THE DANBURY REPORTER Established 1872 Volume 66 ONLY THREE MEN FROM STOKES FIRST DRAFT, OWING TO VOLUNTEERS, DWINDLES — MEN TO BE IN UNIFORM IN DECEMBER ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPOINTED FOR THIS COUNTY—ORDER OF WASHINGTON D\RAWING CONTINUES. It appears now that not over 3, and possibly none, will be the rec ord of the first draft call which will put the boys in uniform by Christmas. From Raleigh Governor Hoey and draft officials announce that only three white men—no color ed—will be called in the first draft from Stokes. This dwindled number from the earlier expectations, results from the large and continued vol unteer service in the counties of the State. The war board, consisting of Moir Hawkins, S. A. Flinchum and W. D. George, is now in its regular sessions at the court house. Questionnaires are beinj? sent out daily, answers to which are required of the boys within 5 days. It is not known how many questionnaires are being mailed, but possibly a number well up in the drawings received from Washington. The following advisory commit tees to assist the ooys in their answers to the questionnaires have been appointed: Walnut Cove —Mrs. Gladys Mc- Pherson, Mrs. Leake Lovin. Pine Hall —Thomas Preston. Sandy Ridge—W. W. Dodson. Lawsonville —W. S. Hart, Ralph Sheppard. Francisco —Sam Molr. Pinnacle —E. F. Stone. King—C. R. Carroll. Quaker Gap—Sam Simmons. Danbury—Leonard van Noppen, T. S. Petree, D. C. KWby. x ( Continuing from the last Issue of the Reporter, the order num bers of Stokes boys, as draws at Washington, are as follows: No. 141—2521—David Samuel Montgomery, Germanton. No. 142—1944—Ernest Harry Richardson, Walnut Cove. No. 143—1869—0tt0 Coolce, Pilot Mtn., Route 2. No. 143 —9 —James Dallas Bray, Tobaccoville, Route 2. No. 144—609—Grover William Whitten, Pine Hall. No. 145—603—Samuel M. Wall, Pinnacle. No. 146—154 —J0e Henry Bul len, Madison. No. 147—2466 Edgar Bryan Vernon, Jr., Madison Route 1. No. 148—1428—Carl Samuel Throckmorton, Lawsonville. No. 149—77—Lemmie Willard Manuel, Madison, Route L No. 150—160—A1 vie Vironia! Smith, King. i No. 151 —2401—Troy Lemuel A Williamson, Walnut Cove. No. 152—764—Dennis Aubrey Mabe, Danbury. No. 153— 666— Frank Lao Mont £ gomery, Pinnacle. N~ 151-2428—Pa) u I Taft j No. 155—2402—D0ral Otis Harrison, Vade Mecum. I No. 156—190 Tommy Esan Pyant, King. No. 157 —2536—8 en Brim, col., Sandy Ridge. I No. 158—210—Paul L. Moser, King. i No. 159—1431 Fred Folger Rogers, Mt. Airy, Route 2. I No. 160—67—Ervin Jack Haz ' t elwood, Walnut Cove, i No. 161—107 —Samuel Peter Shelton, King. No. 162—20S9—Paul Houston Hemrick, Germanton. I No. 163—2505—C0y Ellis Ward, Walnut Cove. No. 164—180—Luther Edgar Francis, Francisco. No. 165—59—Carl Reid, Madi son, Route 1. No. 166 —2042—Simon Bowman, Lawsonville. No. 167-r-74—Clarence Berian Wagner, Walnut Cove. No. 168—1925 —Carl Hairston, col., Walnut Cove. No. 169—246 —Walter Robert Coin, Lawsonville. 1 No. 170—667—Willie Gus Ed wards, Pinnacle. I No. 171—176 —Oscar Bronson Rpainhour. Rural Hall, Route 1. No. 172—781 —George Clevc ; land Whittnev. Pine Hall. ! ' | No. 173—134—Joseph Oliver Gibson, King. No. 174—130 —Harvey Davis j Pulliam, King. j No. 175—2462—Jasper N«Ja» Nelson, Westfield. No. 176—124—Joseph Elmo Huffman, King. No. 177—2443 —Sandy Robert Dearmin, Mt. Airy, Route 2. No. 178—'2526 Robert Lee Whitaker, Vade Mecum. No. 179 lO4 Monroe Alex Fulk, King. No. 180—1349—Elmer Jeffer son Heath, Walnut Cove. No. 181—370 —Peter Prank Smith, Madison, Route 1. No. 182 —1375—James Grant Pardne, Madison, Route L No. 183—225—English Cran ford Clifton, Francisco. No. 184 —2476—Leranson Dun can, Walnut Cove, Route 2. No. 185 —642—"William Tt o y Roberts, Jr., Pinnacle. No. 168—703—Odell Thomas Neal, Pinnacle. No. 187 —656—Oscar Joseph Payne, Pinnacle. No. 188—128—Arrel Edward Snider, King. No. 189—2452—Wade C. White, Germanton. I No. 190 —2479 —Raymond Dug gins, Walnut Cove. | No. 191—2429—Lemuel Law son, LawsonviHe. No. 192—150—Matthew Ray mond Tatum, Madison, PRD No ,1. I No. 193—2068—J0e East, Wal nut Cove. I No. 194 —276—Howard Manuel Cook, Francisco. I No. 195—716 Edgar Early I Bottoms, Lawsonville. I No. 196—1015—Joseph Foun tain Robertson, King. No. 197—883—Edd Bennett, Rural Hall, RFD. No. 198—346 Jesse ~ JsMMs \w„-... 