THE DANBURY REPORTER Established 1872 Volume 71 Of People and Things ATTORNEY GEM. V MAKES RULING Arrested Person Should Be Al lowed To Communicate With K , Counsel And Friends—Drunks May Not Be Jailed. Raleigh.—Attorney General Harry McMullan ruled yesterday that when a person is arrested he should immediately be informed of the charge against him and, ex cept in capital cases, should be al lowed to give bail. The attorney general, handing down a digest of opinions, said the arrested person should be allowed to immediately communi cate with counsel and friends but that if the individual is drunk, he should not be released until he is in possession of his mental facul ties, but (fid not Bay he could be subjected to disgrace of jail. MacMullan also ruled: A sheriff is not required to act In matters Which require the pfty i ment of fees until such fees are paid. Therefore, when an execu tion is placed in the hands of a ** sheriff to be satisfied out of real property, the fee of the sheriff for alloting the homestead must be paid before the sheriff is re quired to act. If it be satisfied out of personal property, the fee does not have to be advanced unless the judgment debtor demands that his personal property ex emption be alloted. If a nonresident soldier's car is properly licensed in .his home state, no North Carolina license is required. A married woman having a sep arate and independent income is entitled to a personal exemption of only $li)00. If, however, she can qualify as the head of the family, she would be entitled to a personal exemption of $2,000. s .. Danbury Naval Boy Home For Christmas Bob King, or Robert Lee, is I home for Christmas liore to the delight of h s parents Mr. and Mrs. R. R. King, and many friends. Bob is in the navy, hav ing enlisted Feb. 26, 1941, arid has seen service over a UT part, of the world. He came hers from 1 New York City. Recently return ed from various points in Soul'i America, and Australia. " * * * He is on a 30-day -leave. ' j Notice I am in Dr. Near* office c eiy Saturdav to co'lect accounts duo him. Will appreciate if all will call and settle accounts'. ' j MRS. J. W. NEAL, Jr. [ Walnut Cove, N, C. • I Ellington To Retain Post Raleigh.—The State Board of Elections wrote a belated "finis" i on its books today after ending j the last of its hearings on dis-j putes arising out of the November j general election by voting to re-; tain A. J. Ellington as chairman i of the Stokes County B'iaid of I Elections 1 W. A. Lucas, chairman n the state board, said, "There has be»*n some laxness by Mr. Ellington ; which this board dess not co:i --[ done, but the evidence we hive i heard here is lacking in strength • to justify this board in removing : him from office." : | Worth D. Henderson, Grcens- and S. E. Hall, Wicstou-aa lem, attorneys for Stokes County at the hearings, had I charged Ellington made illegal' | deliveries of ballots during the : Nov. 3 general election. I I I Beautiful Christmas Service At 'I he Presbyterian Cliurch :! Sunday night at the Presbyter ■ ian Church a beautiful Christmas service was held. The vested choir sang appropriate songs. The pas- 1 ; tor, Rev. Ralph Buchanan told t an interesting story and read a poem written "by Mrs. Frances Marshall, of Danbury, which was very much enjoyed by the con gregation. The candle-light fea ture of the service was very im pressive. ' I Young Kirbv Heard From i D. C. Kirby is in receipt of a j letter from his nephew O. M. Kir by, Jr., who is on Tulagi island in the Solomons. Young Kirby writes: "I am fine, still have two .good eyes, arms, legs and the | same spirit I had when you last' saw me. There is not much that j I car. tell you about my activities." j | When he started to tell about a show that the natives put oil for the boys, the censor est it out.' I It seems the spirits of the boy 3 are good and they are expecting ] to be in Tokyo soon. j His address is Pfc. O. Mi Kirby. Jr., U., S. M. C., Unit 290-A, .care j P. M. Sin Francisco, . Cnl.,. for ( in?r>nr«iJio n of t'ic.-;'» v.'ho want, to write him. j; 1 | • Mrs. Mina Booth visited Win- s'on-S:lem Tuesday. I . . . .*•*»* { Alex Southern, Sam Southern, Dadiiv Ves Fulo. Granny Hayden, , rood farmers of the Flatshoal, | were in town today. \ Danbury, N. C., Thursday, December 24, 1.942 Published Thursdays ELLINGTON AND MITCHELL EXONERATED A. J. Ellington and J. G. H. Mitchell, Demo cratic members of the Stokes County Board of |Election, were duly tried in Raleigh last Friday jfor "high crimes and misdemeanors" "commit ted" in the late election in Stokes county, and were duly acquitted. The hearing was before the State Board of Elec tion, and the charge against the Stokes officials was that they had misused the absentee ballot. Whereupon the complainants asked for the dis missal of Ellington and Mitchell as members of the county Board of Elections. After a sitting of some 6 or 7 hours, during which the State board heard the reading of a great array of affidavits, the Board retired for about 10 minutes, then returned with a verdict of complete acquittal and exoneration of the two Democratic members of the Stokes board. • The vote was unanimous on the part of the State board for acquittal, and both of the Re | publican members shook the, hands of Ellington ;and Mitchell, declaring ther£ was no evidence of ■ any serious infraction of the election law, but I ' only carelessness and laxity, which was not con sidered sufficient cause