THE DANBURY REPORTER Established 1872 Volume 71 PERSONNEL FOR CIVILIAN DEFENSE, AUXILIARIES (By Lawrence Macßae) U For the information of the peo ple of Stokes county the follow ing personnel include the present set up of the Stokes County Coun sil of Civilian Defence and its auxiliaries. This organization is designed by the nations Congress for the pro tection of property and the phy sical welfare and protection of each individual of the nation. Chairman of the Counsil: Law rence MatTtae, WSJIitTT Cove; Sec retary of the Council: Miss Luna Taylor, Danbury, Members: B. D. Gentry, Chair man of Roads and Transporta tion Committee; J. C. Carson, Chairman of Schools and Related t Activities Committee; J. J. Tay lor, Chairman of Law Enforce ment Related Activities Commit tee; Mrs. S- F. Pepper, Chairman of Publicity Related Committee; Harvey Johnson, Chairman of Civil Government Related Activi ties Committee; Miss Laura V. Ellington, Chairman of Women's Interests Related Activities Com mittee; Paul Fulton, Chairman of Air Defense Related Activities Committee; W. S. Hart, Chair man of Agriculture Related Ac tivities Committee; J. E. Rankin. Chairman of Manufacturing Re lated Activities Committee; Ellis Stone, S. F. Fulp, SHrifT * H. Christian. Committee on Volunteer Regis tration : Chairman, Mrs. Hope Bailey, Mrs. B. D. Gentry. V-MEN Committee Chairman, R. M. Green Wal nut Cove. Members —11 public school principals of the county and the other civilians previously an nounced through the press. Salvage Committee Chairman, Lawrence Macßae. Members—l. G. Ross, Harrv Davis, Burke Smith, Tom Preston, N. F. Christian, E, C. Slate, Fred Vernon. Salvage Spotter Committee: Chairman, Carl Ray. Rationing Committee: Chairman, C, E. Davis. Members: W. A. Hart, Sam Flinchum. • Plant Protection 'Committee: Chairman, C. L. Lester. Members: W. F. Marshall, Os car Southern. AIRCRAFT WARNING SYS TEM, AIR RAID WARNING SYSTEM AND CONTROL CEN TER: , Chief: Paul Fulton. Assistants: I E. L. Bailey, Odell Jones. Chiefs of Observation Postal and also SeriTbr Warden: M. N. ; Wheeler, Walnut Cove; J. E. Nelson, Danbury; R. L. Ziglar, Sandy Ridge; J. Reid George, Meadows; W. J. Blackwell, Pine Hall. All reporting to Martins ville, Va., Filter Station. R. T. Beck, Germanton; and J. L. Christopher Stanley Dies Tuesday Christopher C. Stanley, aged 57, of Walnut Cove, Route 1, died at his home early Tuesday morning after a short illness. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Etta Bennett Stanley; three daughters, Mrs. W. E. Byrd, ol King, Route 1; Mrs. H. F. Burc ham, Richmond, Va.; and Mi3s Pauline Stanley, of the heme; two sons, George and C. C. Stanley, Jr., of the home; one brother, Georie Stanley, Fieldale, Va.; rour sisters, Mrs. Jennie Hall, Reidsville; Mrs. Ethel Bennett, Rural Hall; Mrs. Bertha Brown, Roanoke, Va.; and Mrs. Minnie Belle Bennett, of Seagrove. The body was taken to the home of Paul Bennett, near Co pella, remaining until funeral services at Boyles Chapel Church Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'- clock. Elders W. J. Brown and J. W. Tuttle were in charge and burial followed in the church cemettery. Home-Coming Held At Peter's Creek Church Sunday, 31 Mr. Sweeney, of Burlington, , was the chief speaker at the home-coming of the Missionary Baptist Church near Lawßonvillc last Sunday. Upwards of a thousand visitors attended the services. Park Supervisor Visits Here Thos. W. Morse, superinten dent of all North Carolina parks, was here and at the park Wed nesday. He indicated that the Hanging Rock Park was open to the public as far as picnicing and swimming were concerned, but that due to the tire and gasoline situation, the facilities were lim ited. Mrs William Mounce In City Hospital Mrs. William Mounce undei : went an -appendectomy at the City Memorial Hospital, Winston- Salem, Monday night. Her condi tion is said to be satisfactory. Christian, Pinnacle, reporting to /filter station at Raleigh. Additional Senior Wardens re porting to Chief warden Paul Ful ton at Wafnut Cove are: 11.. H. "W Williamson, Sr., Phil Dunlap, W. C. Moore, Matt Simmons, Sam Lawrence, Roy Hunter, A. M. Or rell, C. L. Carroll, Klax Lewis and Dr G. E. Stone. All matters pertaining to black outs and anti-aircraft warnings are governed by Chief Paul Ful ton. Additional committees will from time to time set up