r sivasHnHX arasnanj The Dan bury Reporter' ■■■■""y jl '!"*#" 1 "v^TwS N. E. PEPPER - r--- -f - • Editor antKf > l» l,! ' 1, ® r L. VANCE I'HPPEi: - - Business Manager ; Issued Thursday • Danbury, N. C., and entered at the Danbury jv.M.ifiit; ;s • • eoi'.d cl;i*s ni itt.-r, under act of Congress. N' ? ona! Advertising F.eprcsenfafrivs New York : Chicago : Detroit : Atlanta : Phils. Danbury, North Car olina, July Ist, 1943. nkws or oru boys lK ' ,,rv Ximc ° ° f Kl,is - Hc h - : * r .y U'cfl proiijuti d to h;,s if iiii'itu. il !>. ]>.v:e t) •• .sviit rating. Received his bar- I'r v.it. Mis: i'• . . ! tr. lining at Fort Cragg, and • is a st-n t>f the late .Nir. and Mi*, et ten 1 service in April, 1910. ( i VMnansmannnHMUßaßaMMi ielsoifs Oepsodable Service" | i i In ; il the wot-ld there is no one who can lake the place j ni' (. varied !:»vcd one. No one can sympathize with tiie bereaved but the ones who have j?one through those sad hours. ! I uMiM:Mnuiu;;-in'" : r i »■ ii iiwim miii !■■■ ■ 1111111—— ■! lin —lll »m A flrtfttomatwn By The Governor : "th da* op dedication, juu %, 1943 1 ■ ,pf;v ; - - y -w.:- - "tfc»it is no longer aaraly a privilege or opportunity; it it s , patriotic July. No man or wooen, white or colored, in North Carolina ttr { lndsed in An*rica tcday has any moral right to loaf or be 141 a for a 3> part of the tij&e. V.'e are confronted with the aost urgent need Cos a*o4uc>i¥* manpower in tha history of our net km. Farm labor and industrial labor •»' are absolutely indispensable for tha protection of tha national walfare m 4 ,a for tha suocess of our men in ansa. Ondsr thaaa olr curst anees all oitlMM ft of all olasseq, group* and race* have a public duty to engagp in produetlwe j»ork 4 avan though tM individual flnanoial neoeseity for such wort may M(j|# M- 0 • > Trustworthy reports Save aooa to as Iron virtually every Motion •%J- Worth Carolina indicating that hundreda, in died thousands, of m»n, white colored, are either not working at all or working only PUgyaf tha tine. ■( Likewise, many woasn, boy*, and girls aSbvs tha age of atffaan *to eeuld ka]W productively eotfloyed are doing virtually nothing in the wa* of aroduetire work. Tha tlos haa ooos whan every person stjould either be ttfMw lng or wortdng. j X herewith -oall upon the oiiitena. of our state to respond to this nasi t urgent need. I have evwry confidaaae that our people will rise to this need / and 1 hope in a manner worthy of our state and its traditions. 1 urge tha mini** tars of North Carolina aod our taachera and aahool people generally, our oivio } clubs, repreeerftatives of tha press and radio, and other publio spirited leader* of the state to Join in the high endeavor to gat every citi&en of our atate productively employed on a fulltims baaia. I further urgs tha judges, mayors, Mtd law snforceoent officers to do everything within their power and within tha ; law to end sgy idleness or vagrancy that may wist anywhere in North Carolina. . Furthermore, 1 call upon the local selective'service boards to study carefully ? the caaea of those who have been deferred on physical grounds but who are able to work Mid are not working. lam also calling upon police offleers and aheriffa to visit placee in their cities and counties whore loafers and idlers customarily congregate and inquire into the reasons why they are not at work. If these efforts fail to get the necessary response, I should feel it my duty ' to use the emergency powers granted me by the recant legislature for dealing ' with these problems so vital to oar national welfare. r " HO* THEJUtfORE, I, J. MtLVILU BNOUGHTON, OOVSkNOR OP N0?IH CAROLINA, sto the end that ws may act In a statewide manner on this important subject; do hereby set apart HMD AY, JULY 5, 1943, the day on which Independence Day will , ibe w>st generally observed throughout the state, as NORTH CARDLIMA DAI CF _ > VDICATION, and I urge that in the oounty seat of every counter In TtoHh Carol in khsre will be held a meeting to be attended by mayors, county ecsmissiopsrs, /sheriffs, police officers, ministers, farm leaders, health and welfare workera .and other publio spirited oitiaena, for the purpoee of studying conditions in j \oaoh ef such oovnties and taking each organised steps as