THE DANBURY REPORTER Established 1872 00000000000000000 ooooooooooooooooo THIS WEEK IN DEFENSE 00000000000000000 >ooooooooooooooooc Pros? '' lit Roosevelt told hi.; press conference he still hopes the U. S. can stay out of the worid conflict. His statement was made in answer to a reporter's question .if changing international situa tions had caused the President to alter his belief, stated in 193 ). that the U. S. could and would stay out of the war. Navy Secretary Knox told his press conference reports that navy vessels were engaged in con voy duty were "absolutely un true," and said reports that tho navy had lost lives, material and equipment or had been involved in any encounter with belligerent craft, were "most decidedly' not true. OPM Director Knudson issued a statement urging greater (de fense efforts and said "nothing could be further from the truth" than that Russia's entry into tiu war had averted danger to thi i country. Mr. Knudson said "wj are in somewhat better shap.' than \vc were last surnn r but we need ti.e spark of enthusiasm— yes, of patriotism to carry tilt program lonvard i:.;le. A til To li' i* .-i, •'r.iiice, China 1. ui • t S;n» • Wol'wi i'!'i .I ' '! : 1 i - qr: ;! » l.i:; :t. ' i j.'on tv. ived a.i.i brought «... th ' "t f '1 c>f 'I .' enr. r .. . \v so r.i ~i • • Bit' ii a. ;. i ■ • to p il.iil tlie ilov. ' • r i . tc. t to that ( Uiitiy. if* C\,a i . -'i i.-i. 1.1 \ a ; » >" ' ; for > tnu mo of i . .- . « .' tea. 'i r ;• ! i' . ;•. • > .' i: '. . i ii i . u . 1:' \' .' ' til 111-- I', s. Pi . ' iil ll "J'.U Vit r ' clip.i -i "l I'll 1 v rear i u e L : . (■! ni.l :- 11 >■ of si > • t::r 1 -vcr the i.'f ma 110 "I. 'ii.asiry fecii t.. . Mi; hau extoii '.l 1 t in. - 550.OOi).000 ci lit here for nn«.;' cr year. Assistant Commei Secretary Ilinchley nskad com mercial airlines for 12 transport planes to meet "emergency de fense requirements of the democ racies.'' Army In his bi-annual report to the Secretary of War, Army Chief of Staff Marshall urged that Con-, gress pass legislation permitting use of armed forces outside the W?Btern Hemisphere and permit ting holding selectees, National Guardsmen and reserve officers in the service for more than one year. Gen. Marshall said that conditions have changed to such an extent that a "grave national * emergency" exists of a more se Volume 66 l Death Claims Andrew W. Jessup Pilot Mountain. —Andrew Wdl- J; liam Jessup, 75, widely known j West field man, died at his home ; Thursday morning at 4:30 o'clock after a serious illness of two weeks. Mr. Jessup was a life long mem ber of the West field Fiioni? L " Church and was also a member 1 of the Junior Ordet. -1 Surviving are the widow, Mr*. ; Vein a Cook Jessup; one son, J. ! R. Jessup of West field; font j j daughters, Misses Erma and Mar garet Jessup of Westiield; Mis. lAvalon E. Hall and Miss Edith Jessup of Yadkinville and seven 1 grandchildren. - j The funeral was held Saturday - ( afternoon at 4 oc'lock at Wes-- .'field Fiiends Church. Rev. L. , i W*. McFarland conducted the .'services. Burial was in the i ! I church graveyard. 1 vere character than the public realizes. The. War Department announe " ed it will promote its officers oa the basis of merit instead o seniority and permit re-enlist r.ient for regular army men on'y if they are qualified for promoti . in oidcr to weed out those ;i able to take advantage o r training. Air Th.