THE DANBURY REPORTER Established 1872 STOKES SCHOOLS OPEN AUGUST 26; TEACHER LIST PRINCIPALS TO MEET HERE j 24 COUNTY-WIDE TEACH i ERS* MEETING 25 The 1943-44 term of Stokes county schools will commence Thursday, August 26, according to an announcement made today by Superintendent of Stokes Schools J. C. Carson. On Tuesday before the opening, the pricipals of the schools will meet here at which time the bus drivers will receive instructions and be assigned buses for the year. A county-wide teacher's meeting will be held on the fol lowing Wednesday, and the term will begin on Thursday. The first day will be devoted largely io registration. Tlie list of teachers follows: WALNI'T COM; SCHOOL R. M. Greene, principal: R- T. Vernon Mrs. Georgia Hylton Claire Eastman Evelyn McGee Mrs. Jessie Ainsley W. H. Johnson Mary Jones Annie Kate Neal Mrs. Maynie Neal c Mrs. Alice Green r . Elizabeth Goode \ Nell Hutcherson Margaret Palmer Mrs. Elizabeth Neal - *• ' Mrs. Mildred Carroll Cromer. Mrs. Jean Ray Mary Vaughn Lewellyn Alma Sikes. DANBURY SCHOOL Mary Neal, principal; Grace Taylor Mrs. Blanche Hall Mary Taylor Mrs. Janie Cofer. MEADOWS SCHOOL Mrs. Edna Neal, principal; Mrs. Iris Bowles Mrs. Henrietta Southern. Mrs. Nannie Tuttle REYNOLDS SCHOOL James A". Stanley, principal; Mrs. Annie Owens Joyce Somterland Jennie Collins Mrs. Frances Martin Mrs. Virginia Hart Mrs. James A. Stanley . Mrs. Permelia Davenport Mrs. Alice Smith Turker Mrs. Lillian Mabe Smith Annie Caudle Grace Crater, j FRANCISCO SCHOOL J. D. Parker, principal: \ Lloyd Collins Mi> Lillian Parker R. M. Hundley Annie 3. Smith " ' • Rachel Smith RuLy Jessup Mrs. Jenny Tucker Mrs. Blanche Wagoner Cook Irene Edith Hill Mro. Moiells Francis Volume 72 Mrs. R. M. Hundley. L4WSONVILLE SCHOOL 1 R. G. Thomas, principal; Martha Hamm 2 Rumell Sisk Mrs. Sadie Kallam Mrs. Annie M. Woodall Mrs. Ruth Tucker 3 Mrs. Agnes Tucker e Mrs. Martha Spainhour I Mrs. Trudie Lawson Y Mrs. Emily Smith s Mrs. Margaret Fulk Denny. SANDY RIDGE SCHOOL R. J. Gibson, principal; 1 C. IT. Darr s Mrs. Alice Darr s Mary Ayers c j Warford Spencer s I Mrs. Edith Hill - j Mrs. Annie Lawson i Thelma G. Clark t i Mrs. Fairy Redmond Ayers o Mrs. Sada Hutchcrecn Mrs. Demris G. Simmer Mrs. Winnie Zi,, j" J.lrs. Eva A. SiioTk'cv Pearl Jnliii.-:o;i ; Mrs. Bessie D:;* -(!y Mrs. Evelvn Wall i Reeeca Taylor. PINE HALL SCHOOL R. J. Smitherman, principal; Mrs. Louise Byerly Mrs. Ruth Walsh Lillie Speer Marjorie Perry Sadie Blackwell Patsie Ward Kathleen Adkins ' * Hester Wall DILLARD SCHOOL W. C. Tuttle, principal; Mrs. Juanita Wood GERMANTON SCHOOL L. S. McDonald, principal; Ronald Hicks Mrs. Pearl McDonald Leor.a Guthrie Vena Spillman Mrs. Edith Whicker Roberts Mrs. Thelma Westmoreland MrsT "Francis H. Beck Ruth Lawson. KING SCHOOL C. M. Felts, principal; Mrs. Pauline H. Duncan A. E. Garner Mrs. Erlene Griffin • .1 * Mrs. S. B. Brandon C. Amy Moore l Sadie Wilson S. B. Brandon ,» •' Virginia Francis Gladys Pettus Clara Helsabeck Dolly E. White Rebecca Rains ; Mrs. Ethel Spencer Moore I Mrs. Evelyn Turner Lawson Mrs. Frances Kiser Mrs. Dorothy Jones . I Ethel Sprinkle Eloice Hutchens Doris New. CAPELLA SCHOOL Mrs. Randie Lewis, principal: Agnes Slate. HAW POND SCHOOL Mrs. Eva Johnson. PINNACLE SCHOOL O. T. ITcal, principal; Danbury, N. C., Thursday, August 5, 1943 * * SALES CARDS TO BE DELIVERED IN NEXT 10 DAYS Tobacco marketing cards ate being prepared for delivery in the Triple-A office here and will be mailed or delivered to the farm ers within the next ten days. Growers are urged not to come to the office for their cards. Local Attys. Attend Bar Meeting Saturday Attorneys Ralph J. Scott, A 1 J. ; Ellington and \V. G. Pctree and , R. L. smith and Ed M. Taylor at- j tended the annual meeting of the , 21st Judicial District Bar Asso ciation at Yanceyvillc Inst Satur day. Hon. John H. Folger made th? piincipnl address, his subject tK 1 - ing "Doings of U. S. Congress." ! Attorney A! Eilingt .