will effectually end Ugyidleness or loatflng that nay e*ist in auoh counties. ' S a WIWIM WERJ93P, I, J. Melville Bsnughton, \ Governor of North Carolina, have signed and caused > \?g\ the Oreat Seal of the State to be affixed hereto, j ■K%[ j* j > m In the City of Raloigh, North Carolina, this J fr,',.lTW M Jm. wi\ the 23rd day of June, 1943, in the one hundred ,^>) > il •^^ w, * venth of our Americ * P«ndenee» (■ \ 1 jH'.on SfsKos, J6l St&SWL THE DANBURY REPORTER Seaman Second Class Paris M. ' • I Pepper has recently been pro j rootect I'r*nt rating. He , April, 1943. ' and was trained at Bainbridae, Md. He is now stationed at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. I Private First Class Paul J. Martin, son of Mr. and Mis. I. V. Martin oi Sandy Kidge, In.' been proa.oted 10 his present I ting. He entci-.d the uiiny J : i unry 20, l'tl'J. He is now static. Ed nt C'antp },-.'>«.r, Ckla. ' Corporal James L. (Red) T !- tier*, son of Air. .md M»-s. Rov I Tedder of King, has been pro , mated to his present rating. IK» entered the army in November, 1942. He trained at Camp Lee. I Va., ohd is now stationed at Camp Edwards, M&. % i ; r .? Corporal James Wilburn For rest, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Forrest of Francisco, lias been promoted to his present rutin.;. He entered the army January 10, l!»4o and received his basic train ing at Camp Lee, Va. Private First Ciass ll.irv • Fulp, son of Mr. and Mrs. 11. ... Ful]i of Walnut Cove, has b> promoted to his present s;. lie tillered the army February K! I!'M, and received his training : St. Petersburg, Fia. Corporal Benjamin F. Abbott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ab bott of Walnut Cove, Route 1, has notified his parents that he is now in North Africa. He "ii tered the army in August, 'Oi" and trained ;it Camp Swift. T and Car.,.) T'r r„a. So r.ir iK. cond Class Jo!. . RiiP:!i»j-, . n of M r . .„,j ; IJIS i: W. Ruiiiley of Rural Hall, lor n i fly of King , has been promoted to his present rating. He entei •! the navy April 10, 1913 and re ceived his basic training in Bainbridge, Maryland. Sgt. Cazzie Bullin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Bullin, of Dan bury, Route 1, is on maneuvers somewhere in Texas. He entered the nrmy July IS, 1941, and re ceived his basic training at Fort Bragg. • P'c. Leonard B \ 1.-eakf. f >' j ~ Remember Pearl Harbor—Every Payday * of Lawsonville, has notified bis wife, the former Miss Lillie Mae ; Bennett of Eton bury HUM 1, cf 'l his safe arflxrd in Nortl^Africa. lie id the son of Mr. and "Kirs. L. J. I.c.'ke of Lawsonville. Pvt. P. J. Leake, son of Mr. ■ "' 1 Aj.S. IJ, J. I.T.lii f*f LilV.'SOil" Villi, is now stationed at Hen • ltlek's Field, Fla. Pvt. Txjake entered lue f-orvice in Oct.. 35)42. Pvt. Edgar son of Mi. and Mrs. Jr.lin L. Aiubc 3l* Da-i -fcuiy, Route 1, is now amotion'-'J at the Molucn Air Field, lloldci. Mo. He entered the service in November, 1942, and received his basic training at Augusta. Ga. ' Pvt. Lester Francis Pruitt, son >1 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pruitt ni Danbury, Route 1, lias spent a furlough with his parents fror.i C:mp Adair, Oregon. He entercl ;!ic m r..y in November. 1042. P." .-••• (Dude) M iiv j .-..si Mr. and *••>?. Arthur Mabc, ' r >J. :lt'_ I, has bn-tl homo on furlough from Camp MeQuaide, Ca. lie entered liio THE BANBURY REPORTER, BANBURY, N. C. Enclosed you will find $. ... for which please send the DANBURY REPORTER to the following address: If renewing old subscription please check here: ( ). 1 ' • I CITY : Thursday, July 8. 1943. service in November, 1942. I i J-W- (y of fcilotsXfou®in, has notified his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tucker, Sr., of Pilot Mt., of his safe ariival in England. Corp. Tucker entered the service Doc. 1912. Oren C. Tucker, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tucker of Pilot Mtn., is stationed at Camp Croft, S. C. He entered the service in January, 1943. Sergeant Walter L. Bennett, formerly of Danbury, Route 1, is now stationed at Seniour Johnson Field. He is the son of Walter Bennett of Danbury and entered the army in 1947. Is now on fur iough here. t j ,oc " : ". k IN 7DAYS.' ¥>*•666 Liquid for Malarial Symtons.