THE DANBURY REPORTER HrtftttisM 1 m King Young Man Is /Navy Casualty Itonto Notified By War Depart ment Many Births Other News Of King. Tom Petree: "Have you ever realized any of your childhood hopes?" King Booster: "Yes, I've seen ' King grow into the best town in the county." King, Feb. 19.—Mr. and Mrs. Oscar SpainhoWer have received a telegram from the War Depart ment at Washington that their son, Thamer, who is in the Navy, has been seriously hurt. Particu lars have not been learned at this writing. Rheuben Kirby is confined to ' his home in the Mount Pleasant section by ilness We regret to note. C. S. Newsum is having hid home on Main Street repainied and a new roof put on. Mr. New aum has been on the tick list for several days but is much improv ed. The new home being erected by ' Dewey Long in Walnut Hills is ' Bearing completion, w Greer Bullen of Francisco and Mrs. Hobert Petree of Tobacoo villa underwent tonsil removal op erations here last week. Mrs. Lelah Newsum is prepar ing to hare a new home erected on Dan River street near the home of Dr. R. S. Hfelsabeck. Mrs. L. K: Pulliam is recoTer ing from a recent IIIDMS at her home on Main Street. Following is the stork's report for last week: Mr. and Mrs. Mon roe Hamlin, a daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sizemore, a daugh- STOKES FARM PAYMENTS UP The Stokes county Agricultural Conservation Association has re ceived $46,000 in agricultural Conservation'and parity payments earned by Stokes farmers in 1941, through co-operation with the ag ricultural conservation program. This is approximately 25 per cent, of the SIBO,OOO earned in the past year and covers 950 out of the county total of 3,800 pro ducers for an average payment per person receiving checks o about S4B which in an increase in excess of $22 over that of 1940. The increase was brought about 3 * Mrs. Cleveland Manuel Passes At Walnut Cove Mrs. Dorothy Craddock Man uel, aged 20, wife of Cleveland Manuel, Walnut Cove, Route 2, died at her home Tuesday follow ing an illness of three months. The funeral was held Wednes day afternoon at 2 o'clock at Wilson Baptist Church with Rev. **teus»ell Ward in charge. Burial Volume 71 ter; Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Smith, a son; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chap man, a daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Foy Smith, a daughter; and last but not least, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hayden, twins, a son and a daugh ter. j Harvey G. Spainhower of High Point, formerly of King, was a visitor here over the weekend. Mr. Spainhower is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Martin Spain hower. Ernest Caudle of Abingdon, Va., formerly of King, has purchased the service station of Fount Mos er located at Timmons Cross Roads. / Mr. and Mrs. Gaston Gentry announce the marriage of their daughter, Annie Kate to Claude Tranwich of Valdese. After a short honeymoon they will be at home 'n Valdese. Judging from the King guano and hardware dealers, farmers are preparing for a bumper crop this year. Dealers say their busi ness is the best j n their history. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Powel Cain who reside near here was laid to rest at Westfield Fri day. , Mack Caudle who >s on the re serve list of the Coast Guard has received notice from the War De partment to hold himself in readi ness to report for duty within seventy two hours after being notified. L. J. Handy who is the handy travelling salesman of the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company was here Friday calling on the King merchants. by the increased participation by Stokes producers if seeding more legumes and by the use of 6,000 tons of ground limebtone and 200 tons of 20 per cent, superphos phate which cost tJwm in excess of $20,000. A further increase in payment was noted by the fact that deduc tions from payments in 1941 for I association expences was reduced association expenses was reduced 11.8 per cent, in 1040. Also includ ed in the checks was a tobaco par ity payment in 1941 which wa3 not paid by the AAA in 1940. was in the church cemetery. Survivors include the husband; one son, C. W. Manuel; the par ents, Mr. and Mrs: