THE DANBURY REPORTER 'Established 1872 Volume 66 DEATH OF MRS. I REV. S. S. OLIVER j PASSED AT ROANOKE, VA., WEDNESDAY NIGHT AFTER LONG ILLNESS—FUNERAL AND BURIAL AT ROANOKE FRIDAY. j' M&mie Pepper Oliver, aged 65, died at her home in Roanoke, Va., 4- last night about 8 o'clock, after ao illness of about 2 years. Dur the last year of her life she had been helpless from a stroke of paralysis. With her at her death were nearly all of her seven children, also one sister, Mrs. Jessie P. Christian of Danbury. She was preceded in death by her husband several years. J Funeral and burial will be at Roanoke tomorrow "at 11 A. M. Mrs. Oliver, who was the third and second daughter of the late Nathaniel Moody and Ellen Prather Pepper, was born and reared in Danbury. She was mar ried to Rev. a. S. Oliver, minister of Presbyterian church hera in the year 1597. The family had t lived in Roanoke for a number oi years. ♦She is survived by seven child ten, and by two sisters tnd or.e «we brother —Mrs. Jessie P. Chric tian, Mrs. v\. Hall and N. E Mpper of Danbury. Mrs. Oliver was a consistent member of the Presbyterian church, and until she became in capacitated on account of illness was always an active church an 3 charitable -worker. • Walnut Cove Man Sues Winston Concern i f For $25,000 Ted Gerry of Walnut Cove filed a $25,000 damage suit Tuesday I against Marvin Koonce and Rich-1 ard Koonce, trading as the Motor Transit Company, following colli sion of his car with one oi the company's trucks. The accident occurred last March 24 on Glenn avenue exien *>n, according to the complaint (filed - with the Forsyth superior oourt clerk. A young, inexperienced truck Silver was responsible for the ac cident, the plaintiff contends, when without warning he sudden ly turned to the left into the path of the plaintiff's car. As result of the accident, Ger ry declares he lost several teeth, suffered a concussion of the brain, injuries to the chest and rig'.it Hot, and contends he is perma nently disabled and unable to work. ylu addition to the $25,000 dam- Ages, Gerry is seeking $649 for damages to his car. ■m FKTRBB IN HOSPITAL Bmt Petree is in the City vWmtfrl Hospital, Ws»tbn-Bal-* set, where he underwent an op for app—idkitls Wednes He ia tatUoff along nicely ■mm WW rettf* ham Surry County Man Instantly Killed In Truck Accident Mount Airy. James Thomas Moorefield, aged 27, of Mounl Airy. Route 2, was instantly kill ed Sunday afternoon about 4 o'clock in a truck accident near j State Line Church, twenty miles east of here in Stokes county. I Sheriff John Taylor of Stokes county, who investigated the ac- j cident, said Moorefield was oper- j ating the truck and had two men i whose names he did not learn, as | passengers. Moorefield, the sheriff reported, lost control of the truck and it went into a side ditch and then back into the road. When the machine struck the ditch, the cab door was knocked open and Moorefield fell out. His body fell under the truck and one of the; front wheels passed over his I head. He died instantly. The passensers were not in jured. j Moorefield and his wife ?.rJ j children, were visiting relatives i in the State Line section Sunday. Ho was a farmer and part tiir.v-1 employee of an axe handle factory! here. i Mr. Moorefield was born in Pal- t rick county, Va.. August 2. 1913. a sgn of Johp a n d Jennie Woods Moorefield. Surviving are the widow, Mr- j Irene George Moorefield; two sons. J. T. Jr., and Wade Moore field; one daughteer, Ethel Mae Moorefield; one brother, Billy Moorefield and one sister, Mrs. Alvin Taylor. Th.? fuv.'-ial was lioM Monfl-.iv 1 ( afternoon at 3 o'clock et State i Line Primitive Baptist Church. | Elder W. J. Brown conducted the 'services. Buris 1 . was in the [church graveyard. Poosevelt Changes Thanksgiving Day Back To First Date Washington.