as their need appears, and meeting of the coun sil will be held when desired by the counsil. Danbury, N. C., Thursday, June 4, 1942 * * * * Published Thursdays ***** Number 3,656 FEW VOTE AT PRIMARY In a primary election marked by the absence of a contest for nomination for County Officers, I and a relatively light vote at-1 tributed partly to the gas and tire situation, he Democratic vot ers of Stokes county have Hon. John H. Folger, seeking me nom ination to succeed himself a s United States Congressman for the Fifth District, a majority of 1803 over his two opponents in the May 30th Election. This vote although not as heavy as we are accustomed to in peace time, is certainly to be considered as an indication of the Democratic pop ularity of Mr. Folger among the people of Stokes county. The only other candidate voted on by the Democrats of this coun ty were Josiah W. Bailey, who re ceived a majority of 1390 over his opponent, Richard T. Foun tain, for U. S. Senator. The Republicans voting only to nominate a candidate for the U. S. Senate, expressed their choice in this county by giving Sam J Morris 103 votes and his oppon ent, Stone, W. Klutz, 23 votes. Six Pound Daughter Born To Ellingtons A six pound, 8 ounce daughter, Margaret Bonner, was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ellington Mon day morning at the Baptist Hos pital, Winston-Salem. The infant has brown hair and eyes and is 12 inches in height. Gilmer Hawkins, Col., Passes Friday Gilmer Hawkins, colored, aged about 38, died Friday night at his home here after an illness of sev eral years. He suffered an attack of paralysis two years ago and had been confined to his home since. For years he was a faithful em ployee of the Reporter and N. E. Pepper's home here. Funeral services were held at the home and burial followed in the Danbury Cemetery. He is sur vived by his wife and several brothers and sisters. j . jiiii Visitors To Park Are Increasing Due to the hot summer weather and the minor fact of gasoline and | tire ration, the number of visitors to the Hanging Rock Park is in creasing. The park affords cool, pleasant mountain atmosphere and is the first place for complefe relaxation.. Stokes Tobacco Gets Good Stand Most of Stokes county golden weed is off to a good start. The crop is growing fine and disease is reported to be slight. It is un derstood that little replanting has been done, due to the fine rains. STOKES USO CHM. ASKS FOR MORE CONTRIBUTIONS (Reported) Come on, Stokes county, let's raise our USO quota! Let's build and maintain the strongest fight ing spirit among our men in uni form by showing them how much their friends back home appreci ate what they are doing. To make this appreciation tangible in the form of friendly hospitality and services to the soldiers and sail ors' off-duty hours. The united effort, without re gard to race, creed or color is the spirit behind the USO. The moral and spiritual values will do much to win the war. Give cheerfully, give freely, give NOW. New appointments are Roy Red ding, chairman, Mt Olive and Mrs. Juanita Hunt Wood, chairman, Dillard. The following are the latest con tributors to the USO: WILSON'S STORE J. E. Mitchell, Chm. Harvey Johnson SI.OO Paul Kiser .50 John Brooks .35 . Thurman Carroll 1.00 Lester Alley "* 2.00 Paul Southern 1.00 Coy Bennett .25 G. W. Nance ' * .50 Mrs. J. E. Mitchell 1.00 KING E. C. Slate, Chm. Dr. Booe $4.00 King Meat Market 1.00 Wall's Service Station 1.25 O. O. Grabs 1.00 E. C. Slate " " 1.00 Burtie Carroll 1.00 Mr. Brandon 1.00 EAST WALNUT COVE Marshall Johnson, Chm. WEST WALNUT COVE Mrs. Jacob Fulton, Chm. Howard Woodruff SI.OO Mrs. and Mrs. Bailey Walker 2.00 i Elkin Smith 1.00 Contributions 3.00 John Smith 1.00 PINE HALL Mrs. S. R. Gibson, Chm. " Edgar Rankin $5.00 Tom Preston 5.00 H. H. Williamson 5.00 C. L, Lester 1.00 Howard Gibson 3.00 J. T- Gibson 1.00 M. D. Webb 1.00 H. H. Williamson, Jr. 1.00 Mrs. H. J. Dunoon .50 Briggs Neal ' .50 J. van Tuttle 1.00 Danbury Post Office Sells $4,218.75 In War Bonds In May According to figures released bv the Danbury postmaster, the of fice sold United States War Bonda amounting to the sum of $4,218.