THE DANBURY REPORTER Establisnod >72 KLVii NLV S K _ ■. ... f. ; ho:i • !. • yii- • i and . . ■!'. Ai •. St: i vi. i.. ... • . : s- v era I j,i ■l.-iii!'!:."i .1! a m,-,,! 1 ol - ut;i:i(kl'.i:d'l :i. Mrs. South. rn and her first !• :sban Dr. Jo ib iiitved heir In : Ouilford county and weie v., the fi: -.t .-"tl'•:s j:t Kiii". rit. tor I'!. ; M (11 itfi.'l »V r. mdlKti •! ' '■! •- liiviiin «"!.'.'l. : - noon 1 ■ i ! I.! iiv .' .!! > : . •; as. i. 1 I '• ; , . cine hero fot past twoiity-fnv ! in l hi.- section, Tho two-ycar-oid son and on!; child 01' Mr. nnd Mrs. Myet Ho!J-j cr, who reside on North Dep.-t Street, died suddenly Saturday. 1 Fun-'ral Service for Colon. 1 Royles was conducted at Mount ! Olive Church Sunday and burial followed in the thutch cemetery. The deceased, whose v ;;s 57. was a rial mail carrier here foi. •j *1! rof years. The widow ..■>otal children survive. S.ut. Rupert (lamer and Mis-; 1.: 1 i!!e Culler were married i'e.v Saturday. Rev. Hetman Nc\\> •a, officiated. The bride is the youni; daughter -:f Sidney C. 'Vi of l>:r noha a*:'l the l . tlihvtooni is the son I'.f Juii,e 7. St e J man Garni r of King. Ssit. Cat tier is stationed at Shr.eveport, La. Mi-s X. !• '.'! and Hilly Jo M - Gee an -pending a few d.i\s v'i* 11 frien-'s it: Dayton. Ohio, vvh'. r ■ tiny icr.acily resided. Mts. 7 d a T;!•.:!■. ami Miss R01:- .!•'in SH-mv 01 Rural 1' 11 were atac:v; the visiter; here Fii tl.iy Kx- \. i lit K. (> She!ton of Yaiie V- \va> .1 Su:stn».«' V'.'t tor here Pii lay. Aiv 'i- W: - I'. '-ved into !i>s |)l !'».!•' !«\ . v U»'. 'l'U 1 \Vt«' M \ : , 1 • S • it'. , s „ It i' l'ucii-t an. • 11 T;. !'•■' i'l ' • .it- «!!•' ■ \\ • t ' " p ' '• T " ,} > y j • • 1»r '- * I'' M ■ !' : Xi- Ft :k . 1 io- ' 1 ••!.■ v 1.: to Mr. * -V: - ' I I l..>v . a d.iitj.ii'er. to Vr • ' Mis. .1. W. Thoi«- • " ■ Mr. a-.d M . C.r. ;• i ' > daua' r. j s-t ('-:1 -Ms-' 1 ci. sf iea ii ( i* j!» .t.tli ;t; . lad., 's n 1 ulou-.-h. ' at's the news from hote Hail visited Sandy Ridge sv tion Monday. R. R. Ward her.' T\iesday said Ihc damage to crops was slight. Volume 72 i kir To Me | .t'i.J f( ;*•» >.. luv i »' » ' ' «' .• * i ' 1 :i - .. 3 • ; • • .: * 1.: in 1 s * io:i i'i */\ • »,. • * 1 . «?f t• '• v. .lit '• \ 1: \ :!! 1 1 :\\ tho J\irk. C:u'y!o, ston-S.ilom jitlornry, will dt liv- i , i t»io i; *• Ti; i-I its ! ' • IV ;■.! •: • • 1 "' ' s y t* i• • ... • | { . ; Tri;>!c-.V Has Winter Peas, Ci ' > fi. ' The Tti|il(-A Cin I> altny I has a few bags t.f Austtian \\ .li ter i'eas, Crimson Clo'i r ;:n i _ Hairv Vetch on hand. > hese seed can be secured b> any farm er in Stokes county, provide 1 the applicant has en.atgh s ill i. iili!