THE DANBURY REPORTER Established 1872 SPRAYING FRI'IT TREKS * ' ** i Last year wo witnessed a severe fruit shortage, but so far this r it looks as though wo will have a very goad crop. This, however, Wj.'. j depend on weather conditions and th? attacks by insects. Of coarse we cannot control the weather. but wc can keep down insects and di feases !.y s; ravin/. There is still time t■> spray apple and peach t»v«s and i rape vin.-s. T'le pie', ar aboV" shows hired hands •'i the M , L. Martin f.imi. La."«.nvill.-. .! raving his well kept appl? orchnid Kve l . with i!. cad weather nd hail last year Mr. Martin 1; :.l :\ a's 1 ' 1 apple ciop. Kvoiyoiv is ar„e i to spray iiis trees and grape vines this j >err. Spiayinu iv.a eri; !•• cost little and sprayed fruit brings big j returns. For information see the Countv Agent. (Photo bv C'ty Agt.) • ' i Rat Control Campaign American Legion Dates Are Named To Honor Robt. W. Hall I i j By the County Agent A mem °rial service will be giv The public schools. Health De- c ' n lor Robt ' W * Hall, deceascd > at partment, AAA, neighborhood Haw Pond Church next Sunda :' leaders, merchants, vocational ag- afternoon ' b >' the Le riculture teachers. Farm Security. ®' on * Niea ' ® oone c ' st *97. Th« Extension Service. Women's Clubs. Gold Star Citati ° n will be present- Boy Scouts and all public spirited , ed to lhe fanij] y of - voun S Hall 'ens are urged to get our rat was J an 29, 1944, ii. 3 campaign underway. the Soulh Pacific - Htf was « 8r "-1 .. C. Whitehead, Rodent Con- ° f Mn a "' J MrS ' J ' D ' Hu » ' 1 Wal "' . | 0 . . nut Cove, RFD. tiol Specialist lor several south ♦ 4. u • i The program win be as follow*:: era states, will be in Stokes coun- j ty May 23 ar.J -4 to personally' Ad ™ n * Colors. conduct the most merciless j a - 1 ' gK-itiUpU ~y Corn slaughter of one of man's great- m ' lndu P u ' * est enemies. ! Sl>ri J' tu,u readi -« Prayer ™, . . .. . , jby Rev. W. R. Harris of the ! This enemy comes at night frora . Stokcsburg Methodist Church, the filth of hog pens to walk ov: , , , .., , Obituary by Adjutant E. L i our food, our tables and our c' Bailey. , thing, and through our homes. H. • i Song, "God, Save America", b' i wastes, carries disease germs or.! . . . t . , High School Glee Club. iii 3 fivt, and destroys property. ' | Letters of commendation from The rat is the host to fleas, tick?; '.officers by Commander Fulton. and other insects that like tc , I Introduction of Sneaker h-i leave the rats lor man. i ' i Chaplain M. O. Jones. The rats can and will be de-j . address by D. C. Kir-1 stroyed. He will be destroyed in I by. a direct ratio to our effort. Lv . . ~ , ! One minute silent prayer, us all back the attack. Here i.- j • Th. Lorcf-: Prayer," by Walnut how: I Cove Glc ■ Club, The cost for two an I t!«r ?c-' T ,. a ... n _ ... j a')s, by Pon Tittle, fourths pounds ol bait is $1 10 ' „ .. . : Benediction, by Rev. V,'. R. Hat- This is enough for an nrdit'.i'v ■ IIS. home, small farm, store, garage' or o". Ivr - ' r •;; j act'.ire. P , t T . I ~. For large farms or 'iianv build . . " •' a d •ill)?. oi'l-r shoild I pnrchas. I. | S i i :■ .• ■ • 'li' v to t!.o (.'o • . '- I '' o.ii I\Vi .A r',o id !..■ •' iM •' i: h i' .• • ... ,1. AI V !>n v. ( iiiml /ii'" Ma- ' . i • 1 l Ul'l I. ■,C . ; Of: 1') t . ' > t .?-v. !),-• t (|.>; y > pj S« ' ( ..•!