-n of Din bury wig .-•-.■ d preri'.le;.! of the A.«r>eint:r:i. He wan fomc:ly ft ret; ry-i: i .•••ur; , i. The next meeting will be held in Stokes county. I —: Baptists To Hold Revival Here Beginning 4th Sunday In August Rev. C. VV. Davenport, pastor of the Danbury Baptist Church, has announced that a revival will begin at his church the fourth Sunday in August at 8:30 o'clock. He will be assisted by the Rev. T. L. Lawrence of Winston-Salem, missionary of the Pilot Mountain Association. Rites Held For William H. Hill Funeral services for William H. ( Hill, aged 66, of Walnut Cow. j who died Saturday morning, were ;held at Rosebud Christian Church, j Elder W. J. Brown and Rev. J. I- Manuel conducted the service.'. ; | Burial was in the church grave yard. Surviving are the widow; six daughters, four sons, three broth ers and one sister. Indian Convict Escapes And Is Recaptured While engaged in highway work 'near Percy * i .refield's in Snow I Creek townsh.p Monday, one of the Incii'. invictg made his es cape fr. i squad. Later iic •was recar .a. vd at Walnut Cov? Iby Special Deputy Carl Ray. 1 Pearl Hatcher Julia B. Mil'er Mrs. Ezra Zimmerman ,■ I W. D. Rierson j Mrs. Ellie Boyles Mrs. Christine Bingham Mrs. Tom Frank Hauser. Eulalia Brandon Mrs. Grace Coon Alene King. There are approximately ten | vacancic3 yet to be filled News of OUR BOYS Coxswain Harvey Guy Tedder, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tedder of King, has been recently pro moted to his present rating. He entered the navy January 22, 1943 and received his basic train ing at Bainfcride, Md. Sergeant James Wilbur Forrest, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. For rest, of Francisco, has recently ; been promoted to his present rat- I I ing. He is now stationed at | Camp Polk, La. l Corporal Pc3ey G. Boyles, son l of Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Boyles of Kin;_. h 3 been promoted to his present latin;.. He entered Iho air.;., on February 27, 1912. ' COl IK . ' J„iin R. Carter, sv. of 7~". Mrs. John W. Cat'.' o" I Hull, ha.- '.'.'ill I'to.'ioti.d to his i::vs ::t rutins. He entered the army in December, 1942, an i lis now stationed at Los Anjrele*.' | Calit'oi nia. I j Private First Class Raymond: ! Smith, son of Tommie Smith of j Danbury, has been promoted to his present status. He entered' | the army in November, 1942 and ' is now stationed at Camp Adair, ! Oregon. ( Private First Class Jessie 0. j i Dillon, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. I Dillon of Walnut Cove, Route 2,1 has been promoted to his present | rating. He enteied the army I June 15, 1942, trained at Canri . Blanding, Florida, and i s now st'i . tioned at Camp Forrest, Tenn. Sergeant Robert Johnson, son of Mrs. C. O. Boyle.- and the lav . Wiley Johnson of King, has been • promoted to his present ratine and is stationed in England. H • : entered the army May 16, 19-12, ar.d trained at Fort Monmouth, Now Jersey. I Corporal Vance Kiser, son o! Mr. and Mrs. O. Fr. Kiser of King, j I has been promoted to his present .rating. He entered the army i.. (July, 19-12, trained ;it Fort Siii, 1 Oklahoma and i s now stntionc 1 1 in New Guinea. Sergeant Ray \l. Sisk, son Mr. and Mrs A. G. Sisk if Da: - - i ; !bury, has recently been promoted 1 ,• ,to his present rating. He enter-1 jed the army January 11, 1943.' 'and is now stationed at Camp ; 1 Davis. Paul Lee Smith of Walnut Cove, aged 17, recently er.listea in Hie navy at Winston-Salem. It is reported that John L. Christian, of Pinnacle, was injured Friday morning while o\ crating a tractor. Published Thursdays AUTO ACCIDENT NEAR KING Two Seriously Injured; Occupants From Surry County Other Personals From King Message to airplane crews: When in Rome do as the Romans i do. King, August s.