THE DANBURY REPORTER Established 1872 AT YADE MfcXLM 'JLJtIUIiS>AJA ¥, i\OV. KOUiTiWESTERN UiS'iUICV W E L I ARE CO.NVL.NEa FOURTEEN COUNTIES TO BE REPRE SENTED SPEAKERS—PRO GRAM. The Annual Northwcstcru Pistrict Welfare C onference will be held Thursday, Nov. 23, in Tise Hall, Vade Mecurn, Stokes coun ty. The theme of the program will be "Public Welfare—A Pub lic Service." Fourteen countie 8 including Ashe, Alleghany, Alamance, Dav idson, Davie, Forsyth, Guilford, Rockingham, Randolph, Stokes, Surry, Watauga, Wilkes, and Yadkin will be represented. The outstanding speakers at the morning session will be Mrs. W. T. Bost, Commissioner ot Public Welfare, Miss Harriet El liott, Dean of Women, W. C. U. N. C., Mr. Nathan H. Yelton, Di rector Division of Pub- Public Assistance, Miss Mary Robinson, President of the State Association of Welfare Superin tendents, and Col. W. A. Blair ot the State Board of Charities and Public Welfare. Mr. Edwin Gill, Commissioner of Paroles, State of North Caro- Una, will be the luncheon speak er. The luncheon will be served by the ladie 8 of Christ Episcopal Church, Walnut Cove. Interested laymen, County Commissioners, welfare board members, county officials, and welfare worker 8 are urged to at tend. The presiding officers arc Mr. Bausie Marion of Surry eounly, presidc-t, and Miss Ella Downing of Stokes county, secre tary. PROGRAM MORNING SESSION 9:30 Registration. 10:00 Invocation: Rev. Stratto/i Lawrenc!, Rector Christ Church, Walnut Cove. Greetings: Mr. Wm. Marshall, member Stokes County Welfare Board and Representative from Stoke? Annual Message from the State Association of County Su perintendents of Public .Wel fare —Mii ? Mary Robinson, presi dent. 10:30 "The Job Itself," Miw. W. T. Boat, Commaavoner of Pub lic Welfare. 10:50 Open Forum "Service Olurpugh the County Boards"— CoL W. A. Blair, presiding. County Welfiare Beard Mem bers, Superintendents and Representatives participating, 11:30 Panel Distawsion—"Serv ice to Youth", Miss Harriet El liott, presiding. \ Participants—Mr. T. L. Greer, Mr. John Lang. Mr. W. C. Ezell, Dr. R. F. Ritche, Mr. John Fol ger, Dr. R. B. Franklin, Mlsr, Wilmot Doane. \ 12:10 Open Forum "Public Service— A Sound Investment", Mr. Nathan H. Yelton, Director of Public Assistance, presiding. Participating: County Commia- Volume 66 Cornelius Southern Killed in Wreck Funeral services tor Cornoiiuh. I. Southern, who met his death i.. an automobile accident in Win ston-Salc:n on Friday night, were conducted Sunday afternoon. A short service wa3 held at the homey Germanton, Route 1, at 1:30 o'clock with the main serv ice following at 2:30 o'clock at King Baptist churcfi. Burial fol lowed in the church graveyard. Rev. E. T. Sims, Rev. J. W. Brown enj Rev. P. H. Newsoir. were in charge. Survivor s include the widow, who before her marriage October 25, 1930, was Miss Delia New some; one son, Joel Lee South ern; the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joel Southern; three brothera, Claude, Ray and Charlie Wadt Southern, of Germanton, and James Woodrow Southern, of King; three sisters, Mrs. Herman Snyder, of Fayetteville; Mrs. Coy Kiser, of Rural Hall, and Miss Doiothy Lee Southern, c Germanton, Route 1. Albert Phillips of Dalton ws~. here today. sfoners, Audftors, Legislator. State ar.d County and Representative Social Security Board. * . - 12:50 Announcements. LUNCHEON Mr. N. E. Pepper, Member State Board of Charitieg and Public Welfare, presiding. Address: Hon. Edwin Gill, Commissioner of Parole?. Business: Adjournment: COUNTIES INCLUDED IN THE DISTRICT WITH THEIR SUPERINTENDENTS Ashe Misg Ri'th Tugman