THE DANBURY REPORTER. Established 1872 Volume 66 April Criminal I Court This Week Many Cases Have Been Dis posed Of—Trial Of Nelson and Tiliey Charged With Murder Of Watt Smith, Now Pending—Other Homi cide Cases Waiting. The April term of criminal court with Judge Felix Alley pre siding and Solicitor Ralph Scott prosecuting for the State, is no>v in session for the fourth day, with many minor cases having been disposed of. Wednesday began the trial of Nelson and Tilley charged with ; murdering Watt Smith. Nearly all Wednesday was consumed with finding a jury. Attorneys j engaged in this case are Scott, Johnson and Ellington prosecu - ting. The defendants are repre sented by P. W. Glidewell and son, P. W., Jr., Dallas Kirby and John H. Folger. Cases disposed Qf are as fol lows : * • ~ * *** " STATE AGAINST: (Appearance Docket) Augmon Nelson, D. M. P., cost paid. Wm. Moore, abandonment, con tinued. Fletcher Hughes and Andrew Carter, assault. Carter paid his cost. Continued as to I^ughes. S. E. Spach, possession. Called and failed. Capias. Luther Shelton, A. D. W., con tinued. Virgil White, 0. C. 1., called and failed. Capias. Moir Clark, possession, called and failed. Capias. I/ester McGee, O. C. I„ cost paid. TRIAL DOCKET: Ronald Cook, O. C• 1., capias to Forsyth. Fred Lowery, reckless driving, called and failed. Capias. Luther Hickß, W. R. Hbrsley, Rob Ray, possession, c&lled and failed, capias. Harold Boyleg and Wm. Sowers, larceny, continued as to Sowers. Boyles tried and found not guilty. Troy Wilkins, A. D. W., called and failed, capias. Howell Freeman, A. D. W., nol pros. Emmet Hooker, possession, called and failed, capias. J. B. Chapman, O. C. L, plead ed guilty, SSO and cost. James Roscoe Langley, O. C. I, called and failed, capias. Claude Flynn, O. C. 1., pleaded guilty, 2 months on roads and surrender drivers license. Cleo France, possession, called and /ailed, capias. Walter Farmer, V. P. L., plead ed guilty, suspended sentence and 4Mb Winfred Edwards, O. C. 1., pleaded guilty. Judgment pend ing. James Henry Seals, reckless driving, pleaded guilty, $25 and cost. j Bimmcr Sutphin, larceny, found guilty. Judgment pending. | Charley Ham, O. C. I. pleaded' guilty, SSO and cost and stop | driving. Willie Wilkins, A. D. W„ plead- I ed guilty, cost. Oliver East, O. C. 1., pleaded guilty, SSO and cost and give up driver's license. Andrew Jackson, O. C. 1., pleaded guilty, SSO and cost and get from under the steering wheel. John Galloway, O. C. 1., plead ! Ed guilty, 3 months on roads. Nome Hickman, O. C. 1., plead ed guilty. Judgment pending. Wm. Early Flynt, Jr., reckless driving, pleaded guilty, $25 and ' cost. I j Louis Hicks, assault on female, pleaded guilty, cost and suspend ' ed sentence. Ted Gerry, possession, pleaded 1 guilty, $25 and cost and suspc.nd- I ed sentence. Li Ralph Hampton, O. C. 1., and II without license, 3 months on roads. Healon Riggs and Carltou Flynn, manufacturing, Flynn found not guilty, non-suit as to , Riggs. Emmett Hooker, possession, , pleaded not guilty, found guilty, M. B. Grabbs, possession plead ed guilty, cost. Clarence Westmoreland, manu | factoring, pleaded guilty, 6 i ' months on roads. George Hayden, Lloyd Hayden and Lilborn Hendricks, posses sion. Pleaded not guilty. Found guilty, put on good behavior. Tom Willard, O. C. L, pleaded guilty. Open for judgment. Russell Nelson and Reuben Hl ley, murder. Trial pending. B. c. Bowles, V. P. L., nol pros. Henry Yates, V. P. L., posses sion, pleaded guilty, cost and sus pended sentence. Anderson, O. C. 1., and trans porting, pleaded not guilty. Pend ing. Raymond Inman, O. C. 1., pleaded guilty, SSO and cost. (Continued on 4th page.) Danbury, N. C., Thursd ay, April 6,1939. GRAND JURY MAKbS REPORT FINDS FIFTY-THREE TRUE i BILLS—COMMITTEES PASS ON CONDITION OF COUNTY INSTITUTION— RECOM MENDS OVERNIGHT AC COMMODATION'S FOR EN GAGED JURORS. The grandjury today, before adjourning, submitted the fol lowing report to the judge: 1 To His Honor, Felix Alley, Judge Presiding: The grand jury for the April term of the Superior Court of l Stokes county most respectfully submits the following report: We acted on 53 true bills of indictment, 