Fun for the Whole Family BIG TOP By ED WHEELAN jf'lVC GOT TO FIND. ✓ _ , | ' | 1 - L SEe Vou AN VJ^. L V ' - V LATTER . fz HIT ALTA WITH HIS WHIP' THEN THE BULL" CHARGED) (up ) (AND THIS T|N|E WE'RE I \ THE COO* /« IAT "SILK &0T IN HER RUSH SHE MOST HAVE *-fs ' 2 s iCtOINA TO UAvp A / N| • * sv/ V HOUSE«. / OVERTURNED THE TIGER'S CAGE - / Jrv \THAT-5 Boy Meets Girl ' By RUBE GOLDBERG —| / AIN'T THAT SWEET! &| K ROMANCE! "N WHEN A MAN \/" HEY! kl *-v. 1 JUST LIKE THE END j| ROMANCE! - AH, MEETS A \f LOOK YOU s TOM V OF A MOVIE THE SWEETNESS WOMAN , THE U WHERE niIMRPI I• J VOU GOODWIN .. AND BEAUTY OF WHOLE WORLD ]) YA WMbELL. / TUU ** HEARS If f . /fi'fM LOVE! A BOY LOOKS M. GOIN\» s . \ BEAST. LALA'S FTW \J AN O A 3IRL BEAUTIFUL-/" V HIKA S'MATTER POP—Ever Hear of a Pu«h With Amplification By C. M. PAYNE " " MESCAL IKE r> s. l. huntley _ Now I _ '* ** POP—Or Something Will Happen By J. MILLAR WATT I KNOCKED ONE OF AND NOTHING WELL »R GOODNESS^jJ THESE: THINGS OFF HAPPENED ? , SAKE- DON T LIKE YOU SAID! No! KNOCK THAT /«&£o]|\ \ , ERON^^ THE Amusement i. IIW A jfe m ABANDONS PICTURE "ciIMBS UP IN V &. I TrftftW;: I Ovtt T|L A'& 'J/h «\ AAB. BOOK TO LOOK AT, BOOK AT ONCE AND EASV CHAIR AND BOARD, AMP PULLS Ai'iXvX: ■ ■ r>y^ r^lLJi : — AT AUMT SUE'S HOUSE SITS OUT LOOKING FINDS THE OUT A MA6S of OLD jftr 1 1 *"NTsu l Em ANP fio^p CINS PRETTV MU »'c, SNAPSHOT |®y W8 WILLIAMS SSW CLIMBS UP AND . ,„ A s>^-,■ W7y v:::.:;: IllfcUinillW EVERYTHING CRAMS MINUTES CLICK.- down CHAIRS.PAUS- last, and gets LANG rr all somehow ins light in 6 long enough praised when >y.-M *Vg? ji I . m* ▲ •:•::::• back into cup- switch on at desk to write mother and aunt ADUCTDAIiC 11V g-Wj # BOARD AND CLOSES AND OFF AN IMAGINARY LET- SUE COME IN,FOR AKMoINUNu -$m , T &Sa door with his ter on some note sitting and amus- SSiS: !_. " V J ':-: : :W &:¥: FEET PAPER THERE ING HIMSELF SO fc w* -r H ' N |MU ten. o»«. 01 riN u«. )0« t..uu bd .1 th. " v ~ ' *mm TWF nAVWTRV THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1941 n TIPS to ( jardener « f GARDENING AS HOBBY GARDENING as a hobby ctM *-* be made to pay excellent div idends. As an example, a Ma- I souri woman reports she made » I net profit of S3OO from her two | thirds-acre garden in a single sea son. Figured at market price*, food used fresh was $230; fnod canned, $80; and food stored, $7». Seed and sets cost her only S2O There are two major requisite* to obtaining garden profits of On* kind. They are, willingness tr. work and the use of quality seed It is important also to devote considerable space to multiple pu»- pose crops like beets, onions, and tomatoes—crops that can be ira-d in a variety of ways. Here, briefly, are the uses U principal multi-purpose crops; On ions green, as relish; matuw bulbs fried, stewed, or as season ing: bulbs for pickle, and reiisb making; tops for seasoning; bulhn for storage. Tomatoes fresfc fruits for slicing or stewing, fo» immediate table use; for canning or for making tomato juice, or 4u mato catsup; green tomatoes for frying, or for use in pickle rel ishes, or in pie filler (like minrt* meat); yellow fruits for presorvts, juice, or immediate table use Cabbage—fresh in slaw, or sal ad; cooked for table use; canned as kraut, or stored. Beets—tor* for greens; roots cooked freiii, canned, pickled, or stored. (cQLDI DISCOMFORTS w|hi>e fir .t .' i'T, ot a ST your mind to avoid as ' ■! much of the sniming, sneezing. ■ soreness and stulTy condition of I your nostrils as possible. Insrrt ■ Men tliola turn In each nostril. Also ■ rub It vigorously on your chejt. j You'll be delighted with the way ■ Mentholatum combats cold ml»- ■ ery and helps restore comfort. Who Is Rich? He that is proud of riches IF. S> fool. For if he be exalted above | his neighbors because he hatti I more gold, how much inferior he to a gold mine! Jeremy Taylor. Help to Relieve Distress of* [FEMALE] PERIODIC COMPLAINTS Try Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound to help relieve jnonthJy pain, headaches, backache and ALSO calm Irritable nerves due to monthly Junctional disturbances. Plnkham's Compound Is simply marvelous to help build up resist ance against distress of "difficult days." Famous for over 60 yeantl Hundreds of thousands of girls una women report remarkable bene 1113. Wretched Minds How wretched are the minds J ■men, and how blind their under standings.—Lucretius. if RHEUMAHC PAIM fgftC-2223 60'8»*1. AT DRUGGIST Scornful Silence Silence is the most perfect ex pression of scorn.—George Ber nard Shaw. DON'T BE BOSSED BY YOUR LAXATIVE-RELIEVE CONSTIPATION THIS MODERN WAV • When you feel gassy, headachy, k>gj» due to clogged-up bowels, do ■■ millimm do—take Feen-A-Mint at bedtime. Mot morning thorough, comfortable helping you start the day full of yam normal energy and pep, feeling like at million! Feen-A-Mint doesn't Jiilifc your night's rest or interfere with work A* next day. Try Feen-A-Mint, the chewiav gum laxative, yourielf. It tastes good, ie» handy and economical... a family supptr FEEN-fl-MINTTo* 111 BEACONS of —SAFETY— • Like a beacon light on the height—the advertise ments in newspapers direct you to newer, better and easier ways of providing the things needed or I desired. It shines, this beacon of newspaper advertising—and it will be to your advantage to fol low it whenever yo« make a purchase.