R. Bennett of Seagrove; Mrs. C. A. Fagg of Asheboro: Mrs. J. E. ' Nelson of Danbury; and Miss Eu -1 na Mabe of Ether; and n,ne sous, R. G. Mabe of Candor, R. H. Mabe of Morrisville, Glenn Mabe of Fort Bragg, Jazan Mabe Oi' High Point, and S. T., Harvay | Vaughn, and Jarvis Mabe of Ether. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at White • Oak Springs Baptist Church. El ders D. P. Broadway and J. A. i Fagg conducted the services. Burial was in the church grave yard. ! LIN SMITH ON RAMPAGE i KICKS UP FURORE IN > BOOTH'S CAFE, AND WHEN i ARRESTED RESISTS OFFI -4 CKRS WHO~PI/*THK BLACK JACK TO HIM—OUT ON SSOO BOND. I i Saturday night Lindsay Smith, | son of Buck Island Jim Smith, sat in Booth's cafe drinking hi: | beer. He became involved in an ; altercation with Justice P. C. ; Camp'oell, who was also present.. ! The cafe people called the law. i and Burke Smith and Lon Sisl: came and arrested Smith, carried j him to jail. At the jail when , Lindsay was being led upstairs in the narrow passageway, he be j came unruly and knocked down 'or up againzt the wail, both of j the officers. Burke Smith and Lon Sisk. Burke then drew his black jack and beat Lindsay down, do I that a physician had to be called. ] Lindsay was put in a cell, and ; next aa.v his father, Jim Smith, ; came and went on hia bond for j 5500.00 Jill court,. In the meantime Judge P. C. Campbell issued four separate and disti&ct warrants against Lindsay. In Hospital John Redmtwi and Elmore Beaaley, well, known Mt. Airy men, were seriotrfly injured in a car wreck near Fancy Gap Fri day. The two men are in Mt. I Airy hospital. Curtis Stevens Seriously Hurt Curtis, young son of Mr. end Mia. Watt Steven?, was aerioua ly hurt when his car turned over near the Jewel old place. He is in a Winaton-Saleru hospital. | Wilbur Forrest of Francisco' was here touay on business. NEW BEAUTY SHOl* Oi'ENS AT KIN(* MISS ESTHER KKV OF ARA RAT IS PROPRIETRESS— HERMAN NEWSI'M is 11.!. SAM. OF A FARM—BIRTHS ! —OTIIJER KING NEWS. King, Feb. id. Miss Esi hoi Key of Aiarat lias opened up .1 ! new beauty parlor in the Stone building. She has all modem | equipment. There is so.iie imi l ovi.ient in I the cokliuoi; of lis. Latney Uutledge, v.iio lias been quite ill |at her home in North Side for j the past several days. Miss Ethel Kirby of Winston ! Salem was a week-end visitor »o' , ' relatives and friends here. The basketball team of the' King high school won a double-' ; header from Germanton at Ger manton Friday night. ! Herman Newsum is confined to f his home on Broad street by ill i ness his friends will regret to learn. Woodrow Eawson of Danbury j l was among the visitors here Fri ! day. | I L. E. Galloway has purchased' from Rev. and Mrs. David H. Wil- '• | cox an eighteen acre farm two, miles west of town. Considera- 1 tion, 5900.00. i Miss Amie Moore is recupera-1 ting from an attack of influenza at her home on West Main ' street. j and Mrs. Woodrow Shorj ,of East Bend spent Saturday I here the guests of Mr. and Mrs. • Otis Sills. ) i T. G. New, Sr.. has returned j ) from Richmond, Va., where h - i * ; ; went on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hauser of j j Winston-Salem, formerly of King, i J were visitors here Friday. James C. Burge of High Point, j ; spent the week-end here the I ; guest of sister, Mrs. Alvin | VVhite, on Meadow.view Drive. | : Five births were recorded here ! ] .last week. They were: To Mr. and Mrs. Claxton Lewis, a son; to j Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Mabe, a daughter; to Mr. and Mrs. Ive 1 Southern, a son; .to Mr. and Mrs. James Mickey, a daughter*, and 1 to Mr. and Mrs. Richard For-! rest, a daughter. Arthur Kirby narrowly es-; caped with his life Thursday. He was starting a fire i n the stove in his pool room when