THE DANBURY REPORTER Established 1872 Volume 71 USO Fund To Help The Boys MISS GRACE TAYLOR IS CHAIRMAN THE STOKES QUOTA IS S7OO—COMMIT HEE—LET EVERYBODY GIVE. This is the time og giving and of sacrifices for everyone. The boys are giving the best they have—themselves. The United Service Organiza tion has been establihed to give homelike entertainment and com fort to the boys wherever they are in any part of the world. Each USO club has a large social room, well lighted, equipped with daven ports, comfortable chairs and writing tables with stationary. There is also a library. There will be stage perormances, music, mo tion pictures and other entertain ment. There is a smack bar for sandwiches, soft drinks and other welcome variety. From the whole some but routine army fare. Here the soldied boy can sit and rest, or he can take a shower, get his dothfift pressed, or* use tb» radio, j phonograph or piano. ■ | »»" rr Gov. Brougfaton has appointed Miss Grtfce Taylor chairman ot the USO war fund i n Stokes county. M«s Taylor has appointed the following board of assistants in the county: Bill Bailey, campaign director. Lawrence Mcßae, publicity chairman. Jacob Fulton, treasurer. ' Executive committee: Rev. Stratton Lawrence, Supt. J. C. Carson, Carlos Davis, Paul Ful ton, Odell Neal, Tom Prestcn. East Walnut Cove Chairman: Mrs. Jacob Fulon, Mrs. Chester Helsabeck. West Walnut Cove Chairman: John Smith, Mrs. R. W. Sands. Sandy Ridge: Miss Laura El lington, Mrs. Raleigh Gibson. , Pine Hall: Mrs. Lelos Gibson. ' Germanton: Mrs. Jim Hill. ' King: Ernest Slate. | Mizpah: George Barr. > Mount Olive: J. Dillard Hall, j Lawsonville: John Neal Tucker. 1 Pinnacle: Mr. John Christian. Meadows: Miss Mary Neal. Danbury: Mrs. R. R. King, Dal las Kirby. Wilson Store: Mrs. Travis Tut tle. •( Francisco: Sam Lawrence. The campaign in the nation be gan from scratch and now has 428 clubs and 600 smaller units. Behind the movement are Probatants, Catholics, Jews, Y. M. C. A., Y. W. C. A. Salvation Army. The national goal is $32,000,- 000. The following contributions have been received: DANBURY SCHOOL M. J. Smith $l.OO (OontfeMMd ob page two) George-Davis Warehouse Leased For 11942 by Taylor and • Matthews It was announced toda-y by Everett D. Matthews that the George-Davis Warehouse of Win ston-Salem operated by Bauldin, Robertson and Smithdeal will be operated next season or 1942 season by Paul Tayjor, E. D. Matthews and Frank Smithdeal. Messrs. Taylor and Matthews are both veterans of the Winston- Salem market having been asso ciated with the market since 1916 since which time they have been engaged in practically every branch of the business. In 1927 they organized and built Taylor's Warehuse at Patterson and Liber ty Streets, and have successfully operated same since it was erect ed. Mr. John M. Taylor is also a member of the firm of Taylor's Matthews and Taylor will con- Matthews and Tayjor will con tinue to operate Taylor's Ware hoUS€ * Mr. SmifhtfeaT Eas Eat! quite a number of years experience in thjg^ warehouse business, and for the \ past several seasons has been one of the operators of George Davis Warehouse, which will be operated during 1942 season by Paul Taylor, Everett Matthews and Frank Smithdeal. Mrs. Hartie Lancester Dies In Winston-Salem Mrs. Hartie Evelyn Lancaster 68„ wife of D. R. Lancaster, died at Winston Friday, May 8. Bur ial was in Salem Cemetery. A native of Sandy Ridge, Stokes county, Mrs. -Lancaster was born September 21, 1873, a daughter of J. T. and Minerva Amos Wilson. She taught school several years prior to her mar riage, on July 18, 1896, to Mr. Lancaster. The Board Issues Many Tires and Tubes The Stokes County Tire Ra tioning Board No. 85 approved purchase of the following tires, (new and recaps) and tubes to the following people for tie month of April: J. G. Fulton, 1 truck tube. Town of Walnut Cove, ? truck tires, 1 truck tube. Town of Walnut Cove, 2 obso lete tires, 2 obsolete tubss. Early Sands, 1 :>!uiJc*e tire. L. M. McKenzic, Jr. 4 obsolete tires, 4 obsolete cu.Vt. John W. Han It in, E obsolete tires, 2 obsolete tubes. Jasper Hill, obsolete tires, 4 R. T. Spencer, 2 obsolete tires. Arthur King, 1 obsolete tire, 1 obsolete tube. ,• a L. A. Norman, 3 truck recaps. J. W. Ferguson, 1 truck