THE DANBURY REPORTER Established 1872 GET READY FOR FOOD RATIONING t | Stokes Rationing Board Issues Information On Point Katioro ing That Starts In. February. i Mrs. D. C. Kirby outlines com- ing process: Point rationing will start in February for canned, bottled and • frozen fruits, vegetables and jui- Ces, dried fruits and soups. Announced now because food industry and public must learn system before operation starts. Boards will be main source of accurate information on system. These are the steps: 1. Rationing will be preceded by short freeze so that retailers can stock up and make ready. 2. During freeze every man, woman and child will be issued War Ration Book 2. 3. The blue stamps in Book .'J are fpr processed food. 4. The letter of the alphabet on the stamp indicates when it is good. 5. The number on the stamp in dicates its point value. 6. Every man, woman and child will receive the same number of points less cfecfuction for excess t stocks. ' • ■ . 7. It will take both money and points to buy rationed foods. 8. You can choose What you want to buy with yotjr points. No justification' vfofr hoarding. All rationed food: except home canned you own will have to be declared before getting a ration book, and stamps will be deduct ed by boards. You won't have to declare home canned foods. Encourage home canning. ' A list of canned foods to be ra tioned will be sent you soon. Boards will have help. It will take a million and a half volun teers to handle registration. Bu many organizations are going to help. Remember food is important in y war strategy. A soldier eats twenty per cent, more than a civ ilian. Our men in Africa had to have 100 days emergency food supply. The Russian Armies are winning with American foods. Point rationing everyone at home his fair aharc of rationing foods. MRS. D. C. KIRBY, Of the Rationing Board, Danbury, N. C. Sandy Ridge School Buys Bonds And Stamps, $27,492.51 Bonds and stamps sold in San- dy Ridge school since the middl of November are as follows: Mrs. Darr —12th grade, $ 2,- 358.75; Miss Ayers —11th grade, $4,603.20; Mr. Darr—loth grade ' $730 20; Mr. Spencer—Bth grade, $903.00; Mrs. Lawson 7th grade, $2,193.10; Mrs. Hill —7tti Volume 71 (ilenn Morefieid Kills j Self Near Walnut Cove i Leaving a r.ote to his father, that "I had rather be dead than ' to think about going back an I leaving you here with all th'.- j work to do," Private Glenn M. i Morefieid, 20, of Walnut Cove I shot himself through the heart i I with a double barreled shotgun i Tuesday afternoon at his home 1 near Walnut Cove. I \ Morefieid had come home Fri ' I 1 day from Camp Breckinridge, Ky., to spend a Christmas furlough C , with his family. He was to have t returned to camp Wednesday. ! ' j Tuesday afternoon, he and hi? j 5 family were to have gone to the i j home of his sister, Mrs. Robert Joyce in Walnut Co.c for dinner, II but Glenn said thai. In: did not i , > feel iike gvng and sUi> cd home. ' His father left him lying down i I at home. When he returned shoit-' 3 ly after dark, he found his son shot through the heart. The body was in a small outer building ( that had been living quarters for , - f a colored boy employed on 'lie vas not there at 1 the time. I I The young man had apparently propped the gun against the wall 1 j'of the building and pulled the trigger with a stick. 1 A note in the boy's pocket to his father showed his intent to CJ shoot himself. The note read: \ e , "I know this is the wrong thing 1 to do, but I had rather be dead than to think about going back i and leaving you here with all the e 1 work to 00. ! Morefieid was drafted into the I army several months ago. The shooting was investigated b y ! ! U Deputies Carl Ray and Burke Smith. • It was not known just what 0 • time the shooting occurred, but I the suicide was believed to have itaken place late in the afternoon, n l I Private Morefieid is survived by. s I ! his father, G. H. Morefieid, five brothers, Harry Morefieid oT Hign 0 • Point, Rob Morefieid and Charley 1 d i Morefieid of Walnut Cove, Bruce e i Morefieid of Walkertown, George ) Morefieid of Knob, Key West, s Florida; five sisters, Mrs. Rob e Joyce, Mrs. Trula Tuttle of Wal nut Cove, Miss Clarice Morefieid of Pilot Mountain, Mrs. J. T. I Skipper, Miss Ruth Morefieid, | Walnut