LOCALS H —— T. F. Calloway of Tobaccoville "Route 2 wag here Monday. ***** John Martin of the Reynolds school section paid the Reporter a visit Monday. Mr. Martin re ports crops looking good in his .section. ***** R. V. Wall and family visited in Danbury from Pinnacle Tues day. ***** Ed Bennett of Walnut Cove wag here attending court Mon day. «** * • P. H. Young was here a while Monday from Sandy Ridge Route 1. ***** C. C. Campbell was here Tues day from Lawsonville. ***** Mrs. R. J. Scott shopped in "Winston-Salem Monday. ***** J. S. Shelton and J. M. Sim mons were here attending court thi 8 week from Francisco. ***** Moir Hawkins, justice of the peace of Sandy Ridge, was here this week. ***** Homey Moore, Jiir. Moore and Weldon Smith wi s here atten ding court this week from Law sonville. ***** Theodore and Jim Lasley of Walnut Cove Route 1 were here Wednesday. ***** Sam Woods of Sandy Ridge was in Danbury this week. ***** John W. Burwell wa 3 here this week from Gap. ***** Eaney James of Walnut Cove Route 3 was here at court Tues day. ***** Robert Joyce was among .the Walnut Cove visitors attending court here thig week. ***** Sutphin Oakley was here Tues day from Danbury Route 1. ***** William Marshall wag here Wednesday from Walnut Cove. ***** Hollis Rhodes visited Winston- Salem Tuesday. *** * * Mrs. Charlie Martin and two .sons are spending a while with Her mother, Mrs. Chas. Moore at Albemarle. ***** Mrs. Frank Christian and Mrs. Woodrow Lawson shopped in Winston-Salem Monday. ***** Nannie Lee Smith and nephew, Walter Lee of Greensboro, re turned Tuesday after having spent some time at Piedmont Springs. *** * * Sanderg Hart of Lawsonville was here Wednesday attending court. ' 0 '* o*9 Joe Hart of the State highway ftmefe is in a lit. Airy hospttal WWWBrtng front an operation for *tqndleitisi Joe got sing well 8008 be Mate. East Yadkin ~ Township S. S. Convention July 8 The East Yadkin Township Convention will meet at Capella Christian Church on Saturday, July Bth. Each church in East Yadkin will be given 30 minutes for any program which th? school sees best to put on. Each school is urged to take some part in the convention. Each school is urged to have just a a many of the number en rolled present as possible. Each school i s also urged to be present throughout the day, but if a school finds it impossible to be present all day, please be pres ent at least 30 minutes before your time on the program. PROGRAM: 9:4s—Devotional —Rev. R. A. Helsabcck. 10:00 —Capella. 10:30 —Mount Olive., 11:00—Quaker Gap. 11:30 —King Moravian. 12:00 Dinner. 1:15 —Devotional —Rev. Saun ders. I:3o—King Christian. 2:oo—King Baptist. 2:30- Poplar Springs. 3:00--Mountain View. 3:3o—Bethel. Remember that the more you have present of the enrollment of your school, the greater the possibility of winning the prize. PROGRAM COMMITTEE: F. L. Smith, Coy Hall, J. W. Moser, R. C. Boyles, Riley Boles, Edwin Kiser, Mrs. Paul Kiser, Mrs. Dorsie Boyles, Spencer Rob erson and Mrs. Edwin Kiser. !■ THE MAN WHO OOElrfr BUY LIFE INSURANCE AMY BE BJMINATIN6- A PRESENT BURDEN £2S iStT fW3s«ft A MLr.i GREAHRCMC ON TO H» WlPu -JO CHILDREN ■MMf GET THE MCIS AND INSURE ADEQUATELY TOOK W. M. FULP, Gen. Agt Security Life & Trust Company Walnut Cove, N. C. Business Guides By C. E. Johnston ' Director, Buiineu Training School*, International Corr*»pond*nce School* A HEALTHY optimism is worth much to a young man in busi ness. In a concern which caters to the public the mau who is constant ly cheerful is a valuable asset. The optimist !• a business booster, a gloom chaser, and a tonic to the business grouch. He radiates suc cess because he believes that suc cess is the result of honest effort • • • A manager employing a large number of salesmen recently re marked that he had one of the most complete weather reports in the world, outside of th« regular govern ment reports. Hs had a large fore* of men covering the entire country, and thstr dally reports were filled with MAuuf blaming the weather and other more or less irrelevant things for their failure to do a satis factory amount of business; Do not be an excuse Anker. sr ■ e The Importance' of gsod health *1 n factor In business Is obvious, eetrin nrlnd, however, that no mat te* Mew healthful ywir worhlng con ditions are yaur employer* cannot toHow you home to sea that-yon-us* your spare tttne to keep yourself tfertteallr nn»f'ms» tally tt. Tim to Mir lost onto then "way* of uWMg*- ■ 1* yavplnr nil night, the hen* silil jjgsets pm to be "on the