LIARS' CLUB HOLDS ANNUAL MEET t> OFFICERS ELECTED FOR THE ENSITNC \K.\R PRIZES A\VVKi)i:i) TO Tin: MOST 1 LOYAL V.\ I) PROFICIENT FOLLO .•> !i;.s The Li. V': J i:i ld its .miiu.u meet: _ ..,ni . > t -i OlTu : .. . . i to av. and Hi: "T" i . eifct i.. it -10;: 1. IV. .. ! . "nn i: CKSrU A ■ . v. - riVM : llu • :: Kirs. r. - iii Bill F . . Turn r, R. '5. Walk.:. ! F i **A ... V1 Janv. A iii.s, Ji Rabbit L. S Reul George. 11. . is::.,. J. H. Hill, i\ C. H.iu.- :. II ii'''' Flinchum. A wardir. j rizes for most outstanding services was made as follows: First prize, a hound puppy, to Joe Hiil : •!• best story of the year, as fallows: Mr. Hal says when he lived in Colorado he awoke early on-' morning to tin 1 a great hurricane or twist'i' ri.-in.'. and on iookim." out the win i. w he could see tn • s steadily flying by the house and on each tree he saw a squirrel sit ting pr tty. He got his rifle and as til" tlV' S fl'W i'. • • ; shoot on of the animals i.iwi every tin." until he had kiilod 10. He says he could have killed many more but that the law would low on!'.- 10 squirrels on to hunter in or da v. The so. wh h *• >. 5-pouiv: Idy of •hi wing : - co. was i - t> Loa. s:-k the set ry Mr. Sisk s id when he lived in Russell v . n • corn > s • |-i pitch tl . , i .1; STIJART TMBATRE Stuart, Virginia Suntia iaii M unlay, \pri! 9-10 "KL\P JUL V> WIND" Kit;. "»!!'! .Nt! l'iul-tte («>(.,larl hi teHir.icolor Tur-.., \\: d., Tliur. Apr. li. I"i. 1> "BAC'hwROI ND TO DANKER" tieo. Halt—Sidney Greenstreet. Friday and Snturdav, *prll 11 '5 •Ridt.-s of the Northwest Mounted ALSO "WHAT'S BI'ZZIN", COUSIN?" John Hubbard Rochester WESTFIELD NEWS i Wostfield. Cpl. Roland L. Jack son, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. 1 Jarkson, who is stationed some where in Australia, has beeu awarded two medals for being an export rifleman and driving. Winfivd Roberts visited Vii gi:iia llix Saturday ni;^ht. Mi !•'• 1 .!a.!-.;. m spent Sit i - .' stl M: . .1 visited M? ■. M • Monday evenin.-. .• .ins o:i tile fl'.. ".1 was so rich : ■ -K iir.d the mi ' ■ s".■: k bi; ore '' we! by the ehiok -1 ' i .-anients had bee.i Club adjourned to on a date to be an- Ro".". ! by the President. Deep for Red Cross BAR\ ('HICKS 7!) hundred up. C.O.D. Write KINGSTON HATCHERIES, Kir. ston, Ga. >!: rf; at SEND THE REPORTER TO YOUR BOY IN THE SERVICE WHEREVER HE MAY BE HE'LL BE GLAI) TO GET THE NEWS FROM HOME * * * Sis * * * * 4 Dependable Drags At Reasonable Prices SMITH DRUG CO OSCAR W. SMITH, Pharnadsl Pilot Mtn., N. C. HQS DAXBUBY BEFOBTEB, DANBUBY, N. C. APR IT. G. 1944. KING NEWS By E. P. NEWSUM King, Apr.—Edwin White had the misfortune to get his thumb 1 almost severed by a rip-saw whiL tawing tobacco sticks Wednesday. Purge Long lias joined the Mer liu'.nt Marine. IP .s taking traia iiv, a. X -v V. :k. P.. :.. i m s •: .. . Sum !> I ;. • . » . I:. .- .A 5 ' a v. .J. V. -t Main :-W'. i Frid: ii rvey i' Piii!i,:m 01' Ml. Air : ai y ui' Uii! was among th visitors here Satui day. li. i barfcr s - .11 eit d .1 ligl'.t "i paralysis Saturday. M . Baker, who is the new postmas - i. Ik ■■ r.tiy n.uved here. Charlie Hutehir..