THE DANBURY REPORTER Established 1872 Alleged Murderer Of Jim Matthews Captured Zeke Johnson Want ed In Stokes After Twenty Years-=Un= der Arrest At To ledo, Ohio Solich tor Ralph Scott Ob tains Requisition Papers From Gov. Hoey]== Johnson Re= sists Extradition— John Taylor Waits To Go For Man In= dieted In 1920. Twenty years ago near Walnut Cove Jim Matthews, one of the bravest and most efficient deputy sheriffs that ever did his duty in Stokes county, was shot and in stantly killed while in pursuit of a car loaded with a group charged with law violations at a carnival being held at that time at Walnut Cove. When out from Walnut Cove on tlie road leading 2 or 3 miles toward Dicktown, the car which included Jack Hawkins, now policeman of Madison, and Cephus (Zeke) Johnson, belched a fire whi?h ended the life of Jim Matthews. Evidence tended to show that the fatal ballet came from the gun of Johnson. Jack Hawkins was arraigned, but the evidence cleared him—he was discharged on s non-suit mo tion. Johnson escaped in the dark ness. Now, after 20 years, the sup posed murderer of Jim Matthews has been caught and is now in custody of Toledo, Ohio, authori ties. The following dispatch from Raleigh, dated October 14, gives particulars: "Raleigh, Oct, 14. —The long arm of the law reached toward Toledo, Ohio, today in an effort to return a man to Stokes county to face trial for his life on a mur der indictment returned against him 20 years ago. "Governor Hoey sent requisi tion papers to Gov. John W. Bricker, of Ohio, asking for the surrender to Stokes county offi cers of Cephus (Zeke) Johnson. The papers said Johnson was un der arrest in Toledo. "In a letter to Governor Hoey, Solicitor Ralph Scott, of the 21st Judicial district, said he wna i sending the papers as "all wir ncesses exoeut one are yet avail ably, and I will be *ble to make •ut a dear oase against the de fendant if he is returned". - "The papers showed that A. J. Hawkins and -Zeke Johnson were tadfct4*tn Stokesta MK»for the toft* * Jmv IT. UatQm*. JJhejr further set fwth tfcat. lt mfiMM to t#jr Jehasou 08 a Volume 66 2604 STOKES BOYS DRAFTED REGISTRANTS FALL SHORT IN CONSIDERABLE NUMBER FROM EXPECTED ENLIST MENT—SLACKERS TO BE ROUNDED UP BY FEDERAL DECREE—WAR BOARD TO MEET THIS WEEK TO OR GANIZE. Twenty-six hundred and four Stokes county boys responded to the call of their country Wednes day and registered in the draft to enlist 16 and a half millions of men for the country's defense in case of war. The call was for the registra tion of all men between 21 and 36. As Stokes' quota was con siderably more than 2604, it is learned by the Reporter that quite a few Stokes boys, either through misinformation or | otherwise, failed to give in their names to the registers, who held forth from 7 o'clock till 9 p. m. The war board will meet this week to organize at the court house. The board is composed of S. A. Flinchum, W. D. George an l Moir Hawkins. It is earnestly urged by all law-abiding and patriotic citizens that those young men who failed to register at Wednesday's draft, present themselves to the board without delay and enlist in the roster of young men. Other wise the power of the Federal government will be invoked to the due execution of the draft law, which appleis to all >«»■ within the prescribed agej, whether white or colored, rich or poor. When the war board organizes it will require a whole-time clerk and stenographer. These have not yet been chosen, but are ex pected to be named at once. Mrs. McCanless Entertains Mrs. William McCanless enter tained at an informal dinner par ty at her home last Friday hon oring the birthday anniversary of Mrs. J. Fred Gerner. The invited guests were: The honoree, Mrs. Gerner, Mrs. Ed win Green, of Decatur, Ala., Mrs. Dick Loman, of Walnut CoJe, Mrs. Alfred Ellington, Mrs. A. G. Sisk and Lois M. Pearson, all of Dan bury. first degree murder charge, which uarries the death penalty in event of oonviction." It Is later learned that Johnson has resisted extradition papers, and his return to Danbury jail awaits due process of law. In the meantime, Sheriff John Taylor awaits the word to go aft *■ ®»y too «- peoted, wtil ho triad for hfe ttfe at ,J)e*&ur>et%th« January, **4 l. tern'of Btofcw ntotoai esc*. Danbury, N. C., Thursd ay, Oct. 17, 1940. ** * Published Thursdays