THE DANBURY REPORTER Established 1872 CRIMINAL COURT 1 FOLDS UP TODAY, I PVRTLES FINED SSO AND COST R. F. FLAMMERY j GETS LONG TERM IN PEN— | OTHER CASES DISPOSED OF —CIVIL COURT NEXT WEEK The fall term of Stokes Su perior Court for the trial of crim inal cases folded up today at five o'clock, and Judge Rousseau left for his home at North Wilkes- He will return here next Monday to preside at the civil term, beginning Oct. 14. The following criminal cases were disposed of at the criminal term: STATE AGAINST: Dick Fulp, c. c. w., and assault, 2 years on road and suspended sentence. Dick Fulp, damaging property and escape, 2 years suspended sentence. Eugene Bolder, larceny, 60 days suspended sentence. Clyde Flippin, a. d. w., 4 months road sentence suspended upon payment of S2OO fine and cost. Hal Chilton, disturbing worship. Dismissed. Ira Mabe, o. c. i. Nol pros. Jack Gunter, o. c. i., 30 days, sentence suspended. H)amp Mays, larceny and break ing jail, 6 months on roads and 6 months suspended sentence. Leonard Jessup, larceny, 6 months suspended sentence. Dennis Beasley, o. c. i., 60 days suspended upon payment of $75 line and cost. Hildred Spencer, transporting Equor; B months on road. Clemmle V. Cromar, assault Removed to Justice of Peace. J. H. Cromer, assault Removed to Justice of Peace. George Hanes, embezzlement € months suspended upon payment of fine and cost Carl and Win- Sheppard, for cible tresspass. Nol pros. Jimrnie Smith, continued. J. H. Wehry, o- c. i., $125 fine and cost. Emlis Whitley, o. c. !•, SI2J fine and cost. Sam Adkins, o. c. !•, and reck less driving. Road sentence sus pended. Ftank Gibson, c. c- w., 60 days road sentence. ' S. L. Doty, o. c- i., SSO fine and cost Frank Branscome, disposing ol mortgaged property. Two years suspended sentence. Prank Bransocane, aiding in es cape, 90 days road sentence n» ycndodi Enoch Howard, o. c. i., opera ting oar without license, break ing jail. As to o. e. L, 90 daye «H rrmdjt: as to npowHlnn wttbotc Pff days on na>[ as tc #»r~''il SO Atjra on mads. WW Ifcrtta, o. a. i, $76.00 aor «rsk " ' Jqsepfe C. Mk. nmvsupport month# saspsadsd ssufeaus. Roy TUttlo, a « L, aad nefe ta dflilftf. iifea «. L, Iff Volume 66 , and cost; as to reckless driving, SSO and cost. Monroe Mitchel, a. d. w., 6 months road sentence. Henry Wilson, larceny, 6 ' months road sentence, suspended, j ,! Robert Fultz and Raymond Wil- son, larceny. As to both defend- ( ants, each 6 months road sen- ' tence and suspended sentence, i R. F. Flammery, incest. From 4 to 7 years in State prison. ! Cab Mitchell, larceny. Suspend ed sentence and cost. William Hairston, o. c. i., 40 days road sentence. Eob Hairston, possession and , ! I transportation of liquor. Four i I months and 12 months road sen tences suspended upon payment ' of SSO and cost. | Robert Strong, transporting li- j quor, 90 days road sentence sus- j I pended upon payment of $35 and ] 1 cost. j i Harry Dodd, assault, 90 days I road sentence suspended upon | payment of fine and cost, i Hershel Ray, abandonment and j 1 non-support, 8 months suspended ; i sentence. I Raymond Wilson, 1. & r. >,' pros with leave. Ervin Haley, burglary. From | 6 to 9 yeras in State prison. Ervin Haley, c. c. w., a. d. w.,! trespass, etc., 2 years road sen- \ tence. ' Jim Tatum, larceny, 12 months ( suspended sentence. | O. L. Shuskey, b. & e. (On 5 probation in Forsyth county. J. O. Pyrtle and Leo Pyrtie, as s sault, SSO and cost, about $260.00, divided between them. , Willie Shuff and Gaither Shuff, Willie Shuff, cost and 4 moffihs suspended sentence. Gaither Shuff, nol pros. D. E. Loggins, o. c. L Nol pros with leave. Richard Thomas, bastardy. 0 Richard Thomas, son-support, 2 years suspended sentence and cost , . 