THE DANBURY REPORTER. Established 1872 Volume 66 Danbury* N. C., Thursday, Dec. 7, 1939. , PIG TALES FROM 7 PATRICK - STOKES YOUNG SWINE TIC&T SLKEPh WITH THE HOUNDS AND RUNS BABBITS—INTEREST : fNG OBSEBVATIONS OF LON SISK OVEB THE MOUNTAINS It is learned that a son-in-law yjto • of John Spencer, near Sandy Ridge, ovm a sprightly pig which j sleeps every night with the j hounds, and joins in the race I when a rabbit is jumped. This young h»g has been known to ■top drinking its swill to get in a rabbit race, and several times lM» caught the cotton-tail ahead the dogs. It has developed a keen noire instead of a grunt V when the chase gets hot, and r bartw like old Tige. The owuer "* has refused a good price for the pig several times. Mr. Lon Sisk, who informed the Reporter of tbe above inter esting Hem, say* wveral yean ago Je and a brother took a trip over the mountains ia Patrick to purchase some supplies for which the good old county of Patrick in noted, and were driving two young mules hitched to a wagon. At a pUoe in the road they came Into vief of a man pointing some thing into the air toward • tree .as if alftnt to shoot. , » * Mr. Sf-tk and his brother quick ly halted their team and askec. the mountaineer to please not Are until they got by, a a they Mrere driving a young scary team. "Oh," xaid the man, "I'm just poling Ay pig. lam not fixing to shoot" Driving nearer, they found iv- pig fastened to the end oi a long pole, and was holding the young swine up in the tree so it could eat chestnuts. H Anyone wishing to page Mr. | Ripley will please consult Mr. Sisk first. Two Electrical Equip ment Demonstrations ; In Stokes County Two demonstration;) on the ad vantage and use of electrical equipment have been scheduled in the county on Wednesday, Do oember 13, it Jbas been announced by X F. Brown, county agent. The first of the demonstrations ? will be given at 10 a. m„ on the farm of JL H. Robertson neat Pine Halt The other one will be held at 2 p. m„ at King Woman*' Club in King. The meetings hav* been arranged through tbe ooop- oration of JX EL Jones, Rural BlcctriQratioa Special ist of StaU College Extension Service and L. It. Ray, Agricultural Engineer of v the Duke Power Company. Farm ers and lam women will be gives an opportunity to observe many types ef electrical appliances and equipment which will be demon strated including all kinds of equipment for the farm and home. The Duke Power Company will have on head a huge equipment truck In which has been Installed b emny Afferent appliances and JUDGE NETTLES WILL PRESIDE CRIMINAL TERM OF COURT COMING FIRST WEEK IN JANUtRY SCOTT WIIJ PROSECUTE FOR THE STAT* —JURORS DRAWN TO SERVE FOR TERM. The county commissioners at Monday's meeting ordered th» Sheriff to summon jurors to serve at the one week's term ol Stokes criminal court which con vencs Mondsy, January 1, 1940. Judge Z. V. Nettles will preside while Solicitor Ralph Scott will prosecute for the State. The list of juror B drawn i r a* follows: SNOW CREEK TOWNSHIP A. J. Amos, James A. Wall. BEAVER ISLAND TOWNSHIP T. H. Sheppard, C. S. Martin, T. D. Preston, Lewis W. Black' well, Grover Morton, Garland Black we! I, E. M. Adkhis, W. H Lawrence, Walter Z. Hall, J. J. Moore, E. E. Morton. MEADOWS TOWNSHIP W. A. Joyce, John Brooks, S L. Holland, R. T. Beck, Henry Ashby, J. Wilson Young. SAURATOWN TOWNSHIP Clarence Richardson, A, F, Marshall L. JL Warner, C W. Southern. \ , * YADKIN TOWNSHIP S. P. Covington, S. I. Boyle? Thurmond Calloway, C. O. Boyles, Jr., Ray Ingram, R. A. Turner, Palma Covington, Robert Burnett, J. M. Covington. Blfc CREEK TOWNSHIP J. W. Lawrence, L. A. Norman. L. L. Lowe, Sam A. Moir. PETER S CREEK TOWNSHIP Harry L. Martin, Thornton Tuttle, S W. Tucker. QUAKER GAP TOWNSHIP R. A. Hunter, J. T. Vaden. Jim Smith and Lem Factf Released, Jim mie Smith and Ed Booth Bound to AjV Court At a hearing here before Jus tice of the Peace P. C. Campbell last Saturday, Jimmie Smith and Ed Booth were bound to court in bonds of $600.00 each, charged with the recent larceny of the to bacco of Buriey Ma be. Jim Smith,! the father .of Jimmy Smith, anJ Lem Fagg, who were also co-de fendants in the bill of indictment, were discharged for lack of suf ficient evidence against them. Burley Mabe's pack house, sit uateg on tbe farm of Paul Tay lor e mile west of Danbury, was robbed of about 800 pounds of to bacco one night several weeks ago. later Jim Smith, Jimmy Smith, Ed Booth end Lem Fagg were indicted charged with the crime. The defendants Jimmy Smith and Ed Booth were bonded oy Jim Smith In tbe amounts of SBOO each. The case will come up for trial at the approaching