THE DANBURY REPORTER. Established 1872 WATCH FOR THE STRAW VOTES DANBURY REPORTER CON DUCTING POLLS FOR DEM OCRATIC GOVERNOR AND REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT— ' RESULTS TO BE PUBLISH ED BEFORE PRIMARY. The Danbury Reporter this week has mailed out several hun dred ballots to be voted in a straw poll for Democratic Gover nor of North Carolina and Re publican President of the United States, respectively- Each of these ballots will come from cross sections of Stokes voters. One hundred cards will be returned showing the choice of Democrats for Governor. Also one hundred ballots will come :n indicating the favorite of the Re publicans for President of the United States. The list of voters to whom the cards have been sent include lead ers of thought and influence in both parties in the county. And their separate verdicts will al most certainly point to the fav ored Democratic Governor and the choice of Republicans for President. Both groups of tickets were mailed the same day, and if pos sible (tfcs results .will b» published in the Reporter of May 16- If all ballots do not arrive at the of fice in time, May 23 will be the date of the disclosure. But both will be published before the date of the primary, May 25. Jiriia Pepper Honored At Greensboro W. C. U. N. C. Greensboro, May 7. —M las Gladys Sessoms, of Fayetteville, will serve as president of the sophomore class at "Woman's College of the Univeraity of North carofina as the oatonae of elections held on campus recently. Miss lulia Pepper, of Walnut Cove, has been elected to the vice-presidency of the class- Oth er officers are: Miss Darthea Severance, Gastonia, secretary, Miss Ann Spivey, Rich Square treasurer: Miss Esther Moore, Old Greenwich, Conn., cheer lead er; Misses Ann Hardison, Wades boro, Rebecca Neal, Southern Pines, and Jane Thompson, Hen derson, legislature members. NOTICE Don't forget the Republican primary to be held May 25th. 1940. In t.rder that you may vote • & In a Republican primary you must be registered as a Republi can. The registration books close next Saturday, May 11th, 1940- See that you are properly registered by that date. I av a. candidate on the Re publican ticket for Register of Deeds and will appreciate your anpperfc Respectfully, C. SPENCER JONES. Volume 66 In the Democratic Primary, May 25, 1940. FOR THE HOUSE v m H I IPF • a |« f • . ' • * • ■ ■ I * ■ • «' ■V-""' " V M -A -.1 ■ I I fV ■ k- • ..i • ■ iiHfc*-' *1 ViwilL '• I :; ' v i.' > ' ' fl | J 11. ki. BROWN. King, N. C, May 9, 1940. *' "■* EdHor fhmbury Reporter: Please allow me at* candidate for the House of Representatives from Stokes County, to state a Yew things as 1 see them. The administration of government Is a sa f red trust, a trust set up for the common good, and for a common purpose, and I cannot escape the conviction that this trust carries with it a responsibility to serve justly all mm and all classes, and betievtng this, It shall be my pur pose is strive for the right as I see the right in all matters that further the progress of the State and county to the best of my ability- Hwklng the voters of Stokes county for their support In the primary of May 25, 1940, as yon have in the past, Yson to serve, H. H. BROWN. Stokes Couty Seventh Grade Promotion Day, May 8, At Danbury Song, "Carolina" seventh grade pupils. Devotional, The Lord's Prayer, in unison. Song of Welcome Danbury and Meadows schools. Historian, Bobby Rierson- Walnut Cove school. Chorus —Walnut Cove school. RECITATION CONTEST: 1. "Buddy and Waffles"— Jo Ann Voss—Walnut Cove school. 2. "Betty at the Baseball Game" —Jean Carol Beck—Pinnacle school. 3. "Back in Squashville"—Paul ine Joyce—Reynolds school. Winnei: Jean Carol Beck. SPELLING CONTEST: school. 1. Bobby Rieraon, Walnut Cove 2. Margaret Flinchum, Danbury school. 3. Louise Mounce, Meadows school. 4. Louise Beasley, Reynolds school. Louis Bondurant, Frandsco school. •. Grille M«e Lightsey, Sandy Danbury. N. C M Thursday, May 9, 1940. Ridge school. 7. Sylvia Ray, lawsonviUe school. 8. Tom Young, Rue Hail school. 9. Doris Wagoner, •Gtrmantaa, school. 10. Ruth Priddy, King school. 11. Christian Joyce, Dillard ! School. 12. Jean Carol ftnnac!;' school. I Winner- Ruth Priddy. | Chorus, "Blue Danube" —Sandy jßidge school. DECLAMATION CONTEST: 1. "The Opportunities of >\ ■ Scholar" Bill Jones Kin ? school. 2. "A Reunited People"—Clil ton Mounce —Meadows school. 