Thursday Mar. 20, 1941 LOCA LS lira. M. O. Stevens and Mis 3 Mary Hall visited Winston-Salem today. #• # * Clifford King of Radford, Va., t ► spent last week-end at home. «• « • Little Mike Joyce, young son of Mrs. W. E. Joyce, Jr., of ' Greensboro, is visiting Mrs. W. E. Joyce. *« # » Phil Dunlap of Dodgetown was In town today. •• • • Tom Preston of Pine Hall was here a short while Wednesday. «* • * I * Robert King, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. King of Danbury, left .-»> here last week for Norfolk, Va., | vhere he has joircrl the U. 3. Navy service. *• * « Miss Grace Whitsett has been suffering with a severe cold thib week, necessitating her remain ing at her apartments. She is now recovered. ** # * l Mr. and Mrs. John Wray and two children, Carlton and Jean, and Ernest Page, all of Draper. were visitors at the Methodist parsonage Sunday afternoon. *« # * Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Todd, ac companied by Junior Kirby, left 'Sunday morning for Chicago and St. Louis for a ten-day trip. ** * * Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Kirby and son, Bobby, spent the week-end in Greensboro the guests of Mrs. Kirby's mother, Mrs. R. K. Mai shall. LEWIS SHEPPARD KILLED BY CAR Lawsonville Man Dies From The Turn-Over, While His Wife, St* Who Was With Hfom, Was Seriously Hurt. Lewis Sheppard was killed when his car overturned. His bride of 3 liionths was seriously injured and is in a Stuart, Va., hospital. The couple lived near Laws on ville, the young man, 32 year 3 of age, being a son of Mr. and V*. Megs Sheppard. His wi f e ■was formerly Miss Novella Nicii olson. Surviving are the widow; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Sheppard of Lawsonville, Route 1; six brothers, Aubrey, Prescott and Claude Sheppard of Lawson ville, Route 1; George Sheppard of Burlington, Route 3; Or en and Noah Shepard of Burlington and one sister, Miss Dena Shep pard of Greensboro. Funeral was from Russo' Creek Baptist Church, followed "by burial in the church cemetery. More Boys To Leave On the 25th—Tuesday o On next Tuesday, March 25. the local draft board will send three more boys to Fort Bragg rw follows: James Henry Murphy of Wal nut Cove. Fred Louder Smith of Walnut C&re. Bennett Hanes Walker of Pin- EQUALIZING THE TAX CHARGES BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- I SIONEBS IN SESSION TWO DAYS THIS WEEK—DEPUTY REGISTER OF DEEDS MAT TER DEFERRED UNTII REGULAR SESSION IN APRIL. In order to receive complainta from tax-payers who wish their iharges equalized, the Board ot 1 County Commissioners were in session two or three days of this week. Quite a number of citizens appeared before the Board ask ing various phases of relief. A full board was in attendance at the meetings, to-wit., H. L. Gibson, chairman; Harvey John son and J. A. Joyce. The Board took no action on House Bill No. 881 passed by the late legislature, which would make deputies appointed by the Register of Deeds payable by him personally, unless the Board of J Commissioners approve appoint ment, then the Board may allow | a sum not exceeding $600.00 for I salaries. The b>H would increase ' amount from $1200.00 to $3,- ; 000.00 that the commissioners ! arc authorized to expend for ad j ditional clerks for county offi cials. This matter was deferred until the regular meeting of the Board April 7, first Monday of next , month. Mattress Application Deadline In Stokes April 30, 1941 All persons in Stokes county who plan to make cotton mat tresses are urged to make their application prior to April 30, which is the closing date for ac cepting applications according to a letter received from the offic of J. R. Tippett, assistant fielr officer, reports Mrs. Lila T. Pearce, home agent. There are four mattress making centers in operation in Stokes county and they are assisting the families in the completion of an average of 70 mattresses per week. There have been 800 mat tresses completed and 2,333 ap plications filed in the County Ex tension Agent's office. C. j; FLEMING VETERINARIAN Phono 18 PILOT MOUNTAIN, N. Car. EASTER SPECIAL PERMANENT WAVES RINGLETS $ 