through mistake he poured gasoline on the fire thinking it was kewsene. He was severely burned about | bis face and bands. Coster Col lins and Charles White mother ed out the flames with a bed quilt. Rona Smith, of near High Point, formerly of this section, ' w«a a business visitor here Fri day. 1 ] Matt Simmons of Law lonvil'.c i | was In town Monday. Mr. Sim- | mens is a set-brck player of note i i and delights to go up against th» 1 crooked Danbury player*. i i P. T. A. MEETS AT SANDY RIDGE PROGRAM RENDERED WAS VERY INTERESTING—MAR RIAGE OF MISS DROWN | AM) MR. HANDY—PERSON-1 ! i Ridge, Fib. 13. The; Parent Teacher's Association of the Sandy Uidge High school nM j in the auditorium Mc.idnv nighi., February 13, at 1:3) o'clock. An unusually large crowd attended. , The meeting whs called to ordei by the president, Miss Laura El lington. The secretary, Mis; Lowell Poore, read the program which was as follows: Song, "All Hail The Power ol I Jesus' Name". Devotional Rev. I J. A. Joyce. Quartet! —"Sleep I Kentucky Babe". "Dear Father i Hear the Thank?."—Third graJ- 1 ] ers. Musical Reading—Wynken. 1 Blyuken and Nod—Marie Han ! cock. Dialogue—Little 80-pecu | and Little Boy Blue —Verlk* | Woolwine and Edward Dodson. ! Duet, "The Quarrell"—Estelle j Mitchell and Hardie Reid Martin. I Tom Thumb Wedding—Third j i Graders. ; This play presented by Mrs. Woodrow Lawson's third grades, | I was the bofst and most outstand ! ing play of this season, and was i | thoroughly enjoyed by everyone. Reva Jane Poore became the > bride of Sambo Joyce. The cere mony was performed Rev. An dy Bullin. The pianist Miss Kathleen Mclver, played a pro gram of bridal music and just prior to the entrance of the wed-' ' ding party Francis Duncan and j ! Nellie Kate Martin sane "Let Me' i i j Call You Sweetheart" very soft | ly, and Louise Talley sang "[ • Love You Truly." The usher* | were Edward Dodson, Berkley j ' Smith and Henry Amos. Serving : I ] as groomsmen were Gene Dodso-i 1 i and Ha>die Reid Martin. Th.; j , bridesmaids were Verfie Wool-1 wine, Shirley Oakley, Polly Haw- j kin 3 and Estelle Mitchell. Tlu were beautifully dressed in co, tumes of pastel shade wit i 1 | matching hats and corsages [ Violet Ann Amos, maid of honor, j i was beautifully dressed in a yel-1 j low costume with hat and cor-' I sage to match. Little Jimmio' I Leake was ring bearer, wore a white linen suit and carried the ring on a tiny satin pillow. Sam bo Joyce was attended by L. B. Jr. Hawkins as best man. The bride entered with her father.. Tom Moore, who gave her in marriage. Her bridal gown waa white satin with tulle, train and carried by Joan Darr, Barbara Lawson an ] Joel Shen pard. Her flowers were gar denias. Aft?r the business session b-inners were awarded. Mrs. c. R. Dc r's eleventh grade won for having , l he L ost ler.'nta! pip&eriu Mrs. y o;. ■ ' son's third gr •>n tor bavi >; j the moat peo, vjnt by »pt-! dal Invitation. \J, j 0 y>*» j Francisco Deputies Make Liquor Haul Charley and Saundeis Siai were caught Friday evening, tie ' 10th ins'., near Dan River chui\! | with 1(1 gallons of liquor. The arrests were made b; j Deputy Sheriffs Elmer Slultoii land Sim Jessup of C.nk township. There were two ears, one tr.V ing the o'her. Tie rear .i: v.i:h Saun iers Slate driving, had t!i liquor. Charley was in iron*, and claimed both cars. He di;J not have on any booze. Pearson-Martin At homo to their friends in ( Spartanburg, S. C., are Mr. an Mrs. Larry Pearson, married re | cently. The bride is the former Mis.