3. "H'.iV, Ma"—Wilbur Smith— Sandy Ridge school. Winner: Wilbur Smith. Chorus —King school. Valedictorian —Bill Jones —King school. Class historian —Pupils who re ceived highest grades. Presentation of certificates-- 301 promoted. Presentation of awards. Judges: M- HV H I Mfce Laey Boos. 'King P.- T. Association At the May meeting of the King Parent-Teacher Association Monday evening, the Home Eco | nomics Department presented their annual fashion show in the xor.n ox a playlet, "The Suzanne Shop." Mi's. Harold Parker had charge of the program and was .issisted by Mrs. Reid Jones. Following this the Boy Scout Court of Honor lield. Badges were awarded troop leaders and ! new scouts were presented their i wcdcntisls. i Because of the program, the busiuer.l was left for a call meei i ing Tu"i«.!ay evening, May 14, in | the school auditorium. W. M. S. Meets May 13 The Woman's Missionary So ! ciety will meet Monday night, at 1 8 o'clock, May 13. at the home of Mrs- S. P. Christian. A moth er's day program will be given with the following as speakers: Mrs- G. H. Alford, Mrs. S. P- Christian. Mrs- R. R. King and Mrs. Lydia Martin. E. W. Taylor was here this I Announcement From O. M. Southern After the insistence of many friends and serious and careful consideration, I have entered my name as the Republican candi date to represent Stokes county in the House of Representatives in the next General Assembly of North Carolina. Realizing thj importance and need of proper legislation I want to assure Un people of Stokes county that if 1 am nominated and elected I will to the best of my ability serve the people as a whole. Let me urge that you rcgiste 1 ! jnot later than Saturday, May 11, that being the last day the Reg-; istration books will be opened. Assuring you of my appreciation j of your pupport in both primary, and election, 1 am Respectfully, Your Miller, O. M- SOUTHERN. Anyone knowing the where- J abouts of Janie Johnson (colored* is asked to please notify her ot the illnees of George Johnson in Randolph Hosital, Asheboro, N., C., or contact Odessa Grant, Gen-1 era! Delivery, Aaheboro, N. C Number 3,540 KIRBY STARTS HIS CAMPAIGN SPOKE IN DANBURY SATUR ! . DAY NIGHJT, AT SANDY RIDGE TUESDAY NIGHT WILL SPEAK AT KING NEXT SATURDAY MGIIT. Dallas C. Kirby opened his .... ipiiijn for tiie State Senate from Stokes and Surry with a speech at Danbury Saturday night. Mr. Kirby highly extolled tha national, State and county Dem ocratic administrations, except for criticisms of his opponent VV. F. Marshall and County Superinten dent of Schools J. C. Carson. He also spoke at Sandy Ridgo Tuesday night, and will address the voters of King next Saturday night W. M. Edwards, Stokes County Man, 90, Dies Willii'm M. Edwards, 90, one oC the citizens of Stokes coun ty, ui d at his home. Mural Hall, Star Route, five miles north »>C Rural Hall, at 1 o'clock Monday morning. He was in declining health for more than a year and was seriously ill for about three weeks. Mr. Edwards was bom August 19, 1849. He spent his entire life at his original home place in thj "Egypt" section of Stokes coun ty. . aikl J ) Ladies Auxiliary { King Christian Church > King, May 9 —Mrs. Wilbura ( Whitman was hostess to tha r Ladies Auxiliary of King Chris > tian Church Thursday night, Ap« (! ril 25. The following program >: was rendered: Scripture read* > ing—Mrs- Lester Newsome, fol lowed by Lord's Prayer by all. Poem, "Gifts" Mrs. Geneva Newsome. Reading, "Mothers"— Minnie Mae Calloway- Poem, 11 "What 1 Want To Be"—Mildred j Calloway. Song, "What A Friend ,We Have In Jesus " The meet- I ing closed with the theme song, I "Blessed Be The Tic That Binds." i Those present were: Mes.lamcs L. E. Calloway, R- C. Newsome, Pauline Caudle, Wilburn Whit | man, Sponcer Tut tie. Misses MiU jdrod and Minnie Mae Callo.vay, | Mrs- W. 15. Newsome- Visitors I were: Mcr.dar.ies Wort'i Doub, Alice Newsome, Hugh Piatt', and J Mrs. IJ. A Shore of Charlotte. The next meeting will be hold jat the home of Mrs. U- c. New some- . ... - » The hostess, assisted by Dotty Lou Whitman and Mrs. Hugh Pfaff and Mrs. Worth Doub. served sandwiches, pickles, cake, lemqnade, doughnuts and peanuts. Miss Luna Taylor attended tha [wedding of Miss Laura Lilliaa Reeves and John Chisman Hanes |in Washington, D. C., laat week. ! Mis# Taylor accompanied Mrs. J. 1 1* Hane«, Mr». Kenneth R. Byerty, lof Racine, Wia., Mr. and Mrs. Max Genet.