Thursday, Sept. 24, 1942 ALL SET FOR THE HORSE SHOW Kisg Beady For Gal* Time—The Stork la Very Busy In the King ' Section. King—A big little town. King, Sept. 24.—Everything is being put in readiness here for the big horse show which will, take place Friday and Saturday, ( Mr. Farmer: Sell YOUR TOBACCO In Mount Airy AND MAKE OUR STORE Your Meeting Place WE CAN SUPPLY YOUR FAMILY NEEDS AT GREAT SAVINGS A & Z Store IN HALE BLDG., MT. AIRY, N. C. j * * *» OFFICIAL U. S. TREASURY * * * WAR BOND QUOTAS FOB SEPTEMBER j !,/ b ; ; i j - I WESIfBN PART Of \ *50,400 J ' NORTH CAROLINA ] \ '—hi dOlL— \2Slf NORTH ! CAROLINA J&rS 4 !) U. S. Tr.«ury Official W« Bond f' 600 i., 8,400- ! | Quotas for September / Sapt.mbsr Quol. for SUft, I 9.75&000 , \ jl ® | m^m—mmm^—^——^^ " " 1 Washington, D. C., Sept. B.—September War Bond I Quotas for the 3,070 counties la the nation were an- i noiutced today by Henry tlorgenthan, Jr., Secretary ef the Treasury, to mwke up the aational September fblal I •I n75,000,000. The September quota for the State of North Carolina la *J,7&0,C00. In fixing the eeunty quotas, the Treasury has ceo- tinued lti announced policy ef setting the monthly quo- i las la line with the seasonal distribution of laeome with i (October 2nd and 3rd. No pains or expense are being spared to make | | this year's show the best ever held here. The following patients under- went tonsil removal operations here last week: Mrs. J. W. Den-j ny, of Pinnacle; Miss Lottie Ed i I wards, of Ralton; Mrs. Weldon Kiser, Mrs. Arlie Warner, Miss | ,Nora Boles and Miss Ruby Tuttle, (of Rural Hall; and Miss Ruby the bllllon-dollar monthly national average as the an> ) nual goal. S The aational quota fer May, when the nation went on ) the blUton-a-montb annual basis, was (600,000,000. For i June tie quota was 9800,000,000 and for July it Jumped ) to 11,000,000,000. The August quota waa 9818,000,000, ) so to maintain the billion-dollar annual monthly av- ) erage, the quota* for the Fall and Winter months must neeessarlly be stepped up considerably to reach the objective set. * .... v.S,Trmuo THE DANBURY REPORTER Boles, of Germanton. J Rev. David E. Weinland, who has resided here for the past two years, has been appointed assist ant to Dr. Howard E. Rondthaler president of Salem College. Mr. j Weinland, who came here from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, has many warm friends here. Mrs. John McGee is quite sick at her home on north Depot street her friends will regret to learn. j Relatives here have been noti fied of the serious illness of Wil- j liam Holder, Jr., at the Elkin Hos- ; ptial 1 Believe it or not: About sixty l years ago Dr. Beverly Jones was called to the home of Georg_- Newsum, two miles south of town. He made the trip from his home near Bethania on horseback. He had broken off a switch from an apple tree to hurry hie horse along. When he arrived at the i Newsum home he threw the switch down in the yard. One of' Mr. Newsum's daughters picked up the switch and stuck it in the j ground, it took root and grew to I be a fine apple tree. It is still' standing in the yard at the old ' homeplace and bears fruit each' year. j Miss Ora Fulp of Thomasvil!e 1 and her sister, Miss Hazel, of 1 Trinity, are visiting relatives and friends here. j Mrs. P, J. Caudle of Winston- j Salem was among the visitor-3' here Saturday Well, the stork made quite a | lot of overtime last week. Here is his report: Mr. and Mrs. Tucker. Van Hoy, a Eon; Mr. and Mr.