THE DANBURY REPORTER Established 1872 Volume 71 STOKES TO HAVE LARGEST CALL July 10, 21st BJGGEST CONTINGENT OF | MEN YET INDUCTED TO LEAVE IN JULY. | The Stokes County Local Draft Board No. 1 reports that it will have its largest call since select 1/ ive Service began, in July. The call will be filled with both white and colored men. A contingent of colored men, the number of which will not be disclosed until a later date, will leave July 10. The white men men will leave July 21, Heretofore, draftees departeu around 9:00 a. m. The board now notifies registrants that this quota will leave Danbury at 1:30 p. m. , The men will be sent to Fort Bragg. REPORT OF ! GRAND JURY State Of North Carolina, County Of Stokes. To His Honor, WM. H. BOB BITT, Judge Presiding:- The Grand Jury for the June ' of Superior Court tokes | I county, 1942, respectfully sumit the following report: The Grand Jury acted on 21 bills of indictment all of which r\ were found to be true bills. Seven cases were continued for lack of witnesses. All presentments of all crimi i nal nature known to our body was j made and acted upon. Respectfully submitted. F. L. TILLEY, Foreman. ! I N. E. PEPPER IN RALEIGH HOSPITAL N. E, Pepper, who has been ill fit his home here for the past sev eral. months, was carried to Rex Hospital, Raleigh, Monday where he will undergo an operation. i Dogs To Be Vaccinated j In Stokes County j For the convenience of the people I will be at the following places in Stokes county for the purpose of vaccinating dogs: J, R. Ward's Store, Monday, June 29, 9:30 a. m. J. A, Wall, Monday, June 29, 11:00 a. m. Harry Martin Store, Tuesday, June 30, 9:00 a. m. Mrs. Pearl Hall's Store, Tues day, June 30, 11:00 a. m. • Arthur Shelton's Store, Tiles day, June 30, 12:00 o'clock. J. A. NEWSOM, Donkey Baseball Game To Be At Cove • i donkey baßeball game will be Tield at Cove fcifrool Wed nesday, July 9th, at 8:30 p. m., sponsored by the USO, The play er* will be local citisena, the Flap- I pari vs. the Glamour Gala. & STOKES SENDS I 1 32 MEN TO FORI BRAGG 18 OUT OF CONTINGENT BE- j JECiED; TWO OFFICES CANDIDATES IN GBOUP. |- ' I, Call Noj 27 for white men of Stokes county were inducted last 1 Monday at Fort Bragg. The con- 1 uhgent included two officer can didates TVOC).' i Of the 32 drafted men who were at Fort Bragg, 18 were rejected due to physical defects. I Following are the names of the' drafteesf Kelly Bullins, *(R), Madison, j Henry D. Plaster, (R) Lawson viUe. " , y ;#t J.; Rufus Ray Hooker, **(A), King Joseph Isaac Martin,(A), San dy Ridge, j Jesse C. Carson, (A) VOC, Germanton. j Jarves Paul Mabe, Dan bury, • i.. Curtis Ray Robertson, (R), Sandy Ridge. Fountain Overby, (R), German ton. fciomer Howard Amos, (R) ~ Sandy Ridge. j James Gray Simmons, (A), I Westfield. Sam Jones Lewis, (R), G j Ivan GariPi Hawkins, (A), feati dy Uidge. ! Robert Wade Hall, (A), Wal- 1 nut Cove. I James Walter Brown, (A), Wal nut Cove. i Paul Carlton Amos, (A), San-j !dy Ridge. j Clifton Eldon Wilkins, (R»,' Sandy Ridge, Troy Matthews Wilkins, (R>,' I Sandy Ridge. Enie Jones Lawson, (R), Wal nut Cove. Lester McGee, (R), 1 iL nacle. Clyde Wilson Rise.-, i iaile! to report for induction.) I I Jesse Odell Dillon, (A), Wal » 'nut Cove. | Jesse Smith, (A), Transferred jto another, board.) Robah White, (R), Germanton. Otis Ray Amos, (xt), Sandy Ridge. i William Dillard Hicks, (R), I i Pilot Mtn. | RoberJ Aldine Slawter, (R), Pinnacle. I Levi Jackson Smith, (A), Law-1 sonvilie. , J | Johnny Jerome Joyce, (R),j Sandy Ridge. '' j | Paul Marion Wall, (A), WaUj nut Cove. Ij James Daniel Badger, (R),i Walnut Cove. I j Walter Herbert Adams, (R), Sandy Ridge. I Henry Morton Beasley, (A), i Sandy Ridge. j Robert Heaton Todd, (A), VPC, ■ Danbury. 