JUNE CRIMINAL TERM 1939 STOKES COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CALENDAR HIS HONOR, FELIX ALLEY, Judge Presiding. APPEARANCE DOCKET - Monday, June 26,1939. (Cost) 68. Vergil White (Cogt) 69. Moir Clark (Judgment) 70. 1. B. Chapman 72. George and Loyd Hayden and (judgment) Lilborn Hendnx (Cost) 77. Dee Bole s TRIAL DOCKET Monday, June 26, 1939. 1. Ronald Cook O. C. I. 2. Fred Lowery Reckless driving 3! Luther Hicks, W. R. Horsley and Ro b Ray Possession of liquor 4. Clarence Griffin Reckless driving 5, 6, 7. William Sowers Larceny 8. Troy W'ilkins A - D. W. 9. Ralph Kapp A - °. w> 10. James Roscoe Langley O. C. I. 11, 12, 13. Walter Merritt A. D. W. 14, 15. Everett Honeycut Possession of liquor and O. C. I. 10 17. Jack Gunter C. I. 18*. Carl and William Sheppard Forcible trespass 19. Joe Hill Appeal ; . 20. Cleo France Possession of liquor 21. Roy Penn A - D - w -23. E. N. Arlington O- C. I. 24. Paul Martin A D. W. 25. Wakefield Southern V. P. L 26 .Mrs. Ruth Swain C. I. ■ 27, 28. Prather Willard Removing crop 29. Johnnie Tilley O- C. I. * 30. Bay Nelson A - D - w - . ' r 31. Wade Welch A - D. W. • * 32. M. A. Abernathy, Warrant Larceny 33. 34. Ralph Wilson Highway robbery and C. C. W. > • Tuesday, June 27, 1939. 35. William Brim A - D. W. 36. Lonnie Lee Saunders O- C. I. ■ 37. 38. Dewey Brim A. D. W. V-v 39. Raymond Sapp Manufacturing liquor - 40. John Briggs, warrant V. P. L. 41. Lessie Briggs V, P. L. * • #- 42. John Tilley Larceny 44. Burrus Sale A - *>. W. 45. Nati Martin Manufacturing liquor . 46. Otis Roberts Non-support 47. RubbHl Campbell and Pearl .»" > Smith F- & A. ' ,J'' 48. Jess Rogers, warrant Assault I*^ 49. Charlie Slate V. *• r3| 51, 52, 56. Lenzie Smith Resisting officer, etc. 53. Shelby Priddy, warrant 54. Hampton Lawson Assault t 55. Ulu 9 Mabe " A - D. W. Wednesday, June 28,1989. 57. Sandy Wilson, warrant Disorderly conduct 58. Sanders Slate V. P. L. 59. P. C. Campbell Appeal 60. John William Tilley, warrant A. D. W. % * 61. Eli T. Rogers Murder .. • 62. Edgar Mays, warrant Manslaughter 63. R. W. Stewart Appeal H . 81. Arthur Slate, warrant Forcible trespass 82. Samuel Hairston warrant Larceny ( 83. 84. Van Garner, warrant Reckless driving, etc. 85! Sam Simmons, warrant O. C. I. 86. Claude Southern, warrant 87. Hughey Tuttle, warrant O. C. I. , 88. Lee Andrew Blackman, war rant O- c. 1. 89. Lewis F. Linehack, warrant Transporting liquor Thursday, June 29, 1939. ! . .'1 43. Kelly Swain C. 90. Robert Farmer, warrant Manufacturing liquor 91. Millard Jordan, warrant O. C. I. 82. John W. Phillips, warrant Reckless driving 93. Eugent P. Garrison, warrant 94. Mrs. P. M. Snead, warrant Reckless driving 85. Henry Stephens, warrant O. C. I. 96. Clarence Hamm, warrant Appeal VI. Jimmie Smith, warrant O. C. I. Friday, June 30, 1939. ■ 1 98. H. E. Wooten, warrant O. C. I. 99. Dean Wood, warrant O. C. L 100. Walter Stewart, warrant O. C. 1., etc. J0 101. Healon Riggs and Watt Neal, warrant Possession of liquor 102. 103. Dick Fulp, warrant O. C. L, etc. 104! Lillian Hayden and Wanda Overby Slander 105. Ros g Meadows, warrant O. C. L Cases not reached on day set for trial will be heard as the coui nay direct J. WATT TUTTLE, Clerk Superior Court THE DANBURY REPORTER Stuart Theatre "Rio Grande" —Here it is that Ann Doran is the target for the machinations of the big, bad man, but Charles Starrett, (who had been summoned by the brother before his untimely mur der) save g the day, the ranch, and the sir). !* some good gun-play, fisticuffing—not for getting the three numbers of the Song of the Pioneers. "Stagecoach"—Walter Wangcr gives you a real western without cattle rustlers and the conven tional hero. Based on a short story, "Stage to Lordsburg," the picturd deals with interesting characters making the ride through the Apache territory. Thomas Mitchell i g a standout in the doctor role. John Wayne (Ringo Kid) and Clairo Trevor (unwanted woman) furnish a new romantic slant with top notch performances. "Let Us Live" —A well-done drama of misguided justice, top notch direction and excellent per formances by Maureen O'Sullivan and Henry Fonda. Story dis closes how innocent people, picked up by the police, identi fied by hysterical witnesses, can be sentenced to death. The in tensity with which situation is built upon situation keeps the audience tense with interest and anticipation