THE DANBURY REPORTER Established 1872 Volum'e 71 HERMAN PRIDDY IN AUSTRALIA FIRST KING BOY ON FOREIGN SOIL; TONSIL OPERATIONS, BIRTHS AND OTHER KINO NEWS, j Oil is amunition, use it wisely. King, June 11.—Robe Hooker, . • World War veteran, has oeen re moved to the Government Hospi . tal at Johnson City, Tenn., for "treatment. Mr. Hooker is suffer ' " . ig from asthma, Mr. and Mrs. James King have returned to their home in Wash vington, D, C.,. after a few day's stay with Dr. and Mrs. G, E. Stone on west Main street Worth Kirby, who is studying medicine at Chapel Hill, is spend ing a vacation with his father, Charlie Kirby, in Walnut Hiils. Mrs. Gilbert Love and daugh ter, Bobby Lee, have returned from a week's visit to relatives ' Westfield. Dr. Grady E, Stone made n professional trip to Ashevilk- Thursday. « iMr. and Mrs. William Pile i/ have received a cablegram i:. forming them that th'sji* son, Koi - man Prf&dy, has arrivP.lVufeU' Australia. Mr. Priudy, who is a graduate of King High School, lb the first King boy to arrive in Australia, Stanley Newsum has returned to his home in High Point after a brief visit to his sister, Mrs. Dewey Love, on Pulliam street. The following patients under went tonsil removal operations in the Stone-Helsabeck Clinic last week: Miss Mary Ruth Johnson, of Germanton; Garvis Lewis, of Walnut Cove; and Bobby Joe Harris, of Rural Hall. David Dalton of Athens, Geor gia, is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Scales Dalton at the old Dalton home atead three raxJc B west rf here. Roy McGee, Joe Alley, Vestal , Riser and Dewey Long, who are " engaged in defense work at Camp Butner, near Durham, spent the week-end with their families here. The stork submits the follow ing report for last week: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Joyce, a son; Mr. and Mrs, Aldie Venable, a daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Bernice Johnson, a daughter; and Mr, and Mrs. Roy Lawrence Brown, a son. Work on the new home of Mrs. i Lelah Newsum in east King has been completed. Wheat In this section is look ing good and points to a victory £ crop. Don't forget to purchase yonr ten per cent, of War Bonds and Stamps, And that's the news from here. June, lovely leafy June, tho month when brides are made and maids are brides galore. It is here. But ia an exasperatingly wet one. Questionnaires Must Be Returned In Ten Days To Board According to the Local DraP. ! Board a number of occupational 1 questionnaires have not been re turned to their office. Each re cipient is given ten days in which' he must fill out and return the | questionnaire. The Draft Board warns that those who fail to comply with this law are subject *o fine or im prisonment or both,, and urges registranst to fill out and return the questioanaire i n the time specified and save being reported as delinquents. iT. J. Rutledge Dies At Walnut Cove Walnut Cove.—Thomas J, Rut ledge, 59, died early Monday •.owning p* home, Walnut i Cove, Route 1, after a long i!l- I ncss. Surviving are the widow, tr.e j former Miss Nannie Caudle; wo j daughters,, Mrs. Joe Watson of Mad'.eoa and Mies Juar.ita 11*t i j ledge of Martinsville, Va.; five • £on3, Gilbert n>id Wi)hu p n jleJge of Gold3boroj Hilbert Rut- of High Point; Oscar Rut i ledge of Appomattox, Va.; and R. i ;D, Rutledge of Winston-Salem; five grandchildren; two brothers, I j Charlie and Wnlter Rutledge of Germanton; and five sisters, Mrs. I W, M. Tuttle of Winatca-Salem; Mrs. C. C. Shropshire of Rural : Hall; Mr 3. Tom Shore of Winston- Salem; Mrs. Bill Boles of King and Miss Martha Rutledge of Winston-Salem. Rev. T. J, Merritt conducted the services. Burial was in the church graveyard. Services were held at Rosebud Christian Church Tuesday after noon, l i *,* Officer Candidates To Be Enlisted With June Contingent Robert H. Todd of Danbury and Jesse C. Carson of Germanton will leave here June 15 