THE DANBURY REPORTER Established 1872 MEET IN RALEIGH NEXT WEEK CONFERENCE OF WELFARE OFFICIALS TO BE ADDRESS ED BY HOEY AND BROUGH TON STOKES COUNTY FUNCTIONARIES WILL AT TEND. Governor Clyde R- Hoey and Democratic gubernatorial nomi nee, J. Melville Broughton, will headline the one-day joint confer ence of county welfare board members, county superintendents of public welfare, and members of the State Board of Charities and Public Welfare, when offi cials from all North Carolina counties are expected to be in Raleigh during the fair week meeting, October 9. The gover nor and the prospective governor will speak at the luncheon meet ing to be held at the Carolina Hotel. Mrs. W. T. Bost, State welfare commissioner, will welcome the delegates at the morning meeting presided over by C. W. Phillips, chairman of the Guilford county welfare board. Col. W. A. Blair, Winston-Sal em, chairman of the State Board of Charities and Public Welfare, will speak at the morning session on the history, development and of ivunty welfare "boards. Col. Blair is now serving his forty-ninth year as a member of the state board and his thirty fifth year as chairman 'of the or ganization. So long connected with the North Carolina Welfare program, Col. Blair, more than anyone dtae in the state, Is better equipped to give a first-hand and personal Inowledge of his sub ject. An open forum in which mem bers of county welfare boards will participate in discussion of common problems relating to the welfare program in their respec tive counties will be a feature of the session. Nathan H. Yelton, director of public assistance and secretary of the State Board of Allotment* and Appeal, will discuss the prob lem of financial administration in public welfare. An open discussion of the merit system of personnel selec tion Is expected to bring to the members attending the conference considerable information on the forthcoming merit system to be instituted for all state and coun ty welfare employees. Ella Downing, Stokes county welfare superintendent, said this week she expected the full dele gation from this county to con sist of W. F. Marshall and Roy Redding, airman of tl»e Stokes county board. K'ws Laura El lington, also a member t.f ?i>e board, will be unable to attend because .of her mother's illness. Geo. Flinchum At Taylor's Warehouse Tuesday he averaged 34, and Ji very happy. Congratulations, George. Volume 66 FIFTH DISTRICT MEETING SATURDAY LEAKSVILLE GATHERING AT DEMOCRATIC RALLY TO BE ADDRESSED BY PROMI NENT SPEAKERS DANCE AT NIGHT. Leaksville. —State Senator J. Hampton Price of Leaksville, chairman of arrangements for the fifth district Democratic rally to be held here next Saturday, an nounced Sunday that Democrat ic Governor Nominee J. M. Brough -1 ton would head a group of party leaders to come here for the event. Price said that among the lead ing Democrats expected to speak 'during the rally would be R. j Greg Harris of Roxboro, lieuten !ant governor nominate; Congress man A. D. (Lon) Folger of Mt. Airy; Ralph Gardner of Shelby, state pres : dent of Young Demo crats; Miss Grace Taylor of Dan bury, vice-president of State I Young Democrats; E. B. Denny of Gastonia, state Democraii chairman; Sam Bason of Yancey ! ville, district highway commis sioner; State Treasurer Charles i M. Johnson; Thad Eure, secre | jtary of state; W. Kerr Scott, commissioner of agriculture; Rob ert Gredy Johnson, superinten ' * dent of prisons; Forest H. Shu ford, commissioner of labor; Dan |C. Boney, insurance commission er; George Ross Pou, state aud itor; and Lloyd Griffin, execu tive secretary of the state school commission. Leading Democrats in the fifth district nnd northwestern part of the state are expected fo attend the rally. Broughton's address will be the feature of the session. This will follow a Brunswick stew to be served at the baseball park. The events of the day will be concluded with a dance to be giv en at the Leaksville Armory by the Young Democrats from 9 un ' til 12 o'clock. Dog and Squirrel Pals —Ben Neal's Pets Mr. and Mrs. Ben Neal of Wal nut Cove own a German Police dog and a squirrel, which are friendly pals. The squirrel will mount the dog's back and ride, and the dog is pleased. The dog |is jealous if too much attention is given to the squirrel by Its masters. It is quite an unusual friend ship, and many people have noted it with interest. Missionary Society To Meet Oct. 7 The Union Missionary Society of Danbury will meet Monday evening, Oct. 7, at 7:30 o'clock with Mrs. N. E. Pepper. Mrs. R. R. King will be the program lead er. Bob Ormand and Frank Walk er, of the Park Service, were here Tuesday night. Danbury, N. C., Thursday, Oct. 3, 1940 * * * MILITANT CLUB IS ORGANIZED ROOSEVELT - BROUGHTON YOUNG DEMOCRATS MEET AT DANBURY THE PER SONNEL