THE DANBURY REPORTER Established 1872 Volume 71 1 THE GESTAPO GYRATES WHILE THE OGPU OBFUSCATES Stokes county is the victim of a big bad politi \ eal MACHINE, owned and operated by Sheriff John Taylor; the Democratic officers are incom petent, inefficient, and crooked, while the big > majority of voters who put them in are densely ignorant or heinously corrupt. At leagt this is the implied accusation broad cast by the Union Republican, a newspaper pub lished at Winston-Salem, Forsyth county. The Republican has suddenly been struck by • some kind of lightning. It agitates vociferously for THE PEOPLE to smash the machine of John Taylor, hand over the emoluments of office to the newly-nominated Republican candidates, who are honest and efficient, and to live happily ever after. Now the editor of the Republican, the self-styled Republican orgin of the State, is an honest man and a truthful —does anyone doubt this? He comes with no bill of particulars, but the fire has evidently been handed down to him. He is careful to make no direct charges, like a per son who is sure of his ground, or like him who is "thrice armed and fee his quarrel just." * {But he carries a stineto under his belt He Speaks indirectly, "by- uiWhuatitm or innuendo, ' that underhanded resort of those who are not in possession of facts or proof, nor the courage to present them. * Passing strange it is, look you, my brethren, that the crusader editor of North Carolina's Re publican orgin, should come fishing in the quiet waters of Stokes for suckers, when he has whales swimming right under his nasal proboscis, at his front door. What about the immense stiff Democratic majority in Forsyth? We recall having seen no editorial diatribes anent the Ogpu of Camel City. Why overlook its lair to hunt the Gestapo of Stokes? The motif of the editor of the Republican is too deep for us, we submit. We have wondered if our Stokes Republican candidates—all nice men—have been dangling their ducats over there? No, then again we have speculated on whether f or not the fat legal advertising of Winston's Democratic lawyers, dispensed judiciously, had anything to do with so dubious a situation. We wonder if those smooth lawyers have choked the \ diverticulum of a valiant Republican editor's oesophagus with Democratic pie? No? Then on what hypothesis shall we explain this quixotic adventure of the editor of the State's most militant orgin? In the interest of a solid front, and to preserve harmony in these parlous times, we feel that these speculations should not proceed too far up the creek. We trust that our voters of Stokes county who have been egregiously slandered will laugh I it off. If they have been too ignorant to know what they've been voting for or too corrupt to care what they have been voting for, let them forget it-until the duration. Let politics be adjourned until the situation evolves seriouser. Of course if to have a large and cohstantly in- creasing host of friends and supporters means a Timely Editorials N. C., Thursday, October 1, 1942 * SLOW UP Don't run your car over 35 now, on penalty of the law. The highway patrol and all federal and State officers are watching. By obeying this law, you not only save yourself from fine or imprisonment, or both— But you help the nation in its all-out battle for the successful prosecution of the war. And your hide depends on the successful prose cution of the war. HONORS EVEN Two men at Pine Hall had a fight Saturday night over: who pays the highest for tobacco, Woodrow Wilson or Franklin Roosevelt. The scrappers were held apart by Mack Wall and Tom Preston. There was no serious damage done, and after considering carefully it was decided to issue no warrants, as everybody seemed to be happy any how. machine, then John Taylor undoubtedly has one. There is no truer type of PEOPLE'S official in the state than John Taylor. When he made his modesty debut into Stokes | politics the county was in the red some 10 to 12 hundred majority. Last election the Board of County Commissioners were elected by a majori ty of around 1300. Roosevelt won by about 2,162 Was this the Taylor machine? When the Republican declares that Boss | Brown, when elected to the legislature, will not be a party to "any illicit dealings with the liquor interests in Raleigh" it implies that there have been illicit dealings in Raleigh with the liquor in terests. But the Republican fails to give the facts of his startling inside dope. If there is any truth in what he insinuates, let him come out with it, so that when William F. Marshall goes to the General Assembly in January he may bring the serious charge to the attention of the legislature and demand an investigation. If there are no facts to support the Republicas's slander of the law-making body, let the slander be resented in the way best suited to the wishes of the slander ed. In all the counties of the state we daresay there is not one that can show a cleaner or more effi cient record than the offices of John Taylor and Watt Tuttle, or whose business has been manag ed more capably, honorably and efficiently than Howard Gibson, Harvey Johnson and Rev. J. A. Joyce have transacted the financial affairs of Stokes county. The same applies to the office of R. L. Smith, Register of Deeds. To say that the business of the coynty is trans jacted behind closed doors —with a sinister inflec ition—is small talk, pussilanimous. To intimate I that any of these officers are wasting and squan dering the people's money is slanderous and without the support of truth. To leave the impres sion that any of these officers are for the few and not for the interest of the whole people is an ef fort to stir prejudice. In every Stokes county official's place of busi ness a Republican is just as welcome and re ceives quite the consideration and courtesy of the rankest Democrat. Published Thursdays AMERICA'S VAST PRODUCTION SPELLS DOOM OF THE AXIS The vast production of war material by the , United States unquestionably spells doom of the Axis. ? American factories are now putting out more planes than all the totalitarian nations combin • ed. Germany has never claimed in all its lyingest statistics to be able to make more than 3500 . planes per month. Italy and Japan combined cannot manufacture more than six or 700 per month. « American, British and Russian plants are now - building from eight thousand to ten thousand , bombers and fighters per month. The United States alone has reached a capacity of more than i 5.000 per month. Included in this production are many hundreds of Flying Fortresses, the dead liest machines in the world. , The production of tanks, anti-aircraft guns and machine guns is in the ratio of two to Axis one. . When we consider too, the overwhelming turn out of shipping, now far outstripping the de struction of the Axis submarines, it can readily | be seen that the tide must soon turn fearfully against Germany and Japan when this crushing material is fully in the hands of the Russians and the Chinese, and w r hen England and America are in position themselves to utilize their vast pro duction to the limit. | The population of the United Nations —count- ing only Russia, England and America—is 350 ! millions against 190 millions for Germany, Japan and Italy. I This means a man power of nearly 2 to 1 against ! the Axis, without computing the vast population lof China, nearly 500 millions. With its manpower fully armed, democracy 'need not fear the results. SUNSET AND EVENING STAR "I know not where His islands lift ' Their frondied palms in air— -1 only knew 1 cannot drift i 1 Beyond His love and care." The faith of our mothers in the dear sweet days of long ago—that was the faith of Charles Car roll. He made a brave fight for life. He had suffer ed. At last his tired spirit softly sank into the all j enfolding arms of that restful, dreamless sleep that men call death, where is surcease of sorrow t or pain. May his noble, gentle spirit find the peace that passeth understanding. n THE FLYING FORTRESSES STRAFING THE FLYING JAPS In the Pacific it is "too bad" how the Hying •Fortresses of the Mac-Arthur camp are destroy ing Jap Zeros. In one raid 47 Jap flyers were downed while the Americans lost not one. Slowly, methodically, but with unmistakable precision the power and skill of our planes forge their way to Tokyo. The grand offensive that will reach the nest of the yellow rats is in the making. May it soon be made. Xumbel' .".(JTI