6.) i Danbury, N. C., Thursday, Nov. 21,1940 ** * Published Thursdays (AB Editorial.) CLE AN OUT THE FIFTH COLUMNISTS It is widely believed that John L. Lewis, head of the C. I. 0., either inspired or engineered the strike among war plane makers in California. A strike of warplane makers at this critical stage of the nation's existence, is unthinkable. Any person guilty of sabotage now should be dealt with by the government's iron fist. The time has come to clean out the Fifth Col umnists, who are of the type of copperheads that brought destruction to Hitler's victims in Europe. John L. Lewis. Earl Browder, Col. Chas. Lind bergh or any others who stand in the way of the nation's safety should be arrested and courtmar tialed. The nation is virtually in a state of war now. If the firing squad is necessary to cope with the internal enemies of the government— iet it be the firing squad. ALL the power and resources of the British empire and ALL the power and resources of America will be needed to stop the Monster of Berlin, who means to enslave the nations of the iworld. The sooner the American people realize jthis truth, the sooner they will be prepared to | meet the menace if or when England is defeated. Greece is fighting for life, to be engulfed and i conquered possibly in two or three weeks. Hungary this week succumbs without a struggle. ! Turkey will possibly be the next victim. Russia I will not hinder but will doubtless help Hitler. ! Russia is without national honor or integrity I Her pacts with neighbor Balkan States are writ ten in duplicity and base cowardice. Stalin fears Hitler, and does not dare fight him. Only England and America stand in the way. Dcsth of E. L. Mitchell Edwin Lee Mitchell, aged 72, died Saturday morning at the home, Walnut Cove, Route 2, aft !er a long illness. He had been I married twice, first to Miss Flora J. Hawkins and the seoond time to Miss Edna Hawkins. Surviving are eight children, all by the first marriage; two daugh ters, Mrs. W. E. Hawkins of San dy Ridge, Route 1; and Mrs. C. O. Knight of Guilford College ; six sons, "Fred and Carl Mitchell of Sandy Ridge, Route 1-, Erwin and Clyde Mitchell of Walnut Cove, Route 2', and Rattpfi an.i Hanes Mitchell of Guilford Col lege; 17 grandchildren; one great grandchild, two "brothers, M. A. Mitchell of Greensboro, Route 1; and B. F. Mitchell of Madison, Route 1; and one sister, Mrs. C. A. Wagoner of Bfackstone, "Va. The funeral was held St the home Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'cloclc. Rev. Russell Ward tarn ducted the -services. Burial was in the family 'graveyard near Ufce home. Ed Hawkins, Danbury Colored Man. In Jail At Greensbore Charged With Homicide Ed Hawkins, eol., wfco formerly lived at Danbury, is in jail at Greensboro charged with killing Sandy Rankin, another colored man. The report is that Rankin hid undue intimacy with Hawk ins' wife, who was formerly Mace Benton. The party was at the home of a bootlegger where the killing took place. Hawkins and his wife quarrelled, Rankin took the side of the woman. AH ware drinking. ' .Hawkins itfttd a shot- Death of W. Flem Priddv William Fleming Priddy, ageJ 63, died Tuesday morning at 9:30 o'clock at his home, Danbury, Route 1, after an illness of sev eral weeks. Surviving are the widow, Mrs j Harriet Throckmorton Priddy; I three daughters, Mrs. Sudie Leak, Mrs. Richardson and Miss Bessie Priddy, all of Danbury, Route 1; and five sons, Davis Priddy, of ' Foreyth county; Lester, Corne lius, James and Eugene Priddy, all of Danbury, Route 1; and one sister, Mrs. Jim Throckmorton of Mayodan. The funeral was held Wednes day afternoon at 2 o'clock at North view Baptist Church. Eld ers Watt Priddy, Ed Priddy and J. A. Fagg conducted the serv ices- Burial was in the church graveyard. Spencer Martin Dies Spencer El wood Martin, aged ]l9, son of Mr. and Mrs. Strawdv Martin of Walnut Cove, Route 1, Hed Saturday morning at the home after a long illness. Surviving are the parents, sev en «*stens, Mrs. Charlie Morgan of WsJnut Cove; Mrs. Clyde Hart of Burlington; Misses Blanche, Laura, Lalla, Lucille and Frances Martin of the home; four broth er*, John, Sam, George and Har old Martin, all of the homo. The funeral was held at Clear Springs Baptist Church Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Elders J. A. Fagg and W. J. Brown coa dbetfed the iarricae. Burial was 'n t!ie c'uurch gravey&tcL TWO STOKES MEN KILLED BY CAR ROBERT LEE WILSON AND JAMES C. HARGER MEET DEATH ON HIGHWAY NEAR MADISON HOWARD MAR SHALL OF DENNIS DROVE THE DEATH CAR. Two men were instantly killed late Saturday night when strue',: by an automobile while walking on the highway. They were: Robert Lee Wilson, 41, and James C. Harger, 60, both of Madison, Route 1. Officers said Howard Marshall, 21, of Dennis was driving the car which struck the men. Dr. C. R. Wharton of Ruffir., Rockingham county coroner, con ducted an inquest early Sunday .The coroner's jury absolved Mar j shall of blame in the accident, de -1 tiding that both men died as the 'result of an unavoidable accidcn'. Marshall told the coroner's jury that he was operating the j and Jimmy and Elbert Mont- I gomerv, both of Dennis, were r»d --| ing in the machine with him. | ? T ">rsh"!l fail hr* hr l started to , Walnut Cove and about four mil P.