THE DAN BURN' REPORTER Established 1872 Volume 66 SEVEN MORE BOYS OFF FOR CAMP | WILL LEAVE DANBURY SAT- j URDAY MORNING FOR FORT! BRAGG —TEN MORE TO GO . ON THE 25TH. Early Saturday morning seven more Stokes boys will leave Dan bury for Fort Bragg. At Walnut | Cove they will take the Grey- ■ hound bus, going via Winston i Salem. The list of draftees leaving Saturday is as follows: Sanders Roy Padgett and Wallace Benton Ray of Lawsonville; Pleasa-. Hanes Priddy, Willie Lester Hail and Lee Willard Joyce of San ) Ridge; Robert Lloyd Joyce of j Francisco; Clate Mitchell Card well of Westfield. This contingent will make more j than 40 Stokes boys who have been drafted so far, besides the i large number who have volun-' teered. Clerk A. J. Ellington, of the lo cal board, says 10 more men are called for March 25. i Sudden Death Of Mrs. O. 0. Grabs , V At Kingr; L i Mrs. O. O. Grabs died suddenly j Thursday morning at her home at | King- j Mrs. Grabs was the former Miss Ola Slate, for years book-, keeper in the King bank, daugh-' ter of the late Rufus S. and Mar gie Spainhour Slate, of King. She apparently was in iier normal health until her sulden and fatal fllness. Immediate survivors include the husband; one son, O. O. Grabs, Jr.; and one brorJicr. N. O. Slate, of San Francisco, Calif. The funeral will be held at King Baptist Church at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon. Rev. David, Weinland and Rev. R. A. Helsa beck will be in charge. The casket will not be opened at the church. Burial will be in Mora vian Graveyard. Pallbearers will be Boot Sprin-: hie, Cladie Newsome, Herman Slate, Homer Slate, Spencer Slate, and Grover Stone. j Shaffer Child Dies Funeral services for the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Gil bert Shaffer, Pine Hall, was con ducted at Dalton Chapel Cemetery Tuesday afternoon. Death oc # curred Monday night at the home • of the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. 1 L. M. Shaffer, Pine Hall. " f In the Legislature 1 . Introduced by Senator W. F. Marshall, S. B. 244, to "Validate,! tfie Acts of J. Moir Hawkins, I justice of the peace of Stokes county, all acts since Apr. 1,! 1930. i l S. B. 193 (Stokes officers fees) 1 —enrolled and ratified. 1 if r» r/y • • » %».. ' y: Mrs. Sallie, Widow ; Of Paul Priddy, y Dies At North View I Mrs. Sallie Priddy, aged 81, widow of Elder Paul Priddy, died i today at 5 o'clock at the home of a son, Elder Ed Priddy, Danbury, Route 1. She had been in ill health for sometime, but her I condition had been critical only one week. Surviving are three daughters. M~s. Annie Moore and Mrs. Mag gie Lawson of Lawsonville, and Mrs. Bessie Steele of Sandy Ridge; and eight sons, S. 8., C. W. and W. A. Priddy of Laws.:n ville, Route 1; D. F. Priddy of High Point; Elder Ed Priddy and Elder Watt Priddy of Dan bury, Route 1; and J. B. and W. jR. Priddy of Danbury, Route 1. The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at North i | view Baptist Church, of which she was a member. Elder J. A. Fagg of Winston-Salem, and El der W. J. Brown of Rural HP' j will conduct the services. j will be in the church graveyar. " King H. D. Club Meets i i j | King, March 13.—The Kin:; Home Demonstration Club met at the clubhouse Thursday, Mar. .6 at 7:30. The president being absent, Mrs. J. Worth Gentry presided. I I The meeting opened by sing ing "Is Everybody Happy?", fol lowed by the club collect. The minutes of last meeting were read by Mrs. Edgar Johnson and ap proved. Twenty-one members answered to the roll call. The treasurer's report was heard and accepted. Mrs. Newsum report ed $28.73 on hand. The (3ub voted to send flowers to Mrs. G. E. Stone, who is in the City hos ' pital. Mrs. J. F. Brown is to i buy and deliver the flowers. Miss Elois Hutchens asks that all who wish to enter the Better Reading contest to please do so. The -requirements are to | read at least three good booka approved by the State Board of Education and .report on these at a club meeting. ! The secielary also rear ;9. letter asking that we join the Kerr Canning Contest. Mrs. Pearce gave an interest ing demonstration on "Fruits For Health". An interesting Shamrock con test was enjoyed by all. Mist) Agnes Pulliam wen the prize. The host! s, 1/n. Ralph Kiser, and Mrs. Wilso.i Mitchell .served delicious cake topped with peaches an>l cream and coflee, carrying out tie St. Patrick motif. I Lawsonvf i > if. D Cli.h Members Atlr.