to oust the two members from their responsible position. Among the counter affidavits furnished by the defense in the trial were two affidavits given re spectively by two former chairmen of the Stokes County Republican executive committee in which the high character and integrity of El lington and Mitchell were attested.. One of the ex-chairmen, who for years was chairman of the Stokes county board of county commissioners, stated that a majority of the rank and file of stokes Republicans did not endorse the fight jmade by the small bunch of disappointed Repub lican office-seekers tm the character of Elling ton and Mitchell, and were taking no interest in i the proceedings., I Worth Henderson of Greensboro and S. E. Hall of Winston-Salem were attorneys for the peti tioners, while Hampton Price of Leaksville and P. W. Glidewell of Reidsville represented Elling .ion and .Mitchfll. , I THE MAN OF FINE WORDS Few .citizens of the world are such masters of rhetoric as old Winston Churchill, the lion of the British empire. '• • 1 ~ Not only is this Englishman a fereat statesman, patriot, and soldier, but he can tell his thoughts in language that galvanizes the imagination and burns the heart.. Here is the message he lately: sent the emperor i of Japan: ...: * *>*•.... "When' we have finished With Hitler, the entire j, forces of' the. British Em pi j'Q by-land, sea and air! wili jpin the great power of America in the Pacific "The growing power of the United Nations wili press steadfastly on until- you are stripped of your conquests, punished for your treachery and | i deprived of your powers of evil. tl j "Retribution was always sure; it is now -grow- |i ing near." t « EDITORIALS Editorial ' IF PEOPLE HAD I TAILS When a fellow approaches you 1 with a condescension like this: "Now, listen, I am your friend. But I want to say" so and so.. You may generally know then ; I he is not your friend. Our friends don't have to tell us they are our friends. When a dog approaches you wagging his tail, you may know he is your friend. That switching | of the caudal appendage is caus ed by a reflex from the heart. If you are my friend, wag you?- tail. Don't show your teeth. And ! when you smile, smile with your I eyes. ' H j Death Of Mrs. Betty Tillotsoni Funeral services for Mrs. Bet ty Tillotson, aged 78, of King, Route 1, who died in a Twin City hospital early Monday moming, were held from the Mount Olive Baptist Church near King. Rev. E. T. Sims officiating. Burial in the Tillotson family cemetery. Mrs. Tillotson was born in j Stokes county in 1864, the daugh ter of the late Albert and Lucy j Ann Tilley King. Her husband, the late John Tillotson, passed jaway some years ago. The onlv I immediate survivor is a brother. William King, of Hillsville, Va. Paul Taylor Here Paul Taylor was here from Wißjtrv Salem visiting his ' Whitewater farm a mile west of Danbury. Paul has juat closed a' fine tobacco year, being connect ed with an eastern North Carolina I warehouse as well as Taylor's warehouse i n Winston - Salem. Taylor's is one of the most sue cessful warehouses in Carolinas or | Virginia. 1 _ i Few Fireworks " ' Very few fireworks have been i bought throughout the county at large. After the governor of ] North Carolina had asked good ( citizens to refrain from encouras- , ing the boys to shoot fireworks ] this Xmas, a very remarkable h'." in the usual rocket is notice! When so many homes have bo . in the sendee far from home, i- ir« not considered a proper time r r> - celebration. Enrlv Benton, col., work!'v.-! vith Alex Southern, was hit by a Falling limb while cutting; timbe'- Wednesday and seriously hurt. A ihvaician sewed him up with six ititches. He is recovering. * * * * Number 5,683 700 STOKES BOYS OFF TO THE WAR County Doe* Its Bit For Victory As Ever-Increasing Hosts fcn ter The Service. j More than 700 Stokes county young men are now in the service |of their country. This number of draftees does not include the vol* unteers. Splendid soldiers in the great victory parade, the Stokes boys, as their ranks are ever growing and increasing, will give a gooJ account of themselves on all bat tle fronts. i The people of Stokes county doff their hats to the proud yeo- I manry who will cast credit for | their county. State and nation in the turbulent days to come. I I Robert Hedgreeock Is Commissioned j Robert A. Hedgecock, 32, son o£ Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hedgecock, Walnut Cove, Wednesday complet ed training in 6th class of the medical replacement training cen ter officer candidate school at Camp Barkeley, Texas, and receiv his commission as a second Lieu tenant in the medical administra tion corps. i I Lieutenant Hedgecock was a staff sergeant in the army and a social workers in civilian life. He ! attended the University of North Carolina and Columbia University, New York City. Failed To Answer I The following boys have faileJ to answer questionnaires sent them by the local draft board: j Troy Wilson Carter, Lawson ville; Harold Alton Tuttle, Dan ! bury; Jones Arthur Smith, West field. I I The Board requests that those knowing the whereabouts of the delinquents will please notify the Board. • . I Ed \\ ilson, one of Stokes coun ty s finest tobacco growers, was here today from Route 1. E.i lua only one good eye, hut he can see more good quality in growing to bacco than many with two eves. •T J in W Pi icj :.v v. - ! re to day from Snow Creek t. vvuship. U.S.WAB B9NOS 1