Jan uary term of Stokea Superior court for tbe trial of criminal ao ttoua. ELMO ELLIS KILLS HIMSELF SUICIDE SATURDAY OF YOUNG FARMER OF UPPER STOKES LIVED SEVERAL HOUR* AFTER FIRING FA TAL SHOT INTO HIS RREAST. Refusirg to give a reason for his act. Elmo Ellis, who lived near Lawsonville, in Peter's Cre:-k township, Stokes county, died late Satrrday afternoon at hip home just inside tbe i state line from gunshots wounds he said were self-inflicted. Ellis was found lying near his home, about 50 yards over the Virginia line by relatives' with a geping wound in his chest near the heart. He was con scious and talked with his fam ily during tbe two and one-half hours he survived his wounds. Tbe two physicians who were summoned to attend Ellis, said an inquest would be unnecessary since Ellis admitted inflict ing the fatal wound. Relatives said Ellis gave no in dication of his intention to take his life. He left the home about 3 o'clock, taking his shotgun. Within a few moments, the blast of the gun was heard and Ellis was found lying in the field with the gun neat- his sidei - Ellis' father, Freddy Ellis, com mitted suicide several years ago Elli s w:;s a farmer and made his home with his mother. Surviving are the widow, the former Ada Martin; the mother. Mrs. Freddy Ellis; four sisters. Mrs. Troy Hutchens of Stuart, Va., Route 5; Mrs. Kcimit Shep pard of hidgeway, Va.; Mrs. Mar vin Corns of High Point and Mrs. Thomas Hall of Draper; and one brother, Clinton Ellis of Stuarl, Route 5. The funeral was held at Pleas ant Grove Baptist Church Mon day afternoon at 1 o'clock. Rev. J. A. Joyce of Sandy Ridge anl i Elder Noel Gilbert of Winston | Salem conducted the services. Burial was in the Ellis family I graveyard. Anniversary of Dr. and Mrs. C. J. Helsabeck Dr. and Mrs - c - J - Helsabeck -Willi celebrate their 20th wedding - anniversary Sunday, December 10th, by holding open house at their home in Walnut Cove. Frienfe »re invited to call be tween Che hours of 3:00 and 5:00 o'ckxfc to the afternoon and 7:00 and 9:00 .o'clock in the evening. Suicide Epidemic W. R. Stovall of Lawsonvllle, accompanied by his son Robert, visited Winston-Salem and Dan bury Monday. Speaking of the Ellis suicide, which happened «n Mr. Stovall's neighborhood, Mr. Stovall siys this is the fourth suicide In that community, *ll within a half mile of each other, all octun'ng in the last 8 years. PETER'S CREEK | UNION MILL SOLD REID SMITH HERE MONDAY MAKING DEED TO SAM Til. LEY—TILLEY TO CONTINUE OPERATING MUX. / _____ Peter's Creek Union Rollc* Mill was sold Monday by Retd 1 Smith to Sam Tilley. The partis were here executing the deed o. transfer. This well known milling prop erty was established by co-opera tive farmers some 30 years ago, and had a large number of stock holders. AH the stock was later acquired oy Smith, who now di - j poses of the entire interest to Tilley. Mt. Olive Intermediate S.S. Class Meets With Maureen Smith The Intermediate Sunday School class of Mt. Olive Baptist church met recently with Miss Maureeu Smith. The following program was giv en: Bible reading—Maureen Smith. Lord's Prayer—class. Song— class. Bible questions—Herman Smith. Talk —Madelyn Butner. Solo—Olene Rutledfce. Contest—Ona Ruth Boyles. Questions —Melba Covington. Songs- by the class. After the program, cake, pickles and lemonade were served. The next meeting to be held Dec. 29th. i Those present were: Maureen Smith, Pete Carroll, 1 Olene Ruttedge, Mozellc Moore, Maureen Moore, Jack Carroll, | Robert Carroll, Madelyn Butner. • George Badgett, Hazel Hall, An : 'nie Mae Walker, Delbert Hall, •, Hettie Covington, Melba Coving jton, Lor«.ne Hooker, Ona Rutb ■ Boyles, Moir Watts, Herman .' Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Bacil Boyles. i Jackson Day Campaign Gets Under Way ' j The North Carolina Jackson I Day Campaign of 1940 began this week with the opening of head quarters offices in the Sir Walter Hotel, Raleigh. The campaign will culminate in a mammoth din ' aer at Kaleigh on January Bth, anniversary of Jackson's great j -victory over the British at New Orleans. State Senator John D. Larkina, Jr., of Jones county, who so suc cessfully headed the 1939 cam ! paign, is again in charge as | State Director. Appointment of county chairmen and announce ment of county quotas will bi made within a ftw days. Mrs. Weldon Smith , Returns From Hospital W. W. Smith of LawsonvlUe , brought Mrs. Smith back from i hospital Saturday. She spent. several days in hospital and un i derwent slight operations. 