- Coarse Hero The L. v . . ' n J » no Demon-' strallon Liub iri'-nbers who at-1 tonded the short course at Dan-! bury March 13, were Mesdames, I\ H. Robertson, R. A. Robertson, j P- G. Lawson and B. O. Shep nnrd. , j Danbury, N. C., Thursday, March 13, 1941 ** * Published Thursdays CANNON ON THE COURTHOUSE LAWN RELICS OF WORLD WAR TO ! BE PLACED ON THE i! SQUARE HERE EFFORTS r OF NEAL BOONE POST TO I BE THANKED. >; v [ Within a few days a 75 mm. . cannon, a 6-inch trench mortar and eight cannon balls will grace the court house square in Dan . bury, reminding the present an:l ; future generations of the grc r , struggle of 1014-1918 against th;- lefiions of Germany, who tried then, as they are trying now, to ? control the world. Thanks for this acquisition of . World War mementos are due Paul Fulton, commander of Nea j Boons Post, American Legiov r No. 197 at Walnut Cove, assistc' . by J. H. Woodruff and othe; \ members of the legion, who through the influence of Con gressman A. D. Folger secure, jthe ordnance from the War D partment at Washington. | Lawsonville News Lawsonville.—Corporal Hamp ; ton Lawson of Fort Bragg spent ; the week-end here with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Lawson. . He was accompanied as far a* r Winston-Salem by his mother, Annie Mae, Betty Joe and E. G. . Lawson, Jr., Sunday. Hasscll Sisk of High Point » spent Monday night with his I mother, Mrs. Martha Jane Sisk, ■ who is on the sick list at this II time. ' j Miss Josie Lawson is spending I, the week with her sister, Mrs. Will Hall of Madison. 1 1 Miss Ealine Stevens spent Wed •; nesday night with Angelii Stevens. 11 I Miss Georgia Corns spent Wed | nesday in Danbury. j Mrs. O. E. Smith visited Mrs. k i ( B. O. Sheppard Tuesday. 1 The Peter's Creek singing group sang at the home of Mr. > | , and Mrs. Edward Lackey Wednes day night. ' Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hall »f Mad ,'ison visited Mr. and Mrs. Josi Lawson Sunday. Mrs. E. G. Lawson visited her | grandfather, P. H. Young of San 'dy Ridge Monday. Mr. Yorrng is confined to his h me by illness. Charlie Mocre is confined to his home, with rheumatism. Mrs. C. AT Mi'uie, Mrs. Matt Simmons r Ir- Dorothy Mar- i tin visit cf Rev. and Mrs. Eld Priddy Tuesday in, I North View section. Death • s Infant A gravexia > was con-! | ducted at the \»u. Cove ceme |tery Monday afternoon Or the in-1 I fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. j Sands. Walnut Cove, Route 2.' j The child died Sunday night nr.! the Baptist Hospital in Winston-' Salem. 808 FRY KILLED IN WELL BLAST FRANCISCO MAN MEETS I INSTANT DEATH FROV 11 DYNAMITE EXPLOSION i i TUESDAY. j L" • | Bob Fry, aged about 46, was t killed by a dynamite explosion in a well at the home of P. E. Gray ' near Francisco Tuesday. Fry, farmer and well-digger ' who lived about four miles fror.i the Gray home, had gone baci: , J down into the well after f> series of dynamite charges had been set 1 ofii. One charge, however, ha t failed to fire and when he began , I drilling again in the same hole : | the belated blast occurred. The flying drill and rocks completely shattered his head. The explosion was so great that j a helper, leaning over the open ' | ing of the well, was knocked to ; the ground and momentarily dazed. The accident occurred at about 4:45 o'clock Tuesday after noon. Fry was married and the fath er of five children. The bodv war, i taken to the Nelson funeral home. • t . i Walnut Cove P.-T.A. Holds Regular Meet : j The Walnut Cove Pai ent-Teach • ers Association met in the school • auditorium Monday, March 10, at 7:30 p. m. After a short busi t ness meeting in which reports ) were rendered by various commit , ees and in which the association > was reminded that it was to spon sor the Charlie Monroe and his f; "Hill Eilly Band" on Monday . night, March 31, the meeting was taken over by the program com- I . rnittee. t Since it was parent's night, and it was their privilege to visit the different classrooms to meet the teachers, the parents were in charge of the program. Mr. Ira Fulp and son entertained with banjo and guitar respective ly, accompanied by the harmoni ca plajed by Mr. Stratton Law rence, the chairman, and Mrs. Malonee, at the piano. After two whistling solos by Mrs. Elizabeth Mitchell Heath, the members join ed in group singing. ' Following the program the members adjourned to the cafe eteria where they were served hot chocolate and cookies. Miss Allison's fifth grade won | the banner for having the largest percent, of parents present. j | K'rtjsf P.-T.A. Meets i j The King Parent-Teachers As- ; j soclaflon held its regular mo in?' March 3 in the school tu torifm. j Pn-'cus pictures were drama tic« / Lome children in the pri ju.. -racks. A fairy oper i the rif a big art book 1 I show ti«v> pictures to the aud- i ( fence. After this short art pro . gram, the Germanton orchestra i played several selections. i , Mrs. It. C. Fergua«a pitsiJed ] i mi ii , Stories Of Sfokes (bounty >J~(u nters I j There are some smart dogs in j the world, but we doubt if anv-! 