Alamance . Mr. Gerard Anderson Alleghany .... Miss Lillie Erwin Davidson Mr. Clyde Hunt Davie Miss Lucille Martin Forsyth Mr. A. W. Cline Guilford ... Mrs. Blanche Stern Randolph Mr. Wm. F. Henderson Rockingham Mrs. John L. Wilson Stokes Miss Ella Downing Surry Mr. Bausie Marion Watauga Miss Marguerite Millei Wilkes Mr. Chas. McNeill Yadkin .. Miss Joseline Harding STEERING COMMITTEE ON LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS Chairman: Mr. Howard Gibson, vChairman of Stoke B County ißoard of Commissioners. Hospitality: Miss Laura Elling ton, chairman; Mr. and Mrs. Boy Redding, Mr. and Mm. Harvey Johnson, Mr. and Mra. Win. Mar shall, Mrs. Howard Gibson, Miss Nannie Jones, Mr. Cary Carroll, Mr. J. C. Carson, Mr. Carlos Davis. Publicity* Mr. N. E. Pepper. Danbury, Mrs. Sallie F. Pepper, Walnut Cove. Registration? Miss Grace Wood ruff, Mrs. Elizabeth M. Hfeath, Mrs. Stratton Lawrence. Luncheon: Woman's Auxiliary, Christ Church, Walnut Cove, Miss Grace Woodruff, President. Music: Mrs. N. E. Pepper. Danbury, N. C., Thurstay, Nov. 16, 11)39. AT Ml. YifcAV cu.U.viUiN ii i HO LSL vLLi* i/ECiDLtj 10 iltV l OkSiLB STEW COcNXV AGENT BROWN ttiMMENiiS 1 HjL C LUB FOR ITS GOOL WORK. Fifty-foil- Stoke s cour.ty Serv ice Club boys and gills gaihei't'C. at the Mt. View Community House Friday night, November 10, at 7:iio o'clock tor their regu lar monthly meeting. Tne presi dent, Tru'oert Shelton, presided. During the business session, the club decided to have an oyster stew in the near future, the daie to bt announced later. The treas uier reported a balance of $58.65 in the treasury. This wa s the jnet returns from the box party iand the program held at the | King school leatuiing the Rang ers. Mr. B'own, the county agent, commended the club on making I such a good start on their project i for the year. The club had a s their speaker Mr. ErumnelJ, County at 'Large, WHO maJ; a very irspirii.; talk cn 'Be A L'uilder." During the rtvreatioinl period Miss Ro?e Ellwood Biyan, Home Agent at Large, led the group in several games, stunts, and folk dances. A program committee composed of Joy Terry, Howard Wolff and Nina Baker was appointed to charge of the Decembei ! meeting. j The club will meet the second Friday night in December. F. W. Class Entertains J A chicken stew was given by the boy's senior clas s of Quukti I Gap Sunday School in honor o: i the senior girls at the home oi Mr. and Mrs. Newell Carroll. This feast was given to the girls for their active work and highest .average over the boy's class dur ing a race period of three months. Due to the weather the guests were invited into the living room where they talked, sang and en joyed themselves by a big fire while the boys cooked the chick ens. But the most enjoyable time came when the boy a said the chicken was done and invited the girls in to eat. In honor of the girls, the boys served the gins first and everyone seemed to en joy themselves very much. Those present were as follows: Misses Mary Ruth and Arbelia Carroll, 11a, Estell, Rachel and Cleo Johnion, Mrs. Homer Fergu son, Mr. and Mrs. Newell Carroll, jMr. and Mrs. Baxter Hall, Mr. and Mra. Tom Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Baker, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Hall, and Messrs. Homer Carroll, Bradford Nance, Paul Lewis and Ealmson Hall. Visitors weie Edith Jones, Lottie Ivey, New Hampshire, former member of the girl's class, and J. T. Carroll. Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Ross of Ross' Store were in town Wednes day. ALL QUIET ON DiCiviOWN iR(jNT; BIT ONLY AFT Eli ROiSTEK-j EKS Sl'i.Nf A MGf/f OK TWO IN THE RED HOUSE ON THE HILL COIN! \ DEPUTIES AND STATE PA TROLMAN BRING IN Bit,! BUNCH. I All is now oil ll.c Lid.