with this month's quota of draftees. Messrs. Todd and Carson are' candidates for officer training,' both having made good on i their examinations which they] took several weeks ago at Fort Bragg. Fifth Registration Is June 30 All men born on or after Jan uary 1, 1922, and cn or beforo June .10, 1924 will be required to register in this fifth registration , which is to be held June 30, 1912, between the hours of 7 'OO a. m„ and 9:00 p. m. Places of registration are the' same as on Feb. 16, 1942 and Ap ril 27, 1942. Danbury, N. C., Thursday, June 11, 1942 * * * DO YOU RIDE THE BUS? A government expert has calculated that it costs 10 cents a mile to operate an automobile. This takes into account the expense of gas and oil, tires, repairs,'wear and tear qf machine and all other incidents of the cost of riding. A bus is how operating from Danbury to Win ston-Salem daily via Walnut Cove and German ton which transports passengers at five times less expense than you can use your own car, to say nothing of the difficulties in gas and tires. You leave Danbury at 8:30 a. m., returning at 5 in the evening. The distance either way is ne gotiated in hour, comfortably and safely. The bus has been patronized but moderately so far. In case the investment does not pay the op erators, the bus service will be discontinued, which will be something little shoit of a calamity when the time comes—as it is coming—that your tires will be worn out. Take advantage of the public service which saves you money and enables you to have rubber for and emergency. JUNE TERM, H>42 STOKES COUNTY CRIMINAL COURT Calendar His Honor, WM. H. li» >BBITT I ' Judge Presiding I TRIAL DOCKET Monday, June 22, 1924 f r i nk .. u Bu 2 cher Non-support 49. J. B. Shuff Larcenv 50. Jack Reynolds Burglarv 71, Henry Carroll (warrant' q. £. I. 72, 73. R. W, Adkins (warrant) 0 £ t 78, Carolyn Shuff , 0 *■ 1» ~ O. C. I 79, Cleveland Odell ~ 1 *' "9 . . v Ellis (warrant) ' " O. C. I. 80. Lee Shouse (warrant) ' O. C. I. 82. Rob Capp (warrant) O. C. I. 67. Wm, Lewis Justice (warrant) Reckless driving 68. Robert Dalton & Ed Moore (warrant) Larceny 69. Walter Webster & Fred Dalton . (warrant Larceny 75. Geo, Brim (warrant) Larceny 77. Lester Wilson (warrant) " * Larceny 70. Sam Corn (warrant) Assault 74, 76 Sam Watkins (warrant) " A. D. W. 81. Rober Taylor (warrant) * A. D. W. Tuesday June 23. 1942 7. Meshach Matthews V. P. L. 8. Gladys Marsh j Transporing liquor 11. Hubert Campbell . t . Mfg. Liquor 12. Lucile Peay ' Mfg. Liquet 37. Monroe Mitchell, Alfonzo , ' . Webster and David " Dalton Mfg. Liquor 38. Monroe Mitchell A. D. W. 13. Ed Hairston & Juanita Barton ' A. D. W. 28. Raymond Cain ' * ' * A. D. W. 14. Dave Dalto n , . . Assault 29. Walter Gibson *" Reckless driving 39. Adam Shelton ' O. C. I. 40. Ben Hairston *" ' ~ O. C. I. 41. Robert Kapp T T O. C. I. 44. Ralph Kapp 1 " Appeal 45, 46, 47. Robert Kapp ' "" Appeal 53. P. O. Chandler "" ~ *"* ~ J J. WATT TUTTLE CLKKK SUPERIOR COURT Danbury Wins At Baseball The Dnnbury nine defeated tho Lawsonvillc team Sunday after noon in a ten-inning gnme played,' at the Meadows diamond. Tho' score, 6-5. i Tho schedule is Danbury at Sandy Ridge Saturday afternoon, i Joyce - Stephens Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Stephens o: Danbury announce the Mairiiig of tlicir daughter, Lois, to H, M. ■Joyce, Jr. The weddin took jilacj ir. Baltimore, Md., June S. They will make their home at Baltimore. Published Thursdays JULY AUTO TAX STICKERS GO ON | SALE THIS WEEK The j)Osto;T:ce here has receiv- 1 eu its supply of the ?o.W automo r.i.e mps which are required the first of July. Tl:e stamps went i , on sa!c yesterday (Wednesday). l They ere of deep pink, where th; i::st t?;x stamp was green. Botli ase Si.rne in size. ' I Moser Reunion Is Postponed 1 , i On account of government re -1 strictions, the annual Moser re -1 ! union, which was scheduled to meet at Poplar Springs Church the third Sunday in June, is call ,ed off fin the present and possibly for the duration of the war. S. H. MOSER. Pres. J. W. MOSER. ; vc. i Court Convenes Monday Week Stok"s County Crir.iLi. i C ■ .:. wi!l cvene M->;t.'tiy J..:: 22. over \vhie:> .!