r PUBLISHED THURSDAYS 1 DMT REPORTER A County-Seat Weekly Now In Its 70th Year $l.OO Per Year In Advance j tHE DANBURY REPORTER "NORTH CAROLINA FACTS! ONLY NOML BOWL QAM*. even PiAYCD o* T«e Roet OUK* V» OWW^W^ FLIGHT IN ijjljH;; history made by wrcht BROTHERS AT KITTY HAWK. OVER 1,300,000 VISITORS CAME TO THE GREW SMOKY MOUNTAINS NATIONAL RM*K IN 1941- NO OTHER NATIONAL BMW /^~ dp,EW THE LEGALS ZIP. :?:CUSTW 12,000,00^ PROVIDES AN ANNUAL c> PAYROLL OF f 12,000,000 {)} TO NORTH CAROLINA V>" WORKERS ! _ f' ' . I . Grily a dwindling I. .v '_- among bocr "• retailers permit anti-social practices. Hc'p us in our "clean up or close up" campaign during the New Year by giving yc .:r -a'.rcnnrre to the great majority who operate "."I.l:l:.tvi BREWERS AriD C»>»^UWA SEER DISTRfBUTORS COMMITTEE Edgar H. Bain, Siafe Director, Suite 813-817 Commercio 16 Idg. Raleigh pnUSSED IN tMPWATIO* WITH THE UNITED BREWERS FOOKPAT!t?H Joßfllevi tfgt CK^666 'IJOtniIMUM.IAtVt.IKUf MOM lifir FOB SALE .. Youg pigs for sale—Have MWU on hand now. See Ton Gray, Van bury, Route 1. FOUND—White hound dog. Own er may have same by paying board and ad. HAM SHBLTON near Danbury MOVIE OPERATORS AND MAN AGERS—DANBURY DISTRICT —MOVIB CIRCUIT WORK— -1«22 RHODES HAVBRTY BLDG., ATLANTA, OA. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOB COUBT BEFORE THE CLERK POST YOUR LAND AGAINST HUNTERS Blanks for sale at Danbury Re porter Office, Danbury, N. C. MAN WANTED for Rawleigh Route. Real opportunity for right man. We help you get started. Write Rawleigh's Dept. NCA-55-0, Richmond, Va. NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Wm. Lewis Warner, notice ia hereby given to all parties having cliams against said estate to present the same to the undersigned, duly authenticat ed for payment, on or before the 15th day of January, 1943, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. And all persons in ' debted to said estate will make , immediate payment to me. , This Jan. 12, 1942. > A. L. WARNER, > Administrator. [ Chas. R. Helsabeck, [ Attar, for Admr., i ('Rural Hall, N. C. „ Training For Ptfantt r?' • By Rufui T. Strohm i DHD, Initrntlional Corrfpondtnct Schoolt WITHOUT an intercommunicat ing system consisting of cables and wires, the modern battleship would be all but worthless. The wiring Is Just as important as the gun turreta or the steam power. The ship might have all the ap pearance of a § first claas per former, but aha would be of lit tle value in action. Bome men are like an un> finished ship. ——' They have the Rufua T. Strohm appearance and the potenti alities, but without akill they are not capable of doing a Job that re quires responsibility. They are mere shells of efficiency nntll the "wir ing" or training la acquired. ♦ Today thouaanda of men are working In the New York Navy Yard, busily engaged In building thla nation's two-ocean navy. These men are given opportunities to ad vance to better Joba. The taak de mands skilled technicians and mechanics. Every department must have highly trained men to direct those who build and fit together the parts of gigantic battleshlpa. The Navy Is proud of the spirit of the men who build ships, hut that la not enough. Such workmen must be perfectionists. There la not much time to train men, but every eCc-t is being made in that direction. * * The big Jobs In the shipyard, like those In any other great American Industry, are handled by those men who are properly "wired", to pro duce with speed and efficiency. You have to have the "know how!" Hints For Motorists By Joseph R. Rollins The Atlantic Refining Company SCRATCHES and chipped spots on the finish of a car provide an entry for rust and Its damaging ef fects. Instead of trying to paint them over in the ordinary way, which usually gives a spotty effect, clean the surface with gasoline and then gently rub In a small amount of paint with a soft cloth. The paint will fill In the marred spots, but can be wiped off the surrounding surfaces. • • • Paint streaks on the fenders, dua to robbing agalnat garage doors or other cause a, can ■anally be re moved with tar remover. Wipe the tar remover over the marks and let it remain for a little while. Than nib off wfcfc • aoft fctotk. nibbing Is tbe apme direction** tbe streak*, MM acrges tbea. - : { NOTICE OF SALE OF LANDS Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer tain deed of trust executed by 01- Jie Webster and J. R. Webster, dated September 3rd, 1934, and recorded in Book 88, page 250, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Stokes county, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, and having been requested so to do by the holder of same, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Danbury, North Carolina, on Saturday, January 17th, 1942, at 10:30 o'clock, a. m., the lands con veyed in said deed of trust the same lying and being in Stokes county, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: Ist Tract: Beginning at the road below "K" Fork Church; thence north 25 1-2 chains to a stake in the center of the road; thence south 50 degrees west 4.68 chains; thence south 15 degrees east 1.75 chains; thence south 32 degrees west 5 1-2 chains; thence west 11 degrees north 25 1-2 chains to a stake; thence south 4 chains