—President Roose velt declared Tuesday that the j experiment of moving up the dat o .j of Thanksgiving Day by & week |to improve retail business had not j worked and that the next year Thanksgiving would be on the customary last Thursday in No , vcmber. ,' This yt-?.r, however, it will fall on the ne*;t to the Vast Thurscay fcy Presidential proclamation. CCC Enrollment The following boys were pre* , sented for enrollment May 20 by Miss Grace Woodruff of the Stokes County Welfare Depart ment: William Baker, Danbury; Walter Blair and John Williams, Sandy Ridge; Moir White, Tobac coville, Route 2; Stanley Dug gins, Deaofe James and Clarence ' Smith, Walnut Core, Route 2 and t Johnny Walnut . Cqma, Route 1; Harold Gibson, . Rett Harris, William A. Lewis, r Herbert Tatom and Vanee Battb. of Wafe* Om Danbnry, N. C., Thursday, May 22- 1941 ** * Published Thursdays WHERE IS YOUR F. B. I. ? Treason, whether manifesting- itself in defeat ism, isolationism or fifth columnism, is not con fined to the alien mobs of Detroit, Chicago and New York. It is not afraid—thanks to the poison distribu ted by Lindbergh. Wheeler and Nye and thei v ilk —to lift its hydra head and spit its venom even in our North Carolina. Listen to this choice bit of Nazi-Fascist-Com munism emanating from Dr. P. 0. Schallert, r German of Winston-Salem, spoken at the 11 o'clock morning services at the Center Methodist Church in Yadkin county, last week. Dr. Schallert had been scheduled to address the men's class, following with a temperance sermon to the main church congregation. The incident is reported by the Winston-Salem Evening Sentinel, from which we quote: "Dr. Schallert explained that Hitler was a tem perate man and a man of good morals. Officers of the men's class said that Dr. Schallert advised them to write to their congressmen and tell them to refuse to give aid to Britain. "Hardly anyone stayed in church for the main .address." Dr. Schallert praises Hitler for his temperance and morality. If Dr. Schallert is posted on the history of Hitler since he began his conquests, he must know that if Hitler does not indulge in wine or beer, that he DOES drink the blood of countless thousands of defenseless men, and o!' helpless women and little children. Does Schallert deny that the Feuhrer U a DRUNKARD who has gorged himself with the life blood of unoffending peoples? Is Hitler a moral man? Surely with Dr. Schallert'* learning and intelli gence he knows the meaning of MORALITY? Does not Schallert know that Hitler is the greatest thief of all time, who has raided nation j after nation and appropriated their lands, their armaments and their food to feed his hordes? ! Leaving the helpless people in slavery— sec France, Belgium, Norway, Czechoslovakia, etc. Hitler caused the murder through his Gestapo oi more than 16,000 of the flower of the intelli gent and patriotic men and women of Poland. ! These people not killed in battle, but MuR ; DERED in cold blood- in his policy to exterminate intelligent resistance to his policies. Is mass murder MORALITY ? "Dr. Schallert advised the churchgoers of Cen iter Methodist Church to write their congressmen Ito give T.O aid to Britain.'' Does not Dr. Schallert know that congress anil Die President t.nd the leaders of this government are doing all tiiev can to give aid to Britain, which action they consider the first essential to America's defer lse? And doee not the Dr. know that to use his posi rkn in an effort to thwart this movement —whic ' is now a law of this nation—he is aiding and abetring the enemies of this nation and thereby becomes in spirit—if not in fact—a traitor to the free nation whose protection he now enjoys? Center Church is an emblem of that holy reli gion which the democracies of America and Eng land honor and revere- cherish and protect. It is an emblem of that which Hitler hates and which he is doing all In his power to efface from the earth. We wonder if Center was not desecrated by the presence of a Hitler agent in its holy pre cincts. The church people, on the Monday after the Hitler sermon, hunted up the pastor to find who authorized Schallert to be present. • The minister did not know except that he was "jmit there" by a temperance committee. Doubt President Roosevelt Cuts Relief Appropri ation SI 86,000,000 700,000 WPA Workers 1 Dropped Washington.