«• !. • Wni. H. }>■■■ • i'r '.i Chariott" will pres; !•. T: te.' -i will !asl probably I days. Th® 1 c!:et in l.xle* burglary. a .a-support, i I:: driving. ••c. Solicitor R J. ?•••.«' ! wi!l prosecute. H. D. Club Meets At Lawsonville Wednesday, 3, P. M. * ( * | : Written for the Reporter) i Lawsonville.—The Lawsonville Home Demonstration Cluh rce: Wednesday afternoon, June 3 at I the home cf Mrs. E. G. Lawson with the following members pres ent : Mesdames C. M. Mabe, Edwin Neal P. H. Robertson, Thornton Tuttle, R. A. Robertson, E. G. Lawson, Roy Martin, O. E. Smith, 1 8. O. Sheppard, Clarence Alley. The meeting oper. o d wih a sons;. "God Bless America." Folders on , ''Home Care For The Sick" were given out and discussed by Miss j Craft, the home agent. She also ! advised the members of some of 1 the things which should always be in the family medicine cabi net. After the business session, a I ! contest was held by Mrs. O. E. Smith. Miss Pauline Craft was f the winner. Delicious refresh ! I ments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. O. E. Smith. | Woodrow Love Southern, son of | Mr. and Mis. A 'ex Southern oi Flntshoal, is spending n few fur lough days with honie folks and friends, lie belongs •'( Camp Jack son, S. C„ \\:hj» a oOlh division sweater, and is it haiKls:vi:'> 11 ready to He left Dnnbury 1 > months ago in the first eontinge:: from Stokes. Hatarey F:>g» of Winst. n-S ilera visited friends in Danbury Sun day. • . * Number 3,657. W. J. Bullins Dies M j From Injuries Of Truck Collision Madison. —VVi'livni Jackson Bullins, aged u'i, of Walnut Cove, Route 2, who was injured May 2S ; between Walnut Cove iind Dan j'oury. in a t'uck collision, died Sum'av morning at 1! o'clock, at a Winston-Salem hospital. i Mrs. Lilly Bullins. who was in ! jurei in the same accident, re ! mains in a Winslo-i-Sakm hospi tal, suffering from cuts and brui ses , Officers who investigated tho accident. s:ad Bullins was oj crat ing a truck cn rouie to Danbury a:iu the machine was in collision with a truck operated by Jesso B' >wn, X'.g.'o, of Sandy F.rov.'n . ;:ve Sl.HiO bund for i .1. tnUeCtlO'.l \\V:l 111' - .1' - I I The Bu!i:ns wc». route '•> : > havi ben c-xa !;:• ■ :\ .1 phy .*•*:. V'.i.'i. is : • > •> b; ! i.-! - ... Mrs. i 15'illins: -i\ : • ' I'til- \■ .1 . K'ii w !. • . \\ , 1:, :ii' . >1" w . • m. ~ r ; .: ■ 1, I'ul'ins, .11 s !;. ■ • . Uv> brother*'. !:..!! : n. .of Dur , ham, and i; :o r !! ull ill s 01: Stoi:es county: : two sisters, Mrs. Ada Mitch !'. o I Stoke-: 1 , county , and Mis.-- Sural; Bullins, J af Virginia. The funeral w-.s held Monday afternoon at o'clock at Bethes da Methodist Church. Stokes t county. Burial was in the church I graveyard. . I . .aJ> 'joe W. Kington Dies Monday , 1 Maaison. —Joe W. Kington, ag« , ed S4, Stokes county farmer, died '"inday afternoon in a Winston , Salem hospital following a three 1 weeks' illness. ~ Mr. Kington, a member of a ; prominent Stokes family, wa 3 I I born and spent all his life in 1 Stokes county. Hp was a son o£ 1 Henry and Lishia Wilkins King ton. He lived on Route 1, Sandy ! Ridge. | Funeral services were held ■ Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock I from the Wilson Primitive Bap tist Church with burial in the Ward Cemetery. | Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Jonah! and Miss Lillian Kington and n son, R. \v. King ton., all of S;.n>'\ I'idge; one sis ter, Mrs. Watt ruev.-ood. of Mad ison. ('TTO 'l' ;> ':i '1; • .11 ' ■ 1 \ ; U ;. '•.ouacii v the >r of Mu: i»vc Bom . KM-, -o" in,. ]; j„... etrol i» >i*.ii. the •• Instead of 12 inches i. should nave been HI, The R ;■ i ter re grets the mistake.