JESSE BILL LAWSON DIES HIS PASSING WAS SUDDEN WITH A HEART ATTACK HE WAS A PROMINENT FARMER OF LAWSONVILLF. Jesse Bill Lawson died sudden ly with a heart attack while stripping tobacco Tuesday morn ing at hi.s barn near the home. He was 53 years of age, and had been in normal health. Gil mer Watkins, his neighbor, who was in Danbury at the time the news of the death reached here, was shocked, saying he had riding in a car with Mr. Lawson just a day or two before. Mr. Lawson appeared to be in excel lent health. The deceased is survived by his widow, who was Miss Betty Co' lins before marriage; one daugh ter, Mrs. Howard Lawson, of Danbury, Route 1; two sons, Frank Lawson, of Beck ley, VV. Va., and Herman Lawson, oi Lawsonville; one sioter, Mrs. Earlie Virginia Flippin, of Amr lia countj, Virginia; three brcli ers, Moyer Lawson, of Mads .n, Route 1, John G. Lawson, _>f Madison, and V. G. Lawson, of Amelia county, Virginia; and hU mother, Mrs. Emily Lawson of Madison. Funeral services were conduc ed Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock at the Snow Creek Bap tist church by Elders J. A. Fagg and Noel Gilbert, both of Wins ton-Salem. Borial was in the church graveyard. Death of Brother . Of N. E. Wall Emanuel Wesley Wall, aged 63, well known Stokes county farm tr'> died Monday afternoon at 1:40 o'clock at his home, Tobaccoville, Route 1. He had been seriously ill for three urceks. Mr. Wall was bom in Stokes county, September 6, 1877, a son of J. T. and Eunice Boles Wall. He -was one of the best known men in the King community. He was a member of the Trinity Methodist Church and King Council 156 of the Junior Order. Surviving are the widow, who was Miss Virginia Newsum prior to marriage; three sons, V. 0., W. A., and K. B. Wall, of King; two daughters, Mre. J. N. Law, of King, and Miss Mayfield Wall, of the home; two brothers, R. V. Wall, of Pinnacle, and N. Earl Wall, ot Danbury; one sister, Mrt. J. S. Boyles, rf Dalton, and 13 grandchildren. The funeral «u held Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock at Trinity jMdthadto- Church. Rev. W. R. ttanrj* conducted the aervtaea. | Durt *' church grave fMßL IWtoa cf Whfteweter fe fcjwn 'fjodtgr. CIVIL COURT CLOSES TODAY W. F. STEVENS AND GLADYS PAGE LEWIS, RESPECTIVE LY, GET JUDGMENT AGAINST RAILWAY COM PANY—OTHER VERDICTS STOKES LUMBER CO. VS. MACHINE COMPANY, PEND ING. While the suit of Stokes Lum ber Co. vs. Newman Machine Company is pending this Thursday evening, it is expected the civil term of court will close today, ru Judge Rousseau has discharged all jurors other than those sitting on this case. W. F. Stephens, admr., and Gladys Page Lewis, admx., in re spective cases against Atlantic Coast Line Railway, were en?:; awaided $1250.00 damages, bin in each case the plaintiff pay cost. Other cases disposed of are as follows: Overby vs. Overby, judgment for plaintiff. Gordon vs. Gordon, judgmenv for plaintiff. Bennett vs. Bennett, judgment for plaintiff. Cox vs. Bennett, judgment foi plaintiff.- Davis vs. Federal Land Bank non-suit. Wilkins vs. Burton, continued. Ward vs. Burton, continued. Stovall va. Stuart, judgment for plaintiff $125.00 plus interest Fulton Motor Co. vs. Flynt judgment for plaintiff $75.00. Tuttle Motor Co. vs. McKenzie continued. Mtn. View News Mtn. View. —The Stokes Count} Service CJub met last Friday night at the Community Building for their regular meeting. Then were several present and a verj interesting program was render ed. The Young Democrats met al the Community Building on Mon day night, Oct. 14 and organizec a Young Democrats Club. Several young and older Democrats wert present eary L. Carroll called the meeting to order and the fol lowing officers were elected: Gates Ferguson, president; Cleve Cromer, vice president, and Nina Baker, secretary and treas urer. Several committees were appointed and Mr. Carroll made a fine speech on "The Good Old Days Under Rooeevelt." Mm. R. W. Bart and Nina Baker attended court at Danbury last week. Vicilla Botes snent end at home. She is attending rvM «ti«Tfn , ni'diuua Cohere at T Vlnirt^n-Hfllem. "" - * Tr lr '"M* lIWM OiVlnw •" ♦*•!»