- President Roose velt Tuesday responded to legis lative demands that he rtcom nend nondefense economies bv In forming Congress that hi his cu; from his original budget for relief for the coming fiscal year. He sent up a special message stating that only $886,000,000 would be needed instead of the $995,000,000 he recommended in his January budget message. It was the first definite econ omy he has recommended sifio Secretary of the Treasurer Henry Morgenthau Jr. told the House ways and means committee last | month that the pending $3,600 - j 000,000 tax program should b j supplemented by $1,000,000.f00 o! j savings in nondefense expenci j tures. Mr. Roosevelt's message sail the $880,000,000 w. uld be suffi eient to maintain an average of about 1,000,000 persons on WPA tolls. During the present yea; the WPA average has been abo:"., 1.700,000 persons. Congress ap propriated $1,350,000,000 a year! ago for relief during the current fiscal year and add«'d £375.(500 000 to that sum with a supple mental appropriation !rst Febru ary. Death Of "Eeney" James 1 John Enoch James, aged 60, well known Stokrs county farmer died Tuesday morning i-.t 6:30 ' o'clock at a Winston-Salem hos 'pital after a long illness. His condition had been critic") since Easter. I Surviving are. the widow, the former Miss Mary E. Tuttle; tw> 'daughters, Mrs. Elmer Nelson . i Ellerbe, and Mrs. Robert Mabe of Walnut Cove, Route 1; three son--. Wiley and John James of Roi*i ioke, Va., and Marvin James n! Greensboro; one brother. Monroe James of Btlews Creek, and tw sisters, Mrs. Ida F*n!i> of Stoke: c'r.h and Mr-'. P.. P. >.'• n! of Sun:- r.K rfield. Services vetv cor. Sun day by Rt v. i;. H. V .try Rev. Char! s Hutch. !- P. :ri •' was in Salem Char- Chvlsti.'.n Church graveyard. .loss sent by the German Bund. That's the way the Hun propaganda usually works. As late as last September 10, 1940, this news paper in an editorial sounded the warning* that this man Schallert—almost omnipresent in the columns of a Winston paper—was writing Fifth Column stuff. We believed him then an emissary of the Third Reich. Our belief has a hundred per cent, been strengthened. The handwriting is on the wall. He who runs may read. Ophallerfe admits he is a German. If he is natu ralized he should be watched by the F. B. I. If not, deported. 1 Number 3,586. NEW POWER LINE IS COMPLETED Farmers Busy With Tobacco i'fantin? —WcMin" Rell>: Ring —Anouneements Other Kin,* Items. King—Population 99 per cent, white—May 22. —Announcement is made tf the marriage of Ver non Wall of Donnaha and Miss Rebecca Spainhower of King, oa April 27. i Farmers in this section are Very busy preparing land and planting tobacco. Walter Thomas and family have returned to their home in Laurel HSll after visiting rela* tives here. Dr. I. A. Booe attended tha .Dental Convention at Pine Hurst | last week. He reports a pleasant ' trip. I Mrs. Jennie Wall is slowly re covering from severe attack ot rr.cur.-.onia at lier home wes' .»£ town. Mr. and Mis. Koscoc Fei, .son and Preston Ferguson left last week for Parsons. Kansas, where 1 they will visit relatives and friends. The trip is being made bj automobile. The following births were re corded here last week: to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tedder, a daugh ter; to Mr. and Mrs. Albeit Stone, a daughter; to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Logan, a son and to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Johnson, a daughter. The stork was seen flying low over another homo hte Saturday afternoon. Frank Pulliam left Friday for la: v.'i'lo, Tenn., to enter on his I'mw duties in an aluminium plant • j where he has accepted a position. Attorney Charles It. Helsahccl: • of Rural Hail was here Saturday intending to some legal matters. Dolnhus Slate, who resides iii » Pi Kit View and who has been very pick fee several week, 'v.m able to ti- up town Saturday. The new electric line extend n > ■ from Five Forks to Anii\:i j Church h; := len I'onpletc.l a;d will ' h..t \*j!!:in tL n-xt few 'lays. It will .ive scrvici to abr.u; twtrt.v-five farm h0....... Mrs. £ Mo. • • hav.j •' V.'.- ■ - fh. mil:;; ,;e Y tlu ! r •' - - 'Vv 'V !l Mooi• • Vv'i .: ami- M .. • ;;.!r.i; H-.11. TII. E« - 1 ■ •• k : '• Rural 11-11 • .1 A;ii. j. Ri-v. Loli.s ollie! ttin*r.

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