'I V. ' C Clarence Haymore, manufactur ing liquor. Continued. Claud Hairston, reckless driv c ing, 60 days suspended sentence, $35 fine and cost 5 James Edwards, larceny, 2to 5 years on road. Sentence to take effect at expiration of sentence '• he is now serving in Forsyth county. * Odell Lash, ac. 1., SSO and cost d Sam Coras, a. d. w., $25 and cost >f * Death of Dr. C. R. Hutchison I- i ■ h Dr. Clarence R, Hutchison, aged SO, well known Walnut Cove k _ dentist, aad son of Rev. Ghaa. [. Hutchison died Sunday. He was gan GKceVrnt ckiun. He had. e tea I several yearn. Cuprofl Recmkm As Omrrt* anmml s—iliin L ** Held BB«Uy'ttp* tefir*; Jolla T. fkmfl In Msadoaa 1 Danbury, N. C., Thursday, Oct 10, 1940. * * (An Editorial.) THE "NEXT GOVERNOR." Not a single "yeah?" broke the subdued and respectful atmosphere of the court house audi torium Tuesday at the noon recess of court when the Hon. Robert H. McNeill arose and told his Stokes county audience that the reason he had come to speak to them was "because he loved them." As the speaker then took a drink of water it , may be that be made this convenient gesture to . hide his deen emotion. We would not for a mo ment concede that he was disconcerted by the Sundry sly winks that went around f'om tin.* interspersed through the audience — jj-orne 30 or 40 per cent, of the crowd. Mr. McNeill, in case you rlon't know, is a candi date for Governor of North Carolina from Wilkes county. He is about 400 miles from iWilkes, having been a comfortable corporation, j lawyer in Washington, D. C., for a third of ci, ! century and has not paid taxes in North Caroli- j | na for 30 years. , ! Yet he condescend? at intervals to come down, ;fo help "save the State." At this particular time ! there appears to be an interval Mr. McNeill began his address by stating very ! sincerely that he would speak the truth. But in the next sentence he made the amazing state ment that Roosevelt had snent 53 billions of dol lars to bring back prosperity, and had failed. Now we must be charitable to Mr. McNeill iwhen he variegates from the facts, as he is a, ( protegee of Wendell Willkie and carries no sec | retary with him to correct his misstatements. | \nother thing, Mr. McNeill appears to be a sort of pious person, who would not deflect to cussing to divert hearers' minds from the topic in hand. Profanity is a well known resort of those who are trapped in their reasoning, and who in their embarassment wish "Kb hell with details." As the national debt is now only some 45 bil lions of dollars, counting the 16 billion deficit , that Hoover left, the 8 and a half billions of sol dier bonus, the vast millions loaned by Recon i struction Finance Corporation to save insurance companies, banks, and business concerns, due to be paid back, the uncounted millions loaned to , farmers to save their farms, to be paid back, and i other unnumbered millions to feed and clothe the multitudes that languished when last Mr. . McNeill's party reigned in the nation—the ques tion in the minds of many of his hearers was . "How come?" , The late appropriation of more than 12 billions for national defense is also ineluded in Mr. Mc » NeiJl's fiscal indictment. ! Mr. McNeill paid his scornful respects to crop : control and asked that all those in the audience 1 who had been paid back money "wrongfully taken" from them by the government, hold up 1 their hands. Not a hand was raised, but a few fellows on a 1 back seat that the day before had averaged 25 cents for their tobaceo in Winston-Salem and Madison smiled. Possibly they recalled 1930-31-32 when the average syrocketed around i 3 cents, thought of today with the foreign war froing on, exports cut off, and the giant surplus • left over from last year and yet—2s cents. The suave gentleman from Washington now ; turned to the State administration, and expatia | ted on the extravagance of the Raleigh re gime. He said he oould run the State govern ment on 67 million dollars, whereas the present coßt i»—eakee alive—-over a hundred million, tf ™ mistake not One of his first steps in this magic salvage to the t r. iyers would be, he re | ;**ale3, to repeal the sales tax which now onfr zra minions in revenue. • Here iftone aQEjtpus blunder-or la^y*, "- ((kMhnH On Pag* 2.) Published Thursdays WAR BOARD I NAMED FOR STOKES WILL START WORK IMME- C DIATELY AFTER REGISTRA- j TIONS ON OCT 16—ESTIMA- j TED 3,000 IN COUNTY TO] REGISTER WH£RE YOU REGISTER. ——— S. A. Flinchum, Will He T"" C and Moir Hawkins were named as 1 the war board for the county this j Week by A. J. Ellington, J. W. Tu'.tle and J. C. Cnrson. 