- in» pay:.tent. Farmers int- resti d in obtainirj; such sen! ate teq csted to con tact the Danbury Oilice for fur thrr infot mati .n. 1 I)vath (if V. l». I)oy!es C. R. Boyles, aged of Ro - .:te 1. died F'ti('n>' niDtnitig at his home. He was city mail earlier 'v. Winston-Salem for 10 yeais and iat ;d r.i.iil cat tier .n King. Ron .' t!, fit - several ye.iis Iti'.iio tit s i;ij_' bee.i. se of i'l lv .i'» h. I Suivivin;: are nine e'.ii .Iriti. Ralph t'. i\'e : i and 11 • tI P . of isi;• ; M.s. 1."'.. I\ • i- Black Mountain: Mie. Hubert I' H .ll i ' Kin • :. ! 1-. . 1 Jr., Mrs. 'V > • Mi- a Dt cell.i Bo'.i s .Vi -, Dncda anil >'isa li.i Wuul- 11 lioyl ef !!•:;•: ;;.id nine r*. ndehildrtn. "t ".i* ft'tu i" 1 V" '."KI Itoni Mt. Olive H; p:i-; Ci. li.i S.r- lay ■ i ; - t rnoo'i . t " V' til. T - r. ('ouneil SV; ! •:.' !• 2'' i i 1 ?b • i ■ ft'" • ■ 1 1! ' i O. - i • - O'l :• I:-'OP 1 ' k :,t • : !> I; :«i' n v !u> Hi if Age!it V.'ii! j:ive A d moastr-.ti a OP t- Ptocesse.l Cln •se troni C " ige Cheese. i All County Council members are urged to attend or send a and may bring club members ot visitors interest ed in seeing the demonstration. I Danbury, N. C.. TMnvruiy, July 20. 1:)4 Additional Donations T> .Memorial Hoard On Court Square •>• t i •' iI.• !. •! ; W.vion 1' !'. : '- I. . r )-1: .!. V . .! • ... J--. ' ■' '■ .J. (*. Ki.ijik Joy •••. .!. C. Am.-s. SI; M; . . J. IX •: •;.% ! ; M;s. f..)\ .l M , i. M. X'v.:-. .i. :i . j M's. I ! .V -vT'i.-e, ,r.i•; j;. ■'• .!. R. : t• as. .'Sr. : v S ; r ■■-■. K. X. I'i . ' - M. ••!•. V. .!. M. T rr;. , .* '• M. i. T-.rt;-. Ml-.- 1f..1 • j X..1K.-. >1; L\ .•more, \II. (_i. J. $1; C. L. n, .30; I Fli; pin, .I'D- P. F'. Lenivtt, .25;, Troy Hart grove, ,L's; Watson Mabe, .2."; A. K. Webster. .10; P w .' { Sams. .25; L. B. Hall, .50; J. p j Ferguson, , r .O; \. c,. Cc SI; (1. A. Jones. ." »: J. K. J !:•> , son. .25;B'.ake L.TVS, .JO; T: . Kast, .50; Klmer r-.r:v ti, Otis Te 'dor, .2.">: Elmo i: !::.".-. 1 .HO; R. It. Tei' '• r. :•!: C\v F.r.ko. .25; K!:acr Ha'!. .2".; R. f:. >1 •-. ? 2o; N. O. Tedder, 51; P. H. h a ron, . r >(); J. M. Cook. M A. " Hail, .2. r >; Mts. C. F5. Hal'. ,2 r ». Xewell Carr. il Cr.rro'l. .2. r »; W. .1 ! llrowti, .oil; Roy Redding. !i;2 v ' R. Hall, $1; Claude WtLster. .20. I (iilmer Robertson, .50; li ir.vt Ferguson, .2. r .: K. B. TidJ.'r. ,fio Roy Harrison. .2":; P.- >b Y::ilwr oitph, .2"). M. R. Fe.'. r.-on. .2".. Sirs. Carrie L> •• ;i?. ; • .2". 1' Co^'isigion, .5:1; Gr.e. : H.dl ." 1 J'i.l Renin tt. .2" C. V. II :!l .5C J. R. B nnett, .50; 11. C. Pa:• - •. a .11; i.i .i 11 K. scr T':.k t ..." .."j A. J. \i -• . II S T . st; R. y '• :i. • i. F. iAlison. J. T> Hal' "'i, 1 T. Tillotson. .2 r >. IV.' Pent • Ar !; T -ti P •> • ■ ■ i. i' i i —■ • i • ... . . i.