THE DANBURY REPORTER Established 1872 Volume 66 THIS WEEK IN DEFENSE 00000000000000000 xx>oooooooooooxxx The President created by Ex ecutive Older a seven-member • Supply, Priorities and Allocation Board, with Vice President Wal lace as Chairman and Donald -\l. ( Nelson, formerly OPM Purchase Director, as Executive Director. The Board will fix Priorities and allocate supply of materials, fuel, power and other commodities of all kinds to meet the edmands of the Arwy and Navy, the defense aid program, the policies of ec onomic %arfare and the needs of the civilian population. Mehbers I of the Board are OPM Directors Knudsen and Hillman, War and Navy Secretaries Stimson and * Knox, Price Administrator Hen derson, and Lend-Lease Super visor Hopkins. Under the Order, the Office of Price Administration and Civ ilian Supply becomes the Office ot Price Administration and a Supply Division is created in the OPM to protect the inter- ests of consumers. Both will be headed by Leon Henderson, who was OPACS Administrator. The | Order also transferred Edward ' R. Stettinius from his post as OPM Priorities Director to that of Lend-Lease Administrator and appointed Mr. Nelson as Priorit ies Director. Aid to Britian, Chjna, Russia The President announced a Mil itary mission will go to China to study the need of China for equip ment and material and expedite lend-lease aid. State Secretary Hull stated the U. S. will main tain the policy of freedom of the seas in shipping sppiies to Rus sia via the Pacific. The President told his press conference an or ganized campaign of rumors, dis tortions, half-truth and falsehood regarding misuses of lend-lease funds had been launched to sabo tage the program of aid to oppo- nents of the Axis. Agriculture OPM gave priority to deliver ies of materials necessary for the production of parts for the repair and maintenance of existing farm equipment and manufacture of new farm equipment. The Presi dent vetoed a bill to withhold from the normal channels of trade Government-owned cotton and wheat, because "in times such as these noone can forsee how soon these stocks may be needed." Army The war Department announced creation of a third parachute bat talion and a fifth armored divis ion. The Army also amended its regulations to permit discharge of enlisted men to accept Navy com missions when the Navy so de sires. Air Artemus L. Gates of New York. World War Navy flier, was ap pointed Assistant Secretary of Navy for Aeronautics. Twenty- MRS. CROMER BOUND TO COURT ON ARSON CHARGE HEARiNG HELD HERE WED NESDAY BEFORE JUSTICE JOHN L. CHRISTIAN—BOND OF .$3,00i).00 POSTED FOU Htiß RELEASE UNTIL CRIM INAL TERM OCT. 5 I I | Mrs Clemmie Cromer, of Mt. View, who was arrdsted on July 2nd for the alleged setting fir*- to a feed barn of a neighbor, VV. G. Ferguson, was released yester day after a hearing under bone of $3,000. ! The preliminary hearing, which was scheduled to be held at Pin nacle August 7, but which wa postponed, was held here Wed nesday. Sheriff Taylor was on-; of the key witnesses in the case j John L Christian, Justice oi the peace from Pinnacle presided at the hearing and Solicitor P.. J. Scott prosecuted for the State. Attorneys for the defense were H. H. Leake and Archie Elledge, |of Wjnston-Salenw The defense presented no witnesses. I Fort Bragg To Get 15 Stokes Draftees The following group of men from Stokes county will leave Danbury Tuesday, Sept. 9 for Fort Bragg under call No. 17: i | John Tuttle James, Walbut Cove, N. c- I Thadis James Stephens, Pino Hall, N. C. Odell Gilmer Mabe, Danbury, N. C . Robert Smith, Walnut Cove, X. |c. James Matthew Nelson, Law sonville, N. r. ! • j Willie Taylor Ziglar, Sandy Ridge, N. C. Powell Gray Neal, Walnut Cove, N. C. I Joe Cephens Stevens, Francisco N. C. Philip Alton Petree, Walnut Cove, N. C. William Ralph McGee, Walnut Cove, N. C. Paul Andrew Westmoreland, Germanton, N. C. Loyd Pringlc Hawkins, Walnut ' Cove, N. *C. i | Roy Claton Brown, Rural Hall, N. C. Ira Glenn Mabe, Walnut Cove, ,N. C. | Jeoffery .Homer Vaden, Fran cisco, N. C. | ! I eight new Army Ai r Corps units | were formed, including 26 school squadrons of 200 me each. Thy Army Air Force began tests