1 The Board, which will have in i ■ charge the selection of Stoke:-: i Ivys for army training, will lu - gin its work immediately after i the registrations of next Thurs- i day, Oct. 17. i John L. Christian was appoint- I ed as government appeal agent, i while Dr. G. F. Stone was named l as physician in charge of the i * j medical examinations. i ' i It is estimated that 11,000 men in the county between the ages of I '_' l rnd 35 will be eligible for reg istration. Owing to the volunteer ing the ""tirn. it is believed that only a comparatively few men will be eal!?d in the first draft of 400,000. | Stokes county's quota will be few indeed. Registration on Oct. 17 will be , j i in the hands of Chairman of the > , ; j Board of Elections A. J. Elling ' ton and the registrars at the county's schools, and on an . average it will require 20 minutes i' to register each man. Given below is a list of regis . tration places in the county: • Danbury—Danbury school. East Walnut Cove Walnut . Cove school. » West Walnut Cove Walnut ) Cove school. ) Freeman—Old Freeman school | building. » Tilley's—Lawsonville eh cool. Pine Hell —Pine Hall school. Mitchel' —Dillard school. 3 East Sandy Ridge—Sandy Ridge school. West Sandy Ridge Sandy Ridge school. Lawsonville —L awsonville school. ' Reynolds—Reynolds school. Frans—Francisco school, King—King school. * Germanton —Germanton school. Pinnacle —Pinnacle school. I Wilson's Store —Palmyra school. 1 Mount Olive—Capella schooL 1 Mizpah—Community Builcfng*. 1 Hartman—Danbury school. 1 Flinty Knoll—Reynolds school. :* Moir—Frandsco school. 5 List of J Political Meetings Barbecue and rally at Danbury Friday, Oct 25 at 2 o'clock p. m. ► ftrtw aad syster st*» at lit j View Community Chib -m, Frt i day, Oct. 18 at 4:9 l« p. m. j Hon. ft L. Kooats to apeak at "•-p iifiii Juhuoi WMbesdßy, Oct. M at T:3O p. kl ' of fsjwontvilla was U pv>et. -v * * * Number 3,560 BETTER WATER SUPPLY NEEDED GRAND JURY RECOMMENDS IMPROVEMENT AT COURT HOUSE AND JAIL OTHER j REPORTS REGARDING VA RIOUS INSTITUTIONS. 1 | The grand jury at the session of fall court this week made the lollowing report to Judge Rous* seau: Tiie grr.nd juiy acted on 41 Kills vi iiidici n:cv, -51 which were found to iju nue Uiis, thrcu not true bills. Presentments of a!! criminal nature known to our b .Jy were made and acted upon. I A committee from our body visited the Stokes County Hbmo and found the inmates well cared for an-1 provided with good whole some food. The body finds two invalid children in the heme and t we recommend that the superin tendent of public welfare make i 1 every effort to get '••• children 'admitted t«i so;v;» Sta t institu tion. We also recommend that the county nurse vis-it '.hi C* iunty Home at least cnc\ a week. A conur.ittee from ct.r body visited the Stokes county jail and found it in good condition, sani | tary and otherwise, except as to the water system. We recommend I • that a water system be installed to take care of the situation that ; exists there. We find that they i have a good well that could b3 s used by installing a pnmp. A committee from our body • visited the State Prison Camp and report the prisoners well fed and the sleeping quarters kept in t good sanitary condition. A committee from our body t visited the various offices in the courthouse and found the offices il well kept, the records in the Clerk of Court's office are found well kept and all guardian and administrator reports in order. The records in the Register of e Deeds office found well kept and in good condition, exoept the in y dexes ara in bad need of repair, but we find that there is at pres. e ent being installed a new index ing system by the Works Pro. gress Administration which will soon be completed. The Sheriff'* office and all other offices in the I. courthouse were visited and found in good condition and well kept. !. It is recommended by this bo-ljr that the water system at the courtfiAise be fixed so as to have a supply of water at all times. Respectfully submitted, ; R. W, BARR, Foreman. Mre. Nancy Priddy, aged 85, J widow of the late J. J. Priddy. died recently at the home of ber r daughter, Mrs. Rachel Thrork* mortoa, u Mayodao, h . _ ' R. L and J. H. Lawaoa were t among crow* at court. Both honest and bard-winking farmer* TVt et*n Croek, eiob cme ut strolling down the lusHt I trafl, M M BBOJ 9ttia WW. actus. •'