THE DANBURY REPORTER Established 1872 ox>xx>>oo>o>xx>x> >ooooo^oooooooooo THIS WEEK IN DEFENSE 00000000000000000 >ooooooooooooooooc President Roosevelt informed Congress .he had ordered a navy force to IcelAnd to "forestall any p.ncers movement . by Germany against the Western Hemisphere." He said German occupation of that country wo,'ld threaten the North American continent, ship-' ping in the North Atlantic, and the flow of munitions to Britinn. The President said the Navy had been ordered to take "all neces sary steps" to insure safety of communications "hi the approach es between Iceland and the United States, as well as on the MM bet ween the U. S. and all etherstra tegtc outposts." The President later told his press conference that whether Iceland lies outside the Western Hemisphere is an academic quest lon. He said their are points out side the commonly aecepted Hem isphere limits which are of im portance to U. S. defence, and that in occuping Iceland be acted: to forestall a hostile a move which strategists considered log ical or linely. Selective Service Selective Service Headquarters announced that 21-yea-rolds who registered July 1 will be given draft numbers so they will be called in proportion to previous registrants rather than ahead of or after older men. Order num bft-s will be determined by nat ional lottery on July 17. Headquarters advised local boards to defer men who have vounteered for civilian or mili tary duty with Canadian or Brit ish forces. The House passed legislation to permit deferment of all men who were 28 on July 1. Alien Education The President allocated $14,000 000 of WHA f unds for a program to educa*e 1 000,000 oncns in tl»« duties and responsibilities ot citieensship. More than 11,000 teachers on WPA rolls wll con duct classes for aliens who wisn to become citizens. WPA announced 11. at m re than 200,000 national, sita e nuti local civilian orgar izatlor.* wi'h f/;. 000,000 members will be catalog ued within the next GO days determine the part* the organ izations and individuals can play in home defence so the office of Civilian Defence can find quali fied persons for new programs. All except purely social dubs will be indexed. t Civilian Supply OPM conservation officials an nounced that "our purchases, our habits our daily lives, perhaps even our styles, will be controlled by the requirements of national defence." Some of the changes facing the public, according to OPM: No corks in bottle tops; beverages in bottles rather than (Continued on back page) » - —-■ Volume 66 OFF FOR BRAGG ! IN EARLY MORN ELEVEN STOKES COUNT V BOYS RESPOND TO THEIR COUNTRY'S CALL NINE TEEN THEN LISTED FOR AUGUST 11. In the early morn eleven husky Stokes county boys responded to their country's call and boarded the bus at Walnut Cove for Fori Bragg The list leaving as follows: , Clyde Lester Goin, Francisco, Posey Edwwd Nelson, Lawaon-. vflle. , Jennings Theodore Montgom » ery, Walnut Cove. ,- t . Clyde Ta Image Dillon, Sandy RMge. /, . Robert Albert George, Francis 00. Louie Jackson Hennis, Sandy Ridge. John Pescud Hanes, Pine Hall. Paul Jones Hawkins, Sandy Ridge. James Leonard Mabe, Danburv. Cazzie Bullin, Danbury. Edward Walace Flynt, King. The local draft board this week | received an additional call for 19 | men who will be summoned for departure to same station August 11, all white men. j Red Cross Meeting At Walnut Cove Last Week The members of the local I branch of the Red Cross met atl trTt> hotel at Walnut Cove Thurs-fl day night of last week. Mr» Winfred Black, executive secret tary of the Winston-Salem chap-u ; ter, assisted in the meeting. Plans were discussed for the funds now existing in the treas- I ury, which is something over j I SIOO.OO. Among the various j ways named for spending these ! funds were the following: Refil- j I ling First Aid kits which were i! previously donated to the public | ; schools by the Red Cross; fur-; : nishing yeast and other foods for ) undernourished children; buying ■ glasses for needy children who3a 1 i parents are not able to buy for' them;and to send a delegate to a | i training camp at Brevard for the 1 purpose of learning instructions . in teaching First Aid, and who ; will upon his return organize a . group or class for those who are - interested in First Aid training. ' Those attending the meeting f were the chairman, Leonard Van - Noppen, Mrs. Sallie F. Pepper, . Miss Grace Taylor, Miss Pauline 1 Craft, fyme DeinonsCratiiun Agent, Miss Virginia Fulton, Miss Marjorie Pepper, and Mrs. Black, - of Winston-Salem. r 3 Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Nelson 1 and family of Danbury, Route 1 1 Mr. and Mrs. Burke Smith and 3 family, Mrs. Jim Flinchum and i son, Junior, and Mr. and Mrs. El ; bert Flinchum and two children i spent the week-end at Myrtle i Beach, S. C. WHEELER AND HIS BILGE PALS It now develops, as reported by Washington j news columnists, that the reason Senator Wheel jer has fought preparedness and defense so bit - jterly and so long, is because of a personal differ | ence between the Senator of Montana and the President, dating back several years ago, over some silver legislation, and because MRS. | WHEELER DOES NOT LIKE THE PRESI DENT. Thus Wheeler is willing to jeopardize the safe ty of his country to gratify his personal malice 'and his wife's against President Roosevelt. | No doubt German propaganda long since has heard of this feud. And no doubt (in the minds I of many people) that the German Bund has add ed fuel to the sneaking, fire