Thursday,^!^^ rjoe&fcS'- «» -iiinr i -t ; ■» v' viitn'rp la.- P. O. Frye and son, Cecil, of s the Rockhouse section, were in j, town this week on business. ***** I Deputy Sho'. 'ff Mi :k Wall of ,J Dodgetown was here- Mondny. |i i ***** 11 Little Martha Wilkinson lias! J gone to the Guill'ord College / Camp, near Greensboro, lor a lew ' weeks. 1 I # a * * *• » Joe Francis of Francisco was ' a business visitor in town Mon day. **•>** I Mrs. Mattie Sue Wilkinson is visiting lriends at West Point, N. J Y. this week. She will return on j Friday. * * K * 1» Mrs. Doris C. Petree and Jean , Carol spent the holiday week-end i at Pinnacle, the guests of Mr. an.l Mrs. John Christian. **T * * Gray Hall is in Thomasvillo with his sister, Mrs. W. S. Hunt, I Jr. ***** Miss Hijllie Rierson of Wa'nut Cov is guest of Mrs. N. A.! Mar tin. ***** Mrs. Frank Burton of Greens boro is here lor a visit while Lt. Burton is away on a business trip. w** X * Mrs. J. It. Voss and Jewel Voss ol' Walnut Cove spent the day with Mrs. William McCanless Tuesday. ***** Mrs. Chwi lie Martin and chilii rcn of Baltimore were here at v er;:l days last week. They went to Clnulotte from here for a visit with her mother, Mrs. Grace Moore, before returning to Balti more. ***** Lois Wall spent last week-end with Barbara Hand at Woman'? College, Greensboro. Miss Hand was a jrtgesmate of Miss Wall's at College several years ago. *•* * # Nellie Louise Taylor and Patsy Todd left today for Morehead City where they will be guests of Virginia Joyce. *** * * Mrs. N. E. Wall and Mrs. Fran ces Marshall and daughter, Ann, are in Morehead City for a few days visit with Mrs. W. E. Joyce. ,•* * » • Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Fagg, Mrs. James B. Joyce and children of Wicston-Salem were here Sunday afternoon at the H. M. Joyces. Mrs. Joyce plans to join Mr. Joyce this week at Carolina Beach where he is engaged in war Work. The Albert Stuarts of Winston- Salem were guests of Miss Nellie Joyce Sunday. *** # # Katharine Sisk and Margie Pe tree of Arlington, Va., are spend ing a week at their respective homes. Margie wiil leave this week-end for Macon, Ga., to visit her sister, Mrs. Wesley Hayden. * n T : isiting relatives in Norfolk, Va. Ujs:ip s o '"' l '* * * 'i'T J. PVcd" Bradshaw W'-BferßliW' • • I J ' • ' .. pent the week-end of the Fourth 1 Danbury. *■*»»* / The following people nttoi'dtd Cnbcl Mallonee's birthoay >arty at Stokesburg Saturday lifjlit, July 4th: John Taylor, 11. . Scott, Lacy Gibson, Mis&s 2r:tne and Luna T;i\ lor, Mrs. W. 2. Will'inson, of Danhuiy, Frort Jradshnw of Burgaw, Mis. Kliza icth Gcor;;c and Law.M:.i !v.' ofWatnul Cove. v >:■ ' •> a Mis* Grace Taylor is visiting Urn. Hodnev Snow it. llij-'h Point STUART THEATRE Stuart, Virginia '•'riday :• iiii S.''iy, Ju'y :»•!! "Al'Af it. ; ul" Lloyd —Oonna Reed Sunday and Monday, July 11-12 • IMMORTAL SKItiiLANT" Henry Fomla —Maureen O'Hara Tuesday, Wednesday and Tliurs day, July IK-11-I5 "MEN OF TEXAS'* Rolwrt Stark Ann (Jwynne ALSO MAYS Send in your news il L'lns to the Reporter news of your son in th service, pnrties, i!lnes: anything; about you friends. I BIC 1 I LITT tE G 1 ALL SET for a good full day's wortc when a nagging head ache sneaks up on you. You suffer and so does your work. Ready for an evening of relax ation and enjoyment a pesky headache interferes with your fun, rest, enjoyment or relaxation. DR. MILES Anti-Pain Pills usually relieve not only Head ache, but Simple Neuralgia, Mus cular Pains and