OF THE ORGANI ZATION NEXT MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 7 A large number of Democrats from all sections of Stokes county gathered at Danbury Monday af ternoon, and organized a Roose- I J velt-Broughton Club, which is ex -1 pocted to play a leading role in jihe fall campaign. The club will i ".'orlt in full cooperation with the | I regular Democratic organization, giving particular attention to the ' presidential and gubernatorial ! campaigns. At the meeting to j day the following organization 'was completed: J. R. Forrest, Jr., president; Mrs. Rov McGee, first vice-presi | dent; Healon Tucker, second vice | president; T. H. Shenpard, third J vicc-prcsidcnt; Nell King, sccre ! lary and J. G. H. Mitchell, treas- I urcr. I The following constitute the ex ecutive committee: Lawrence Macßae, Mrs. Luke I Sherrod, Paul H. Fulton, Marga ' ret Hutckerson, Ed Rankin, Mrs. Mildred Cenet, W. B. Brown, Mrs. Esther Gibson, Sylvester Dunlap, Mrs. Will Ward, Carvis Lawson, Mrs. P. H. Robertson, Charlie Martin, Mrs. Charlie Moore, El mer Collms, Mrs. Namon Lawson, Graham Francis, Mrs. Fred Christian, Mrs. R. G. Smith, Theodore Newsome, Mrs. G. E. Stone, George Barr, Miss Nina Baker, Robert Beck, Mrs. J. M. Hill, Travis Tuttle, Mrs. I. G. Ross, H. M. Joyce, Jr., Mrs. J. F. Gerner, J. T. Covington, Mrs. Jesse George, Carl Ray Flinchum, Francis Alley, Dillard "Hall, Mrs. Maxie Flynt, Chester Lane, Mary Lou Christian, W. G. Moore, Mrs. Troy Ziglar, Thalmer Hall, Mrs. J. "H. Chapman. The club Will hold its second regular meeting at Danbury on Monday, October 7th, when Hon. J. M. Broughton, Democratic can didate for governor, will address the voters of Stokes county. A large crowd of "Democrats from Stokes and adjoining counties is expected to be on hand. Mrs. J. Spot Taylor To Attend Quaker Meeting Mrs. J. Spot Taylor will leave Danbury for Richmond, Indiana, where shs Will spend several days attending the session of "The Five Year* Meeting" for Quakers. About twenty or more delegates from Friend's meetings all over North Carolina will attend. Rufus M. Jones, an outstanding Quaker writer and educator, will take a prominent part in the ses sion. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Joyce of Winston-Salem, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Joyce Sun day. 1 SERVICE STATION AND CAFE OPENS NEW ENTERPRISE FOR KING: —FEED BARN OF HILARY CROMER BURNS—FARMERS PLEASED WITH TOBACCO PRICES King, Oct. 3.—Paul Lefler of New York spent the week-end here visiting Rcnard and Ralton Griffin in west King. Golden Baker has opened h ! s i new service station and cafe on' east Broad street which was rec ently completed. There is decided improvement in the condition of Bettina, th> small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Nev.sum, who has been very sick at their home here, i Frank Garner has returned from Bear Creek where he spent a few days with relatives, j Ollie Newsum has returned from Washington, D. C., where he visited his cousin, Erner. Meadows. The following patients under iwent tonsil removal operations j here last week: Miss Mary Sue Tuttle of (ja pel In, Mrs. Camilla Joner, of Wcstfiold, Miss Pansy Webster r.nd R. C. Booth of Ger manton, Miss Diane Griffin and Joe Harris of Rural Hall. ,Mrs. Martha Cook, who is suf fering from an attack of pneu monia, is quite sick at her home on Meadowview Drive. | The stork is still on the job and made the following visit 3 last week: to Mr. and Mrs. Wil jliam Young, a son; to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hill, a daughter; to Mr. and Mrs. Alton Brown, a son; to Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Carroll, a daughter and to Mr. and Mrs. Virgil McNeal, a son. A feedbarn on the Hilary Cro mer estate was destroyed by fire Saturday afternoon. The live stock was all saved but a quanti ty of feed was destroyed. Miss Kathryn Boles has return ed to her home in Monroe, Va., after spending several days at Lone Oak Farm just south of town, where she was the guest of relatives. Vester Burge, roller mill man of Mountain View, was among Jthe business visitors here Satur day. Farmers in this section are very busy preparing and market ing tobacco. The majority are pleased with the prices obtained for their weed. Death of R. B. Hart R. B. Hart, aged 90, and one of Stokes county's leading and most respected citizens, died last week at his home at Lawsonville. C. D. Tuttle Sells at Good Price Charles D. Tuttle of Walnut Cove this week sold a load for $328.00. This sounds like the good old times of old. Subscribe for the Reporter. Published Thursdays TO INSTALL NEW OFFICERS NEAL BOONE POST TO MEET AT WALNUT COVE TUES DAY NIGHT—LEGION BAND OF WINSTON-SALEM TO PARADE. The Neal Boone Post 197, Wal nut Cove, will install nc.v r.fTiec r in the Woodman hall on Tuesday i night, Oct. 8 at 8 p. m. J Refreshments will be served to !