•ilv Ti :t! . 5T- Mr. i ■ i Xl's. Fr. i.k lai-.'i >'?• - R i si Mr. and Mrs. R. W. I'.irr, iune Carroll, ,st); Mary M ows, .50; Mr. an I Mrs. Amos ;Fulk, SI: Rachel Folk, S|; M. and Mrs. E. C. Slate, S2. Mr. ar 1 Mrs. H. R. Raker. SI; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rennett, $1; Paul Moser, SI; S. V. Rurge, SI: Edgai j (Continued on page 4i .MILTON TI T! (JO i-i! y >,S'' polio i *•' i' ' ; 1 \ ] \ ■, • V. > 1 ! V, Uu :•! ■ •' J '• '• - : ! • !!i k •; • • ~ • • J •..» . Li I r 4 » this dn 1 - t., ! ■ :, i:i I!:.• »' 111 til" r' ' now .*!>•• .J.VI There haw ! • 1". il'Mt ha. j 1 The Tuttl-■ liny was admitted iii a critical coalition to tin Hiel. 1 nry hospital Monday afternoon. ' Hi' had I. iii i 1: inee -in •>•»!.»;• July 12, and !)• ing treated in nn i;• >; .ii i n. H is • i I' ; id !■.l hi ' ('• \ 111 i" • ' • ! Ms r. .Ai OViTKPa* :i Hi Lal'onl Tut li. rtt til home: •"• ;• f Lillian i . :ir. .. ' n! t!i»' hi . . • ii.i ! .in i| n - . .!•. . 1 Mr. and Mrs. !eor.;e \V. Tinti. . Wii!nut Cov-. . . ' *' " i Stokes (iirl In Trouble ■ Mrs. Augusta Sizemore Tern ploton. aged 19, is in jail at Wash ington, D. C.. on the charge of j fleecing merchants oi Sl.'iO') with bad chocks. i " I HOSE'IT \ I.IZKO . T'-e i »:!.win4 •: •* . T';- ■ «»?» patient* i.i hv; Mr*. r>.,.is C. Ft tree, F!:m ' h rrpital. Winston-Salem. Ills* Dorothy Pa'ton. Fi inc'it"'. Mrs. J. A. Fran is. Sandy Tlidg ■ Mrs. .John Tucker. I.:>. •••« vvi!b\ patients at St:art (Yn.) Hos-nita!. **#****** OUR BOYS ****** # * * ir."! Par' Rhonse, son oft V: I. i ii'.i ;>!!• .i -I ' • .. ; 'r !'.• i "■ M. Mm. I . !. I i" rt 1\.i.i... Ly. 1' f , ■ • ii !. : 1. 1 s i .• nr ! " ; v am. > i > To\ !!• .>i'Cd tilOj . i ,\ March 23 10 i K Saman Fust Cla c, s Foster Bur row. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fur-, rough oi Rural Hall, has notifn 1 his parents that he is now over seas He entered the navy July i 14. 1913 and trained at Great I Lakes. 111. . 4 , I 1 1 FUBLISHED TIILK^DAYS Mok'j.-, v- iii 0. ir..u : ;.c • .» ■' c i ' lifj: :: '.. I '' t \l ' 1 . « . • »! ' ■ f • •• I ■ . . . v; v.- rii iii,-.. . • Xi.ig. to «!.-• • of a fiimi#- 1 C*.". ;' : i.i Siwl*. .. Mr. -Jones, ! ir;:ig" 1) i-aty • ' Forsyth county ;:nd »»* !i i '• a ol the tlniiige in \:.r w. lii' pi-s-ni to ills- m- ('•' ' or •.'.animation ::!!•! its ■. ' m an '.. iniyi.Uon. • .'I ', is o! -in W ' i • > • t ;n:i. K.