Functional Monthly Pains. Do you use Dr. Miles Anti-Pain PiUsT If not why not? You can get Dr, Miles Anti-Pain Pills at your dHig store in the regular package for only a penny apiece and in the ecotuxny package even cheaper- Why not ge* a package today? Your druggist has them. Read directions tihly as directed. Your mom* back if you acre "not* aatlsffeff. U":..NTHJIL Hn O TENSE aerm make "wo Watafal Cranky. BaatlaaaT Dr. MOm Nerrlne SSI help* to laucn Ni'rvoas WBr rV/l Tenjlon. G«1 it at four drae » X/Vl ■torn. Bona direction* and DM only as directed. Mka-SeltzerlHß W7HKN Btadaeli*, Up- iWA/J it' '*»'■" m BlmfU >4 1 aajLHQJffH n •~- • •!« :W -• i ;"*i:y 2 s ~ .. -• M ; --. ■-.•ir,v - |J| -• ; I! I J 1 '*® -ft?*** »-j T*•«*»?*;.'-.% t" •'t rr%? »-5 • L «.•- « *» • K ■ vW-J fc W I b « ' Fo are we. I »!.«• *>o. v "re f. ' i :'t the li> ; t production jt>h iti our iiisl«,-y. A Lk. \uii. \»t »o l«»t many of the men who used i ' '; us. Vol that*- only of tlte m> ivcry day. on farm and factory, there's somni il> new to tot i the .-kill ol those running the bu:io. - s. Not only get- )' t ' ting help, but—to mention a few oth rs—rising costs, -1 making a fair profit, and getting aside reserves for a rainy uay. Essentially, those problems are the same I j for farm and factory, though they may at times differ - | in size. % :J>- ' **"i i But it is that thing called "management," thati peculiarly American ability to think through problems no matter how tough, that is helping to see us through today. "i It is this skill in management that farmers anl businessmen ha\e iiu>*l in com:> ,n a skill which ii:>uir« the realization uf «•! >:• vnuination t> i rodtiic ,i!i that t needed for oik 'r\ t«n!av. and, 3 ii..i' .w to mAr a lair In iug . • i . Mer >er\ • , '• !!■ ' v;• M'MIK. ' ' ,;ii Cwti/W! 1 , •i .. n, •.\, w J«.!;. v, ... Lij ... iC • I V;. ir 11 '«• I Ic( Ch. r>" 10 ► M ■ , ! 1!\ | •> •. , ... s • .-1 . ml, M.-f - . ... l ' (j vV-" -■ ' "* —i/ ' W y y -X { t ttVOr HU)» »TI . V |; fl RIPENING FAST If you think you might like some blackberry cobbler or blueberry muffins next win ter, now is the time to can the berries, _*»:!.■■■ -..mi. . -f -i Vour Home Demonstration Agent and the Home Service Advisor at our office can give you worthwhile tips. Why not drop in and talk it over? 'Electricity Is Vital InWar... Don't Waste It!. DUKE POWER CO. / m TASTY RECIPES THAT SAVE ] RATION POINTS Busy housewives, looking for ways to serve appetizing meals \nd stretch their ration coupons, will find new recipes and helpful • suggestions in the Housewife s ; Food Almanack, a regular feature I of The American Weekly, the j big magazine distributed with the j Baltimore Sunday American. Or der from your newsdealer —Adv. tPut every dollar above the necessities of life into War Bonds, rayroll Savings is the best means of doing your best in helping your sons and ; friends on the fighting fronts. Flg | tire It out yourself. tThis is a family war. Fnt your War Bond buying through the payroll »#ving» plan on a family plan, which means fig ure It cut yourself. t PUBLISHED IQUBSDATS v i w ymp>i;;t';q * KB(W»'SW»!WT^n!!I??tJBSSSS3SS3^T?I l 11l * i-v. '•;'1 twit*. •. -:, >n» 'V '»ril '? 111 ; | \W:mk ' •■" I'ilV*. .j " || We ! | Do il ! ! All i ':? I 111 Kinds l 0 1 i || Of Job 1 pj^ !NT j N(5 I 111 At I | Very I Reasonable II! | Prices l|! U3 iij i .. v k A?;icf Mi I it) jj 111 Guar** iS t"iL fl tfc.l-Il lb fci. -ur it*" I Pi Quality And Satisfaction HAVE YOUR PRINTING DONE AT HOME AND SAVE II