THE DANBURY REPORTER. Established 1872 EDITORIAL POINT OF VIEW ON THE PASSING SHOW CRUMBLING MONUMENTS On the walls of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City hangs a dark and gloomy picture. It shows Alexander, Caesar and Napoleon riding slowly side by side through a sea of stiff ened corpses. Tamerlaine erected for himself a monument almost mountain high. It was built entirely of human skulls. The centuries have levelled it with the dust. The brute who built it is forgot ten in the world. Out in the dread silences of the Somewhere drift 10 million souls sent by the vaulting ambi tion of Kaiser Wilhelm. More than a hundred thousand of them once lived and loved and work ed in America. The last heard of their murderer, he was a wood chopper, not a king. Hip back was bent, his whiskers white. Day and night when he waked and when he slept, consuming remorse was his companion. Alexander died of a loathsome disease at the age of 33. His friendly co-assassins deserted him, and his "world" soon disentegrated and was divided between other conquerers. Caesar was stilettoed under the fifth rib by his pals. They wanted his job. Now the "glory that was Greece and the grandeur that was Rome" consists largely of broken stones. Napoleon spent his last days a prisoner on the lonely isle, St. Helena. While his slswly eating cancer was killing him he had leisure to reflect on the measureless suffering he had brought to the world. On the banks of the River Styx a boat is moor ed waiting for its next distinguished passengers. The stream which glows in the darkness with a lurid glamour, is of blood and tears. The names cf the expected inscribed on the prow of the launch are; •' • ' - 1 Hitler. * ' ' T " Stalin. Mussolini. Retribution is sometimes slow, but it always arrives. "The mills of the gods grind slowly, but they grind exceeding fine." A MISFIT FROM MONTANA Senator Wheeler says the idea of Germany at tacking the United States is pure nonsense. Consequently, with his pals like Vandenburg, Holt, LaFollette, etc., he is making quite a vigo rous fight to defeat the conscription bill. This belly-aching group that opposes, delays and obstructs every thing the administration backs is responsible as no others are for the na tion's shameful condition of criminal unpre paredness. *if In the face of what Hitler has done to unsus pecting and credulous states of Europe, and with the predatory trail of Germany, Japan, Italj* and Russia dragging across the civiliza tion of the world in fire and blood; to say it is nonsense to think Hitler would not attack this country with its food and wealth so sorely need ed over there, is too innocent a thought for a sen ator to have. * He should be gently catapulted back to the sagebrush and cactus, to make war on grass hoppers and field mice, and leave it to states men of vision and intestinal ballast to prepare the nation's defenses. His concept of an army of 750,000 raw volun teers by 1943, armed with pitchforks, mattocks and grubbing hoes would hardly be effective against a blitzkrieg. Volume 66 Danbury, N. C., Thurs ay, August 15, 1940. ARMAGEDDON WITHOUT ENGLAND CAN AMERICA WIN ? This nation must not, cannot see England fall j The future of our Christian civilization hinges on the fate of the British empire. But without the quick and full support of ! America, England, that has stood for 10 centu ries the impregnable bulwark of free states against the rampant hordes of Europe and for i hundreds of years the outstanding seawall of j America's safety—will fall and fall to RISE NO MORE. Can America afford to stand by while the last i democracy of the eastern hemisphere crumbles under the onslaught of force and conquest? The United States has colossal resources which if coupled with the power of the British empire can stop Hitler. But if Britain is to defeat Hitler, Britain must have help NOW. With America's aid in time, Britain will blast the cataclysm now beating at the doors of all civilized people, and with the defeat of Germany crucified Poland and France and Holland and Belgium will rise from their chains to help crush the monster of all the ages whose ambition and purpose are to inflict slav ery and death on ALL who oppose his will. Without America's most urgent and complete aid in WARSHIPS, WARPLANES AND MEN, England will unquestionably fall. Hitler's strategy is to break down the will to resist of the English people, to destroy their morale, by ceaseless bombings of his over whelmingly superior air forces. His plan is to crush the spirit and soul of the men and women of England until they will cry in their despair and suffering for peace—even a Hitler peace which means subjugation, disarmament, disso lution and hopeless bondage. General Pershing, the highest military author