-' south of Madison an approaching ! car's lin'ns blind—l him mnnien- I tarily. Ho sai;! he caught a i glimpse of two men on the harrl ! surface of the highway and ap plied his brakes in an effort to | stop, but was too late. Officers said Marshall stopped his machine and attempted to se cure aid from passing motorists. 1 but they would not stop. Finally he summoned an ambulance from 1 Madison, but both men were dead when aid arrived. Physicians said they died instantly. Both Wilson and Harger were farmers and resided near the ' scene of the accident. They ap- I parently were en route home when the accident occurred. Wilson was a son of W. M. Wil son and resided with his father. ' He is survivied by his father; I I two sisters, Mrs. Arthur Mabe of Walnut Cove and Mrs. Russell Robertson of Madison, Route 1; and two brothers, Will Wilson of • Ogburn Station and Fletcher Wil son of Winston-Salem. 1 The funeral was held Monday afternoon at 3 o'clcck at the 1 graveside in the Wilson family cemetery near Danbury. Rev. Mr. Pyrtle conducted the services. Little was known of Harger other than he has several child- ren and brothers and sisters. Announcement Dr. and Mrs. Walter S. Hunt of Ft. Monroe, Va., announce the arrival of a son, Walter Hunt HI, on Nov. 10. Mrs. Hunt was Miriam Hall, of Danbury. Hub Moore, accompanied by Mb son, B. 0., was In town last week. Mr. Moore has nine boys and four girls, and is one of Snow Creek's best citizens. Mr. and Mis. James Joyce of Wln»ton-Sal«m were h. v. r:i ndiy afternoon. * * * Number 3,565 ERNEST SLATE LOSES FEED BARN FIRE ALSO DESTROYED CAR, COW AND FEED CLYDE HUNTER TO BUILD—OTHER NEWS OF KING. King, Nov. 21. Ernest Slate, contractor, who resides at Moun tain View, had the misfortune to lr,se his feedbarn by fire Saturday night. An automobile, a cow and a quantity of feed was destroyed by the flnmes. Origin of the firo is unknown. Lester Pulliam, World War vet eran, is undergoing treatment in the government hospital at Co lumbia, S. C. He is reported to be convalescing. Work on a new home for Clydj Hunter on his ranch south of town is noaring completion. Miss Francis Alley has return ed from Fort Bragg where she visited her brother. Corporal John M. Alley. Of the first S2 men called for army service from Stokes county, 22 are from Kin:r. I I James Bcasley, of the CCC camp nt pr fln.k Pail:, i the week-end \ ill-. ins par , ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Beasley. on east Main street. The stork had eaiv sailin.r I % I again last week, only two births : being reported. They were to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Moore, a i son, and to Mr. and Mrs. Hick | mon Simmons, a son. F. M. Brown of Greensboro, district deputy of the Modern Woodmen of America, was here Friday on business [erlraring to i the order. :! Norman Gentry of King under j went a tonsil removal operation ■ in the Stone-Helsabeck Clinic !' Friday. Dr. and Mrs. R. S- Helsabeck i have returned from Fayettevilla | where they visited their daugh • | ter. . | Charlie Hooper of Winston-Sa lem was among the business visi : tors here Friday. I j Wallace Preston has purchased ; from Ray Thomas his stock of merchandise and will continue to . operate the business at the same ■location on Main street. -! Evan Butner of Winston-Salem, ! formerly of King, was a busines3 > visitor here Friday. , ■ Miss Rebecca Rains of Woman's? . College, Greensboro, spent the wek-end with her parents here. She was accompanied home by j Misses Marguerite Worrell and Iris Hamlin. ,i\t Mr. Haney Transferred C. L. Haney, who for the past several years has been education al advisor at the local CCc camp, was recently transferred to A camp at Mocksville. Hassell Tilley of Lawsonvilla recently paid the Reporter office a visit while in town on business. Mr. TO ley te one of Lawsonville's best farmers. * Carl R«v Klinchmn

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