Jrt" hs THE DAM9SRV REPORTER - Television Is Here (Contributed) For ten years it has been com monly known that the wireless transmission of moving images practical and the wireless trans mission of facsimile images such as drawings, printed matter and photographs ha 3 had commer cial application for over four years. Worldwide broadcasting of new 3 photographs has been in use that long. The technichal development of Television is far ahead of its commercial application. Some 10 broadcasting stations have operated for over 5 years and the limitatins estimated are the wave 3 cannot be broadcast more than 50 miles on account of the curratura of the earth's service, and all received mi st be ener gized from the same electric pow er system which supplies the broadcast transmitter, that is the power supply for both the trans mitter and receiver mcst syn chronize The reason that television has not come into wide use i 3 that no mean 3 of financing the cost of operation is available. In Eng land over 12 thousand home set? selling for SIBO. are in use and the television broadcasts are on the air six hoors daily. Over 30 motion picture thetres show tele casts on their screens. Here the government operates all radio and collects an annual license from every set in use and this income i s used to operate sta tions and programs. Colonel Bain Takes Command! Brewers and Distributors Inaugurate North Carolina "Clean-Up or Close-Up" Campaign. State and Local Enforcement Heads Endorse Plan. ® IN NORTH CAROLINA, as in many ment officials have approved our objec- T 1 other states, a few retail beer outlets tivea and promised their help. And which flout the law, often bring dis- ACTION is certain now that Attorney J&fo credit upon the entire business. General McMullan has declared it is the ways be conducted properly and in full hcenaes ' to hold |§J| conformity with the law, and they are Colonel Edgar H. Bain, of Goldsboro, jjfefofo. . V determined that this shall be the case in N. C., has been appointed by the Com- North Carolina. mittee to direct its activities. : sSjT I ' Consequently, we, the undersigned, re- "Good Conduct" Committees of local JBLJL cently formed the Brewers and North beer distributors, each headed by a ly/ Carolina Beer Distributors Committee chairman, have been set up in ten dis- j which, acting in close cooperation with tricts of the state for close cooperation / v state and local enforcement bodies, has with law enforcement officers, and with . launched a vigorous cooperative cam- our own Executive Committee, in eradi paign to rid the state of those few beer eating objectionable places of business. outlets which persist in disregarding „ , ... , . . , . both the law and the public. Established on a permanent basis, our / jk M Brewers and North Carolina Beer Dis- In plain words, we refuse any longer to tributors Committee seeks to protect the tolerate outlets which use their beer legitimate beer business in North Caro- COL. EDGAR H. BAIN licenses as a "cover-up" for flagrant lina from the depredations of a small State Di t bootlegging operations; which sell to and irresponsible minority, and to per- Irec or minors or otherwise violate the law and form a worthwhile service to the public. colonel Bain recently resigned their license privileges. With the brew- The Committee is sponsored by the ,rom 'J* Bute Sanata ers, our Committee includes wholesalers United Brewers Industrial Foundation, ° TCT d l[ ec ' or " h {?, •' ° ur who distribute approximately ninety per a national organization of brewers. veteran, decorated vrith°tbe D* \nd we^L b ra r vrthe i wlm?e r SartYd°sit The Brewers and North Carolina Beer "^ ulsh * Se, T' ce ®T. "7 nnrJ nf the KP m Jnritvof our rL Distributors Committee is convinced ® Uv " *"• A " offlc, • , port Of the large majority or our re- .. . .. . . . ~ ~. . . v. S. Army Reserve Officers spectable and law-abiding retailers. Therefore we mrettufiv Corp* he i. well-known through -1 nererore, we respecttuiiy solicit your out the sute u Furthermore, duly constituted enforce- cooperation with our efforts. wder tor law enforcement. Brewers and North Carolina Beer Distributors Committee SUITE 813-17 COMMERCIAL BUILDING, RALEIGH, N. C. NORTH CAROLINA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE "Distributor Members Brewer Member* 9. P. Pries, Chairman. Oreensboro Distributing 00, Qrsnbors L. B. Wheeler (Ashsville)—Jos. 8c hilts Brewing 00. W. B. Oriffln. Durham Fruit * Produce 00, Durham David tiallo (Norfolk, Va.)