as to the final out come. EVERY. UNPROTECTED BUSINESS ORGANIZATION RUNS A RISKS OP GCMNGTOPOT THRU THE LOSS CP AN IMPCITfcNT KEY MAN o« OWNER j GET "ME FAcrs ON VIOW \OU CAN SAFEOUAT.O ] PROFITS AMD GOfmDL I THRU BUSINESS INSURANCE. W. M. FULP, Gen. Agt; Security Life & Trust Company Walnut Cove, N. C. If You're Planning To Build By W. S. Lowndes Director, Schools of Architecture u Building International Correspondence Schools WHEN you are planning your house, no matter how inexpen sive it may be. keep in mind how you will furnish it. The position of the windows in a bedroom often determines the location of the bed. This is only a detail in house plan ning but it looms important when the structure is completed. SUes of the various pieces of furniture should be remembered at all times. Large pieces of furniture should never be placed against a window. Another matter that should be con sidered is the stock sites of ruga and carpets. It is aggravating to find that a room is a tew Inches too short to take a suitable stock-site floor covering. t•• • * Light in Closet —It always is de sirable to have light and plenty of it in a closet. The door should be arranged to open In such a manner as to permit daylight to shine directly into the closet. When cost does not forbid, an electric light should be placed in every cloaet. This light should be operated by means of a door switch that will turn on the light when the door Is opened and turn off when the doer Is closed. • • • Dining nooks, alcoves and break fast nooks are some of the names applied to small spaces Just large enough to accommodate a table and two or four seats. A dining nook should be placed in the kitchen or adjacent to the kitchen so that steps will be saved in serving the meal. These spaces should be well lighted and arranged so that they will receive an abundance of sun shine In the morning hours. They should* boast a cheerful and In viting atmosphere. * NORTH CAROLINA.: FORSYTH COUNTY: NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL" PROPERTY Pursuant to authority contain ed in the deed of trust recorded in the office of the Register of Deed a of Forsyth county in book 159 of deeds of -trust at page 296 and in the office of the Register of Deeds of Stoke a county in book 93 of deeds of trust at page 184, which was executed to the undersigned trustee by Val Hair ston and wife, Fannie Hairstor., on March sth, 1923, the said Vai Hairston and Fannie Hairston having defaulted in the payment of the said note secured by the said deed of trust, anj the hold er of the note having requested the undersigned trustee to adver tise for sale and s the land de scribed in the said instrument at foreclosure in accordance with the ttrm s thereof, I hereby give notice that, on SATURDAY, JULY 15TH, 1939, at 12 o'clock noon at the door of the court house of Forsyth county in Win ston-Salem, I will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the parcels or tracts of land de scribed in the said deed of trust as follows: FIRST TRACT: Beginning at a stone on the west side of the Southern Railway and run g west on the line of Elvina Ring 7 chains and 7 link s to a stone and pointers - thence S. 21 degrees W along her line 14 chains and 25 links to a stone on Patrick Hair ston's line; thence east along his line 20 chains and 10 links to a stone on the west side of the Railroad; thence along the line of the Railroad north 25 degrees west 16 chains and 50 links to the beginning, containing 21 1-2 acres, mere or less. SECOND TRACT: Beginning at a stake, Shemel Hairston's corner >n J. S. King's line, run ning north on said Hairston's line 26 rhains to a stake in Fan nie Hairston's line; thence east on her line 7 chains to right-of way of the Southern Railway Company; thence with said rail way company 2 chain s to a stake; thence south, a new line, 23.73 chains to J. S. King's line; thence west on his line to the place of beginning, containing 22 acres, more or less. This bein.