-, town Front, but this wa s rnaut j possible by Deputy Sheriffs Carl. Ray, Burke Smith and State Pa-' trolman Bristol Dellinger, who brought to the lock-up eight of the roisterers for drinking, fight - j ing and generally raising h—al!c-1 lujah. Dicktown is a community, pre dominantly culltid, that lies a j league east ot Walnut Cove. And' if all reports are true thar's! mean licker in them thar hills.' Yes, suh, white folks, so mean it ' will make a maddog sober, and j two will induce you to hi l , your mother-in-law. | There were eight eulluj persons I in the melee, so it is said. One of the highlights of the in teresting occasion was the fight | between Sam Henry Hairston and i Sing Welch, in which Sing lost! i 1 an car. Old Sam Henry is para lyzed, but this disablement does not, affect hi s mouth. He bit oli . f . Sink's left lobe which Sing used for hearing a distant car coining, j There was fighting going on, evidently, when Sing lost thai ear, yes sah. | Bout that time Carl, Burk an.l Bristol arrived and took tin* whole crowd to jail. Nobody was hurt seriously and the boys paid or were bonded »".♦. Walnut Cove School Honor Roti For First Quarter The Walnut Cove school has worked out a new way for distri buting honors in scholarship each month. A student who makes A on each subject has his name placed on the Golden Honor Roll, jlf a student makes an average of B on all subjects, his name is placed °n the silver Honor Roll. By this method, the school hope.* to encourage better scholorship. The following are on the Gold en Honor Roll: GRADE TWO Mary Elizabeth Marshal), Woodrow Neal, Lucille Lansford, Irene Mabe. GRADE FOUR Aurelin Fulton, Ruth Knigh*, Mildred Dunlap. GRADE FIVE Ben Johnson, Betty Jo Fa'lin, Betty Faye Martin, Virginia Per due, Margaret Redman, Peggy Wheeler. GRADE SIX Rachel Wall, Billy Neal, Polly Coleman, Dorothy Mitchell, Gene Redman, Louise Tuttle. GRADE NINE Harry McPherson, Jack Tuttle, Rose Boyles Frances Jane John son, Clare Lewis. (Continuet on page 6.) King Parent-Teacher Association I Tne King Parc.i:-Teachers As- i soeiution met Nov. G in regular session, with President Curie;! . l«r siding. Spcciul music was ! tenderer by the King Band. Miss | ! Vera Jones, chairman of the pro- I ! gram committee, introduced Mr. 'A. P. Pntterson, sec.".'t jot the ("iitrokee Council, iweiu. , j vJle, who spoke on "Scouting". | Mr. Patterson enumerated the steps necessary in organizing a scout troop. The association de cided to sponsor a troop lor one year. While the business meeting w:is, jin session, the association agreed to take care of some immediate ! needs of the school by purchasing a victrola for the music depart - jment, shades for the commercial room, and a vclour certain for t'»' stage. Motions were carried to spon i sor a city-wide clean up day it I King, November 10th, and a box and pie supper in the near futuiv. ———————— Quaker Gap S. S. i _ Classes Meet | The senior boy's and gin's ' Sunday School classes of Quale- r ' Gap Baptist Church held their regular monthlv class hieetin.; I with Mr. and Mi's. Homer Fergu i son Saturday night, Nov. 11, I with twenty members present. The meeting wa s called to order by the president, Estelle Johnson, and the minutes of the last nice ing were read and approvi d. Homer Ferguson loci the devo tionals. During the business ses sion a nport wa s givtn of th" visits made to the sick since the!: previous meeting. The two classes voted to senel a Thanhs giving basket to Mrs. Paul LCWM |and Mr. Norman Baker, number* of the two clnspf I"'.': v.l. ere ill in 'lie S'uiit'-ri'ini at R!:u-. Mountain j After the off'ring was tak :i {the following program was give.i. ,i Song- class; poem Mis. John-1 nie Newsuni. Questions on the lesson quarter —Braeli'ord Natvev. Individua' memory verses - th. two classes. Song, "Living For Jesus". The meeting was turned over to the hostess. Contests were' given with Misses Estelle and , Rachel Johnson, Bradford Nance, and Tom Hall winning prizes. The hostess served a tempting , plate made up of chicken salad,' sandwiches, cake, pickles and lemonade, carrying out the j Thanksgiving motif. The meet-' ing adjourned to meet with Mr. and Mrs. Baxter Hfcll, Winston- Salem for their December meet-1 ing. Those present were: Misses I Mary Ruth and Arbelia Carroll. Estelle, Hachel and Cleo Johnson, Mabel Hurtgrove, Mrs. Paul Kis er, Mr. and Mrs. Newell Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. Baxter Hall, M-. and Ms. Johnnine Newsum, Mr. | and Mrs. Wesley Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hall, Bradford Nance, Number 3,527 iiiVf HE CALIiUi'N IS NOW At JED 91 ON K OK MOUFS (OINTVS OLIIhST CITI/(\S CKLK BKATKS UIKTiI It A \ —OTIII Ai NI.W S OF KING. | ( King, Nov. 10. J uncrnl serv ice for Cornelius Southern, who was kl?l" iin g . ye!e wreck „ i.:, Wiifc held at i the fit st Baptist Church lure Sun day afternoon at 2:.'50 and inter ment followed in the church cem etery. I The deceased i s survived by the j widow, who wa s a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lee Newsuai and several children. His father and mother and several brothers i and sisters also survive. Pierceson Kiscr has moved into his new home on Han River street which was recently com- I pleted. | The big horse show which was I'Ut on here Armistice day was a big success. Thousands of peo ple were in attendance. People 'from the sunny slopes of Maine i to ine beaut it ul tail end of Flori da were here. The attractions were good and everybody seeni-d to enjoy themselves. A number of concession people weie also here to furnish amus'.v.ent for those who were not interested in horses. Dr. Floyd J. Strupe attende. the North Carolina Chiropracti-: convention at the Vance Hotel. Statesville Saturday and Sunday. Charles; Dnlton has returned io his home in Charlotte after pay ing a visit to relatives at the oM Dalton homestead three miles west of town. Theodore Newsum has return ed i.oai the government hospital at Columbia, S. C., win re he ha *, been under treatment. His con dition is i.-.uch improved. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. K'rnei U ius r was laid to rc3t in t!ie Moravian Cemetery on Main street Wednesday, j The following patients under went tonsil removal operations here last week: Carl Fiynn of Rural Hail and Miss Liilie Brown of Vade-mecum Springs. Jesse Lav\o . of High Point is spending a few days here the 'guest of his daughter, Mrs. j Charles R. Carroll on west Main street. Mrs. Bettie Calhoun celebrate J her 94th birthday at the home c 'her grandson, Rober Hooker, ju3t south of King Sunday. A number |of relatives were present to en joy the occasion. The following births were re corded here last week: to Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Morefield, a daughter; ■ to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stone, a son; •to Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Young, a pon; to Mr. Mrs. Frank Dod son, a daughter; to Mr. and Mr 3. Elmer Hayden, a sen and to Mr. I and Mrs. Weldon Kiscr, a daugh ter, i * ( Homer Ferguson, and the hostess, Mrs. Hotter Ferguson.