—Southern Breweries, Inc. W. t Baisii) SafMal lee * Goal Co, BaMgh C. M Wright (Newark, N. J.)—P. Ballanttne* teas Krei anils, Dunlap * Mills, Wadesboro & A. Cask (Louisville, Ky.)—Frank Fehr Brewing 00. Mwasd BieWi Hardaway Heckt Co., ChaiteMs W. B MBy (Norfolk, Va.)—Pabst Brewing Co. Wtmmk K. Barnard, Beer With Us, Inc., Ashevtlls Walter Bartlett (Norfolk, Va.)—Jaoob Buppert Brewery »„ _ • Mf®**Blf' *B. Coffee Co.; ANIIB1CW8:'0. W. Cover. Jr.: Ag IT* VILLI: B»er WHh Us. lae., Bsttsr Beer Co.. Pearco-Young-Angel Co.. ttsAkr BoSnUia Distributors. IBO.; BBTOON CITT: NEM BoUling Co.; TH AILOTt*: Csnsds Dry BottHSg Co.. Southern Fruit Co.. Hardawap ■••tat Co.. Thooiss Howdrd Co.; CONOOBD: Old North State Br«w«rs. lae.; DURBAN: Blller Brswing Co.. Durham Fruit * Produe» Co.. £*• *•**»«* Co.. laa._*ssoci«t«f lao.r ILIII* BHct* Bottling Co.; PAYITTBVILLB: A. B. Flsistamssr; GAS TOM A: Oraago w* BWtllng Cot; UnMIOW: Qreettbofo DMrtbUtisr Co:. Cirollns Distributer Co;. B. O. Wrtgbt Distributing Co.. R. B. Barrisgsr Distributing Co.; HKX niBBOMVILLB; Csatrell Produce Co.; MCKOCT; Ualoa WholssalsCo.; BIQB POINT: Qsriaad Distributlag Co.; KIBSTON: MfM fclsfrlbutlng Co!; UMI: Blue Mdgs' DistrflSwih* Co.; LBWRBTON: Wu-fcy Ca.. IWMIIjnLIKNMiHt: Pepsins BotMtr a.; Oa.liM' a Murk CO., BMgdew PnMN Co.. BettrCbal koit Otf. OMNB tm * Cdsl Cp.; BUM VILLI: Big Bill BottMag Co.; la America stations, and pro grama are operated from the in come from advertising which total 8 over 180 million dollars an nually for 1200 radio stations. All i 3 ready to give America tele vision in every home and theatre as soon as the income can be found t° operate. Sets are avail able from six large manufactur ers from $ 250 to SIOOO and an attachment for your old radio will cost $l9O. Television will be a main fea ture of the World's Fair this year. Programs are broadcasr daily in New York, Chicago and Lo s Angeles and hundreds of re ceivers are going out from the factories National Broadcast ing Company has already leased space for broadcasting stations in the high budidings in nil principle citie a and in a year you can sit in your home, club or lo cal theatre and see football, base ball games, prize fights, grand opera and world events. J. F. M. Stuart Theatre "Song of Buckaroo" —Whethar it be the appeal of Tex Ritter in the role of a Robin Hood of the wide open spaces, or of five year-old Mary Ruth, or Our Hero's entering politics and be ing elected mayor, does not mat ter, for all these things, with the shooting riding, and fistcuffin& added in the true western man ner, combine to make one of the best of Tex Ritter's pictures. He also sinprs three beautiful songs: "Texas Dan.", 'Little Tenderfoot,' "I Promise You." "Huckleberry Finn'' Young Mickey Rooney, who in the past ha 8 "stolen the picture" fron many a famous star, comes into hi 3 own at last as a full-fledged star himself. Ho appear-) in the title rola of Mark Twain's clas sic tale of boyhood joy s and sor rows. The whole family should see this immortal st-iry on the screen. Ifuckei. live:* in every one of us. His laughter and his lies, hi 3 mischief and his orneriness, his bare feet, big heart and unschooled wisdom make the world an easier place to live in. "Everybody's Baby" Genuine laugh-fest of the Jones' family series. Russel Gleason, Shirley Deane as the new papa, mama, with Gleason, Jed Prouty pacing hospital corridors before grand child arrival. Fun begins when Reginald Denny, hygienic ex pert, sellg new ideas to the mother. Granny Jones finally puts the pieces together for a happy ending. A real human in terest show. "Tailspin" Has everything, romance, drama, action, crashes, tears, laughs. As it is an air plane picture, much of the action wa 3 superimposed upon shots taken at the Cleveland air me«t, thus adding authenticity to the film fiction. Great star cast — Alice Faye, Constance Bennett, Joan Davis, Jane Wyman, Kane Richmond, Charle s Farrell, ami others. 'm v lwW LOT AN" G® CAR BUY A GOOD USED CAR FROM THE ADS In ThU Newspaper STUART Theatre Stuart, Virginia Friday and Saturday June 30 and July 1. "Song Of Buckaroo" Tex Ritter New Serial 'Fighting Devil Dogs' Sunday and Monday July 2-3 "Huckelberry Finn" Mickey Rooney 15c anj 30c Tuesday Or.ly July 4 "Everybody's Baby" Jed Prouty (Jones family series) On Stage: TEXAS RANCH GIRLS 15c and 30c (Special Matinee 2:30 p. m.) Wednesday & Thursday July 5-6 "Tailspin" Alice Faye- Constance Bennett— Joan Davis 15c and 30c

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