• h »ni••, every farm. Lea no ri's to breed ar.d scatter fn i in. M. P. Loftis, , iso ri '" l ouse whose owner neglee' ! R. L. Spiiih, .lan l , to Fin up. C. t your money i: M '"' tin - s - A. Flinehum attende i, hy T\l.iy 15. The deadline is M th ' Stato Dl ' mf >eiatie Convention j5. a * Raleij'i from Danbury. Volume 72 Danbury, N. C., Thur?day, May 4, 1944 LARGE GROUP IS I CALLED UP FOR EXAMINATION 11th I i The following are called for i pre-induction physical examina tions May 11th at Camp Croft, £. C.: I Claren.e Waldren Spencer Xolaska Aliev Janes Marshall Wall Calvin Overbv i I James Boon. Jr. Dewey Curtis Knight Harden Hill Ronie Fletcher Wiikins Hugh Wilbur Chiiton James Leonard Honer Mi.'.in Harry Cornelius Morion ■ Janes Hers.'y Simmons Si'j Mi'he Royce Flctclicr Haitman Saii.ue! Hudson Hav>in3 Lommie Royal Carter i Otis Carson Oie Lowell William Coin I Roy Jackson Gibson i ! Harold Lee Calloway j James Weldon Smith Porter Garfield Jessup Ralph Vance Hutclierpon James Ted Cox Clarence David Hall Odell Booth Gilbert Dewey Mooreiield Junior Eurley Shelton Russell Avery Ward Robert Sanford Ring Vestcr Lee Fulk t Harry Simmons Venabie James Herbert Ligon Folger Edgar Rogers Physic Columbus Booth Johnnie Marion Frye ; Elijah Robert Sams, Jr. i nomas Eugene Ashby Jarvis Allen Wood I Richard Moir Brown ! Silas Smith I Aunice Mabe j Percy Richard Fulk Glenn Meadows Goff George Leonard Fulton ! Wcl'aon C. Smith i Frank Moore i'llley L.-j Ernest Stewart, Jr. 1 J. M.x Cxavitt Hunter PniTgTc Kallam Grady Odell V;.d n Janie*. C* !' : Lj>.;s C i:i,u .1 V i lea J ': . • • Otis I'll 111 i. . . .!. ri .1 ■ ■ : . , 1;. i Tu :: i . sheliori Rhodes 1 v ■ » , . . *« 1 • i ! ' 111 i i: .i! ii..- '• ' Mj.-h 11 Har. . ! 11,. I.ath- . 11 in >i Tui'' > Raau'i d .\! irtiu , D. C. K ist Dennis Junes I Herbert Crowley Marsh Vance Lyman Alley (Continued on back page). KING NEWS ] By E. P. XEWSUM i ! I King, May 4. —Buck Horton, ot the U. ri. Army, stationed in Col orado, is home on furlough. A'eusuiii, who is un- | ' „c.i,o»i.g tieatmeni in tnc City ixOr-pitul, \\ inston-fcaieai, .s im proving. I Misses Ruth and Ruby Atwoi . St. to a new coat of paint. i The community auction sak. whicTi is being conducted her '►Saturday, is attracting ! to town. Second Clas- Fred i-.".u~ne L*. S. Navy, sta tioned in Xew Jersey, is spendin. a 30-day furlough with his pat ents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kapri. R. B. Delp of Pine St., was car-, ; i ied to a Winston-Salem hospita .Tuesday where he will undergo z. ' operation. Dennis Pruitt has about fully ! , recovered from a recent illness at I his home on South Depot St. J The following patients under went tonsil removal operation here Friday: Allie Watts of Ger- Imanton: James Tuttle of MizpaT j and Miss Ula Mae Fulk of Vadc Mecum Springs. There is an epidemic of mea sles in this section at present. Ii has affected tin school attend;.nc" considerably. Work on the new home o;' J. W. Fulk on East Main St. is alonj: at a rapid rate and wil soor. be completed. Here's the storks report: t.jj Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Alderman, a son; to Mr. and Mrs. Jessie East, a son; to Mr. and Mrs. John York. ;rt son and to Mr. and Mrs. Clar jeneo Kiger, a son. | Relatives here have been noti ,fiid of the safe arrival of Ralph ,K. ;i; England. I i i /.crs in this section i3ay 'ihey have plenty of tobace.- 1 i ...a:-. T> • ci'oj; will be eti. shart in tiiis section due to th.'