to a stake in the center of the road; thence south east with the meand ering of said road about 136 poles to the point of beginning and con taining 34 acres more or less. 2nd Tract: Beginning at a pine in the fork of the road; thence along the meanderings of the Iron Works road south 87 5-6 degrees east 1.87 chains, north 71.75 de grees east 5 chains, north 85 de grees cast 3.5 chains, south 76 de grees east 1.54 chains, south 56 degrees east 7.64 chains, south 75.75 degrees east 4.15 chains, north 56 degrees east 6.10 chains, south 78.25 degrees east 2.71 chains, south 56 degrees east 5 chains, south 7.25 degrees east 4.85 chains, south 86 degrees east 10 chains to the middle of the fork t9 Sovth Beaver Island Creek; thence ufe the creek as it meanders for line by this bearing for calculation north 27.75 de grees west 1106 chains to Maggie and Hilen Foy's corner in the mid dle of the creek 15 links from a stake on the east bank; thence a new line with said Foy's line north 89 3-8 degrees west 39.15 chains to a stake in the middle of the road, 15 linkß from a stone on the east side of same; thence along said road south 33.50 de grees west 3.61 ohains south 62.75 degrees west 3.50 chains to the place of beginning, containing 24 acres more or less. 3rd Tract: Beginning at the Fork of Beaver Island Creek as the creek now runs, and at the upper end of the old creek bed; thence down the old creek bed south 19 1-2 degrees west 3 chains j M d links to the bend of I the old oroek bed; thenoe south degrees west 4 thains to an apple tree on old creek bank; thence south 31 degrees east 1 1-2 chains to bead in the old creek bed; thenoe south 3 1-2 chains to another bend; thence south 68 de grees east 2.75 chains to the creek as it now runs; thence up Baaver Island Creek as it now runs to the Beginning and containing three acres, more or less, and be ing the same land that was re covered at the fall term of 1912 •'nerior Court of Stokes county, N. C. by R. H: Mitchell from Neal Cardwell: This 15th day of December 1941. J. L. ROBERTS, Trustee. CREDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned having quali fied as Executor of John M. Red ding estate, late of Stokes county, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of Jan uary, 1943, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons owing said estate will make immediate settlement. This January 2, 1942. ROY S. REDDING Rural Hall, N. C. Executor of Mm K. Bid ding estate* R. I fiteott. Atty. v H j ■duiut, *. o ytßyki. Thursday, January 15, 1942 STUART THEATRE Stuart, Virginia 4 Friday and Saturday, Jan. 16-11 "THE KID'S LAST BIDE" * (The Range Busters) Crash Corrigan—John King Max Terhune Sunday and Monday, Jan. 18-10 "DIVE BOMBEB" Errol Flynn—Fred Mac Murray In Tochnicolo* A Tuesday, January 20 "THREE SONS O' GUN'S Wayne Morris-Mar jorie Ram beau r . Wed. and Thurs., Jan. 21-22 "OUR WIFE" Melvyn Douglas—Ruth Hftissey NOTICE OF RESALE Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Stokes county, made in the Spec- ial Proceeding entitled "S. F. Ed wards, et al Vs J. W. Lambert, et # al," the same being upon the Special Proceedings docket of said Court, the under signed Commissioner will, on the 21ST DAY OF JANUARY, 1942 AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M. IN FRONT OF THE POST OFFICE IN PINNACLE, N.C. offer for resale to the highest bidder for cash upon confirmation that certain lot of land lying and being in Yadkin Township, Stokes county, N. C., and in the town of Pinnacle, N. C. and adjoining the f J. T. Wall lot, Railroad right-of- - way and others and more partic ularly described as follows, to* ? wit: ■ -• »•» -"**4 "Beginning on a stake in th*- * right-of-way line of the Railroad and runs east with the Wall line 250 feet to a stake in the street line; thence north with the street line 100 feet to a stake; thence west 250 feet to a stake in the right-of-way; thence south with the right-of-way line 100 feet to the beginning corner." » This the sth day of January,. " 1942. W. R. BADGETT, Commissioner. North Carolina County Of Stokes ; j D. G. Dix J vs Mammie E. Dix The defendant, Mammie E. Dix,. will take notice, that an action en titled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Stokes county, North Carolina, by the plaintiff, D. G. Dix, to obtain an absolute divorce, on the: grounds of two yean separation, and the said defendant will fur ther take notice that she it re quired to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, in the courthouse in Daabury, North Carolina, with in twenty dayß after the 24th day. of January, 1942, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded in the said complaint. • This 23rd day of December, • 1941. j J. WATT TUTTLE, Clerk of Superior Court. Price & Osborne, Attorneys. Leakaville, North Carolina. NOTICE * The undersigned having quali fied as Administrator of J. A. Flippin, deceased, late of Stokes county, this is to notify all per sons having claims against said estate to present them to the un dersigned on or before the 4th day of December, 1942, or this Notices wiH be pleaded to bar of recovery. All persons owing said eatat» will make immediate settkanent- This December 4, IXI. SAX FLIFPTN, Aflta'r of J. A. FHfrpb*. ! liw • M«a n -, &