1 ■ •Rejected ** Accepted j HAVE YOU CONTRIBUTED TO THE NAVY BELIEF SOCIETY? Danbury, N. C., Thurs ay, June 25, 1942 ** * Published Thursdays ** * Number 3,658 Reporter Publishes Names, Serial Nos. Of 4th Registration \ ~ At the consent of the Stokea County Local Draft Board No. 1 ' the Reporter is printing the! ' names and serial numbers of men! of the fourth registration. The names will not all be published at once but several hundred per week until all have been publish-! Ed, There are 1,544 men register ed in this particular registration ! in Stokes county, j This week's list is as follows: i U-l Henry Hawkins, Sandy Ridge J U-2 Laster Martin, Sandy Ridge. U-3 Rufus Oscar Wood, Law sonville. I U-4 Walter Harden Lamons, Sandy Ridge. j U-5 Elmer Cleveland Carter,; Sandy Ridge. j U-6 John Daniel Nance, Sandy l?idge. i U-7 Lawrence MacNae, Walnut Cove. I U-8 George Banner Joyce, R. F.' D. No. 2, Walnut Cove, j U-9 Jessie Lee Alley, R. F. D. 1 ' No. Walnut Cove, I U-10 James Richard Nur.n, R. F. D. No. 2, Pilot Mountain. U-ll Ulyceses Sam Jones, Pin nacle. U-12 William Edwin Tuttle, R. i F. D. No. 1, Rural Hall. U-13 Samuel Martin Woods, R. F. D. No. 1, Danbury U-14 Austin DillarcK Gi 11 ey, Danbury. ! U-15 Isaac Franklin Abbot, R. I F. D. Box 161, Walnut Cove. I | U-16 Nume Oscar Tedder, Ger manton. U-17 George Robert Simmons, i R. F. D. No. 1, Danbury. U-18 Robert Whyeloq Kington, R. F, D. No. 1, Sandy Ridge. U-19 Nlisha Thomas Barnell, 1 German ton. ! U-20 James Peter Morton, R. F. | D. No. 2, Walnut Cove. I U-21 Burr Bullins, R. F. D. No. 1, Sandy Ridge. U-22 Robie Vantrsss 'A'ftlJ. R. F. D. No. 1, Pinnae'/?. ! U-23 Walon Martin Gardon, It. F D. No. 2, Pinnacle U-24 Roscoe Conklia Cinn, R. F. D. No. 1, Madison. U-25 Jessie James, R, F. D. No. 1, Madison. U-26 Albert Lee Ward, R. F. D. : No. 1, Madison. U-27 Robertzon Klint Wilson, R. F. D. No 2, Walnut Cove. U-28 George Quincy Venable,! R. F. D. No. 1, Danbury. U-29 William Terry Oakley, R. j F. D. No. 1, Danbury, i U-30 John Marvin Nast in g Flynt, R. F D. No 2, Walnut Cove, i U-31 Charlie Wyatt Priddy, R. 1 F. D. No. 1, Sandy Ridge, 1 U-32 Eugene Patton Murray, i Walnut Cove. ] U-34 McKany Rector Tilley, R. ] F. D. No 2, Walnut. Cove, U-35 Ben Oakley, Sandy Ridge Continued on loc«l page 1 STOKES BOY REPORTED TO DISTRICT ATTY. ______ I ' LAWSON VILLE BOY EVADES '■ PHYSICAL EXAMINATION FOUR TIMES. It has been reported to the Unit ed States District Attorney Car lisle Higgins, by the Stokes Coun ty Local Draft Board No: 1 that Jeffrey William Mabe, Lawson ' ville, R.F.D. 2 has violated the Selective Service Act of 1940 in that he has failed to reort for 'Physical examination four times. It has been reported to the | above draft board that t)ie regis trant is near his home and hiding out. Notice of delinquency was sent to the registrant, whose order number is 420, on May 26, 1942. If any person knows the where-1 abouts of this person, it is thei? i j duty as a citizen to report same to the Stokes Local Draft Board. Description of the registrant: Age: 26; race: white; heigh:t 6 ft., 3 inches; weight: 165; hair: 'blonde; eyes: brown; complexion: • ruddy; remarks: scar on right -j leg be low knee. i - DATES CHANGED TO JULY 9, 10, 11 FOR GAS RATIONING i Registration dates for perma nent gasoline rationing have been' •changed to July 9, 10 and 11. Ay plications will be received in this i county at the following places: j Danbury courthouse, Sand) Ridge school, Pine Hall school ■ Pinnacle school, Reynolds school, Francisco school, LawsonviUe ! school, Kinr school, Germanton ! store, Walnut Cove Hotel. Effect ive time for operation of the new | ration is set for July 22 and all present gasoline cards must be stretched to last to this date. Community Singing July sth There will be a community sing ing Sunday, July sth, at 1:30 o'- clock at the courthouse in Dan bury, N. C Miss M .rie Lowery of i ' i Hyattsville, Md„ will !