Cove. i 'grade, $2,100.85; Mrs. Poore —6th 'grade, $49 40; Miss Mounce—sth ) grade, 6,113.00; Mrs. Spencer— 4th and sth grades, $253.80; Mrs. i- Hutcherson —4th grade, $301.7'"); Mrs. Carter —3rd grade, $784 60; j Mrs. Ziglar—3rd grade, $237.50; Mrs. Dowdy—2nd grade, $l,-j », 259.00; Miss Johnson —2nd grade, ;, i $2,604.50; Miss Tayl or Ist ?, grade, $1,176.50; Mrs. Wall—lst h' grade, $818.45. « . hi Total $27,492.55! Danbury, N. C l ., Thursday, December 31, 1942 Draft Call » For January 11th; rUIS CONTINGENT WILL RE PORT* TO CAMP CROFT,; SOUTH CAROLINA. The following Stokes county men have been called for induc tion on January 11, 1942. They will report to Camp Croft, S. C: j James Wilbur Forrest, Fran,- j Cisco. ,\ f j Hobert Alvy Hampton, German- j ton. Henry Deshnzo Plaster, Sandy ! Ridge. Leonard Odell Hall, King. James Noah, Pinnacle. Troy Harry Mabe. Francisco. Grady Eugene Watkins, Law sonville. Anderson Mabe, Danbury. William Tror Slielton, Fan '., Ridge. Hardin Mabe, Danbury. Raymond Lawrence, Wes'- field. William Theron Wood, Danbury. Curtis Newman Nelson, Walnut Cn*c. | Clau-le Allen Priddy, Francisco. James Carlos Mabe, Walnut Cove. { Tomoe Rufus Clark, Lawson ville. 1 Tatutn Hunter Adams, Pi n > Hall. j Jack Cahill Bailey, Walnut Cove. Early Lee Sands, Germanton. Willard Wilkins, Sandy Ridge. Clyde " , t Flippin, Mt. Airy. | William •; ' f cele, Sandy Ridge. Harmon R •••'• — ■"- Roy Glenn v... . .i Cove. Morris Clifton «;! Madison. | William Loyd . King. ' Ray Winfred Beat-!• rancisco. Floyd Arvil Rober- King. Luther Lawrence Taylor, fielews Creek. Charlie Burrow, Rural Hall. Edwin Murphy Hill, Walnui Cove. I James Harold Collins, Walnut Cove . General Lee Manring, Walnut Cove. Arthur Lee Manring, Walnut Cove. Rheuben Charles Robertson, Danbury. Fred Lester Merritt, Rural Hall. William Luther Mabe, Madison. William David Priddy, Lawson ville. Jennings Bryant Reid, Madison. Hiram Lewis Baiter, King. Thomas Jackson Hazehvool, Lawsonville. | Hubert Ray Williams, Lawson ville. j Wallace t'bbs Flynt, German ton. Monroe Bullins, Walnut Cove. Thurman Calup Shelton, Sandy , Ridge. ! Ralph Green BurweU, Rural c Hall. i Joseph Olliver Jones, Westfield.' J. W. Moore, Pinnacle. '. i Clarence Odell Joyce, Westfic'd. William Benford Hoyle, Pi n • ; Hall. : g George Washington Shelor, j Francisco. Roy Ellis Covington, Rural Hall j ! Royce Bernard Shaffer, Sandy 1 Ridge. > j ( Clayton James, Walnut Cove. ~ Edd Durham, Francisco. ', 11 Herman William Mabe, Walnut Cove. " *■'**»«{ i 1 V::nce Noel Lawson. Mt. Airy, j Morion Jnmes, Walnut Cove. I Warren Butner, , i i C'i Va Junior Bennett, R ti:i' i Hall. ! ! Colorerl Draftees Leave | For Camp Today ' Leaving LV.nbuiy for truininy ' canips are the following coluivl draftees: Jthji Leonard Penn, Pinnacle. , '. Calvin Lee Ziglar, Pilot Mtn. Jim-Willis Joyce, Stokosdale. ! Everett Hill, Pilot Mountain. . Sam Houston Robertson, Pilot Mountain. T0..1 i eii Di'oa, Wind Cove. Bernie Chester France, Lawson ville. James Russell Tatum, Pine Hall. Frank Harrell Martin, Randy ' Ri-lge^ Samuel Fletcher Strickland, I Pinnacle. George Brim, WesVfield. Herman Velmen Tatum, Law ' sonville. George Price, Madison. Carl Welch, Walnut Cove. Warren Camelin Hardin Martin. ' Madison, i Joseph Hylton, Sandy Charlie Hairston, Pine Hall. 1 Lee Elbert Scales, Belews | Creek. c | Frank Junior Hairston, Walnut Cove. 1 | Cornell James Penn, Pinnacle. J [ James Thomas East, Pinnacle. , I j Clarence Alexander Booe, Wal- nut Cove. ' j Benjiman Franklin Bailey, Wal- r.ut Cove_ I I James Clyde Martin, Francisco. | ' j William Jake Hairston, Walnut " jCove. I Aopointerl Collector Of War Record i Having been appointed collec tor of war records for Stoke;, county and having been request ' |ed to appoint a county-wide com- Imittee to work with me, I have appointed the high school prin cipals of Stokes county on said committee. In addition to the high ' school-principals I have appointed Publish c;d Thursdays Death (>£ Mrs. Bruce Holland i Mrs. Bruce L. Holland, aged 57, died at her home at Walnut Cove late Sunday afternoon after short illness. » %■, . { She is survived by her husband; two daughters, Mru. Annie Dean of Greensboro anu Mrs. Alonzo Southern of Walnut Cove; five sons, Harvey Holland of