THE DANBURY REPORTER Established 1872 MISS GRACE TAYLOR RESIGNS AS CHM. OF WAR SAVING STAFF k * Miss Grace Taylor, chairman of the United War Fund Drive for Stokes and also chairman of the Stokes County War Savings Staff, is sending in her resignation to Governor Broughton. Miss Taylor, who has done a splendid job of handling Stokes county's war bond quotas for the past year, is going into the Navy WAVES as an officer. She has al ready enlisted and is expecting orders to report any day. These vacancies caused by Miss Taylor will be filled within the next few days. Sandy Ridge Man Dies Friday Morning- Eugene Shaffer, aged 76, well known retired farmer of Sandy Ridge, oied early Friday morning at hi s home following an illne?;> of four months. The funeral was iieid Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at o;ik Ridge Baptist Church, Stokes county, with Rev. J. A. Joyce, Rev. T. G. William and Rev. S. R. Ward in charge. Burial was in Buffalo Cemetery. Survivors include the widow, the former Miss Lula Martin; one son, Jesse Shaffer, Norfolk, Va.; six daughters, Mrs. Harden Joyce, Stoneville; Mrs. Neal Vernon, Madison; Mrs. Fred Amos and Mrs. Dave Joyce, both pf Sandy Ridge; Mrs. Paul Amos, Bassett, Va., and Mrs. Walter Smith, Bal timore, Md.; 41 grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren. Death of Hermon R. Lawson Funeral services for Hermon R. Lawson, of Winston-Salem, Route 3, who died at a Winston-Salem hospital Monday morning, were conducted Wednesday afternoon at 2.45 o clock at the home and at 1 o'clock at Boyles Chapel Christian Church in Stokes coun ty- Rev. Henry Hutcherson of ficiated and interment was In the church cemetery. A son of Columbus and, Lula Booth Lawson, Mr. Lawson was born in Stokes county Jan. 23, jJ9I2, and had resided in Forsyth county fo rthe past 14 years,' where he was employed as a me chanic. He was of Baptist faith. ' Survivors include his mother, j Mrs. Lulu Watts, four brothers, Oscar W. Lawson of Winston-Sa lem; Hermit Lawson of Norfolk, Va.; Theodle Lawson, Winston- Salem, Route 3; and R. O. Law son of the U. S. Army; one half sister, Miss Norma Watts; three half-brothers, Henry M. Watts of Camp Hood, Texas; Kinzy Watts and Lindsay Watts, botji of Win- 1 jjton-Salem, Route. 3. Volume 72 TWO STOKES GIRLS GRADUATE NURSES AT MT. AIRY. ivvisJl M M t The twenty-third annual g::vl uating class of the Martin Me morial Hospital School for Nurs irg will receive diplomas early in August. The baccalaureate ser i mon is to be preached by Dr. C. N. Clark at the Central Metho dist Church on Sunday night, i August 1, followed by tie gradu ating exorcises at the First Pres byterian Church on Monday night. August 2. A new cla33 is now being enrolled to start train ing in September. I j The members of the class who will graduate in August, show | left to right in the picture, are as follows: ! Front row—Misses Mary Divers Fulcher, Stuart, Va.; Wilma Dos tor, Atlanta, Ga.; Rachel Kiser, King; Mattie Reynolds, Brim, Va.; and Nancy Johnson, Pilot Moun tain. Misses Ruth Edwards, Mt. Airy; Madeline Lawson, King; Ellen Nelson, Troy; Annie Mae Sparta; and Virginia Beas lef, Westfield. 1 j This class has one hundred per cent membership in the reserve of the American Red Cross Nursing Service. , „ ,1 _ REPORTOF *' .. GRAND JURY * State 'of North Carolina, County of Stokes. I To His Honor Alien H. Gwyn, Judge presiding: j The Grand Jury for the June term of Superior Court of Stokes county, 1943, respeciiuny submit the following report: j We have acted on bills of in dictment and all were found to be true bills exsept one. Respertfully submitted, SAM J. LEWIS, Foreman. PAUL TAYLOR LOSES COW Paul Taylor lost a fine Guerns ey cow this week on his farm at jthe Tanyßrd. The cow died of gating wet clover. Danbury, N. C., Thur day, June 24, 1943. * * Locals j Thomas \V. Morse, super.itcn dent of North Carolina Sin..' parks, was here last Wednesday and Thursday. •»**#* A. J. Ellington and L. .y Oib son made a business trip to Ral eigh this week. •** * * Eilene Newsome is visiting Lt. 