THE DANBURY REPORTER Established 1872 Volume 66 about ifie AAA and ot/ieky f • "*SWLiI&r J fcj (CXTCNSION WORK ! CnuttuJlaent- Mr. and Mrs C. R. Carroll of King are to be congratulated on the fine lot of fruit and vegatables which they have grown on their, town lot. From the peach trees growing in the yard and poultry 1 lot, 58 quarts of peaches have al-11 ready been preserved. Other ' fruit from the trees was consumed in the home and given to the I i neighbors and relatives. Several varieties of apples, grapees and other tree fruits are being grown I for the family food supply. Nine varieties of vegtables were noted in the Carroll garden ready for daily use on the table. Mrs. Carroll is doing much can- ; ning this season anticipitng high er food prices in the winLer. This I practice is found on manv farms of the county. It is hop-si all families will ptOM ample supply 'f canned and brv 'oods lor the I winter mo.iihareportb are food prices are sure to be high. The tobacco crop was damage- ( by hail and wind on farms in the Collinstown community last week. Several of thee hail beaten farm ers are selling milk. "The bi monthly milk check is a great aid I in this time of bad crops," stated Mr. Jasper J. Martin of Collins- [ town community. W. S. Hart of the Lawsonville community purchased a register ed Angus bull from the Tranaou herd of Alleghaney county. We have just received a new I bulletin, inexpensive practices for Controlling Diseases of vag-1 etable CCrops, which will be given free to anyone coming to the oi fice requesting it. It is a worth while bulletin and farmers are urged to take advantage of it.' use. Farmers may be interested to know three combines owned by Stokes Farmers are available for harvesting clover seed, grass aeed anl lespede?a seecT us wall as small grain. R. C. White of King, John Chrip'an of Pinnacle and Fred Christi. n of Francisco are the owners. Saturday morning August 2nd, 7:30 A. M. (Daylight Saving Time) a farm tour will leave Shell Service Station in King for Iredell County to study types of silos. Farmers are urged to go on this tour-it will be interesting and instructive. The trip will b3 in charge of R. C. White and tho county agent. PLANES AND MOBE PLANES 1 Defense production la steadily Increasing. The OPM just an npoppri that 1,476 miliary W epft.nsra dslhwwl T. R. Rogers, Stokes County Yout\ Drowns In Va. The body of Thurntun it. Hol ers, aged 19, of Smart, Va.. | i Route 1, washed ashore Wednes day on the Chesapeak* i~ iy n»ar Norfolk, 24 hours after the youth was reported missing while swim ing with friends. Police investigated the death but deemed an injuost unneces sary. ✓ The youth had been working in Norfolk for only a month. Funeral services will be m'.il at the home a few miles north of I here in Stokes county this after noon at 2:30. Elder W. J. H-own of Rural Hall will officiate. Bu rial will be in the family ceme tery. Surviving are the parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Rogers and a brother, Benny Rogers. Highway No. 89 To Be Open Soon Highway No. 89, from thi Buck Island bridge to Francisco, a lap of about 15 miles v-'ll be opened I in two weeks. Tnia h'ghway has been closer to traffic top several | months. Presbyterian Manse At Francisco Is Completed The new Presbyterian MEM- e, which has been under construct ion for some time at Francisc a, is finished and will be occupied next week by Rev, ar.J Mrs L. F. Cowan and family. Taylor Home Finished The attractive new h'.me of E l M. Taylor is completed ami will | be occupied Saturday. : Ed's family now lives iu Wolnui Cove. H ■ A Danbury, N. C., Thursday, July 31, 1941 * * * NEWSUM HOME DESTROYED BY FIRE i Brit id! "V' A|'|»t'urs At liina — ) Tiiß'ves Enter Service station —Marriage—Olh«*r Kin;; News King- Play where the ni 'U-i --tain scsnciy is grand-July .»