- I Lois Martin of Danbury, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Fran'.; , Martin, and one of Danbury s 1 younger set, accomplished, popu | lar and of the highest qualities of heart and mind. The giooi.i is a promising l young business man of Spartan burg, being connected in one of | the leading automobile concerns of that city. The scores of friends of Lois here wish them all happiness an'' good luck, and predict for the head of this family success. closed the meeting with a prayer. BROWN-HANDY Miss Catherine Brown became the bride of Mr. Raymond Hanuy Saturday, February 4, at Went ] worth, N. C. | Mrs. Handy is the second • daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tom Blown of Sandy Ridge. S'i.- graduated from Sandy Ridge I high school in the class of 15i3J. | Mr. Ifrtndy is the son of Mr. j and Mrs. Cutler Handy of Law -1 sonville. He attended Sandy j Ridge high school. He is no ; ] engaged * n farming, j The young couple will reside with the groom's parents. Thev vere accompanied to Wentwortb by Miss Ailcne Joyce and Mr. Ul ! ric Handy. PERSONALS Miss Louise Jessup visited Mr. | Curtis St;,.-'icn.i. who is a pa'.ici t |in City Memorial hospital in Winston-Salem Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Joyce visit ed Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Joyce Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Darr and daughter, Joan, shopped in Win ston-Salem Saturday. Miss Ailcne Joyce, Ulric Han dy, and Mr. and Mrs lames H-.v.v kins were in S!.o. id Friday night. Misses Polly V ic;; a Georgia Mays \' J Ailene a- Flsie Brow a S>. nd». Mr. and Mrs. Ehvi od Hicks o King; Mr. and J'rs. Oscar C-ee ■ *>f Walnut C ve viefte .ic here Sundry. Mr. and Mrs. Mar'on St' isitod r .latfvci ar Ws l tii Core Sunday. Number .'MBB STOKES WELFARE DEI'T. RECORD IKISKIAKY llKlVi* HKIJ' FOR A(iKl) AMI FOK l»K- I'I:NIH;\T ( it I I. N U I: X— (H (HAS r'lLl.lii*. A tot-d ii .S.'i.L'T7..">o in check '.i> needy :»»_,«•«.! an I i> l* iiii.iien have !);•-n distributed f«>.• ''w Hi of February bv tin* Stokes C.iUnty Welfai\ Depart ment. To H-7 residents of the county ; went .SLMl' iii Old-Age As sistance payments. while depen dent childien received a total of $361.00. Quotas far both types of as sistance have practically been ' filled. From time to time u ease is terminated for one reason j or another, such as death or a recipient may move out of th - .- county. In such cases the wel fare department usually adds a 1 , new case. ' j Stokes County's average grant 1 . per Old-Age Assistance recipient 'is about 88.00, while that for ' Aid to Dependent Children in ■ about $5.50 per child. Poultry Raisers To Meet Feb. 20 >j , Next Monday, February 20, the ' Poultry Specialists from the • Poultry Department of S'.ate Col lege will conduct a one day short . course at Lexington, X. C. This meeting is being held for the i . convenience and benefit of the j r farmers in the surrounding couii . lies \v!:o are interested in pou!- j try piodi etion. In this way, i stale College is bringing to th-r • fu»..:e. Uiiwvi ii.i'orination that . 01,.e« would have to be se . i cured at the college. The meet ., ing will b- held in the American Legion Hir. and will be;;in at 10 a. m. There > p number of farmer:; in Stokes county who are mak ! _ ing poult i.v a prifitable sideline .! along with the production of to ,•. bacco and other farm crops, i j There arc many more who could . do as well. We want to urge that every farmer who is interested in poul j try attend the short course next i j Monday, February 30. at 10 a. m. . in Lexington. T. H. SEARS, Asst. County Agt. First Grade Honor Roll Danbury Graded School: I Frances Ashby, Dean Lav/son, Diane Nelson, . Patricin Scott, ! Robert Kirby, McLe.icc Ramey, Junior Fulp, .Itmmic I^ake, 1 Mrs. Theodore Twad- Mr. nnd Mrs. Johnnie ** Wilmington, Del., and •. a .d Mrs. Pichard Durlap of ihurs f , Del., were week-end "ta of Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Moorefleld. • • ■

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