- of Winston - Sale:.:, formerly of King, visit' i r latives and friends here Satur day. Carpenters are doing some fin ishing work on the home of Worth Gentry on West Broad St. , which was erected some time ago. Dr. G. E. Stone made a pro fessional trip to High Point Fri day. A. Gordy sold at auction Satur day his home on Pulliam St., and his store building and lot on De-1 pot St. James Wall of Rural Hal! ! purchased the property at a price of 52.500. Mr. Gordy contem plates moving to the farm. The stork's report: to Mr. and' Mrs. Charle3 Calloway, a daugh- 1 ter; to Mr. and Mrs. Sim I>>gan, |' a son; to Mr. and Mrs. Murrv! Smart, a daughter and to Mr. | and Mrs. James Fulp, a son. 1 Seaman Jack Holder is spend-j ing a few days pass with rela-1 tives here. Holder's home port is N'ew York City. Mrs. Alice Grabs, widow of V'ir-' gil Grabs, remains right sick at her home here. And that't the news from here" 1 Fine? /.. f"ub I> Entertained Written for the R pcri«>t 1 The Fine Arts Club met last Thursday evening, and was de lightfully entertained at the home of Mrs. Elmer Petre-e, Mrs. Ralph Scott assisting as co-hostess. A very novel contest, originated ; by Mrs. Scott, was won by Mrs.' Dallas Kirb.v, with Mrs. P. ,bah! Smith taking second prize. The members weie introd'ieed ! to one of Danburv's newest citi zens. the infant daughter ..f Lt.' and Mrs. Leon Van Brunt. I Two interesting book reviews! were given. Mrs. Marshall report- j ing on "Take Nothing For Your 1 Journey" bv Ann Steward, and Mrs. smith reviewing "Avalanche'' i by Kay Boyle. After a delicious dessert course, served amid peach bios-! soms, daffodils and flowering j shrub, the meeting was adjourned to meet the last Thursday in Ap ril, hostesses to be announced la ter. -j . ...-_i.-i.fc London 1944 —The Wacs Are There j - - • . "" : • •"•f )■: Wr - § • ■.• > A . . . .4 * m * # $ 1~. ■ ...' - > *R yfr ; ' : I I ■ 1 • i a lil'U MA " *»l % r v (.ulitn'l tr I.ur? lon without a touch cf fo£, t!ic» ciumsa of P»«f * \ *" l. •v•li t* Ui*. ' r foiJici'6 o» half the r.atior.* rf ifio wr r.u. 4 •:».!'! V/ormn's Army Corpf. »hov/n ! vai l Irr ; ovc» j., , * popular addition to the London «ccu* FRAXOSC"O NEWS wcr -mm.L AT COI'RT HERE Tl".e'r iinal term of court clos • ! Wednesday evening. Tim cowl in attendance was unusual ly small at every sitting, the far- Mr.-. Lave: in mers !.>• i?';; I tisy with their work. 1 fcv- '-ur lioys ra'j 1 keep on fight i ~ c,t , »i. S?? '■»«—»ve urn .i keep on buv , , s-ud nts : the ' H - v.Air l$ ; M).S antil vie wi:l Me.-. t".- ir Svn...,' M :oiv is Kee*> on BACK y.i: ixc T::I: ATTACK. pay Friar.' April 7. j Mrs. Maida Smith of Phi'.adel- a * * P 1 phia has b en visiting her mother tO tLnCXIiy . , ... "Any American who wilfully hero for the past week an: w.u neglects to pay his taxes on ' return home Mondav. ,inie . c r J° ™ ***** c ? nt he can in War Bonds is surely giv- Several men from here are at- c:c ' and oo v.fort to the er.emy . . . We have a job to tending court at Danbury thi.- do aad we are all called for service to our country. Our i veek. djliars are cated to service too. Let us all ask ourselves, 'Shall v.e 1k» more tender with oar diillars than with the 11/es Baby Named For «{ o - r " secretary Silver Star Winners ! 1 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Barr of ;Mt. View announce the birth 01 § ja ? 1-4' pour.d.d boy, Charles Lloyd. N,, \ Monday, April .1. The son was j named for Mt. View's two Silve • ( Star winners Pfc. Charles V. ( r » B Barr. V. S. M. C., and Sgt. Lloyd Gtfa worn. r. s. M. c. (. Mother and son are doing fin-'. j X For Re-Kleetion 7:^ , Stokes county's Hoard of Coun ty Commissioner., 11. L. Gibson. V; , u Are Always Welcome Harv y J ,!.d Rev. J. A. To Visit the Joyce, also Register of Deeds P.. Funeral HomC L. Smith, all have filed for ti.r At Any 11,1,0 primary. PIIONE Old IHE OAXBMIV IJEI'ORTLR, l>AM.![ l!V, \. Knelesed y tlI ,M» Rad f„, „hich please send the D\XBl'i:» I lvLP(,[ t . !.I; tn th- Inlhming address: I II re.-» »,i.v; oi l ,| (V .