! - t The British "V" has made its HI • . pearence here it is being scrawi- . ed on doors, sidewalks, show win- dows , automobiles and every where. i. ] Frank Pulliam has accepted a j 1 position with the Twin Star Set- j i vice Station and Cafe on east I Broad street. i Ollie Neißon had the misfortune j to loose his home, all household'. effects and wearing apparel of j the family by fire Thursday night J - while the family waß attending ( preachng at a tent meetng at j Five Forks Thursday nigh*. ( W. C. Searcy and family luve returned to their home on Pul liam street after a few da/*? visit to Mr. Searcy's mother, M-.s. U. J. Searcy at Shores, Va. . Austin Garner has been ap- i i 1 pointed Post Master here. It :s j not known just when he will enter i on his new duties. Mr. aRd Mrs. Paul As'.iburn have returned to their hom« irx ] after a few days sta> with Dr. and Mrs. G. E. Stone on , west Main street. Unknown thieves broke into the Shell Service Station operat- 1 ed by Vesta and Austin Wall | automobile tires, tubes and cigar-' 1 ettes valued at about $200.00. En-' Friday night and carried off | trance was gained to the building by breaking & back win do v. Guy' ' j | Scott of Raleigh and deputy 'sheriff R. W. Stewart are work ing on the case. They hav.' soou i leads. Mrs. Robert I. Lee has return- j i 1 ed to her home in Raleigh alter visiting her mother, Mrs, P W. Gunter on Cottage Grove Avenue. Announcement is made ol th marriage of Meredith Payne td Goidonsviile, Va. and Mitss Re becca Helsabeck of King. fin t ceremony took place Saturday evening July 19th at the home ! of the brides parents, Dr. ami Mrs. Meet The South Americans OA* J\of*+•+ * • FEDERAL AGENTS NAB STGKES MAN FRIiMVs K\!l> NETS ION S'j P.|,, 1,00/f . >IW: AM) Hf.WK K ill) FY V'.il :i!c'i!vil tax unit inv ti;,t gallons of whisk-. 200 ?. !l us of mash and a nv i when they ma le ;i rr.i l Friday i. Stokes County. The man, Frank Reid, waiv I preliminary hearing before the United States commissioner at Maycdan, and was released under , SSOO bond. Trial in Federal court is slated for the November term. , When the officers raided the place there was evidence a run I had been made the day before, j I The still had been removed when they arrived. Size of the furnace indicated the still had a capacity of 150 gallons. | Bitten By Snake Ann, the small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Flfpchuir. wa3 bitten by a while play ing in the back yard of her home ( She is recjvr.ring. | iU. M. Society To Meet', i I The Union Missionary S c:ct> : of Danbury will meet Monday j night, August 4th, at 8:00 o'clock (e.s.t.), in the Presbyter iar. i church. I ! R. L. Llewellyn, Attorney, was here fijm Madison Wed air lay. ■ i _ Rupert S. Helsabeck on Dan ' River street. After a honeymoon ' trip they will be at home in Fred • rkksbutgh, Va. where Vr Payn holds a position with th" Finance, Corporation. ■] T. D. Tuttle if Camp Lo\ Va. • is visiting reK'iv.s here i.nd a: Rural Hall. King went on d ylight havin:- time Sunday wl. ;i me chants and hou»i ,st • their clocks v.p nn hnn Oscar M. Kiiby Jr. V.i» is in i • the U. H. Mnrines ia statonel i.i le land relet ivos nave koml through Published Thursdays Robert C. Booth Claimed |]v Death, Rot •» \ iio-i' i, ■ _ i .v :: kno. ii St U - ■ . j'i*y ! timei • ! W. .aut Cov. Ro.«- • l. i d !• , day ni«.'/ ' ' V\ M-.tmi . hospital ! ! lot!.. IHIII.-. H.. coalition been cntßv! 