Billy Crad dock, Walnut Cove; three sisters, Mrs. Daniel Bullins, Miss Rachel Craddock and Miss Vermeil Crad dock, all of Walnut Cove, Route 2; and three brothers, J. W. Craddock, Roy Craddock and Merlin Craddock, all of Walnut Cove, Route 2. Danbury, N. G., Thurad ay, Feb. 19,1942 * * Applications Now Being Placed For Crop Loans Fanners and stockman of Stokw oounty are now placing their applications for production credit loans with Joseph B. Mar tin in the room adjoining Dr. Moorefleld's office in Danbury. By reason of increased prices in products the farmers buy and by reason of the uncertainty of fer tilizer and other products, farm ers are encouraged to make ar rangements about their farm fi nancing early. The association makes loans to responsible farmers and stock men for general agricultural pur poses, including the purchase of fertilizer and seeds. The cost of a loan is very reasonable. Inter est is not deducted and the in terest rate is only 4 1-2 percent. Interest is paid for the actual time the farmers use the money. In addition to the interest, mem bers pay a small loan service fee. This fee does not include recording fee. Loan service fees on loans of S2OO or less have been reduced. The loan service fee for a SIOO loan is $1.50; for S2OO, $2.50; for SSO, SI.OO. Far mers who place their applications for production credit lows, do not pay any fees at the time of not pay any fees at the time the loan to closed the loan serv ice fee is deducted from the check; if the loan is not made, there are no charges for the ser vices rendered. During the past year, 170 members in Stokes county bor rowed $37,570.00 from their as sociation. The association loaned $168,000 to its members in the territory serwed. Farmers and stockmen who can use borrowed money profit ably should tee Joseph B. Martin at Danbury sr L. E. Francis at the office of the association in , Winston-Salem, which is located Washington Dag Dinner Feb. 21st PROMINENT STOKES DEMO CRATS TO ATTEND —SEN ATOR BROWN OF MICH., TG SPEAK. Winston- Salem, Feb. 17. Stokes County Democrats, headed by Chairman Ralph J. Scott, are expected to take part on Febru ary 21 in Winston-Salem in what party leaders today described as "the greatest demonstration of political loyalty and harmony" in generations of Democratic Party history in north-western North Carolina. The Washington Day Dinner, honoring the great first president who laid the foundation of Amer ican democracy, will bring tc Winston-Salem in addition to del egations from 15 counties, a num Ex-Mayor Hall, " Former Stokes Citizen, Passes At Reidsrille Elijah Franklin Ilall, Sr., aged 85, former mayor of Reidsville and a prominent citizen there for nearly half a century, died Satur day. Mr. Hall was born in Stokes county near Lawsonville, April 8, 1856. He spent his early life in Wentworth in the mercantile business, moving to Reidsville in 1883. For many years he was en gaged in the furniture business. Death Of Mrs. Harriet Turner Mrs. Harriet Page Turner, aged 90, died Friday night at the home of a son, T. O. Page, Walnut Cove, Route, 1. Rev. Melvin Manuel and Rev. J. F. Manuel conducted the services. Burial was at Bethel graveyard. Mrs. Turner was married twice. Surviving are two sons, T. O. and C. C. Page, both of Walnut Cove, Route 1; four grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. - \ Pinnacle At Staley For West Honors FTmiacTe High's brilliant bas ketball team, bidding for state class C honors, move into the fi nals of the west by meeting a strong defending champion of Stanley High in a contest at Pin nacle Saturday night at 8 o'clock. The game, being played at Pin nacle, is expected to attract one of the largest crowds to witness a cage game in that community in many years. Will Woods of the Sandy Ridge section was in town a short while Monday. in the Wachovia Bank building, Trade street branch, just auras from the postoffice. iber of outstanding national partv leaders. Senator Prentiss M. Brown of Michigan will make the principa address. Also taking part in the program will be Richard J. Reyn olds, treasurer of the Democratic National Committee and mayor of Winston-Salem, members of the North Carolina official delegation in Washington, and State