resap. Danbnry, N. C., Thursday, May 14, 1942 * * * * Published Thursdays Grady Rothrock Dies Higj Point. —Grady F. Roth rock, 50, a veteran newspaper circulation for the past five years connected with the cir cuation department of The High Point Enterprise, died early Sun day moiling in Baptist Hospital , at Wiaston-Salem after an illness of several months. A native of Stokes county, Mr. Rothrock had been engaged in newspaper circulation work for many years. Prior to coming to High Point, he had been connect ed with papers in Detroit and Washington and at one time was a circulation representative of the Greensboro Daily News. Last fall he suffered a broken hip when he fell into an oil pit at a filling station here, but he had been released from a local hos pital and was recuperating in Stokes county when the illness which proved fatal struck him, He had been a patient at thhe hos pital in Winston-Salem for sev eral weeks. Mr. Rothrock was a son of Mrs. J. F. Rothrock and the late Mr. Rothrock of Stokes county. Surviving in addition to the mo ther* an? We wißowr two sons, Owen Rothrock of High Point; '&fltf Vernon Rothrock of Detroit; a sister, Miss Myrtle Rothrock, of Walnut Cove, and three brothers, H. G. Rothrock of High Point; J. S. Rothrock of Walnut Cove, and E. C. Rothrock of Greensboro. The funeral was held Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Bethes da church, six mi!es west of Mad ison. The body lay in state at the church from 2 unti] 3 o'clock. Burial was in the church grave yard. Twenty-Three Men Leave For Fort Bragg \J The Stokes local draft board sent 23 more Stokes men tc Fort Bragg Monday. BUY WAR BONDS and STAMPS J. T. Tilley, 2 truck recaps. J. J. Booth, 2 truck recaps. Merton Jessup, 2 truck recaps. 0 Burke Smith, 1 truck recap. C. A. Boyles, 1 truck recap. T. A. Norman, 3 truck recaps. Rufe O, Wood, 2 truck recaps. Burke Smith, 6 truck recaps. Settle Oakley, 1 truck recap. K'ng Hdw. Co., 2 truck remaps. H. D. Duncan, 2 truck recaps. P. E. Slate, 2 truck recap 3. Elmer Dodpon, 2 truck recaps. John G. Smith, 2 truck recaps. James A. Rumley, 2 truck re caps. L. W. Francis ,2 passenger re caps. "i Christine Anderson, 2 passen ger recaps. Pauline Craft, 2 passenger re caps. Stokes Boy on Torpedoed Ship A. M. Orrell, Jr., of the Flat shoals section, who is in the mer chant marines, was at the court house today and relates a most •interesting story of his experien ces on a transport which was tor pedoed off the coast of Florida in I sight of Palm Beach. Mr. Orrell says the ship was on its return voyage from India where they had carried a cargo consisting of 8 bombers, 500 trucks, and 15,000 bushels of wheat. They were returning with a load of magnesium ore. Fifteen members of the crew were killed. Mr. Orrell was among eight of the survivors and came through without being injured. Stokes Democrats To Meet Saturday The Democrats of Stokes coun ty will gather at 2:30 for the pur pose of electing delegates to the State Convention to Vse held at Raleigh on May 22. A chairman, vice-chairman and secretary will also be elected. Ik Primitive Baptist Association To Meet The ninth annual session of *he Upper Mayo Primitive Baptist As sociation will be held at the Piney Grove church next Saturday, Sun day and Monday. Elder J. A. Fagg of Winston- Salem is moderator, J. W. Moore field, Walnut Cove is clerk, C. W. Priddy, . Sandy Ridge, assistant clerk. Your contribution to the Navy Relief Society fund will help pro tect the families of the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard men who are now fighting to pro tect our country. Mrs. J. J. Mathis, Jr., has gone to Franklinton for a visit with , her parents. J. H. .Keaton, 2 passenger re caps. W. R. Beack, Jr.,_ 1 passenger recap. Hillary G. Tuttle, 1 passenger recap. Jacob Pulton, 3 passenger re caps. I. M. Smith, 3 passenger recaps. T. P. Hole, 1 passenger recap. R. C. Darnell, 1 passenger re cap. Carlo Flinchum, 2 passenger recaps. W. M. Wall, 1 passenger recap. Lee Joyce, 3 passenger recaps. Laura Ellington, 2 passenger recaps. E. S. Stokes, 2 passenger re caps. E. If. Taylor, 4 paasenger re cap*. Wedding Bells Ring At King Jarvis Burge Dies At High Point High Point.