•LOCALS } Charles h. Haney, educational advisor at the local CCC camp, ! spent the week-end in Shelby with Mrs. Haney. || 1 % W** * * « Mrs. Zc-b Smith ~and children of Roanoke, Va., are visiting Mrs. I Burke Smith. *•* • • Dr. "and Mrs. Charles K. Gould will spend the week-end in Colum bia, South Carolina, before goin£ to the Madison CCC camp. Dr. GdUld, dental surgeon, has been at Camp Mountain View for tha past two weeks. *** * * k Miss Dora DeShazo and Miss ITattie D„'?liazo of Spencer, V : r and Miss Neal of Yanccy ville were guests of Miss Luna ** Taylor Monday. * * * i|c * B. H. Forrest is at his home u» Saluda, S. Carolina, this week end. He will return to his duties with the Soil Conservation hero Alonday. •' i ***** • Harold Racov nnd her mother-in-law, Mrs. Racov, of Kingston, New York, will be the .week-end guests of Mrs. J. S. .Taylor. The Mesdames Racov aro cn route to Duke University where they will attend the grad uation of their brother and son. ***** Mian Grace Taylor accompanied Mrs. Jacob Fulton and Miss Vir ginia Fulton to Chapel Hill Sun day. On their return they spent a short while at Guilford College. •** * * Lieutenant J. J. Hochsthn, j Commanding Officer of Camj)', Mountain View, Hanging Roc! Park, is in New York City. ***** Mrs. C. Y. York is visiting lvl j ° atives in North Wiikcsboro this week. % ***** Winifred Hall, who haa been attending high school in Raleigh, is expected home this week f r the sumi.ier. ***** % Mrs. S. P. Christian, T.Tnrjoi i*. Pepper and Mrs. Earl Connor oS t Thomasville went to Brevavi j Sunday. Beverly Christian, who ljas been attending school nt i Brevard College, accompanied them home. M IK m Hi IT Miss Geneva Coo'.c will return! to her home at lloonc .this week after having visited her sister, j Mrs. Paul Fox, far the past wcel:. * .* * * * F Mrs. W. E. Joyce nnd daugh ter, Virginia, spent several dnv*; .with Mrs Sam Wood at Selraa this week. Mrs. N. A. Martin, v/ho has been there for so:v.c time, accompanied them home. * * * *r *: Alex Hodsrern of Lavsonvillt was here Tuesday- Mr. Rodgeru is a candidate for Republican county commissioner. • ***«• E. R- Nelson of Piedmont Springs was a visitor in tow.i Tuesday. Mr. Nelson is one of the leading Republicans of the I county. He is strong for Dewev for President •»• • • Bob Simmons of Lawsonviile was in town Monday. James B. Joyce was a businen ; visitor here Tueway from Wins ; ton-Salem. ***** Edwin M. Taylor, Ralph R. I Mills and J. G. H. Mitchell, all of j Walnut Cove, were business visi tors here Tuesday. •** * • Jim Flinchum, planter of the Hartman section, was here Sun day. ****'• Lyman Hall, student at Mars Hill College, has returned home for the summer ***** Katherine Sisk was guest -)f Sarah Fulton at Walnut Cove part of last week. ■{-. *«>!* Beverly Christian, who return ed Sunday from Brevard College, left immediately for Thomasville for a visit with Mr- and Mrs. Earl Conner. ***** Hazel Petree, Margie Petrco and India Newsome attended the graduation exercises at Bre vard College Wednesday. George Petree, a member of the gradua ting clas?, returned home with them ***** Mr. and Mrs- Walter S. Hunt, Jr., have returned to Raleigh al't |er a week's visit with Mrs- Hunt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J- W. Ilall. *** * * Mrs- Charlie Martin and child ren, Chubby and Eiddie, are visit ing Mrs. Martin's mother, Mrs Jim Moore, at Charlotte ** * * A message was received hero the latter part of the week of the death of J. P. Lccce, of Pilts j burgh, Pa-, father of Mrs. •J. F. Martin- Mrs. Martin went to Pittsburgh Inst Thursday nftc she received a message of her father's rerious illness * * t;. * Ebb Ecnnett of Walnut Cove was here last Thursday. *y* * * W- R. Fulp. general agent c the Security Life and Trust Co. of Winston-Salem, was u visK- r hero last week. * * fj ff > . Sheriff John Toy'-r anil At i torney Dallas Klrfcy visited La'- igh Tuesday. I Mrs. T, r -cfl Pcrncr Enic j Mvs. J- F.'