'and Mrs. Frank Burton in Greens toro. ***** Mrs. Earl German has returned to her home in Elmira, N. Y., af ter spending several weeks here. ***** Miss Kate Pyron, librarian at j Salem College, Winston-Salem. i was the guest of Miss Grace Tay lor last week-end. *** * * I | Mrs. Tommy Petrec and sister, Diane Nelson are visiting rela tives in Ether, N. C. w * ■» if * Mrs. J. s. Taylor is attending I | International Relations Confer [ at Woman's College, Greens jboro this week. * * * ■:> * Claude Pnddy of Francisco | was here today. Mr. and Mrs. G. H, Alford of I Mount Airy, formerly of Dan 'bury, were here Tuesday visiting , friends. Mr. Alford i s field su pervisor for the Emergency Crop and Feed Loans. | Leonard van Noppen made a business trip to Greensboro Wed nesday. i ! A SHOT IN THE ARM For the enlightenment of the pert little lady who wondered about the editorship of the Re porter, we suggest that she look at the proper place, as the name j Is always there. And while she's looking she'll do well to read the "How to Win Friends and In jfluence People" oolomn.—As't. Ed WKSTrJLLI.) MAS i is f,;STK!> AS A WAR PRISONER I" ... r.r.l Uul.ivl l. In mail, £■>:; >i Marth.i liim ir. of West:, Id, w.i > v; is lvp'.ii tfil I "mis«in? i:i t :u ' n ii l> * North Arfic.m v.u zen: it n lie 2ot!i of March, -t I'tisoiv.r of wir in I Italy, according to an otßcii'l an- I nouncement from the War Do • partmcnt at Washington. 1 ( Sergeant is a veteran of nine years' service in the regular army. He went overseas last sum ,! mer. The War Department noti- I ( fied his mother about the middle of April that he had been missing since March 26. Sgt. Earl R. Priddy, Wins Third Place As Marksman (Special to the Reporter) Somewhere in Hawaii —May 30 —Sergeant Earl R. Piiddy, son '.f Louis T. Piiddy oi Westficld, ' was placed third among Oahu's Red Leg marksmen when he sur passed all but two of his rival* in the finals of the Scacost Artil- I lery Rifle Tournament here today. ' j Sharpshooting a neat 285 points 'out of a possible 320, Priddy, who i is 36, lagged but four points be hind the winner, Sergeant Jimmic L. Reeder of JoeJton, Tenn. As ;l runner-up and champion of th' Pearl Harbor district, Priddy was awarded an engraved, heavy ster f ling silver identification bracelet, j The first extensive marksman ship contest to be held in Hawaii during wartime, the tourney was sponsored by the Special Service I Office, Seacost Artillery Com mand. I Spence Hill of Meadows, who formerly worked for S H & P W C„ but now with J. A. Jones Con struction Company at Knoxville, Tenn., was here Monday. He has | been away from Stokes for 6 months. . v. * Published Thursdays MERTON JESSUP GETS TEN YEARS IN SLAYING CASE FILES APPEAL. TO SUPREME COURT; BONO SET AT SlO,- 000 OTHER CASES TRIED The June term of Stokes Su perior Court, with the lightest docket in many years, adjourned Wednesday night at about ten o'clock after sentence was pro- I nounced on Merton Jessup, who ! was tried and convicted of man slaughter of Dave Smith, colored, at Asbury several weeks ago. Jessup, who has been on triaJ lor the two days, was sen tence;! to in years by Judgf Allen 11. G'.vyn, when the jury •vturncJ to their box nftci about 15 mil. utis of c'clibe> nti-in. An nf |;:1 t'. Hi.