- ii Departim-m a • coal. ' - totalling more t!' i 8 1 '' '•) for p'- ir- , ■ ' ' ; . . (: I r . ; l o t i ' I • ;e;' OU t .. .. .UCU'iU R.i- -i ■ :i - ' •i .i. ... r ' --a • ,i .- • i • . ih. ;••». >ll. i . . V.ii. 1-1. .i ! '• 11,1 l. I . . I ■. i 1 ri.v/ »: ; o li.r. I) :h«ir y •• jV-i n,, fun! action by C' :• resa on legislaUoq deferring wen v/h > wcie mi July 1 or bi i'.»r fc'e! •t-tive Service Director Hei ..a • ey ordtrea temporary deferment of this a:;e group. He also ad vise:! local ooauls to defer regis trants with one or more depend ents to whose support they make "any substantial contribution.'' The only exception to this, he jsaid, would be men who married in the hope of evading service. Army Recreation The War Department announc ed a program of stage shows at army camps throughout the coun try and said civilian contribu tions to soldiers' welfare will be coordinated by the Citizens Com mittee for the army and navy, Inc. Outstanding theatre men Danbury, N. C., Thursday, July 10, 1941 Henry Thomas Corns ) Dies At Lawsonville i Henry Thomas Corns, ai'.od 71, of Lawsonville, Route 1. died 11 Saturday morning at S o'clock at 0 a Stuart. Va., hospital after a long illnc-.-,. His coi !I*i in hr> l been oritical ' liree weeks. Survivii.- >re the v.'. : >w, »!i f rr.i' r Miss Maltha S;; it :: tv.- i daughters, Mrs *Jo!;n Wall ■j: Lawsonville, Route 1, :vl Mr. Early James of Madison, Rou'o 1; five sons, Harvy and Mar\ni Corns of Hi;h Point: Ralph Coins ' of Lawsonville, Route 1: Jessi? Corns of Tyrone, Pa.; and J. E. Corns of Jamestown; two broth -11 ers.A. J. Corns of Winston-Salem, 1 and J. W. Corns of Madison; ami one sister, Mrs. Nannie Roark of Stuart, Va., Route 5. "! The funeral was held at Oak Ri'Jge Baptist Church Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. J. A. "Joyce conducted the sen'ice.s. Burial was in the church gravo - yard. have made an angements for five -'road shows to visit camps, usin; i 'equipment built on trucks, tlie Department said. -i Congr ss passed leyislatirn de ,-; . iened to prevent prostilution . I'.'.ith a "reasonable" >.:isian::o or . 'ruiitnvy and »:-v.d lef.ervptio::?. Defense .\i-ca Public V.nrks C n-i!•,.-•?» v:>« ' s\r, >.O- !t on.) f - 'conjunction : sc.':' >is. -a t ■■' "■ ;.-1; - c, *vcr i ■» " 1 , - " •• " ' -ci ':e by : i . i. OPM : .1 ■ in .. ll; . ,i: ..I ]. . ! . '•. . • iZ'Hi" • ' • '• 1 I'll i, to je > 1 ! ' I • i I (i! J.v. P: iee A ; | i;• • 1' • • annonneed i so ies of conferen' bc;ii! .in? tl.« week of July 7 v.. representatives of makers of : tomobiles, refrigerators, w.ishi: I machines, oil burners and stc- I furniture to gel information on their needs for materials. He said allocations of essential raw ma terials to take care of public ser j vices essential to civilian welfare —such as transportation com panies, telephone companies, farm equipment manufacturers, fir • and police services, hospitals and schools —will be made as soon a.-) amount of scarce materials need ed are ascertained. Labor Supply The U. S. Employment Service (Continued on page two) Twelve Men Deferred } By Local Draft Hoard The following men have be- i mailed an order to t j'.it fo, in duction on July IS. The ■st'iv. county 1. eal boi'rd is i_! r , short on tiiis , ,'li due :r. . that induction • i 1. ■: •. -A':o iil JS .11 -o! m| ~• > o:i h;lv 1, I'JJJ. Li-is >.'» •! . ; tempoi lily postponed ; final dt-ei.sion of Congress : 'r.i propose 1 leg:.'iatijii to dei : su-.!i ii reaistrants: s ] j Clyde Lester Goin. ti uiciseo. e! \ Pis y Edward Nelson, Law- >r.