ot the P-40F, latest of a series "giv ing excellent performances ab road.'' and sent Maj. Gen. Brett, Chief of Air, to Africa and the | Mediterranean area with a mis sion to study planes in action and needs of the British. Civilian Defense The Army announced it wiil test the air defense and air warn ing system of the northeastern | (Continued on page two) Danbury, N. C., Thursday, Sept. 4, 1941 FARM. HOME TOUR OF STOKES SEPT. 10 FARMERS URGED TO ATTEND A Farm and H,mc Tour for Stokes Farmers and Farm women will be held on Wednesday, Sep tember 10. Dean I. O. Seiiaub his been invited to attend the tour. Specialists from State College will attend the tour, Mr. R. W. Siiof fer, Extension Economist, Farm Management and Dan F. Holler, Agronomist. We hope to make this one of the most outstanding tours ever held in Stokes county, and to do this, all farmers are urged to attend. Places of interest and of educational *alue have been selected for the different studies. The following places will be visited on the tour. 9 a. m.—Mrs. Fred Christian';! farm to study milk goat herd; l f ) a. m., R. A. Smith's farm to study dairy herd and barn improvement, trench silo, ime and phosphate for better pastures; 11 a. m. Sam Mickey's farm—new upright silo, remodeled barn, lime and phos phate for good pasture, home im provement. 12:30 PICNIC LUNCH address by Mr. R. W. Shoffner, and short talks by other visitors and farmers. 2 p. m. —Rose'l Law's farm to study crop rotation, which will be explained by Dan F. Holler; 3:30 p. m. J. S. Robertson's farm to study new modern poultry house and 4:45 J. Z. La.vsou's farm to study Crop rotation for tobacco disease control, box-type siol, lime and phosphate fcr pas ture and home development. These attending are requeste.' to bi£:g" uieir picnic lunch. Mt. Olive Baptists To Have Homecoming Mt. Olive Baptist Church, (i miles north of Rural Hall o,: the Moore's Spring road, will hold its annual Home-Coming the Is; Sunday in September. All former Pastors and mem bers are urged to be present to gether with present pastor an i i members. Visitors are cordial!, invited. An all-day program is schedul ed for the occasion with dinner on the ground. Short talks and special music will be the principal features oi the day. All singers invited. about t&e MA and- othek; ( / ! CXTCNSION WORK F. R. Farnham, Dairy Special ist, was here Friday. He was favorbly impressed with the new silos in the county. Silage is one of our best winter feeds, mucli superior to top and blade fodder. The Specialist advised farmers 'to save silage instead of fodde? Forsyth-Stokes Student Controversy Is Placed iieto: e State Schooi Commission A emit! vctsy over io to 101 Forsyth t unty chii.aen attain ing Stokes county schools his been put the state school com ,u ior settlement it w:>? - disclose 1 Monday. Two petitions—one pro and one con—* ore presented to the com mission about mid-August in e,.- f„rts to have Rural Hall made the schooling place for children who live in that bounderline sec tion of Forsyth but who go over into Stokes county to attend th > Germanton school. Petitions Drawn Forsyth school leaders and backers secured a petition from residents of the section asking that the boys and girls attend the] Rural Hall School rather than Stokes county's school at German- j ton reliable sources explained. But opponents of the move ic j appeals countered with a petition of their own which included the names of many signers of the papers got up by the Forsyth schoj supporters. Superintendent Cash indicated that the two petitions were put before the school commission a». Raleigh about August 14. He es timated that probably io to 10ft hoys and girls had been attending the Stokes school although they live in Forsyth. j Two members of the Rural Hal' school committee —Eert Wilson and Charles Hclsabeck—wore re ported as among those who went to r.rlcigh in fav r of having the Foisythians attend in Forsyth lather than "go to a Joreign county.'' Morton-Cayton Reunion To Be Sunday, 21st The annual Morton-Cayton re union will be held at the homo of J. H. Morton, the old Morton ' homeplace, near Danbury. St ok county, Sunday, September 21. All Mortons, Cnytons, relatives in friends are urged to be presm with well filled baskets. All singers have a special in vitation to be present to male..