1 , where in the State of North Car-1 olira can be found a d.w w:!. more sense than Mr. Gene Mar tin's hound at Meadows, Stoke.-, county. Mr. Martin relates the follow-, ing facts which are so extraordi nary that the attention of M t i Bolieve-It-Or-Not Ripley wiil b called to this remarkable in stance of dog-sense so that it may be spread to all corners of the country. Now, here are the facts: Mr. Martin is very fond of rabbit hunting, and always keeps one 0 r more hounds that can pick up a rabbit on a straight run, or will chase him around in a curve close to the hunter to enable a fair shot. I But some months ago Mr. M; r tin, out on his hunts, found tha' invariably the rabbits whe\ jumped by the d. gs would make for a hole under a big rock from which hiding place it was impos sible to reach the game, or to smoke it out. After experiencing the disap pointment of losing his rabbit on several hunts in this way, Mr. Martin decided one morning to make one more try, and if th.« rabbit got away this time, he would quit hunting. He thoroughly disgusted and thou:;'at | something about buying enough dynamite to blast up that rock by the roots. He needed some rock on his plantation anyway. Now on this particular day, Mr. Martin says, he had both of his dogs out and when they jump ed the rabbit, one of the dog.? suddenly quit running after the cotton-tail but sped back like th.> wind to the reck where he step ped and waited for the rabbit to arrive. Before the rabbit could get in the hole the dog nabbed | him. Mr. Martin says that after tha! 1 he had no more trouble getting his meat. Just as soon as tiio | race would start, this particuln dog would rush back to the hole I under the rock and wait, while ' the other dog kept the chase, and, . "• dog at the hole caught the ■ before it could get in. ' -'r'in says he would not 1 O.PO for that dog. j Dr. and Mrs. Walter S. Hunt "id young son, Skellie, of Fori; ] roe, Va., have been guests of .. Luat't; parents, Mr. and Mrs. I J. W. Hall, for several days. Tiny will visit Dr. Hunt's family ar I I before returning to, " -rt Monroe. I i 4 o\er ihe business meeting. There f were report? from vri —> per mittees Oil sponsor a . March, Number 3,578 DAVE SNYDER CRITICALLY ILL I COY BAKKR WEDS MRS. DELLA SOUTHERN THE STORK IS ACTIVE AT KING —OTHER NEWS OF YADKIN TOWNSHIP. I Kin" On the Lake.- to-Florida March 13. —Mrs. Dr. G. E. stor.e underwent a major operation in a Wilis' n- c 'ale"i hospital last week, She is re i ported to be getting along s;ttis foctorily. Announcement is made of the i marriage of Coy Baker of Fiat t shoal and Mrs. Delia Southern oi: King on February 27. Charlie Snider is recovering from a recent severe illness at his home just west of town. Work is underway on a new gymnasium at the high school here. Mrs. Annie Walker is confined to her home on Main street by illness. Pete Kirby of the Ij. S. Army is spending a furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kirby. Floyd Boyles has opened his new service station and cafe on the corner of Broad street and George avenue. He seems to be | enjoying a nice business. Boyles, who came here from Winston- Salem is a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Riley Boyles of Stokes county. Cling Garner, who has been quite sick at his home east of town, is reported to be improv ing. Mr. and Mrs. Shober Hendrix of Reynolda were amonj the visitors here Saturday. Nome White has returned from an extended trip to Detriot, Mich. Muertus Caudle, who has been spending a three-month's fur lough with relatives here, will leeave the 15th to join his com* mand at San Francisco, Cal. Mrs. Elmer Boyles has return ed from Pilot Mountain where she visited Mesdamos Charles Patterson and J. C. Davis. | Mr. and Mrs. Jonc3 had for their guests over the week ;end Mr. and Mrs. R.y Alexander of Winston-Salem. 1 Dave Snider is critically ill at his home three miles sou.h of town his friends will regret to learn. I The stork put in tventy-four hours a day during last week. The following ropor s s j madei co Mr. and Mrs. Zeb .Jul a son; to Mr. and Mrs. Elm. r 1 nth, a daughter; to Mr. ar 1 Mrs. Law rence Mabe, r\ sun; to Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Boles, a daughter j to Mr. and Mrs. Jar.-.aa Glein Pyrtle, a daught 0 Ifr. and Mrs. Clade Eo'.e . i Mr, unci Mi.'i, r ,.i> v.j, •to >lr. nnd Mrs. E!wo. a i . and to Mr. and Mrs. Ted It x, a son. I T ' • i Jones, auto salesman t agent, was hera Walnut Cove.

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