THE DANBURY REPORTER Established 1872 Volume 66 COURT SET FOR JANUARY 13 GOVERNOR HOEY NOTIFIES : BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS i AND CLERK TtJTTLE OF i SPECIAL TERM—CRAIG TO BE TRIED —OIVER CASES. Judge Hubert Olive of Lexing ton will preside at a special term of one week criminal court at Danbury beginning Monday, Jan uary 13. Solicitor Ralph Scott of Danbury will prosecute for the State. Governor Hoey's order for the special term was received by Clerk J. "Watt Tuttle on Decem ber 29. This action by the gov ernor WCCB at the request of the Board of County Commissioners, and thr 'special term is in lieu of the regular term due Jan. 6, which was called off because it conflicted with a term in another county of this district. The same jury which had pre viously been summoned to serve at fhe Jan. 6 term will be used for the special term, at which Anthony Craig will be arraigned on the charge of killing Otis Wat kins at Craig's home on Monday afternoon, Dec. 23. Many other criminal actions w39 be heard at the same term. WINSTON-SALEM P. C. A. MEETS SATURDAY, JAN. 11 IS DATE— STATEMENT BY 1* E. FRANCES, SECRETARY. (Special to the Reporter) Stockholders of the Winston- Satem Production Oedit Associa tion will hold their aanual meet is* in the Foreyth county court house at Winston-Salem on Sat urday morning, January IX, -at 10 £0 o'clock, occording to an announcement by L. E. Francis, secretary of the sasodatMC At 'this meeting, "complete an! detailed reports will be made by the jjfficers of the association as its operations for the past year. Directors will be elected sad oth er important business will be transacted. In announcing the date aI the meeting, Mr. Francis said that it was hoped to make the at tendance stockholders at this year's meeftiag the largest in the history of file association. He said that the annual meetings of the association afford the stock holders an opportunity to learn every detail of the operations of thdr organization. The Winston-Salem Production Credit Association, which makes short-term loans to finance all types of farm and livestock op erations, serves Alleghany, Artie, Caldwell, Davidson, Forsy t, h, Stokes, Surry, Watauga and Yad kin counties, and in 1940 made loans totaling $157,000.00 to its members. Mrs. A. J. Fagg of Winston- Salem was guest of Mrs. H M. Joyrv njid Vp''lr» Joyce Tues day "'"M Death of Mrs. Clint Davis In Portland, Ore. Mrs. L. C. Davis died at her home in Portland, Oregon, on Dec. 24. She had been in ill health for two years. Mrs. Daws was the wife of L. Clint Davis, formerly a Danbury boy, who has been a successful business man of Portland for a number of years. He is a brother of C. E. and H, H. Davis of Wal nut Cove and G. C. Davis of Win ston-Salem. Attend New Year's Eve Dance at Hotel Roof The following were a party from Danbury, Walnut Cove and Madi son who attended the new year's eve dance atop the Robert EL Lee Hotel, in Winston-Sal em, Tuesday night: Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wall, Lois Martin, Bill Campbell, Mary Ger ner, Robert King, Lacy Gibson, Marjorie Pepper, Beverly Chris tian, Margie Petree, George Petree, Noranne Tuttle, Vance Pepper, Sarah Sands, Martin L. Mitchell, Ellen Pepper, Leonard van Nopren, Emorie Pepper, Fred Pepper, Sue Bess Goolsby. Franklin D. Is Bade In Town Again (Frances H. .Marshall) What's this nevus that .going around From the Wfcke House -over town? Gracious me! Wfcy Franklin D. is back in Xonai again! All pigeons oh the lawn Strut around from early moca- Can't you see? Why Franklin XL is back in IOWA Again? Little squirrels swing and sway Chatter in that "friendly" way Happy days will come to stay— Let case what mv—hip, hip, hoonay! Franklin U. .is bank in town agai ai And the peanut vender man Grins and aays "New life is grand"! While "FTM& stays here then I can, .Some peanuts— free! 