- I y ri:i: -1 ■ i' 1 ■ : : in i.';. i. ; curd, > ti nd tliis nn'i't'iig. It outs nothing to meeting and lire ! •fit s will be served. y l Colored Men Called ( lip For Examination : The following colored men of i Stokes county r.rc called for phy sical exnr. inatien July --5: Carl Haii>'t;n, Jir.i \V:"ie Joyce , '•"J ;i. I ;':mw Mr-:-, Sr.n H-a.\ ; ?ri. \ Walter (*., C"::::':.' 7h - ! M i.iro. Ot'is Z... v. 'v..iter Jr. i lit son, Wm. Obey. Cly-.'c K'n.: i IZdw. Si.uiTi ins. Wr.i. Granva'.t Daltin. V.'illard K,vir-cr, T'r.'.r nan Edw. H;iust m. Artrle King H»*!cr Johnson, Joe Bill Smith, flail-n C:i >li;it". Tay! r. Hew '.su Lee Thomas. C..r. as. I:.i * - \ey Lee IJ.'.iUy. Clir.-t!. H ■ Hr.irston, John Samuel Covii ... n. V».• i• a IJeasea. ! «»\\ •II a • :i. ('if t ; W".:. Kt. : - I'.ai.i ,Mu. .»« 1 r.i:ik'-: it sis •:. v • :' , t ■ voptvi VfT'V '■' •'V ,' N : \'i , - V. i. ■ who !' V, : u i:: it • , a;ra-.v \ 1 .'J, E ■ " Mr. flnd Mrs, Wi" B: own ar. spent Snr.' .••.•.> r ,n Mrs, s'' ",vr>. ! Willie Laekey s, • it W eiinesda.* nicbf with Mr. and Mr?-. .1. B. 'Young. Mis. 2aek Wood and babv b t returned home from the ( Hospital. Winston-Salem Mrs. Robert Wilson and P'>r Harvey visited M» . F.tigar Ttev - .cns and famib- t'.itunlri\ 1 I ' •' - Tv L i'iiiL: • ! >. • 1 ' \>r »- ; ; - .'•? (,; * 4 t : • . I if • • . I >•'« it! 1 .;••• •• ■ : .•n.v .: I . "t* "... «, ainl i ait v. :] v; -{• S., }■ Jiurc'i t: \! 'I:. bo:l,i a aslird to ■ >■ itji' s'!»K£>- ()( '.j i i« ui.r. Signed: -j c. ■ \r> s;\. > .•$ hi • v i{ ■ 11 ■ i o>. Q* 'i! f v t«' '? * ■ \ 5\ _ Chaii man of tlie I- iltil Wat Lti::n A. J. ]vi.nj;t.Mi announced this week that Stokes is (hi short ol' its of $8t>,()00 ol bonds. •Several of the townships havo made creditable showing, but others are lagging in sales. Mr. Ellington urges the campaign walkers and latyois to redouble their (flirt miring tin* next week in a deter:;.?H~T effort to reach •he It will reo/iire tat sa*') of at Joist S2".'KM in i: bor/is to :tho • >i:n*\ over its iji'ota. It is Mr. Kl'ington stated, that the dry weather at the be gin:'.::*.}: of ti" drive kept many fa inters it "a investing their ss • i!!:;s in !■' n at. ' .it with teco ? rains and a l:i..'at pro ; , t f " r 0.-d ei y t san 1 Null* » Vii' th V.mdi •'s of l'ir:r. r 'a> no tvv the l:o.i ■ - wi'h ,t-.M '-'ii i-. th. '>"■ Vim' i t v 1, •• ! f it till it • - 0'- .rid a'i ■ •>) !•.. ! a! >• ill .. • . 1"t I . •>;. ".'tell: i |1 '• 1 ? AK : » WII VBE OPKN FOB FIS . iNC' if • , ■ ; • i i: ci i f ' T..: 1 at il> . • .. . h'"' • ' , * • ■ ' . * , f . » v »"» \\ , v.' I N si! ; 'a ;11 c 11>j ' ,;j t!v> t 1 ar fntuio to t: , o pref 'tTtivir canipcrs. MRS. FRED AI.*TO\, Homo ARPiit. >

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