with checks direct from Berlin. When the F. B. I made its roundup the other day of spies, saboteurs and sth columnists it missed its greatest game. Wheeler, Nye and ex-"Col." Lindbergh consti tuted a quarry that escaped, but which sooner or later will not escape the indignation and the vengeance of Americans who do not believe in tolerance when it comes to dealing with those who have shown they are enemies to their own country. When our boys are going and going and going, and when the American people are accepting their sacrifices, the time has come to show short shrift to yellow appeasers. and defeatists like Wheeler, Nye and Lindbergh. Let this bilge-water trio be catapulted to a bourne whence their friendship and efforts for Hitler may not longer be dangerous. Published Thursdays DRAFT LOTTERY SELECTS 196 FIRST THE NEW DRAWING FOR TH I BOYS WHO REGISTERED LAST Washington.—Number 196 was".; the first drawn from the big I Gold-Fish bowl last night in the selective service lottery to ctL.i i mine the order in Which 750,000 young Americans, just turned 21, 1 Bhall be subject to conscription. : c Men holding this number will 1 be the first of the 21-year- olds , 1 to be mustered into the selective ! service, provided 'they are phys- 1 ioally fit and not deferred because ( of dependents or other causes. * Secretary of the Navy ' Knox * had been designated to draw tho ( first number but he stepped aside 1 in favor'of Staff Sergant Robert 1 W. Shackleton of Fort Dix, N. J.. | a selectee from New York city. |' Knox then diew the second 1 number, 98. 1 The third number, drawn by Undersecretary of War Robert P. Patterson, was 451. ' Major General E. S. Adams, ad jutant genera) of the army drew the fourth—247. HERSHEY MAKES TALK Just a few minutes before Brigadier General Lewis B. Her- ' shey deputy director of selective service, had made a little speech in which §e said that the cere- { mony was "symbolic of American democracy'' and that the draft registrants, new and old, consti- 1 i tuted America's hope "for pro- j , tection now and security for the , future". The 750,0C0 men involved wero 1 young to be eligible foi tin-' j draft's first registration Un' j drawing last fall. They reached their majority between that time and July 1, and registered on tho lattr date. To integrate them with thoso whose numbers were drawn in October,, but who have not yet been called to the colors, army officials heaped 800 pinKisn, opaque capsules, each containing a numbered slip, into a famous! 4 gold-fish bowl. Then, they arranged for a series i of officials and others to extract j the pellets from the bowl, and for f a battery of assistants to record the order of their appearance. Eacfi" of the men who register ed on July 1 was assigned a dis-1 , trict registration number. In i l some of the smaller districts. 1 , i , I these registration numbers rang | ed, say, from 1 to 100. In the lar- j j gest district, an area near Bait:-1 more, Md., the numbers ranged j from 1 to 661. 139 "SAFETY NUMBERS" Therefore there were 661 cap sule-encased numbers in the gold fish bowl last night to cover the men who registered July 1, plus j 139 "safety numbers" to cover j - any late registrants. Thus there | were a total of 800 in the bowl. These numbers are technically known as serial numbers. The men holding the first serin' (Continued on back page) * * * Number 3,593. ALUMINIUM WEEK JULY 21-29 People Urged T«» Donate Alumi nium To Further Defense Pro gram Collection Centers Named By Defense Chairman Dear Defense Cooperators: July 21-29 is National Defense Aluminium Collection Week. Naturally, farm and home leaders are being asked to step out in front and contribute alumi nium and time in the furtherance of the cause of national defense. You are urged to spend a day, or as much time as possible, in explaining to your neighbors the importance of the campaign and get them to contribute Kbe rally of their aluminium to be made in to aeroplanes and other defease weapons. The following places have been designated for aluminium collec tion centers by our County De fense Chairman, Jacob Fulton: Danbury—Sheriff's Office. Walnut Cove Harry Davis' Store. Pine Hall—Preston Bros. Store. Sandy Ridge—Ziglar's Store. Francisco — Priddy's Store. Johnstown—Smith's Store. • Reynolds Simmons' Filling Station. Collinstown —Gray's Store. Pinancle—Boles' Store. King—King Drug Store. Haw Pond—Rt dding's Store. • 1 Germanton—Holland & Wag oner Store. Meadows—Neal & Forest Store. Prestonville Phil Dunlap h Store. | Ross' Store—Ross' Store. ' M. O. Stephens—M. O. SU'i>hen ■>' Store. Lawsonvillc- Hart's Store. Yours truly, » L. F. BRUMFIELD, County Agent. E. S. STOKES, Assistant County Agent. PAULINE CRAFT, Home Dem. Agent. Aluminium Week Endorsed By Paul Fulton | National Defense and materials | for defense weapons are foremost I. in our minds. We are being ask 'ed by our President, State and lo ' cal leaders to produce and con | serve products in order that our j liberty may be made secure. In this connection we have a period set aside for aluminium campaign, I July 21-29—a period for people Ito donate to the government ! aluminium ware to be made into 'aeroplanes and other defense weapons. i > • On behalf of members of the American Legion and ex-service men of Stokes county, I heartily indorse the Aliuninium f o r Na j tional Defense Program and en- I courage all citizens to give freely of their pots, pans, and other ware. PAUL FULTON, Commander Neal Bennelt Post 197, \ Walnut Cove, N. C.