10 not true bills, and 10 continued for lack of wit nesses. Presentments of all [criminal i nature known to our body were | made and acted on. | A committee visited the coun-1 ty jail and found things in good I I conditions, clean and inmates well • and cared for. All offices of the court house ; I were visited and found to be in | good shape, and as far as we ! j could determine, the records well j kept, and the offices run in a very efficient manner. A committee visited the county home and found 33 inmates well cared for, beds and rooms clean. Three inmates sick being looked ( after by county doctors. One in ] valid child that we believe needs a little more attention; also , found plenty of milk and butter | for all inmates. A committee visited the State convict camp and found every-1 thing in number one shape, ami! : no in the camp. Wo recommend that the coun i ty commissioners have one room in the addition that they arc j plnnning to build to the court house pn as to room any jury that has to be kept together ov ernight. F. L. TILLEY, Foreman of the Grand Jury. Plenty of Law The following deputy sheriffs and constables are in attendance at court: Raymond Stewart of Yadkin township. Everette Wagoner and M. O. Carroll of Meadows township. Carl Ray of Sauratown town ship. Mack Wall of Beaver Island township. Bud Tilley of Quaker Gap township. Cleve Lawson and Alex Flin chum of Peter's Creek township. Will George, Sam Jessap and Elmer Shelton of Big Creek township. Burke Smith, Jim Flinchum and A. G. Sisk of Danbury town ship. CONSTABLES W. R. Stovall of Snow Crsek township. • Rufus Mabe of Peter's Creek township. NEW SCHOOL I BOARD MEETS! COMMITTEE NAMED—TO AR ' i RANGE BUDGET AT NEXT | MEETING TEACHERS IV BE SELECTED DURING; NEXT FEW WEEKS NEW MEMBER SWORN IN, REV. J. A. JOYCE. The first meeting of the new 1 Board of Education was held in the office of Superintendent if i Schools J. C. Carson Monday. The board as now reorganized consists of Dr. Grady Stone ol' i King, chairman; P. O. Fry of Pinnacle; Rev. J. A. Joyce of i Sandy Ridge. Mr. Joyce was named by the present legislature to take the place of John W. Priddy, resigned. The Board named the following school committeemen to serve' | during the next school year: ! District No. 1 —Danbury—Mea-' i j dows—Walnut Cove— I I C. E. Davis J. H. Neal H. G. Alley. I District No. 2 —Reynolds— j T. M. Smith J. T. Vaden | J. R. Tilley District No. 3 —Francisco — W. S. George W. «. Collins Fletcher Smith District No. 4—Lawsonville — R. E. Moore W. T. Oakley J. T. Tucker District No. st Sandy Ridge— J. M. Hawkins J. J. Spencer H. T. Brown . District No. o—Pine0 —Pine Hall — J. Van Tuttle John Flinchum Melvin Parish I District No. 7 —Gernianton- - . Dr. W. H. Bynum M. P. Watts I O. P. Green District No. B—Kin8 —King— C. S. Newsum C. D. Slate. Roy Redding District No. 9—Pinnacle — S. F. Fulk W. B. Lane C. K. Boyles. The Board will meet again the first Monday in May to arrange the budget for the incoming year. Prof. Carson stated that teach ers for the new school year will be selected during the next few weeks. Rev. J. A. Joyce, the new mem ber of the school board, who was formerly chairman of the board of county commissioners, was given a cordial welcome by vis itors Monday in his new capac ity. It will be remembered that he did not run for his re-election in last fall's campaign as a mem ber of the board of commission ers. Bill Jones of Walnut Cove —a jolly good fellow and always a perfect gentleman. Ho was here this week, looking in on the court. 1 L. E; FRANCIS IS IN TOWN SECRETARY-TREASURER OF THE WINSTON-SALEM PRO- j DUCTION CREDIT ASSOCI ATION ASSISTING FARM ERS IN BORROWING IN TEREST ON LOANS HAS BEEN REDUCED—L OA N S HAVE INCREASED FOR 198!) L. E. Francis, Secretary-Treas urer of the Winston-Salem Pro duction Credit Association, ha*! been at the Association's Branch Office in Danbury since Monday, j April 3, and he will be there the j remainder of this week and all | of next week; that is, through' Friday, April 14th. Stokes farmers who can use borrowed money at a low rate of j interest profitably and those who , would like to obtain detail infor- j mation about the