- the day one of joy and entertain ment. Music for the occasion will be furnished by the Mayodan Swing ettes. for cow feed. A quickly cpnstruct ed trench silo may be used for storage. F. L. Bennett, Rural Hall ha? purchased a registered Gurnscy bull calf. Mr. Hancock, District Manage: - of Carnation Milk Company, will attend the Farm and Home Tour [next week. Published Thursdays Jury List For Fall Term Stokes Criminal, i Civil Court The f ill term of Stokes eoun court will e iivcm M. . day ni' ining, Oct. *i, v.iih Ju-1 > Armstrong and rfolnit•>. R. J. ft'eott piosccutin. :••! th-. State. This will be t"!! iv-'u ! uii_ wce't 01 civil court. The docket is light, consist ing largely cf liquor violation-, larceny, etc. Following is a list of the jurois drawn for the fust and seeonn weeks of criminal and civil corn: respectively: FIRST WEEK Robert Knight, Snow Cre«'' township. .j Carl Wilson, Quaker Gap town ship. Sam Lewis, Meadows township. | G. 17j Moorefield, Sauratown ) township. I S. P. Dearmin, Beaver Islam' township. S. J. Simmons, Quaker Gap township. Ira E. Lane, Yadkin township. D. M. Bennett, Yadkin town ship. I. E. Hooker, Yadkin townsTiiv. W. S. Ray, Big Creek township. Will Creasey, Peter's Creek township. 'j Gort;,i Tt. Woods. Danbury 1 township. W. O. Baker, Yadkin township. ' ! J. W. Gentry. Yadkin township. ! J. Will Moorefield. Meadow 1 township. Ellis Sisk, Yadkin townshfp. J. W. Burrell, Quaker G;:;i t, township. • i Coy Baker, Danbury tewn -1 Kiir. 1 S. O. Westnion land. Yadki. , township. J Mollis ftovall, Snow I i township. [ S. L. Gordon, Meadows town ship. -I . Cecil W. Holland, Yadkin town ' i ship. ! Spencer Hill, Danbury town J J. E. Rankin, Beavei Isla.: i ■5 i i town:'np. j W. L. Frye, Quaker Gap town j ship. ! T. M. Welch. Sauratown to\\i. ship. J. S. Chapman, Meadows town ship. H. F. Wright, Big Creek town ship. W. J. Blackwell, Beaver Island township. G. J. Moser, Yadkin township. B. H. Kiser, Yadkin township. Sam Baker, Danbury township. Will Stephens, Peters Creek township. W. A. Southern, Meadows township. M. P. Watts, Meadows township, ship. R. D. Covington, Yadkin town- W. F. Chapman, Meadows town ship. T. \\\ Loggins, Yadkin town ship. Fred Amos, Snow Creek (own • ship. J. E. Mitchell, Meadows town- Number •'!/>"» NYA Allotment For Stokes SehooN Is $1,530.00 A t it:'! : J I . n ;il • i ,f i t.. ' 2*i*.. 1i• .4 i . . ' «k • ( uia. ! y •: v v. y,.,. \ : \ ;• Joi.n A. I .. • . F:i: . a!' I t v. ill ; i.: uiyi.v: «:. ?.v 'I A stu !- oat v.i.l; J.; ...MM in t !.l loi it schools '.iu::.: 1! i j Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Color haw 1 returnoi lroni a visit with Mr. jJ. W. Eiu\vn at Norfolk, Va. Mr. j and Mis. Brown s;>cnt sevt rnl I days with the Colors recently. I v ship. j Dillaid Hail, Meadows tuwn ship. •?" " WEEK S. A. _ Snow Creok township. | J. Wesley Poll, Quaker (Jap township. | Spencer Fowler, Meadows town ship. I J. P.. Forrest. Biy Creek tow:i --1 i • ship. j J. J. Terry, Yadkin township. I Ft. E. Cromer, Sainatovn town ship. Walter Z. Wall, Beavor Island township. Harvey J. Poles, Meadows town ship. i Hillery Taylor. Sauratown town ship. Frank Robertson, Peters Civil* township. P. M. Mom ; '••!!. Snow Civ k tov nship. V. s. .Jniiis. Yadkin W. M. F!- :;t, > I: ! : J. D. F!iu B> >v> r Islan 1 j-1 i• •'■ .vr.s; i; . L ■ .Joy s.. v Crock town. s'i-1 • !. H. : . M ' . .v : - t v. nshi", W. V. W 1. D inbnrv ■«.w: i ; i•.. A. A. Boyle*, Yadkin township, w I*. .. v !];, town sl-.ip. A." n v.- • V i iki't •• w: lip. Cfil!.. ! In .. O, Pi, Clf!' t, V. • ship. (.. S. 'tin. i'.,; Cr. k towi ship. • N: Y.idkii tow s! j r:. s. v. s ,»w Cii di t« v ship. ii BUY . UNITED ; j AMERICA ON GUARD! Above is a reproduction of the • Treasury Department's Defense Savings Poster, showing an exact duplication of the original "Minute Man" statue by famed sculptor Daniel Chester French. Defense Bonds and Stamps, on sale at your I bank or post offico, arc a vital part Hpf ;' n " > Dreparmigna.

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