«» friftxh in Vir -w- ( ■ Mrs. Martha Cook 1 And Ernest Wright Pass at King Other News of King King, Oct. 17. Mrs. Martha L'ook, aged 78, widow ol J. A.k.i Jook, died at her home here Sun day night following an attack of pneumonia. The deceased is sur vived by two sons, Dewitt Cook, if High Point and J. Robert [look, of King. Several grand children also survive. Funerui ind interment was at Mount Dlive Church Tuesday morning ;;t 11:00 o'clock. J. H. Woodley and son havo opened a blacksmith and wood working plant on Depot street. Allen Mabe has been employed to do hoite-shoeing. Miss Cora Boles has returned lo her home after n few days' visit to her sister, Mrs. I'. J. Caudle ir. Bon Air, Winston-S. !- ?m. Ernest Wright, agc-1 GO, son .! the late Mr. and Mrs. W. (;. Wright, died in a Winston-Salem i os p i t n 1 Thursday following a short illness. Surviving are five arothers, Pete Wright, of Trout man; William Wright and Growr Wright, of Mount Airy; Jan-is IVright of Montrose and Zebuel Wright of Chocowinity, and ono sister, Mrs. Anne Kirby, of King. The funeral service, which was in charge of Rev. Paul Herman Newsum, of King, and Rev. Har ris of Rural Hall, was conducted it Mount Pleasant Church Satur day afternoon at 2:30 and buria Followed in the church cemetery. Dr. and Mrs. Rupert S. Helsa beck spent the week-end witf relatives at Staunton, Va. Work is underway on a new club house for the King troupe oi boy scouts. It is being erectec near the high school building. Westley Wall is quite sick ai bis home west of town his man; friends will regret to learn. The stork got by light lasi week. Only being disturbec twice on calls to Mr. and Mrs Edward Shelton, a daughter anr to Mr. and Mrs. Arvil Chambers a son. The condition of Pee Gordy who has been on the sick list for some time at his horn j hire, re mains about the same Stanley Newsum of High Point was a week-end visitor to rela tives and friends here. Rober Smith of Danbury was among the business visitors here Friday, Mrs. Rufua Hooker of Rural Hall underwent a tonsil removal one ration in the 3tone-HeJsabec! Clinic Friday. Bpendia* » "hort while in town -inlay evening were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Forrest, Ifin Attache], Mltw rWxwm, and Joe R Co* of Dnbuon; MUM Norma Forrest and Wilbur fa-rest of Frandseo. * * * Number 3,561 SIGNAL HONOR TO DANBURY LADY MRS. D. C. KIRBY IS ELECTED PRESIDENT OF THE SIXTH DISTRICT N. C. FEDERATED WOMEN'S CLI BS. At a recent Sixth District meeting of the North Carolina Federation of Women's Clubs held in Rural Hall, with the local club ind King Woman's club as hos tesses. Mrs. Dallas C. Kirby of tho Fine Arts Club of Danbury, wa.s jlected President of the district. The Sixth District is composed 3f Davie, Davidson, Forsyth, Rowan, Stokes Surry, and Yadkin counties with 20 Federated clubs jf over !'2O women. The duties »f a district presi lent are to federate clubs, ranize new clubs, to form >uiit; - r* •'.•vßtlons. mid to co ij)cirite with the chairman of Du ll icts in .ill endeavors to further he t fliciency of the Federation. She is also to serve as advisory nember of the Sallie Southali Totten Loan Fund Committee, :ach district President to function n her own district. Airs. Kirby will be installed nto her new office at the 39t!i innual convention which will be leld in Winston-Salem May 6-9, 1941. Mrs. Kirby is secretary of the ocal Fine Arts Club, secretary of :he Union Missionary Society and recently elected president of the Wednesday Evening Book Club of Danbury. Luncheon Honoring Mr. Broughton Monday, October 7, Edwin M. Taylor was host to a number of friends at the home of Mrs. J. S. Taylor in honor of Honorable J. M. Broughton, candidate for gov ernor, who delivered an address at the courthouse on that day. - Those invited were: t C. E. Davis, Lawrence Mcßae, and William F. Marshall, of Walnut Cove; J. Hampton Price, of Leaksville; S. (Jilme r Sparger, of Raleigh, Judge J. A. Rousseau, of North Wilkcsboro; J. C. Car son, A. J. Ellington, N. E. Pep- I>er, J. J. Taylor, the honoree, Mr. Broughton. and Mr. Peace, of Raleigh, who accompanied Mr. Broughton. , ; i Alfords Entertain at Hanging Rock Park Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Alford en tt''" ; oed at a picnic lunch at Hanging Rock Park Sunday hon oring guests from Raleigh and Winston-Salem. The guests in cluded J. E. Pearson. Mia-i Eunice Martin. lOm Esther Ivejv U « Mlw -Jessie Draper, all of RaJ •igfc, and lUm Mollye WUoo* of WiosUm-Salasa. ■ L.- . i . j