co-operative,' dependable, permanent system o: agricultural credit are encourag ed to seo Mr. Francis this week or next at Danbury. The interest rate charged by j the Wlnston-Salcui Production • Credit Association has recently i been reduced from 5 per cent to, 1 1-2 per cent. The borrowers' pay interest only for the actual number of days they use the money, and interest is not de ducted. The amount of money any one farmer may borrow depends up on his needs and his ability to pay back. That amount may be $50.00 or it mny be 550.000.00.' Several farmers have borrowed 1 moio than SIOOO.OO each. The curity usually consists cC a C:yl lien on crops and other property. The loans ere repaid at such time :=s tha crops arc marketed whether si:: months or twelve months. Loan:> arc :niub for general agricultural i-urucscs, including the purchase of fertilise!', nitrate of soda, lime; the purchase of tools and farm equipment; the purchase of supplies and feed: and under restricted conditions the purchase of workstock and the payment of debts already in curred in the farming operations. Even though the year of 1933 was generally a good crop year and many farmers are borrowing less in 1939 than they borrowed in 1938, the indications are thai the Association will have a nor mal increase in both membership and volume of loans. As of April 1, 1939, farmers had borrowed $12,890.00 more than the/ had April 1, 1938. During the past four years the Association has loaned to farm ers more than one-half million dollars, and has not yet experi enced a loss. The granting of loans to responsible farmers on a conservative basis together with the proper management of the other affairs of the Associa tion has resulted in the estab lishment and maintenance of a substantial reserve and guaranty fund. The amount of the reserve Number 3,405 MORE NEW HOMES FOR KING LIVELY TOWN OF YADKIN' TOWNSHIP CONTINUES TO EXPAND KING STRING BAND WINS PRIZES—THE STORK LAUGHS OCT LOUD —SEVERE HAIL STORM. King, April G.—J. Wilson, who has been confined to his home on West Broad street for the past | several weeks from an attack of ! rheumatism, is sufficiently im ; proved to be out on the street 1 again. I Work on a new home for Debs , Holder on North Depot street Is going along at a rapid rate and | will be pushed through to com j plclion. Mrs. Bill Law is confined to ! her home on Depot street by , illness, her friends will regret to ! learn. Enoch Middlemen is preparing to erect a new home near Trini ty Church just west of town. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Samuels iof Pilot Mountain visited rela ! tives here Friday. The King String Band is put ting King on the map in the ! musical woild. They walked away with the first prize again Friday night at a fiddler's con vention given at Mountain View. Egbert Anderson of Winston- Salem was a business visitor here Friday. Mr. Anderson is a son of Junius Anderson, who . was reared in the Jefferson sec ! tion near here. i Work is well underway on the ' new dwelling being erected for 1 Dm': Middlelon, west of town. It ':s b in~ en the site oT Mr. Mi'id'oton'n old rcsi leuce which has been removed. Thrre is noted impiovenuut in the condition of Piorccson ICiser, who is p uff:-rin3 from an attack of influenza at his home two miles , east of town. ,■ | The stork did not only smile but laughed out loud list week when he made five calls. They , i were, to Mr. and Mrs. Gilmer IJ Boles, a son; to Mr. and Mrs. i Foy Smith, a daughter; to Mr. and Mrs Paul Tuttle, a son, ani ■ to Mr. and Mrs. Lespie Joyce, a , daughter. The condition of Mrs. J. A. I Gordy, who suffered a stroke of paralysis at her home on Pul liam street, continues to improve. ( One of the severest hail storms i seen in this section for many I moons passed over here last I Saturday afternoon. It was ac companied by a heavy rain. Edwin Carroll, prominent , planter of the Neatman section, j was here Friday. Jake Fulton, Walnut Cove bus iness man, spent a short stay here Wednesday. ' and guaranty fund is more tha-i $9,000.00. Further credit for the success of the Association must be given where credit i s due. Satisfied borrowers made it possible.