ity of America, advises the sending of 50 U. S destroyers to the help of fighting, dying Eng land. Other patriotic and sincere army strate gists—up in the KNOW—endorse his plea. But even these experts possibly do not yet vis ualize the extreme peril of England, whose peril is ours. America should send NOW a hundred destroy ers and battleships to the aid of England, and should blacken the skies with a continuous stream of bombing planes to help the little island nation cope with the TERROR that en compasses it. If we have a bomb-sight of effec tive power and precision, LET ENGLAND HAVE IT. Congress should waken to the sinister menace of the struggle, and should cease to listen to those who do not know or do not care—the Clarks, the Holts, the Vandenbergs, the LaFol letts, the Wheelers. Those who are blinded by ignorance or preju dice so that they cannot, see, should be swept aside and ignored and swamped by the real men of Congress. Only the blind fail to see that Hitler cannot be stopped without the shedding of American blood. Our forefathers died that we might live in peace and security. Have we so far degenerated from that lofty and sacred ideal, that we would live in a false peace and security that may lead to the slavery of our children and their children's slavery to an alien conquerer? A great majority of the American people be lieve in immediate conscription of great armies for the protection of this nation, A great majority of the American people will approve of immediate help on a gigantic scale for England—help in warplanes, warships and men—if and when the people understand fully MR. WILKIE STARTS HIS CAMPAIGN In the traditions of high-up political decorum, :t has been rather unusual for candidates for President of the United States to start their campaigns with mud-slinging. But Mr. Willkie evidently has little regard for the honored proprieties in his race to be Presi dent, and thinks it will take something rougher than dignity and courtesy to beat Roosevelt. In the Associated Press interview at Colorado Springs yesterday he is reported as charging the administration is trying to re-elect the President ''by fraudulent votes cast by municipal political machines." As the candidate's indictment includes Tam many Hall, if there is later an investigation he probably intends to qualify as an expert witness to political machines' fraud methods, since he was so recently a member of that organization | himself, and is evidently in on the "know." ' Mr. Willkie went on to say further that a great many corporation officials have advised him that they "were under pressure to make contri butions" to the President's campaign fund. As the people generally understand that prac tically all corporations are fighting Roosevelt, this intelligence does not quite make sense. Possibly in some later interview he will make this clearer, and some inquisitive reporter will I ask him the embarassing question, why he quit the Democrats a year or two ago, as in his inter |views and public statements he has yet to say jthat he is in favor of repealing one single meas ure passed by the New Deal, and what salary the corporate interests paid him, and that if the promised stipened wasn't so attractive that he accepted it feeling therefore under obligations to make a change in his political affiliations. HITLER TO PURGE FRANCE In a few days a large number of French pa - triots will go on trial for "treason", will be quick ly found guilty and quickly executed. Among the accused are former premier Dela dier and former Generalissimo Gamelin. Their accusers are Petain and other French puppets of Hitler, acting on orders from the Feuhrer. Stalin in Russia and Hitler in Germany promptly remove any prominent leaders who do not "approve." ... 1 THE FIRST PLEASING GESTURE OF CROP CONTROL Down in Georgia where the farmers are mar keting their 1940 tobacco crop, prices took a {.wing upward which made the growers smile. Eighteen and nineteen cents are the averages being paid. Last year the same starting aver ages were not more than 14 cents. This beginning of higher prices even in the teeth of the disastrous export situation, must in the understanding of most people, be the direct result of the crop control recently voted over whelmingly by the farmers. The good Lord helps those who help them selves, and the blessing is frequently participa ted in by those who will not help themselves. the appalling threat which this country is now facing. Americans of vision and plain horse sense know that with England crushed, the war lords of Berlin and Rome will seize the British fleet and all other naval and air powers of Europe to be used against America. Then must come the battle of battles. And in that Armageddon, can we win? God knows we cannot. Number 3.553