- • 1 ville. . i | Jennings T!v.-).l .-• * >'• :itg-nvry. ■Walnut Cove. >i j ft Clyde Talmage Dillon, Sandy Ridge. R jfcert Albert George .Francis ;:c°. Curtis Ray Robertson, Sandy Ridge. Louis Jackson Hennis, Sand: Ri •. J ihn Pescud Hanes, Pine Ha!i. - i 0 Paul Jones Hawkins, Sand;, r Ri ige. e : lar.ies Leonard Mab'.;, Danbuiy. Ca-zie Bullin, Danbury. Edward Wallace Flvnt, lC:n- I C. V\". Simm.ons Faes At Wcsti'iel'.: i ; r ' : "-m. i.i. C I . \V : ley n. ... 9, «... ' i j C*. t \ • ''' • ' i - V- A n I y ■ ] • p •L. Si:- ■! M un: ■ , si:iic • -i. ?i: ,1 i A ■ .•:i! M's. M-ek J« St it.. Va.; Mis. T J: Cr.u . : of (5 1 ..lp.nton, and >.lis. Jessup o: i West field. 1 Tlie Funeral was held at West . field Baptist Church Saturday - afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. R. .» W. Hovis and Rev. S. L. Nn' v - conducted the services. Burial i was in the church graveyard. .1 Miss Lois Wall has gone to .4 Montreat where she will spend th? • remainder of July and August. , ; She will return home the first of September for a few weeks befor: e! school begins at the college about [September 10. * * ~ wi. A. . Published Thursdays KIN(2 : i Kir./ It's haid t > bvit fi.i Iye :: 1 i;i ■; July 10. T::v Four' - •: I:'S d off quietly X , X • ■ :;i ir nti V. ■!. . ■ '.Mi t. u . •••. Mr : .-. I M-s. .! v. . ... ll*. Li. F; of I! tn,7 :: a .'ji--,r..!i:r; some tin.e with i ' 'iv 1 and friends here. ! A very interesting and exthiii I gaire of baseball was playetl the King ball i-?rk the Four: . Dry Springs and Percli Wei- t: contestants. Final stor was 7 and ii in favor of Dry Springs. T. D. Tattle of t!ie Unite i ' ' States Army, stationed at Cam. Lee, Petersburg, Va., spent tin wee':- nd with relatives here an ' |at Rural Hall. Mr. Tuttle is i.. jt':-.- medical corps. The stork is stiil in hu.-ir- 'v ; his work is On!;- two ea' last week. Th y were to ?!i. a: Mr:-:. Lonnie L.'»ron D-;.ot . U • -1 nnd t-) Mr. an 1 Mrs. ,v. man White. e .-.or Spruce W fit Ave., a «?tii:_t : :T• ■:. 1 :• .an I M's Si i-. r • ' D. S:.". Si t' I v h I'all : • Ml c!.'-.; ! -il j ; the Ki: , pnver •:» .ut o. co mission an ! the town was ii - darkness for about four hours (• Charles R. Carroll, local manage . fcr the Duke Power Company, an ! «• his helpers, Newell Xewsum an I I Robert Johnson, worked practie . ally all night. Francisco News j i Francisco,—Mr. and, Mrs. i' Wesley Martin entertained at , 3 lawn party at their home Satur tjday night in honor of his twin j brother, Lesley Martin of Fori Xumli'T r>\y;. Ive\ivali.-1 m I ■ %■, '' • * k * iV - J " ' * » * *V * ' -I •' *• ' j \ ,4' ■? ° > ' • ■, v- 4ti ft** • ' ' | ' |' Rev. Mc Ken dree Lontf To Hold Revi\ai AI I Methodist Church j| i Itojioi'tfd) 3 t , 5 Flf.i.■■•! In n th » D.mLuiy M ch*.>-list C!im ii \\ r.'.-la; •••.. niiii;, July .it T . 1 '-•! v.. ii 1 v.i!! 'nr;:iu 'oi i . ?i- i;. . i■ :> i..i5 i. m li. ! •• ! ■i' ' , ...> i I • ... i . ; (in; • i! Mr. ;• n 1 .1. |i, J. !: h.. ( . vi-ii' J io! it. •. In ■ vi i \\\ ck o.i 1. Mi. si'ul Mis. Chart i«> Martin, anil Mr. aiul Mrs. Hill Martin, ni Wairin i i\v. visiud thi'ii iimtix i-r. Mrs. Yiky Martin. Mi and Mrs. W. K. Gray and I.!i>y I Cray visited their son, Xooi Cray, at Bockk'V, \V. \'a. Miss Cray vf.sted Miss Lois Gray Sunday. Mi. and Mis. Kolin Goin visit* led her father,E. L. Beasley Sun | day. • %.i iu il ...t. ;' •. ..