'Cause Franklin D. is back -in town again." Road Work Rests Urtil the weather toprowss, work on the reconstruction No. from near oemjnonß' 'Ford lo Francisco is Held up. In some places etas highway is practically impaasatfe. It win he spring be fore the project s completed. Terry Bsown of the Hardbank section was here Tuesday. Mr. Brown says the road between Buck Island and Clemmons* Ford lis very bad. The recent rains have greatly deteriorated the dirt roads in all sections of the county. ! Campbell of Martinsville, ' ■'n., vlsiud relatives here Wed- 1 Danbury, N. C., Thursday, Jan. 2,1941. (Editorial) A "WHEELER PEACE" We do not know that Senator Burton K. Wheel er is on the Reich payroll. But we do know that the Senator from Mon tana is preaching the doctrine and distributing the propaganda for which Hitler pays enormous sums of money in countries which he first stupe fies before conquering. Shakespeare said whom the gods would de stroy he first makes mad. Whom Hitler would destroy he first makes credulous and trusting. After this the march of the mechanized divi sions is easy. France had the finest army in the world, but many of her leaders were corrupted by prear rangements of Hitler. These paid leaders had quietly undermined the strength of the nation, and weakened its morale. The people'* will to resist was destroyed. In Belgium, the King gave up without a struggle. Other countries likewise had been fixed through their leaders by German propaganda and Reich cash. The cost of a first class battleship is 75 millions of dollars. Seventy-five millions is a small amount to a government that has subjugated many other governments and appropriated their resources. But Hitler much prefers to buy men than bat lleships. It takes years to build a battleship. It does not take long to negotiate with a man who is willing to sell his country if you make the price attractive enough. Once the kingdom of heaven was sold for 30 pieces silver. There's a lot of difference between 30. pieces of silver and a million. Men are more useful and pliant than steel. The pen or the voice may be mightier than the sword. Populations may be lulled into an apathy of death by dope administered from men high up in the counsels and the esteem of the nation. The old time religion used to tell us that when Satan wanted to snare a soul, his most effective argument was "don't be foolish, don't get fright ened, just wait awhile." The policy of Senator Wheeler in his radio re ply to the President's warning of danger, was that the imagined "danger is. fantastic. The tiling for us to do is to secure from Hitler a just, leasonable and generous peace." Petain asked Hitler for an honorable peace. France got it on Hitler's ideas of honor. Today France is in chains, and her populations starving, whjfle her patriotic leaders await the firing aguad. - Same stuff in Belgium, Holland, Norway, Den - mark and others—their independence now gone, iheir citizens serfs. Ac showing the specious reasoning of the Sen ator in opposing the all-help for England by America, we quote from his address: "Remember—Hitler has already been seven montlis in vainly trsng to qross 20 miles. If Hitlers army can't cross the narrow English channel in seven months his bombers wont fly across the Rockies to Denver tomorrow." The Senator's ignorance is staggering if he does not know that but for the British | fleet England would have been conquered months ago, and that bombers are now in use by Doth Germany and England that can fly to New York and return to Europe without refueling. If he is not ignorant, then he would knowingly compromise the safety and security of America by such lethal advice and propaganda as put our in hv> broadcast. He must know that with the fall oi the British empire, Hitler would control all of the sea and air power of Europe, and be assisted by Japan. ct Page 4.) Published Thursdays Lawsonville. Mildred Staples, Annie Mae Lawson, Elaine Stev- | ens, E. G. and Leonard Lawson visited Miss Billy Tucker Satur day night. Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Stevens and family visited relatives in West Virginia during the Christ mas holidays. Mrs. Gertrude D. Lawson and children spent Sunday with grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. j Young at Sandy Ridge. Miss Mildred Staples of Greens j boro spent the week-end with Annie Mae Lawson. Miss Margaret Shelton o£ Win- j stcn-Salem visited Miss Thelma Wat kins last week. Mrs. Winifred Owens of Stuart, | Va., spent last week with her; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Josh Law son of Lawsonville. Mr. and Mrs. Ruffian Lawson are the glad parents of a fine baby boy. Mr. and Mrs. D. I. Clark of High Point visited relatives here and at Stuart, Va., during Christmas. Mrs. Martha P. Morris and daughter, Sarah, and Mrs. Sadie P. Kallam visited William Prin gle and wife in Charlotte, and go ing from there to visit Captain -ftenry Neilaon and wife at Fort Bennings, Ga., during the holi days. Betty Joe Lawson spent the week-end with grandparent*, Mr. and Mrs. Will Dalton of Stuart, Va. Miss Annie Mae Lawson spent Sunday night with Misses Mil dred and Betty Martin. Mrs. Martha P. Morris and daughter, Sarah went to Greens boro Tuesday evening. German-King ; y Mr. and Mrs. R. R. King of Danbury announce the marriage of their eldest daughter, Nell Louis, to Earl G. German, of Springfield and Ludlow, Vermont. Mr. and Mrs. German, accom panied by Mrs. Mary M. Gerner and Mrs. Lois Pearson, were married in York, S. C., Thursday, December 26, 1940. The bride was attired in A green suit with black accessories She attended Walnut Cove High School and Draughn's Business College, In Winston-Salem. Mr. German, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. German, of Spring field, Vt., attended the University of Vermont, and is now employ ed by the Ludlow Arsenal. Mr. and Mrs. German will re side in Ludlow, Vt. It is learned that while in New York city, enroute to Ludlow, Mr. German was stricken with pneumonia, and is now in a hos pital in New York city. Born to Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Wilkinson on Dec. 26th, 1940. at ! their home in Flvnbethtown. Kv • a baby boy. Mrs. Wilkinson was formerly V .v«. T-».. ' r-f *■» Number 3,571 ELMER P. NEWSUM BACK FORM R'NOKE SPANISH - AMERICAN WAS VETERAN RETURNS FROM HOSPITAL—ROBER HOOKER CRITICALLY ILL OTHER NEWS FROM THE ROYAL TOWN, KINO. Kin*- The royal town with a royal name. —Jan. 2. Elmer P. Newsum, Spanish-American War veteran, has returned from the Veteran's Hospital, Roanoke, Va., where he underwent a physical examination. Newsum who has travelled extensively, states that in all the places he has ever vis ited he has never received more I courteous treatment thani that .extended him at the Veteran's I Hospital. There are eleven large two-stcry brick buildings with more to be erected. The beds were fine and the food excellent and well prepared. There are approximately 'twelve hundred veterans in the hospital exclusiva of the personnel. The grounds comprise an area of six hundred ! acres, a considerable portion of which is farm land on whi c n pracfically all provisions consum ed at the hospital are grown. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Coker of I Ironsdale, Ala., are visiting Mrs. Coker's brother, Dr. Floyd Strope at Tobaccoville. -This is the first time Dr. Strupe has seen his sis ter in thirty-thres years. Roy Alridge and Early Spain bower have returned to Norfolk, Va., after spending Lb* holiday* here. Mrs. Lula PuUian, who under went a major operation in a Win ston-Salem hospital Saturday 1* getting along as well as eould oe expected. James C. Barge of High Paint spent the week-end here the 'guest of h>.c sister, Mrs. /Jviu 'white on Meadowview Driv». ■! Mr. and Mrs. ft. M. Hauser ofl > Bethania Station, formerly of II King, were ameag the visitors here Sunday. i Rober Hooker is critically U1 at his home one mile Booth of town, ' his frends will regret to learn. Miss Ethel Kirtiy of Wiaston- Salem visited relatives and friends here Sunday. 4 I Joe Alley who holds a position at Fort Bragg, spent Sunday with his family on east Main street. Herman Newsum, who resides on Broad street, has about fully recovered from a re&nt illness. Newel Vest has returned to hi 3 home in Charlotte after a visit to relatives here. O. L. Rains has purchased the bankrupt stock of the Cut-Rate Furniture Company on Depot street and will continue the bus iness at the srune location. The following births were re corded here last week: to Mr. and Mrs. James Boyles, a daughter, and to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Speaae, a son. I Mrs. E!m.r Boyles gave a staj i party a* 1 • i 1 ' ? on west main v t i'utu df j, . .JU in honor of I-niulh mile-