„ C ], er|; ht . rp . ()# I | I XA.MK: i AM: K: | CITY: STATE V www-* $ le World's News Scon Through •> | THE CHRISTIAN SC IENCE MONITOR | >J hitrrnatmiiM Daily Mens pa pet \ i« Truthful—(onslniciivip—Unbiawd— Free from Sensational- » tu!tc>ri.ils Are 1 inip|> jnd luiiructive, and Its Daily $ .rrr- To « tlh " W| ih «l»e Viv«klv Mapa/ine Section, Make N d dn 'deal Newspaper for the Home. v> | J Christian Science Publishing Society v lOne. Norway Street. Boston, Massachusetts S Price 312 00 Yearly, or 31.00 a Month. K Saturday Issuo. including Magazine Section. #2.60 a Year. S Introductory Offer. 6 Issues 25 Cents. f Name j j i Address 5 j| * SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST „ § FOR SALE —One registered Jer sey cow t'J freshen soon, from ! Stat.> College si rand. Also S Guernsey heifers. HENRY 11. BARNES, Old Lexington Road. Winston SaKm, N. C., Rt. 5. I BAItY CHICKS—Bio now an I i Sa\e—Heavy Breed* -00 'or SlU.Ot). Payment wi!h ,Sl!S.o;. Payr. en! V.i h «;t'J free «i:• i\er\. WOII'i JIV» tl.I ' i ii *"rc:BK!rr:s. 101 w. .1 Axe. /"If You Suffer Distress From^ K FEMALE i WEAKNESS With Its Cranky, Nervous Feeling. l ; If at such times jmum su'.fer from crumps. I backache, nervous,®** 39 ttred fi'i 1111'S, i«rc ** bit blui —till"- 'o tunc ttoiial monthly dls- Start at once—fry Lydla E I'lnk ham's VcirctableC. impound to relieve I such symptoms. It's famous not only to help relieve monthly pain but also accompanying tired, nervous f illni-s of this nature. Tills Is be cause of Its soothing effect on oss Of WOMAN'S MOST IMI'OHTANT ORGANS. Taken rei-ularly—l'lnkham's Cam pound helps build up resistance against such symptoms. Follow label directions! * LYDIft E. PINKHAM'S compound^ I'OR SALE—Inn nice mules, ages , .» and 7, weight 1!">0 eaeh. W. i:. TATUM, Nettle Ridge, Ya. NOTICE Having qualified as administra tor of D. F. Boylca, deccised, so 1. jtice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against said es itate to present the same duly au thenticated for payment on or be fore March 30, 1945, or t.ns no tice wil! be pleaded in Imr cf tl. recovery. And all pe*v rn jdebted to the estate of the sai-i D. F. Hoy]es are notified to makv immediate payment. C. K. BOYLES, Admr., Pinnacle, N, C. R. J. Scott, Attorney. EXECTTOR S NOTICE The undersigned having quali . u- d .f J^ xl ' cutor of the estate of VV. H. T. Rogers, late of Stokes County, .\. c'„ this is to notify all persons holding claims against said est it,, to present them to the undersigned on or before Mar. ' s . i:>r>. or this notice will tv I l ' 1u d i:i bar o, recovery. All persons n-vimj said estate are re quested to make immediate set tlment. This- March 15, 1914. I. M. Executor, of W. H. T. Rogers. Pilot Mountain, X. C. i:\KCI TOKs NOTICE The undersigned having quali fied as Ex renter of the estate of v . lafe of S to kes county, . C., this is to notify all persons lolding claims against said estate to present them to the undersign cd on or before February 7, 1945, or this notice will be pleaded in . I bar of their recovery. All per sons owing said estate will please, make immediate payment. This Feb. 7, 1911. WILBUR R. LANE, Ex Estate of M. D. Lane, dee'd i NOTICE As Administrator of the estate f R. B. Tuttle, deceased, notice i* , hereby given to all persons hold ing claims against said estate to present them to me, duly authen ticated. for Payment, on or before March 14. 1945. or this notice wit m be pieaded in bar of recovery. A)' persons owing snid estate' wiil Please make immediate paymert ] to me. Thia March 14, 1944, R. PAUL TUTTLE, Admr. . King. N. C., RFD. Petree A Petree, Atty«.