—An automo bile in which four young me n 1 were traveling wrecked when they attempted to pass an ci! truck on the Lakes-to-Florida highway near the Solomon He!- ■ sabeck farm two mile- east of ' i town Saturday i ight. Two of ! the men seemed to be K-rio ;>'.»■ I " ; j injured and were rushed to a Winston-Salem hospital. The >?!- ; er two received minor injurlt - The names of the occupants co..M , 'not immediately !)•• leatnel : tiiey wi iv said tit be from '.i.c i>obson stcti n oi Surry count*,*. The ear was eonij ietcly iici;io!:.- ed. Attorney Dallas C. Kirly Danbury was here Thursday lo •!: i. ing after some legal matters. , I Mack Kirby underwent a minor operation in the Stone-Helsabe'.k. Clinic Monday. He is improving.' Mrs. J. H. King and children of 1 I New Bern are spending a few j days here the guests of Dr. and J Mrs. G. E. Stone on west Main street. Joe New of the U. S. Navy, stationed at Washington, D. C, , ■ was at home over the week-end. i W. B. Sprinkle, leaf dealer, lc-'t , Monday for the Chadbourn tobac- j jco market. Mr. Sprinkle will buy weed on the Chadbourn markit L. • 1 1 tins season. ! Dale, the small son of Vv. ami , j Mrs. P. H. Newsum, stepped or- a | piece of glass while grazing , ;oat Thursday, inflicting a won : : ! , I 1 which required ten stitches to I sew up. Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Hclsabe k ; have returned from New Yov k 1 1 i city where they attended tin 1 graduation of their son, William :in a naval medical school. Crow McGee has returned 'Yon* I Pinnacle where he spent n few I days Willi hi. s grandparents. Mi ar.d Mis. William McGee. 1 William Earl Boles of the ! . Navy, stationed at Bainbn.-:.' | Maryland has been promoted ij| I » •*-LaiiK n st.TonU The stork's report is light th.:= .week: to Mr. and Mrs. Gorre ' | Douglas, a son. and to Mr. an : I Mrs. John William Whicker, daughter. Planters In this section p\, very busy priming and curing • , tobacco. Good cures are bein :• ' | made this year. And that's the news from heie 1 S. P. Christian visited Thomas , ville last week. .• 1 1 - • . - AT .JL* . * * * Number 3,71K, MORE BOYS LEAVE , FOR CAMP CROFT ON AUGUST 11 The following group of Stokea I county boys arc called for indue* i tion August 11, and will go to Camp Croft, South Carolina: , l ; Elijah Alonzo Hicks, King j j Claude Cecil Amos, Sandy Ridge J Luther Oakley Baker, King * j J Edward Alton Slawter, Pin nacle Elliott Theodore Xunn, West* field i William Gentry Christian, Pin* naclc John Kclley Sisk, Linvsonvillo, Ktn::"'h llarvel 1 licks, Rural t i: 11 • I- Sm th. l. iw.sonvilly * I ■ "•k lluul.i !*, Fninci.s- Wii .. li. , •■II ,1 I; ,„,1 ~ 11( • : i f: I I •.w.ihu- C• l ' , King I- 1 ■' yne Christian, West field Ernie Braxton Lawson, Law sonvillc ; Ernest Cornelius Miller, Wal« | nut Cove f ! \ j James H. Mays, Sandy Ridge Carl Alvin Hinsdale, Walnut Cove Dennis Edgar Slate, King ' Hassell Taylor Hall, Sandy j Ridge | J. Van Sandy, Walnut Cove i Jesse James Bullins, Walnut i _ I .ove Charlie Curtis Collins, Walnut Cove Troy Wilson Collins, Lawsou vilio (iiaily Wilson Kisir, German ton Gilbert Dewey Moon field, Dor.- I bury | William Ralph Roberts, Pine r!a!l Harold Edward Jones, Pinnacle Thomas Jackson Brown, Dan but v 91,. j.,, f I Franklin Eugene Cromer, Rurai ; H-iil Richard Arnold Jecords. Gor, mnnton . Junes Duggins, I Ki- S unuvl Ak M inder, Moir, Jr., . '*(• , | J>>hi:nio L:in:on Simpson, M:ill ,'"' n Sa. : fo!l r.,c IMn«'f..y, Sandy 1» , Jtmnne Wallace Gridi'i, Sandy Ernest i 011:1 rd Bennett, • -Mir '!'• . :vs Arthur Cardwell, Jr, Weatfii; J Earlie Mcßay McHone, Fran cisco Roy Thomas George, Francisco William Marshall, (V), Walnut Cove. - -

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