Camp •rson, Colo.; Oscar ami mond Holland of Walnut Cove; James Holland of Camp Brecken ridge, Ky.; Ralph Holland of Great Lakes, HI.; one sister. Mrs. Katie Neal of Summerfield; on. 1 brother, Johnny Knight, of 'elews Creek; and four grand children. The body remained at Nelson Funeral Home pending the arrival home of the sons. Production Credit Association To Meet Jan. 13 > Stockholders oi the \» insto:. I ;-aleill Pio lllei.iiMl Li e iil Assoi tii n will hold th. ir;-! mi; in in the Forsyt.i County Cu'.i 1 House at Wia.ilou-&.ii--in. ••• »- • tin Saturday niornin/. ..'a:.' I>. llii.l, at 1J o'clock, t .ill.tii v.. i ti ; .:ißecording i" an ; ;ni".;ncc ment by A. P. Snow. Se ivta;y- Treasurer of the assteia 1 ion. Al this meeting complete an detailed report. V.ill !« nia by tin- oiliccrs of the a.'.-aei.uMn oi it.-. operations for 1' e pa*' ye" '• Two directors v.ill lv e'. -'ti •an other important 1 vs'l .:e transacted. During this past year the as sociation lias made loans t" !ar:.i ers in l stockmen tota'.i:.. nion than S210.(M)(1.0'), Mr. S.i'W a. si The year being »-.e of t!. most successful since t'u tion in ISKS4. This will he the ninth annua I meeting and Mr. Snow st 'i that it is hoped that it will be t best in the history of the organ' zation. Farmers are urged to ri i together in so far as possible ii order to conserve tire and gasn line. In addition to Stokes county i the Winston - Salem Productioi Credit Association serves For syth, Davidson, Yadkin,, Alleg haney, Ashe, Watauga, Wilkes an (Caldwell counties. Officers of the association are Paul J .Vestal, president; W. F Hardy, vice-president; and A. P Snow, secretary-treasurer. Dire ctor? in addition to (ho jiresi.l • ■ and vlco-rrosilcnt are C. T-\ TT! * A. Croupe Jones', and K. Welborn. RI V WAR BONDS & STAMPS Miss Argie Sisk on said commit tee. Miss Sisk will also serve a$ secretary of said committee. THEODORE NEWSUM, King, N. C. Number "JjXt FELIX SI'AIMION'KK 1 COMMITS SUICIDE \ flair Near king— Hanks Turner ICr turns From Personals. (By K. 1». XKWHt'.M) 1 , Kins citizen: "What's tin mat* ■ tor, you look like a bad check?" i Other small town residents * "I'm not please,i with my pica* * ent location." . j 1 * ' King citizen: "Come reside iu a real town, and that frown wiil ' brush off like howdy.'' I f: King. Dec. :U. l-'elix Spann - liowi r. aged ov plantci n>l soil of Xaney Spainhnwer. committed i suici !e l>y shooting hints. li in tho 1 head v.i'a ! ril'U Monday niuht at. 'ii-> iioiae ia t..« Antiocli He lion. Mr. S|>tiinh iw.-t w.'S lit his llSlial good he:.lth t! ■ family is . t serious '•: sto lam v , just \v'• v !:e en..ii:.! ' ' I tln I'a • I * net. T! 1 ■ bjr his la-it !. IV SO' an i tw > ,!; .... • | ,. t ti ? ur viv !' ••■! .". : r.. .-t W t eon ' t I. V i ' hut Ii t'hsisti \V. tt: •• nt I • «'• J I! U'Vt \ 1 \ j'liil: .a ' . - ».' ■ voiul. T. rai. ■'! '•! j • ; hc'i.i'.ys \».;h lus [u rents, ucv. ■ : ! ;•,•! K. Put cu .V a S'l'iet. '' Theodore Xcwsum has been an -1»-iisl i i .i •' '-lin-t war iwords >n . " inty. Mi.-s Argie •!: v.iil act seer. - I- Hi; •: atal : t >L' Richmond, Vn„ is visiting his parent.-. Mi • 'ii-' 1 M: • : •"ton ■, mi Main : U'eii. 4" , 1 Mi.', June l\n:af • .. .m -r -fit Id 1 : ni 1 o| v i ii *n lu i I' :".'i y. , • A. White. Via !' •.•iiioa i.» Ch.:i •" •" C > ( l is sjielldil'.- a lew d wi . hitf ■ family in W'u.iul .r.J '.l llanks I'uiin r v. . 1 t:u -i; dcrweiil a major «•. in i Winston-Snlem hospit;! is surticl ir j (1 ontly improved to lemovvd Ui, his home here. ' i .' *~ Biil Holder of Klkin is visiting ~ relatives here through the lioli >• >r days. Bill Holds a position wit ii Chatham Manufacturing Co. j Mr. and Mrs. John Mc(!ee r j spending a few days with rela tives in South Boston. Va. ~ I Private Carl Spease. stationed j at Camp Butner, is here on fur r, lough for a few days. Well, t'. - stork i"s: did mnko ~ til. !! ~v o'.uma- Ilin . report follows: Mr. nnd Mrs. WIU _. 1: 1!. .. ai M and Mr«. * 1 H ' . d >'lghter I I T.ovd V.'l'. : ie, w !, o h.i' ls a posi ■» tion in Washington, D. C., is I ~ | spending " few days with ! family here. 3 Robert Moore, of the U. S. Navy, is visiting relatives hero and at Rural Hall. And that's the news from hero.

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