01. week. Surviving ar • t!v former Miss Mary Vioia Bulli'i: six daughters, Mrs Jasper Roy Tedder of Walnut Cove, Route 1 Misses Nellie Joe and Louise Booth of the home and Mrs. Wal- ! \ ter Southern of Radiotu, Va.; nine sons, J. J. and T .L. Boot.'i of Walnut Cove; Willie Booth ol Stonesville; Roy Booth of Cai* ithage; Hambo Booth of Walnut ! Cove, Route 1; Roberl J. Booth ; of Walnut Cove, Route Giady Booth of Walnut Cove; Odell 1 .and P. C. Booth of the home; | and on? brother, 'james Booth of Vade Mecum. j The funeral was held at Clear j Springs Baptist Church Sunday > afternoon at 3 o'clock. Elders J. 1 Watt Tuttle and W. J. Brown' I , conducted the services. Burial was in the family plot in Danbury Cemetary. I MORE BOYS OFF j FOR FORT BRAGG ELEVEN STOKES DRAFTEES i TO ENTER TRAINING AT j FORT BRAGG I Eleven Stokes county boys will leave Danbury Tuesday monnn,; to enter training at Fort BruLg and become a p.* ri of the v i-i I army of ■>? lefi3t 2 r.-.iaion v.h: h America is prepnrin r for d. !eas \ The list is as follows: i George William Wilson, Mtn. Hnnes O'Neil Wood, San d / RiJge. Edwni.l Vaughn, Lawsonville. William Anderson Mv r.un ■, Lr.v.sonvillo. M ir Evens, Madison. L st..- Samuel Bullins, Wahv.t Cove. C" '.'T Bickett I'odson, San Hid. Crndv Kuu- ae Watkins Ln .• ■ j gAk n Number *3,595 NEW INDrSTRV WAIATT ('>Vl2 Burr ITMH'. ( •-MII« -ti*N > H l!i • it ) in ' i ! "CIIIII- T« I ».t;ihli>.!i li; \ • •.oci.i ti . Uilh i ,• fjurial t,n --■ • ill W. I:.':' ' . '■ a iu»! •11l I .!»:•!• ill*.! Ul > ' iSSOCiatjon, !. I!. Hut mi ulis. i:. . i tic ia D, ....i ...s u\:i coiui" i: (I with the .Vclwui Burial A.v-oi iation oi Dunbury, Iloutu 1 lot more than. 7 jvars, has withdrawn from that concern an*l formed a connection I with the Fowler Burial Associa tion of Wilson's Store. The Fow i!er establishment will be removed to Walnut Cove wheie the new firm has purchased the Ralph Mills property, diagonally across from the postoffice. It is stated that modern buildings will be erected, and the latest type of jmortinary equipment added to the already excellent appointmMt3 of the Fowlers. The Nelson Funeral Home near jDanbury ranks the most , up-to-date establishment ot the I kind in the State, and h'.s achieved under the management of J. E. T 'elson and I K Bur | roughs an outstanding iuc Burroughs has won for him. |self during his stay in this sec tion a reputation lor being one of the finest embalmers in Noith Carolina. During his connection with Nelson his work has attract ed outside notice resulting in his receiving flattering offers 1 fr.>m other concerns. Walnut ' Cove and Stokes county are to be ' congratulated on retaining hint as a citizen and business man. During the past several year* the Fowler association has greiu* ly expanded and won tor itself a ' large degree of success. THE WAR Attn a snuggle of .'lti days th Russians haw stopped Hitler'.; mini s. The 1 !i i mans are estima 't.'l»o !i vc 1 i.>l ■ thi:it ■ mil lion men. i I Jap. !. is . i i:.i\,. Indo.i'hit. I'.iitniti and Am>-; i liavi n ti i> : la'i iii n aie :in tini hi i si 'lit it r the Pacific . Tin .t a s bombed i „'American -'.unl , .i\\ • mn: tin has denian i ■. 'i ■ ,-tim . i ! Tli British air ;.>n is ire tea* jtn pjeecs the ir.dustria iities >. | Germany while Hit 'or is busy | with Russia. ', i sonviile. Vestcr Stephens, Walnut Cove. Clyde Gilmer Beasley, West field. _ George Ernst us .lessup, Mount ' Airy. Ice Cream Supper Miss Bessie Joyce was hus'ess Tuesday night to an ice cream supper at her home at Sandy Ridge. The invited guests were! Misses Erna Neal, Emorie Pepper, and Hazel Fulp of Walnut Cove; Frances Alley of King; Trixie Ziglar of Sandy Ridge and Leon ard van Noppen qf Danbury and Noel Duahraot of . Md

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