-j lot No. 3 in the division of Pat rick Hairston lands. This the 15 day of June. 193 ft. L. C. M'KAUGHAN, Trustee. John J. Ingle, Attorney. Business Guides By C. E. Jolyton Director, BusineiJßkuning Schools, International Correspondence School* THERE are four interrelated sub jects which any person shonld study before he attempts to engage in any form of merchandising busi ness for himself. These are, mar keting, business .finance, accounting and business latw. The man whe plans to start a small manufactur ing concern should also be a stu dent of production. The ability to interpret financial statements is as important to the business executive as to the account ant. The day has passed when evan the smallest business can be oper ated successfully without financial statements and the constant study of the information they contain. ••• • 9 Ot the great number of men who go into business for themselves each year, only a few meet with sufficient success to enable them to continue to operate. Statisticians have esti mated that from 80 to 90 per cent of all small businesses ultimately tall. The principal cause of failure Is lack of business knowledge. Many ■mall enterprises are started when a cursory study of the market avail able would show that there was no possibility of sufficient sales being obtained regularly to meet operat ing expenses, let alone to pay Inter est on the money invested and to yield the owner a profit. Many busi nesses that have the possibility of success fail because their owners have insufficient understanding ot business principles and methods. The direct aim of the business man Is to make a proAt out of which to support himself and his depend ents and to lay aside savings in as large an amount as possible to con stitute a competence for his old age. This desire to make money by en gaging in business i'or one's self is typically •American and perfectly legitimate, but cannot be fulfilled today without study ot all the im portant aspects of business. YOUR $$ IF W,LL^fc y ° U GO THREAD FAR THE ADS "A tract containing 9900 Qqunre feet, more or less, adjoining the lands of J. C. Vlinn, W. M. Carter, anl others, bounded as follows: Beginning in the center of the Pine Hall Public Road, and runs in a Northeasterly direction, or course, 45 feet to an iron pin in center of said- road, W. N. Carter corner; thence easterwardly with Carter line 202 1-2 feet to the Norfolk & ' Western railroad, thence with the railroad in a southwardly direction, 55 feet to iron pin, J. C. Flinn's corner; thence with Flinn line in a west wardly direction, 195 feet to the beginning." This Bth day of June, 1939. A. J. ELLINGTON, Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY. Stokes County vs. J. R. Hill and wife, M. A. Hill. By authority of an order made and entered on the sth day of Sept., 1932, in the above entitled cause by J. Watt Tuttle, Clerk of Superior Court of Stoke s coun ty and by authority of a furth er order made and entered in the above entitled cause on the 10th day of June 1939, the undersigned commissioner will expose for sale, for cash, to the highest bid der, at 11 o'clock A. M., on JULY BTH, 1939, the following described real es tate: FIRST TRACT: "Beginning at a chestnut; thence 'iouih 50 1-2 poles to a black gum; thence W. 75 poles to a Spanish oak;thence north 50 1-2 poles to a sour wood in Lackey's old line; thence east 79 poles to the beginning, con taining 25 acres, more or less, adjoining the lands of J. R. Hill and formerly the lands of John and Jim Leake, and it feeing the same tract of land that was conveyed by deed from Alex Vernon, Admr., of Floriana Fair, deceased, to John R. Hill, which deed bears date of 23rd day of Sept., 1905, and rec orded in Book No. 50, at reference to which is hereunto made for further description." SECOND TRACT: "Beginning at a chestnut oak on the north bank of a branch and runs east with J. R. Hill's line 39 chains to j a black gum; thence south 14 1-2 chains to a post oak; thence west 6 1-2 chains to a bunch of alders in a branch; thence up the mean derg of said branch 37 1-2 chains to the beginning, containing 31 1-2 acres, more or less." THIRD TRx\CT: "Beginning at a small Spanish oak in former ly Mabe's or D. R. Smith's line: thenpe 50 1-2 poles to a sourwood corner in (formerly) Lackey's line; thence west 79 pole g to a Red oak, formerly lackey's corn-, er; thence south 50 1-2 poles to a chestnut oak on the east sido of a branch; thence east 79 poles to the beginning, containing 25 ' acres, more or less." FOURTH TRACT: "Beginning at a point on the south bank of a road of John Hill's house, east 65 poles to a post oak in a \ hollow; thence north 30 legrees west 22 poles to a bend in the road; thence south 77 1-2 de grees we st 