•:•,i'>neirej\ j The Post has secure 1 the Win 'ston-Fnlem legion band for th* ceremonies. The band will giv • a street parade beginning at 7 :.'JO p. m. Legionaires, members of 'the Walnut Cove high school band and the members of the B. S. organization will join in the i .parade. After the parade the Clyde Boiling Post 55 of Winston jSalem will perform the ceremony of installing the new members. All members are urged to be present. J ul! Break r d?.y Nig-ht ' floward Snow, Morris Brown. Dick Full: and Enoch Howard, colored prisoners, escaped from 'the jail here Wednesday night. Dick Fulk was returned to the j jail Thursday by his father, of Walkertown. No clues as to the whereabouts of the other three escapees have been discovered by the officers. The escape was made from the cell into the hall by opening the door, which was not injured in any way, just apparently unlock ed. Two other prisoners, be sides the escaping four, refused to follow them and remained in the cell. A barred window leading from the hall to an outside porch was negotiated uy sawing one of the iron bars in twain. From the porch to the ground, a distance of some 20 feet, the prisoners If themselves down by blankets tied ' together. The escape was evidently led by Howard Snow, who had been caught at Walnut Cove Jiy Dep iUty Sheriff Carl Wall and State Patrolman Bristol Dellinger. The negro had in his possession a kit of burglars' tools, also a 45 re volver. Where he came from, no body knows. The other three escapees were Morris Brown fo South Carolina, charged with breaking and en tering; Dick Fulp of Walnut Cove, charged with assault with a deadly weapon; Enoch Howard, of Walnut Cove, charged with drunk driving. All were in jail awaiting court next week. Mrs. Lester Alley Expected Home From Hospital Mrs. Lester Alley recently un derwent an operation in a Wins ton-Salem hospital. She is recov ering satisfactorily and is expect ed home this week-end. * * * Number 3,559. JOYCE REUNION AT SANDY RIDGE MEETING LAST SUNDAY WAS PLEASURABLE EVENT WITH LARGE CROWI) IN ATTEND ANCE—MEMORIAL SERVICE LEAD BV REV. J. A. JOYCE 1 —GUESTS PRESENT. A larpe crowd attended tho Joyce reunion ;:1 Sandy Ridga last Sunday. The ceremonies took place at the old home placi now oeeuj ied by I'd J yen an i fan.ily. A memorial Fervi . was held, at which then' v.-i's special music and a talk l v Rev. J. A. Joyce. After this n tabled spread in the yard, a si lendid dinner was enjoyed by all. Anion;; the quests present fur the occasion were the following;: Mr. a 1 1'! Mrs. Jesse Price and family. Mr. and Mrs. Avery Price an I family, Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Carter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Kdd .! .vc and family, Mr. ami Mis. ButVi joy." and family, Mr. and Chi. Joy 10 and f -viily. Mr. Mis. Bcnco j Joyce. M: and Mrs. Van e .1 y . Rev. J. A. Joyce and fan i!y, M \ and Mi:;. CI. W. N'eal and far.::!'. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Martin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alley and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fietcher Price, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pratt and son, Mrs. Dowdy, Mr. and Mrs. Taze Priddy and daugh ter, Mrs. Kate Smith, Mrs. Mary Pepper and son, Vance, and Bev i erly Christian, Sheriff J. John Taylor, S. P. Christian, Miss Mary Winn, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert I Joyce, Willie Joyce, Mack Caudle, Misses Hazel Fulp, Emorie Pep jper, Frances Alley, Nell King. Kathleen Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. I ' Charlie Martin, and Otis Eanes. \ Stokes Students Enroll at Brevard J Brevard. Sept. 30.—The follow ing students from Stokes county , have enrolled for study at Bre vard College for the current I school year, according to infor* ! mation released for us from the 1 administration offices today. Those enrolled are: Clarence ; Burton, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Burton, of Walnut Cove; Hen i ry Jones Duncan, son of Mr. and ■ j Mrs. H. .1. Duncan, of I ine Hall : Wesley Taylor Dunlap, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Dunlap, of Walnut Cove: Thomas Lee Gray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gray, of Danbury; Miss Annie Laurio Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Smith, of Walnut Cove. I They began their study here on September 27, opening date of the fall semester. ' -4 w "Wednesday Evening Book Club" to Meet Mrs. A. J. Ellington will be hostess to the "Wednesday Eve ning Book Club" on Oct. 9, Wed-, nesday, at 7:30 o'clock. North Carolina Pottery will be the sub ject for the evening. , ! Subscribe for the Reporter.