-nve cl j !of the singiiig. AH organized iii gers :i« * i:.vited. i (Signed) Committee. j Miss Petree To Wed j. At Burlington Invitations have been received I here as follows: I "Mr. Walter Garfield Petree re quests the honor of your pres ence at the marriage of his daugh ter, Hazel Christine, to Sergeant Wesley F. Hayden om Sunday, th" 1 i twenty-eighth of June, at five o' l clock in the afternoon, First 1 Evangelical and Reformed Church : t Burlington, North Carolina." W. A, Lewis of Walnut Cove, Route 1, was in town Monday. ' 3th REGISTRATION TUESDAY, JUNE 30 1 LIST OF Cfitfer REOKTBAKS AND PLACES OF BEGISTBA TION. All men born on or before Jan uary.l, 1923, and on or before June | 30, 1924, will be requred to reg-' ister in the fifth registration which will be held Tuesday, June 1 30, between the hours of 7 a m. 1 and 9 p. m. Following are chief registrars and places of registration: Walnut Cove, R. M. Green. Germanton, Mrs. Ralph Beck. King, C. M. Felts, Pinnacle, J. L. Christian. Reynolds, Mrs. Frances Martin, j Francisco, Mrs. R. M. Hundley. Lawsonville, Mrs. Wilbert Tuck er. 1 Pine Hall, J. van Tuttle. Dillard, Ralph M. Hunt. Sandy Ridge, J. Moir Hawkins. Danbury, Stokes Draft Board, j List Of Questionnaire Recipients Who Have j Failed Their Return , * ! Below is a. of registrants 1 names of the third registration I who have not returned their oc cupational questionnaires ! The questionnaires have not been i returned to this office marked un l known by a postmaster. ' If you have not received youi occupational questionnaire noti fy this olhce immediately. To those who have received oc cupational questionnaires it is important that they be returne. at once. Sam Jackson Smith, Lawson ville. Jessie Green Brinkley, Pinnacle. James Garrell Parrish, Belews Creek. Reid Shelton, Sandy P.idge. I Tom Dwight Preston, Pine Hall. Lemmie Gilbert Brown, Walnut Cove. I Wnce Perdue, Pinnacle, | Mathew Moore, Walnut Cove. William Lester Mabe, Belews Creek. j Robert Oliver Pratt, Belews Creek. I Walter Floyd Gordon, tare 1 11. P. Loftis, Walnut Cove. Garvfe Roe Dixc::, West'field. Anderson Williamson, ; 215 Graydon Ave., Norfolk, Va Thomas Elijah BuDin, Sandy Ridge. ! i Jor.ah Stephens, Madison. Gilbert Lemmey Drown, Wal nut Cove. I Rattlers Killed Four rattlesnakes, the largest bearing 9 rattles, have been killed near the Danbury CCC camp by keepers of the camp. This is thought to be unßual in thii time of year either the reptilea ara more plentyful this year. BUY WAR BONDS and STAMPS i COURT TERM ENDS WEDNESDAY COURT OOhtS AND BO AD SENTENCES ABE RESULT OF FEW CRIMINAL CASES THIS WEEK. The three-day term of Stoke* County Superior (Criminal) Court I adjourned Wednesday afternoon as the comparatively small dock et was cleared by Judge Wm. H. j Bobbitt. Solicitor Ralph J. Scott prosecuted. | Due to the fair weather condi - | tions which necessitated farmers to be employed at their fast grow ing crops, attendance was light at court. j Cases disposed of are as fol lows : STATE VS. Frank Butcher, non-support, 10 months. Elmo Linton, reckless driving, cost. Wm. Lewis Justice, re c k 1e s s driving and O. C. 1., £50.00 i and cost. j Lester Wilson, B, & E., and lar ceny, cost and 3 years probation, j Jack Gunter, larceny, 10 mon. on road. i Lee Shouse, O. C, 1., $50.00 and cost. Robert Shuff and Roscoe Smith, possession of liquor. As to Robert Shuff, $50.00 and cost, Roscoe Smith, cost. Ben Hairston, O. C. 1., $50.00 and cost. i Sam Corn, assault with intent . to kill, 18 months on road. ; Sam Watkins, assault with in tent to kill, 18 months on road. Sam Watkins, A. D. W., 18 mon. . on road, Henry Can oil, O. C. 1., $50.09 and cost. ; , Walter Webster and Fred Dal* ton, larceny. Nol. Pros. j j . New Case Worker On Duty Here Miss Charlotte Matthes, of Stoneville, has recently been ap . pointed caseworker for the local welfare department. Mias Mat , thews is acting in the capacity of . Mi#*- Christine Anderson who ?s superintendent in the absence of Miss Ella Downing. I i . Miss Fiances Carter visited Mrs. Wm, McCanless Tuesday. She is from Stoneville. I , Anita Charlevillc of St. Louis, Mo., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. R. H. Todd at Piedmont Springs. JT My