1-50 OTHER PERMANENTS $2.50, $3.50, $5.00 FREE MANICURE WITH EACH PERMANENT WAVE OF $3.50 OR MORE SHAMPOO AND FINGER WAVE 50 Idea! Beauty Shop MRS. M IV STEVENS, 0»>; THE DAN BURY REPORTER King News 1 King—Not a boom town but a 1 i steady growth—Mar. 20. —Barba- ra, the small daughter of Mr. and 1 j Mrs. R. B. Delp, has about fully recovered from a recent severe 1 illness at their home on Pine street. Raymond Edwards and little son, Billy, of Winston-Salem, 1 spent .the week-end here thai guests of Mr. Edward's parents, i Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Edwards on School street. Herbert Marshall has been ap-. pointed temporary postmaster! here to fill the vacancy caused by ( the resignation of Mrs. Trilby Tuttle, effective March 31st. Mrs. Tuttle has made one of the beat postmasters King has ever had. i Carlos Fulk is confined to his home in Westview by illness, hid friends will regret to learn. Charlie Hooper, prominent traveling salesman of Winston- Salem, was here Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Coy Lee Brown 1 and son have returned to their home in High Point after being; the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elm-; er Boyles on west Main street. . Arthur Leonard of Mount Airy underwent a tonsil removal j j operation in the Stone-Helsabeck j ; Clinic Friday. | John Burwell, prominent plant- j ■er of the Vademecum Springs 'section, was here Friday shakin hands with old friends and ac quaintances. The King Higb lost a basket STUART THEATRE Stuart, Virginia Friday and Saturday, Mar. 21-2! DOUBLE FEATURE "WAGONS WESTWARD" Charles Bfckford —Anita Louise Buck Jones "BLACKOUT" Conrad Veidt—Valerie Hobson 15c and 30c Sunday and Monday, Mar. 23-24 "WYOMING" Wallace Beery—Leo Carrillo 15c and 30c I Tues-Wcd-Thurs., March 25-26-27 "RHYTHM ON THE RIVER" J Bing Crosby—Mary Martin 15c and 30c ball game to Lewisville at Wins-1 ton-Salem Friday night. Final 1 score, 29 to 26. Rev. J. C. Brick of Winston-' Salem delivered a very interesV ing sermon at the first Baptist church Sunday morning at eleven. J. Wilson Mitchell is offering for sale his nice home on west Broad street. Mr. Mitchell con templates moving to his farm. | j There is noted improvement in, the condition of Mrs. Annie N. Walker, who has been quite sick, at her home on west Main street for the past several days. I The stork got by a little lighter last week, only four births being I recorded. They were to Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hill, a son; to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gibson, a daughter; to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Miller, a son and to Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Hutchins, a son. A very large crowd attended the last rites of Mrs. Omnie O. Grabs at the first Baptist Church I Friday. The deceased died sud jdenly from a heart attack at their home here Thursay morning. J. M. Alley, who holds a posi tion at Fort Bragg, was with his family here over the week-end. Arthur Holsnhprk. nlnntor of IF YOU WANT TO KEEP UP ON THE INSIDE NEWS - - Take - =* DANBURY REPORTER A COUNTY-SEAT NEWSPAPER 69 Years Young' Dollar a year Washington Trip i I Visiting Washington, D. C from Danbury and Walnut Cove this week were the following: Sheriff J. J. Taylor, Jacob Ful ton, Dallas C. Kirby, Burk Smith and County Agent L. F. Brum field. The party is expected home to | day. !_- - : the Tobaccoville section, was a business visitor here Saturday. THE SMOKE OF SLOWER.BURNINO CAMELS GIVES YOU EXTRA MILDNESS, EXTRA COOLNESS, EXTRA FLAVOR AN ° Of (grand-tasting^^^&^^Hß CAMILS! AND ECC / MimitSS IS VERY u9) V IMPORTANT 1 NICOTINE L ,omeT JW of the 4 other PUBLISHED TfIUR&dAYS i TOR SALE—M ILLI ON S OP | Frost-Proof eabbage plants, i Prices as follows at the ted I when you pull them: 15c for 100; 30c for 500; 75c for 1000; for 10,000; $12.00 for 20,0W; ' $23.00 for 40.000. On highway No. 421, 8 miles east of Winut— , Salem, 3 miles west of Kernei*- ville at the junction of 66. , HIGH KNOLL TRUCK FAUX, Kernersville, N. C. R. L aril I Representative E. M. Taytot . was here from Walnut Cove to- i> »j