-'d firmer entertain- j j ed at a picnic supper last Friday ! i n'ght nt the Borne of Mr. nnd i l Mrs. William McCanlesa honor- j ing Mr and Mrs. W.lfer Hurt,, I I Jr., of Raleigh, who were viri-' -r • , here last week. Those iavi'ed were: T!ie he-" puo3ln, end Mr. and Mrs- M- 1 r -' Ellington, Mr. and Mrs. V.T I Hem MoC'arless, Mrs- A. C. pisk.; ;m -s. R .I eh Smith, Prnther mil," ! } i JN vol Pp. ill Martin niui i 1 Le">nrrd vrn Nopnen. j Out-of-town guests were Mrs. | | Edwin Taylor. Emorie Pepper, | and Fred Pepper, of Walnut Cove, nnd Mis 3 Sue Bess Goolshy, ,of Madison j Death of a Child Kenneth Wayne Mitchell, grand child of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Mi*- j chell of Walnut Cove, died Wed ! nesday at the home cf his par ents in Winston-Salem. WE FORGETy^ "Tha railroads play a tremendous role in the da- three-flJths to two-thirds of all oi cur transpor velopment o! our country. They serve every one tation needs the railroads c&n and do meet. They ol our forty-eight states. They bring our people have proven their ability and their ccpacity. We more closely together and knit them Into a cohe- must, therefore, keep th3m financially sound sive national unit Other transportation agencies, and physically auch as water, air, bus and truck have their place strong. They aro p. in the economic life oi America, but the railroad the blood stream , - V~* f) still predominates. These may supplement the of American life in railroad, but they can never replace it. From peace and in war." A»»is«»t s.-cMtary oi War Thus 3poke the Honorable Louis Johnson, Assistant Sec retary of V/ar, in Washington, D. C., on April 28, 1940. at the dedication of a bronze tablet the pa triotic services and achievements of the railroads in IS 17. I Today, throughout the length and breadth of Amcric?, r.s miilicns pay ievsrent tribute to the memory of those who gave their all for their county, il is 1,'. !0 iske stock and to real.se that preparedness is vital to Am 2.lea's scrurily i: s:vg the natio-s of the v/c.ld. I j And today, ii ii rcsd '.o that the Amci'can rail;-sad- aro pv;p». -J,' io meet any national emergency. Cai -ianHy usiprorir.-:; and mcJci r." •- ovtaiicn 1 plant, they havo rertchrd tV.e highest peah cf e J '!tti»vi:cy and sc3 in 1" They have create :! and perfected ?:i a:!;-iV:, s:r»cc•"..•!wxv.xlr . • -..-a far ; flur-r syslcn: that ii the "bloc! &U'sarn" of nvi'.c.-;.! c sicr.-s. J A \ j ! sA OKi J U L 1 11 iu ¥ v Tji & l j w t i l 1 ! TO n t r w * Y IM ds tIU I« A' 1 I I 'i Pi; l ! rTA M' c | 5 1 N Ss N \ 4 Lijilius 1 .J ; tj£ So per ™ SpcccaSss p j ! (ihil Eii'jiiiiig Alcohol 25e and !olt Aspirin Tablet-. 51)e P.OIII i'Oll 29c 1 Dot lie Silquc r»((e and one IJoltle Silipie ilair . i.M '\jj T.:i;ie ."0, ItOTIi for *>9e s i^j I Hottle lilin/.o \n:Keptic M ;ulh nnd one Cow-hide i UHfoId, BOTH i()H 4»c J 1:J">-fonl Roll V. a:a-d Paper, 2 If Us f>»r 2"e * BISMA-U.'JV— I 8-4 oz. Si/c :,IV—I lb. Hi/c 51.25 i'"* * j 'i'aho I»J i.t! \~IWX —U relli-.is -v.«r sloinaeh, heart burn ! and i.eid I :dL,e!.lii a hi three i:ii!:iile» 1 -m ReniemlH-r a f iJ! :*! ratiA.i '! .i eat re Tiei.et gAin \\ it li earn j' f- One Dollar rash purchase and hundreds are yoi:ig on f;4 . : • W'-tJ these i'l'ec Tiihets r..(l Pa >;.-3 i R. A. ELLS N G T ON | I r- ' ' Drug Lompany fej MABInO.V, N. C. We I'M \ny Portor's I'reseriptions ' ' SEND YOUR JOB WORK TO DANBURY REPORTER | :■ o.>oo:■«:>>o>-;• c- >■«oc c-oc-'x^ooooo' \ tWAJ\I T » S Ini f I p :V : :" :>/ v v .* 7 r t ' A li-J* .' I. » V '-i '•> I- 'sj % ' ■> 9 o 6 r •■> ~ § • * ; >»'. ! -i" »«• - -' • 0 | 0 0 i oil . '.mi; -.rl-ie—'.l' ' ..sd I'. -ds y 5 ...... 0 iv ' ! • u ' ' 0 6 0 ' 0 X >i>r. , .\ l'oi>;;) —ie-eeti. sde a I 0 0 j O'i ' CIHI •> V i 0 0 » ..... y t v " 0 , 0 m ■ 0 s ■■ 0 . ! 0 0 ' aro- .1 !-'». •- V. t.ili :1■ oa >-nr 0 !.«'('(•>. ill . f«V .1.1..." . I'i '.' S. 6 ; o I \l TJ p ?•;: •• ' i\\\' \DG > i OIU 1 1 LL, iV » 0 i • * Walnut Cove, N. C. « 0.6 f -OOOCOOJ'^OOOOCxX'OvOO-.-c >ooOOcOOOOOO J Death of Miss Carrie Lee Amos 9 Misa Cnrric Leo Amos, 52, dio;l . Wednesday niorr.iiu at the homo of a brother, J. C Amos, in Bnn dy Ri lge following a long illness. • k. The funeral will be hold at tho ] . Sandy Uidge Presbyterian Church V • 4 ,at 1 (ulivk Tlui.>.iav with the Rev- J. A. Joyce, of Suniy Ridge, anJ KIIKT Noel Gilbert of Wins ton-S.ilor), in charge. Burial will be it! the family cemetery nea 1 the church- I S. A. Flinchum in town today from Piedmont Rprincs.