leaders. Characterizing Senator Brown as "one of the Democratic par ty's most stalwart warriors and capable speakers'', State Senator Gordon Gray, who is Washington Day Dinner chairman for th i t area, said that all who attend and hear his address are certain to be challenged by vital issues of the day. Published Thursdays War Movement In High Gear Loftis Child Lacerated By Maddog Now ✓ Taking Treatment Little Bobbie, 9-year-old son ol I Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Loftis, was bitten and severely lacerated by a maddog Sunday evening. The dog was killed and its head taken to the State Chemist at Raleigh who found the animal was in the last stages of hydrophobia. The Pasteur treatment is being given the child. Mr. Lofti3, who is superinten dent of the County Home, had just returned with his family from a visit to relatives in Vir ginia, when the dog, long a pet ir. the family, attacked the boy, tear ing loose one of his ears before it could be beaten off. Stokes Men Are Summoned Jurors In Fertilizer Case A number of Stokes citizens have been summoned in a venire of 150 men from which to select a jury in the big fertilizer case to begin at Winston federal court March 16. Stokes citizens summoned are the following: Guy Eggleston, Gattia Young, Ralph Mills, George D. Richard son, T. G. Now, William A. Pet- Mrs. Rankin Gives Report And Thanks For Paralysis Fund i I wish to thank all the chair men in the different sections of Stokes county for their splendid cooperation and fine work ren dered in the infantile paralysis drive and to thank the people who so generously donated to this worthy cause. Also to ex tend thanks to the members of the Junior Order for the use of their hall. A million thanks to all of you. Following is a report which is slightly incomplete of the chair men of the ious precincts of the county: Wilson's Store Mrs. Travis Tuttle, $30.30; Pine Hall—Mrs. S. R. Gibson, $31.50; Reynolds—> Toler Haynes, $10.00; Lawson ville —Mrs. P. H. Robertson, .90 Mrs. S. Kallam, $6.50; Walnut Cove —Mrs. C. J. Helsabeck. $72.30; Pinnacle Mrs. Odclt Neal and Miss Sue White, $53.00; Dillard —R. M. Hunt, $9.75; Hart man C. R. Flinchum, $1.05; Danbury—Miss Marjorie Pepper and Miss Luna Taylor, $25.90; King—Mrs. Harold Parker and Mrs. G. E. Stone, $23.15; Miz pah—Mrs. Paul Lewis, $18..'5; Boyles Dillard Hall, $i0.00; Frans Mr. j . Sam Moir. $4.15: Germanton Mrs. Mabel Hill, $15.00; Mrs. J. A. Neal, bowling, Number 3,643 NEW DRAFT REGISTERS OV ER 200,000 IN STATE STOKES ENLISTS 1135 SEVENTY - FIVE MEN EX AMINED MONDAY. North Carolina registered over 200,000 men in the new draft Monday. More than 500,000 had been registered in the former two drafts. The figures for the Stokes en listment Monday stand at 1135, a3 reported to State head quarters. Seventy-five men in two Grey hound buses left here at 7:00 o'clock Monday for medical ex amination at Greensboro. j ree, J. William Moorgfield, J. Moir Hawkins, Alphonso Nunn, Hassell Ashburn, H. G. Johnson, J. A. Bowman, Garland Black well, Odell Simmons, W. B. Lane, N. F. Christian. The case is against 64 fertilizer companies, 36 individuals and two national associations who are I charged with violation of the ( Sherman anti-trust law. Martin Brown Tried For Assault On Willie Baker Before Justice of the Peace P. C. Campbell., Mart Brown wa a tried Tuesday night for an as sault on Willie Baker. Browa Bubmitted and paid $19.50. Brown had been cited before the local draft board charged with disloyal and seditious talk. Baker was a witness against him. \fterwards Brown called out 3aker and beat him up. i ATTEND WEDDING _ I Mr. and Mrs. Leonard van Nop pen, Misses Luna Taylor and Bes sie Joyce and L. F. Brumfield at tended the wedding of E. rf. Stokes and Miss Ruth Stonc3treet at Denton Saturday afternoon. ANOTHER DAUGHTER Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wall an nounce the birth of a 7-pounJ baby girl, Feb. 15th, at the Bap tist Hospital, Winston - Salem. The infant is named Sarah King Wall. Mrs. R. A. Ellington of Madi son is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Al fred Ellington. $3.50; Eddie Taylor from suie of popcorn, $2.65. MRS. EDGAR RANKIN. Chairman.

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