- «tt;iron..• Court w.:s fi!. i |iv J. iii 1 !;:• 't' rn> vs. Tilt cn;ut .-vt .i • • f. . iii. i, .. W |.; , \V.'!S l I. Other cases disposed of during .Til's nut wci.- as f lows: STATE AfiAIN'ST: Leroy Johnson, L. & R., Is months on roads, IL' months sus pended. William Case, reckless driving | €0 days suspended. ! Eddie LawsoiT, assault on a fe male, 6 months suspended sen tence and cost. Lester Collins, reckless driving, 60 days suspended and cost. Cutler Moore, reckless driving, 60 days suspended and cost, j Miller Gordon, abandonment & non-support, 12 months suspend ed and cost. | Marshall K. Roberts and Jot- Ray Moore, larceny ami receiving. 6 months suspended and cost. Mc-f n Jessup. murder ic' 'c> 10 years ml not >iv»- • thnn ,'t ;ivT.« in Stat- penu»j-iaiy at Hi' i I Appt.:i filed. I Quaker Gap Church Homecoming- Is July 4 I The annual home coming of tiu Quaker Gap Eaptist Church will be held Sunday, July 4. Everyone is invited to conic and bring a picnic A program of quartet sin^in: is being planned for the after noon. Other singers of the sur rounding community are invit o!. Court Attendance Is Below Par Attendance nt this term >,i Superior Court is light, consider ing the importance of the docket. | The farmers, usually large in at tendance at court, are busy with their crops due to the excessive rains of the last two weeks>. Lt. Jesse C. Carson, Jr., was in I t own today. He is the son of Prof. J. C. Carson, Germanton, j and Is stationed in Mismasipp. * * * Number 3,712. STOKES SCHOOLS ; WILL OPEN ON : AUGUST 25 - New 9-Month Term For This Year Shorter \ttiations For * Christmas, Kte. The 1943-44 Stokes schools wit! L open this year oil August 25 ' two weeks earlier than last year 1 ■—according to an announcement from the office of the Board o£ Education. This earliest beginning >! the Stokes schools is necessary in or . der to get the new 9-month term into operation. A1o!1'> with this .;nni»uiiciini!.t i cimi" th - dist.-.sti lul n- t> tiio . kid ;: a 11--t tlu-ii- 1 «.Si '. w, . U\, ui'l i ■■ .;>•!. Yonih (.'or:* r-r.'.vion I lie]' at (k i k :■'» i inu'r* Prii itiv \lapti?e Ch. :!leetitl:' " t it. CI, i St.' 11 Pritisitiv, Pnjiti -I v trt Ii :•! M. ~ ihuvs w; - held S :r.(lay, Jui.,' Killi y with a I'corl c rowd of jr. ihahl,. _ three or four thoUiv'ivj in attendance. t Rev. J. Watt Tuttle, among the 15 preachers participating in thej services, reported a fine meeting . and excellent attendance under wartime conditions. I , j Mrs. Docie Dodson | Passes Away At SUndy Ridge : Mrs. Docie Dodson, wife of Jerry E. Dodson, died at her e home at Sandy Ridge, in Stokes , county Monday night, following a long illness, j. Surviving arc her husband: tiine sons, Christie K. Dodson, oL' t Fort Terry, New York; Alex It. Dodson in Camp Livingston, La.; Gerry R. Dodson, now n German prisoner: Giltord W. Dodson oi." J Fort Jackson. S. C.: L. W. Dod son, of Liberty, Route 1: 11. C. k . Dodson. of Madison, Route I; " F- James and Edsell Dodson of Sandy Ridge; one io daughter, Mrs. Otis Moorefield of Madison, Route 1. Mie was n member of the Delia . Methodist Church near Madison. I - !. Dick [' niton, Pornwr j AAA Chief Here, Now at Athens, Ga. Joel H. Fulton, who for the f Past 2 years has been the chief - clerk of t,le Stokes County AAA', . is now in Athens. Ga.. where ho . has accepted a position with the i, Georgia State Triplc-A office. ? | He was succeeded here by John .Ray of Walnut Cove. II Mrs. Leonard van Noppen wis : ( confined to her home the first of , ( the week by illness. She to oof .again, and about ~ , i f i a; i