20 poles to a bend; thence south 78 degrees west 12 poles to a bend south 55 degrees wet 21 1-2 poles to the beginn ing, containing 4 1-2 acres, more or less." Tracts Nos. One, Two, Three and Five will be sold as a whole together, and Tract No. Four will be sold ag a whole. The above lands to be sold subject to an increase bid and confirma ! tion of the court. This the Bth day of June, 1939. DALLAS C. KIRBY, Substitute Commissioner. checks /// MALARIA |||l|| in 1 day and relieves UUU COLDS symptoms first day Liquid Tablets, Salve, Nose Drops Try "Rub-My-Tism"— a Wonderful Liniment. ~Felton Barker, of the Cble raine 4-H Club in Bertie county, has field-selected his corn for the past, two years, selling 10 bushels this spring for $2 a bash el. ft ~ ... * . THURSDAY, JUNE 22, I»S9. NOTICE | ~~~™"~ ' Having qualified as executof of the will of R. J. Robertson, late \ of Stokes county, this is to noti fy all persons indebted to his es tate to make immediate payment; all persons having claims against his estate are required to pre sent them to the undersigned, duly proven, on or before the 27th day of May, 1940, or this notice will be pleaded > n bar of their recovery. This May 19th, 1939. 1 W. J. BLACKWELL, Pine Hall, N. C. I. R. Humphreys, Attorney, ■, Reidsville, N. C. June l-6t ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of C. A. Mickey, deceased, notice is hereby gifcen to all persons having claims against the estate of the said C. A. Mickey to present them to the undersigned, properly authen ticated for payment, on or before May 4, 1940, otherwise this no tice will be pleaded in bar l of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate are notified to make immediate payment to> the undersigned. This May 2, 1939. S. W. MICKEY, Admr. of C. A. Mickey, Dec'd. Rural Hall, N. CJ Chas. R. Helsabeck, Atty. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administra- , tor of the estate of George M. Clark, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the estate of the said George M. Clark to present J them to the undersigned, proper ly authenticated for payment, on or before May 18, 1940. other wise this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate pay ment to the undersigned. This May 17, 1939. G. D. WATKINS, Admr. of George M. Clark, dec'd. Lawsonville, N. C. * L. H. van Noppen, Atty, Danbury, N. C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE " Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Lewis Ollie Moser, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the said deceased, to present, them to the undersigned at Rural Hall, North Carolina, RFD 1. on or before May 5, 1940, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. And all persons indebted to said' estate will please make im mediate payment to me. This May 4, 1939. G. J. MOSER, Admr., Rural Hall, N. C., RFD L Chas. R. Helsabeck, Atty. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE & Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of J. B. Joyce* deceased, late of Stokes county,. North Carolina, this is to notify all person g having claims against i the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at Madison, N. C., Route 1, on or before the 15th day of May, 1940, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will' please make immediate payment.. This 12th day of May, 1939. f+ J. W. JOYCE, Administra tor of the estate of J. B. JOYCE, deceased. J. L. Roberts, Atty. "NOTICF, OF SALE OF REAL * ESTATE By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Stokes county, North Carolina, rendered on the" 2nd day of June, 1930 and the further order of the court made on the Bth day of June, 1939, i» 'V the special proceeding pending in: said court, entitled, "Stokes; County, (Board of County Com missioners of Stokes County,. North Carolina,) and J. R. Voss, Auditor of Stokes County, Plain tiffs, against Frank M. Hairston, Col., and wife Fannie Hairston, Colored. Defendants," the under signed commissioner will sell the land hereinafter set forth,' at* public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in Danbury, Nortfc" v Carolina, on SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1939 at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M., a tract of land in Stokes county,. N. C, ancF. described ag follows* m?

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