—N. Jarvis Burge, 61, brother of Sam Burge of Win ston-Salem, died from a heart at tack while at his work at Boy Scout Camp Uwharrie, near Jamestswn, Monday. was born in Stokes county August 21, 1880, a son of J. M. and Mary Jane Smith Burge. Two years ago he moved to High Point from Randolph county. He was a member of Snow Creek Primitive Baptist Church, Stokes county. Thirty-seven years ago he mar ried Miss Ida Hall, who survives/ Also surviving are three daugh ters, Mrs. G. G. Davis and Misses Annice and Irene Burge of High Point; two sons, Arthur Burge, High Point, and Bill Burge, Camp Gordon, Ga.; four brothers, J. 0., High Point, Sam and Elmer; two s'sters, Mrs. Maggie Wood, Stokes county and Mrs. Doccie Sim mons, Virginia, and three grand cEndreff.' Sergt. Bennett Writes i/ The Reporter has received a very interesting letter from Sergt. I Lem Bennett, who is at Fort | Bragg. Lem is a son of W. V. | Bennett of the Jewell neighbor i hood, Danbury Route 1, and is a j very efficient officer. He has been jin the army for a number of • years. . ' Lem was reared in the Buck Island hills where they do things right, and among other qualities they have the faculty of making tobacco grow sweet and waxy and orange-colored. And by the same token Lem makes a fine soldier. He is just the sort of fellow that will smash the Japs when he gets a chance at them. A. M. Caudle, 2 passenger re caps. J. H. Thomasson, 2 passenger recaps. L. F, Brumfield, 2 passenger recaps. Ralph R. M'lls, 2 passenger re caps. Carl R. Flinchum, 1 passenger recap, 1 tube. Christine Cooke Anderson, 2 tubes. Roy Bullin, 2 obsolete tires, tubes. J. H. Keaton, 2 passenger tubes. Zeb Mabe, 1 truck tire, tube, 1 obsolete tire. C. W. Priddy, 1 truck tire. F. V. Dearm'n, 1 truck tire, 1 truck tube. E. C. Slate, 2 truck tires, 2 truck tubes. Chesley Taylor, 1 truck tube. * * * * * Number 3,653 FRANK RAINS AND MISS HOPE JONES UNITED ERNEST NEWSI'M IS ILL OTHER KING ITEMS. , A reliable citizen has this to say about the royal town of K'ng: "He has travelled over the United states and part of Geor -1 gia and failed to find a better i small town." King, May 14. —Frank Rain? and M'ss Hope Jones, both of (King, motored to York, S. C., j Wednesday where they were unit ied ir. the holy bonds of matri mony. After a short honeymoon ! they will be at home in King. Joe Bill Love of Winston-Sa . lem spent tho week-end here the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mr 3. Gilbert Love on Pulliam street. Mrs. R'ngo C. White is confin ! Ed to her home on Forest Grove avenue by illness. | Miss Fannie Goff of Winston jSal em, formerly of King, was : among the visitors here Friday. | Thomas William McGee spent | the week-end with relatives at | Mars Hill. •* i-, , , t . • J James M. Boles, who was rear ]ed here and who resides in the I Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, I has been visiting relatives here for the past several days. While | here Mr. Boles stated to your j correspondent, "That he is a reg- ular subscriber to the Reporter and that he reads everything in it and enjoys it very much as it is like a letter from home. He I looks for it as same as he looks for his check each month. Ernest Newsum who recently moved from this section to tha Mount Olive section is reported to be quite sick at his home. i It was all a mistake about the stork going out of business and here is his report for last week: Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Tuttle, a son; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McGee, a son; Mr. and Mrs. C1em on Southern, a daughter; and Mr. and Mrs. George Barr, a son. 11 Miss Ellen Spainhower of Pin nacle underwent a tonsil removal j operation in the Stone-Helsabeck j Clinic Friday. , , .• Robert James is treating his dwelling on Pulliam street to a new coat of paint. S. S. Boles is recovering from i an injured shoulder incurred by a fall from a scaffold while trim- I ming hedge at his home, Lone j Oak Farm just south of town a , few days since. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Delp, who reside on Pine street, are spend ing their vacation with re!allvc3 and fr'ends in Alleghaney county. Charles R. Carroll, World War veteran, is undergoing treatment in the new Government Hospital at Fayetteville. And that's the news from here.