- I ji■ ""..r.b" v o." boys bein„ d;a! ' l'v Willi::n Ga-.ncr, station, ".t 1' . t S'. >r\ , \ ... W.t.i th? -,u •n' . C: : a . ■ :.cnd. • H 1 * •ti I , : i 11.1, t ' 'l:..bly .-oi ii m i j;i -H«in . •' '• • IV. s. ns in .ad i mora sabjei t to ; . " ■ and to be probably ca' ia " rionths. j i Mr. ar.d Mrs. J. A. Rhode.? of Madison were in town Monday I PUBLISHED THURSDAYS FOURTH TERM IS ENDORSED i STOKES DEMOCRATS MEET IN CONVENTION —STAND FOI: ROOSEVELT AND FOLGER SCOTT RE-ELECTED COUN TY CHAIRMAN—DELEGATE; APPOINTED Democrats of Stokes in conven tion at the court house Saturday ! endorsed President Roosevelt an his administration, Congressman John H. Folger. Tliad Eure, Cha: M. Johnson and Geo. Ross Pou. R. J. Scott was re-elected chai: man ox the county executive cor: mittee, and Mis 3 Laura Ellingt vice-chaTTman, while Geo. Ban was named as sccietary of th committee. Delegates and alternates were elected to the State Democrat: Convention at Raleigh, which is in session today. I "B" and "C" Book Hoiclers Eligible For New Tires May 3. —All motor ists using their cars for occupa tional driving "B" and "C" book . drivers are eligible for new pas senger tires effective May 1 as a result of increased civilian allo cations from the office of the rub ber director, L. W. Driscoll, Dis trict Director of OPA, has an nounced. T.vo othrr st:ps also were ta ken to broaden eligibility foi tires: 1.) Motorists holding basic "A ' rations now become eligible fo: the small remaining stock of used tires. Grade 111, in areas whore used tires are still available. How ever, in areas where none aio available, boards will be instruct ed not to issue certifi a'.es for used tires. 2.) Light delivery trucks, pre viously eligible for used tires may receive n."v ix ; ..engcr tir r >, upon d.rr.onoti.ilwi"' n-.vj. Wa'nut Ccve High Ik feats (JerLtianto'i ']" ■ v." , ' ■' >l2 : .i ■ i •. • ir, .iarri; i ' lio big £uns ■' '• •; • ".iili thieo hits cpc'i. S'.viv.ary: Walnut Cove. 2" runs, 16 hita and four errors. Cermanton: 2 runs, 5 hits a: 1 six errors. • Number 3,749 i 'iMr Wm fll Jf IB^ Hp^y^ PFC. (HAS. V. BARK Pic. Chas. V. Barr, Silver Star Winner, Home on Furlough Called to set the Reporter t - ' Jay: o. Barr of King; 11. I. Barr, State highway pa ■ trolrnan ol High Point; Pie. Chas. V. Barr (see cut) o2 San Diego, Calif, home on a 21- day "tunougn. ~ All three of these fine young men are sons of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Barr of King. j Chas. V. is the King boy who was awarded the Silver Star med al by Admiral Wra. F. Halsey for distinguished service at Bougain ville in the South Pacific. He is in the STarines and has had plenty ' of action against the Japs. | Gov. Broujrhton To Be Commence men * Orator Wednesday At W. C ove . j Gov. Broughton will deliver the commencement address at Walnut Cove Wednesday night, May 10,, '' t SP. M. Joan Voss is veledictorian; I Musy Elizabeth Tuttle, salutat'i» ■ ian. Bill Wilkinson and Linda Ca!- 1 ' loTin, mascots. •» i •j Renard Griffin Injured In Baseball Game - ! Ilenard Orif'in, son of Dr. a;vJ ■ Niis. E. M. Griffin of King, was painfully inj.uvJ S m -;iy after noon while p'-iyi-g ba«'.V.;-. !1 at i Wlr.!" --! i. • . i.t.i tli : : -J bas« r- !,i ho:-.I i;. an , •• 1 - : t t i t , . K. T ' ■■' ' •" fiv , •;husband, T Minnear B 'was I I i Sunday Misses I i . y ilir . .tin ar 1 !.; irn Mnriui Walnut 1 -o- :. ncompa- i v , ri ., v ,„. of Canary. i

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