-!.' Robert Meritt, a daughter; Mr. and Mis. Walter Lawson, a son; Mr. and Mr s. Willie J. Rough, i 1 >OO ■ | HI. 81. EM SHOP j $ 511 1-2 North Liberty St. o 5 WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. g 6 Phone 01 j-f X $ Machine Wave, $1.50 to $7.50 o ,0 Machineless, $2.50 to SIO.OO X' '0 Spiral, $5.00 to SIO.OO $ | AI L WORK GUARANTEED \ 0 OPERATORS ; MISS PARMLLEK CROTTS, (M^r.) 6 miss LOi rsi: mldijn 1 MISS PAIXINK MARTIN 0 0 00000000000000000>0000>00>0000000000 'OOOOOOOOOOO'v'VOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC $ t | Make Your Plans Now (o Attend the | 1942 Mt Airy American Legion | 1 Victory s [FAIR! Sept. 28th=-Oct. 3rd I 6 G—Bid DAYS—6 6—BIG NIGHTS—6 0 X WEDNESDAY—Children's Day I y One SSO WAR BOND will be awarded $ 0 The Winner o 0 NEW ATTRACTION HORSE SHOW o , $ —Oct. 1 and 2, Afternoon and Night - $ X SHOWING AM. CLASSKs OF FINK l(()IC>i;s $ ' 1 Mq's JUMmera Shows I | On The Midway \ 0 For Information a* to Home Show and Exhibit*, Write v X W. L. Sydnor, Secretary, Mount Airy, N. C. Herman Fulp Promoted i | Herman Fulp, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Fulp of Waliut Cove. i has been promoted to Staff Ser- j geant at Morris Field, Charlotte, I I where he ha£ been located the I past few months. Sergeant Fulp I , enlisted in the air corps at Wins-1 ! i ton-Salem November 7, 1940, and !.. . • received hi« basic trailing at MaeDill Field, Tampa, Fla., and J Orlando Air Ease, Orlando, F3a. ' U » ;daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Mabe, a daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Duggina, a son; Mr. ar.d , Mrs. Clarence Lawson, a daugh ter; Mr. and Mrs. Judson Coving ■ ton, a daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stewart, a daughter; Mr. a rJ I Mrs. Ezra Jessup, a son; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Warren, a daugh- ter; and Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Mid id,eton, a son. | J. Nat Roberts, familiarly j known here as "Dr. Drake" from , the Chestnut Grove section, was among the throng o shoppers here Saturday evening. I Scales Dalton of Dalton was I hero Saturday looking after sor.x j, business matters. And that's the news from !k •. j I ' PUBLISHED THURSDAYS } ! FLASH .. UIIE SEPTEMBER 2i * Red offensive cracks German I lines, still holds Stalingrad; Ger 'rnans lose 12,000 men in five days. I Terrible train wreck at Dicker sen, Md., 20 persons killed, many !• • A injured. | Situation unchanged i n tiew I Guinea, Mac Arthur's bombers strafe Buna and Kikoda. Solomons still held by marines. Finland denies seeking peace with Russia. London sa\s Germans in wofise position at Stalingrad than 10 days ago. Five High Point speeders indict ed at High Point in a crack down to save gasoline and rubber. Doke and Davidson will play football at Winston-Salem Sutut day afternoon. School buses can't haul athletic teams or spectators on penalty of e,;\H cii'.-oii, ruling by OPA. Ross Easley In Australia 1 Mi. .. M:-. I- .1. [. . : „i '\V . j I;- 1 • IVI. . !, . .1 • '.heir 'i:, i: sI! ; :i i I who is in A .i-'.rali.:. Kasicy . a nnvl .u.; in !.t air I corps anJ :s a ni'aUicu* > . C..ati ; lite Field, 111, Me enlisted u. tho ':ira> in July, l!toS. : a i |..nded in Austialia in February. SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEWSPAPER THAT IS ALL-OUT FOR * AMERICA AND - j STOKES CO. 'STUART THEATRE Stuart, Virginia Friday & Saturday, Sept. 25-20 "COWBOV SERENADE" Gene Autry—Smili>> llurnette Sunday \ Monday. Sept. 'H-'-JK "DANGEKOIMA I'll IA I.IVE" John Garfield—Kayinoiitl >la>sej Tucmlhj \ Wednesday, Si jit. "SMALL lOW \ IIEIf' Jane Withers—Jane Harwell Also New* Thursday, October 1 "NEVER GIVE A SUCKER AN EVEN BREAK" 1%. C. Fields—Gloria Jean