1 Subscribe for the Danbury Re porter. On* dollar per year in advance. THE KING i P. T. ASSOCIATION UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OK i CHAS. CARROLL IT GOES; FORWARD REGULAR SES- 1 SIGN HELD MONDAY NIGH 1 —BOX SUPPER SPONSORED FOR NEXT SATURDAY EVE NING. I The King Patent-Teachc-i , I ciatipn held the regular session j i th« first Monday night in Decern-; ;ber with President Carroll in the chair. The meeting was devoted entirely to business. Seventy members were reported enrolled this year. The Ways and Means Commit tee discussed plans for a box sup per to be held Saturday evening, December 9, in the school gym nasium. A motion was carried to hire j a competent person to supervise | the moving of shrubbery around I the school building. The King Parent-Teacher Asso ciation, under the leadership of Charles R. Carroll, is one of thr-! i most active and progressive or- j | ganizations in the State, workinp j j each year in the interest of tho; | school. The King Parent-Teacher A-.w- j ciation h as been very active in j j the past in sponsoring entertain- : |ments to make money for sup plies needed by tfie school. Next Saturday evening pront | ises unique entertainment when i the P. T. A. sponsors a box sup 'per in the school gymnasium. I The Ways and Means commit | tee composed of Messrs. Roy Green, E. C. Slate, C. D. Slate. Sr., and O. P. Green, stated thai their goal is the sale oC at least I ! 100 boxes. Young people espe cially are requested to come and | bring a box. String music for the occasion will be f.unished by the Kin:; Band. Young Carl Ray To Pitch for Deacons Next Season Chapel Hill, Nov. 9. Carl Ray, Jr., son of a former major league hurling star for the Philadelphia Athletic.* is in school at Wake Forest thi g fall, and will get his chance to "strut his stuff" on th • mound tor the Deacons next spring. He i s a transfer student from Mai* Hill Junior College, where ha compiled a brilliant rec ord for two years. ... A right hander with plenty of speed, a good curve, and a fine change of pace, he won 12 games and lost four wit!, the Irwin Red Bird s in the Tobacco State League this past summer. Youn«r carl is the son of Dep uty She: iff and Mrs. Carl Ray of Walnut Cove. S. R. Fulp Dead Sanders R. Fulp. aged 67, died at hig home at King this week. Sam Tuttle of Meadows wag in town today. Number 3,530 MORE INDUSTRY FOR TOWN OF KING I. W. FI'VJ* TO STAR! BOWI,- IN« ALLEY—BANKS TURN ER TO BUILD ADDITION TO DWELLING OTIIKR NEWS OF KINO. King, Dec. 7. J. W. Fulp o! Winston-Salem has purchased ..o:.: 'i'l.Oir.Hsj G. New a lot on cast Mai,i street, also an adjoin ing lot from L. J. Riser. He is having material placed on this property and work will be com menced at once on a new build ing in which he will, when com pleted, install a bowling alley. Ralton Griffin has returned from Jarksonvile, Fla., whera he was usher at a very brilliant and elaborate wedding. The groom was Bufcrd Night and Miss Doro thy Dardi. Mrs. Xt'lia Pulliam has about fully recovered from a recent ill ness at her home here. Banks Turner is preparing to erect an addition to one of hi 3 dwellings on Ohio street. Arnold Newaum, son of Mr. Mrs. Claud Newsum has en listed in the United States Army [ for service in the Hawaiian Is lands. Some very nice porker* are be ing butchered around King. John Wade Johnson, planter of ' the Mizpnh section, was a busi ness visitor here Saturday, j The stork got almost a whole I week's rest this week, only one birth being recorded. This wis Mr. and Mrs. Oliver East, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Love i have returned to their home in Winston-Salem after a shoot visit to relatives here. Junior Stone and Frank Rains, who arc attending college sit Chaj el Hill, spent the week-en.l with their parents here, j Mrs. Paul Williams is confined to her home on west Main street ' jby illness, her friends will regret to learn. , Mrs. P. W. Gunter is spending a few days in Raleigh where she is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Robert I. Lee. Renard Griffin of Winston-Sa lem visited his parents, Dr. and Mrs. E. M. Griffin, on west Broai street over the week-end. Mrs. Byrd of Winston- Salem was a recent visitor to rel jatives here Mrs. Byrd, who was a daughter of the late Mr. and i Mrs. John Wright, was reared near here and has a number of relatives in this section. The following patients under went tonsil operations here Sat urday: Mrs. Boyd Blackburn of Kernersville, Miss Ruby Merritt of Rural Hall and Kenneth Davij of Walkertown. * V. W. Ham Dies V. W. Ham, well known bar be' of Walnut Cove, died Monday. » J. D. Lawson of Pilot Mt., was here today. Fatroabe Exporter's advertten.

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