- 75 for the month of May. Sale of stamps amounted to $35.00. Sizes of the War Bonds wen? as follows: 5 $25 bonds; 25 SIOO bonds; and 3 SIOOO. DRAFT DOGER GETS TWO YEARS AT FEDERAL COURT Abraham Lincoln Hill, son of Richard Hill of Walnut Cove, Route 1, was sentenced to two years in the penitentiary at Chil licothe,, Ohio, Tuesday in Judge Johnson J. Hayej' Federal Court in Greensboro. Hill was arrested by an agent of the F. B. I. recently when h»? j failed to cooperate with the Stokes County Draft Board in taking a physical examination be fore his induction into the U S. I Army. Stokes County Leader Dies / At Mount Airy J. W. Kinfi, of Pinnacle, long known as possibly the largest pa tron of the Winston-Salem tobac co market, died Saturday morning in the Martin Memorial Hospital in Mount Airy. He was 56 years of age. Mr. King was born in Stokes county, a son of Thomas and Sara Boles King. He was married to Miss Neva Agnes Culler January 11, 1911, He is survived by his widow, and the following daughters: Mrs. Claude S Wall, Mrs. Bell Bing ham, Mrs. Herman J. Gordon, all of Pinnacle; Misses Alyne and Jimmie King of the home; Mrs. J. B. Steele, Jr., of Wilmington; and | three sisters, Mrs. A. E. Spain hour, of North Wilkesboro, Mrs. R. A. Wall and Mrs. C. M. George \ of Pinnacle. Funeral services were conduct ed by Rev. R. A. Britt, of Wai ' nut Cove, Rev. A. R. Phillips, of jDalton, and Dr. O. B. Mitchell, cf Pinnacle. Burial followed in the family plot in the Pinnacle Methodist Protestant Church cemetery. Pallbearers were J. E. Coon, E. 1 F. Stone, E. F. Walker, H. C. Gor don, J. H. Lawson, and S. P. Cov ington. Honorary pallbearers will to P. M. Bradley, S- M. Scott, V. B. Eaton, S. F. Fulk, J. R. Stone, D. L. Boyles, N. A. Pratt, James IA. Stone, B, E. Cooke, J. A. I Gwyn, Bill Thomas, Frank Davis J. L. Christian, W. M. Matthews, i Claude Swanson, and Dr. S. F. |Tillotson. WAR BOND QUOTA $9,900 FOR STOKES i MAY QUOTA DOUBLED: GOAL IS SAME FOR THIS MONTH. (Reported) Stokes county doubled hei Ma;, quota for War Bonds. The county's quota for t!u month of Juno is $9,900. Let's double it! You know, to hear us talk, we are all patriots. We aro all ready to help our country— by talking. But how many of us aro ready to help her —by sacrifices? Let each of us ask himself: Am CRIMINIAL COURT WILL CONVENE MONDAY, 22 NO I'SI'AL CIVIL TKKM TO FOLLOW JIIX.K BOBBITT WILL PRESIDE. Stokes County Superior Court will convene at 9:00 a. m. Mon day, June 22 or the disposition of criminal actions. There will be no civil court as usually is held fol lowing the week of criminal. Judge Wm. H. Bobbitt will pre side at the term while Solicitor Ralph J. Scott will prosecute for the state. At the meeting of the County Commissioners first Monday, the following list of juror.s wafj drawn: Arnold Tuttle, W. M. Watts, N. E. Carroll. I. G. Ross, W. W. Ter ry, M. O. Allen, J. A. Tuttle, John Brooks, V. V, Young, S. L. John | son, Meadows township; W. H. | Lemons, J. A. Francis, L. B. Haw kins, J. H. Duncan, C. W. Priddy, H. T. Brown, Snow Creek town ship; S. W. Mickey, Reid Nelson, Quaker Gap township; Floyd Bennett, Gorrell Sizemore, Geo. A. Barr, R. T. Calloway, Paul Bennett, Fred M. Slate, Yadkin township; J. M. Collins, L. T. Lowe, Merton Jessup, Sam A Moir, T, C. Frans, Bryan Smith, Big Creek township; P. L. Hart, F. L. Tilley, A. R. Manring, Pet er's Creek; C. L, Harris, N. H. Tedder, C. O. Smith, J. L. Welch, A. F. Marshall. J. E. Bowman, Sauratown township; J. B. Young, R. H. Moorefleld, Danbury towi ship. # Triple A Office *' Urges Farmers To Order Lime The AAA office here, according to order their limestone at once at order their limestone at once as the probable ruling that trucks must be loaded to and from all points wiir Hamper such deliver* ies. It is thought that the demand can be met before such a rule caa be perfected. . i Mr. and Mrs R. H. Todd and family are visiting friends and | relatives at St. Louis, Mo. They j will return Monday eek. , I talking patriotism, or a:n I acting patriotism? Am I merely waving a flag or am I investing at least ten per cent, of my in come in \Y;u IJ-jinis and Stamps'* AM I giving u| sinictlimg so that 1 ft ii buy Bonds and Stamps? L.t's make oui j atiiuiisni mean .-or.icti.i:;; and >li» -.-.iv thi.: ! Remember it is our war and our government. We must help our government to pay for our war.. Remember, too, our govern ment has set this quota for us. Let's invest in Bonds and Stamps each month " 'Till the Boys Comq Home."

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