The Dimbury Reporter .ssued Thursdays at Dtmoury, N. C., and entereu at tae Danbury postoilice aa second matter, uaier act of Coagrea* ,\. K. Pe: per, Editor £ - - • E. V, Pepper. Associate E iitur National Advertising Repre*enfativ« N«w T«r* : Ckicj|t : Detroit : AHuti t Ml* 1 'anbury, North Car., Thursday, Aug-. 10, 1 1 J14 RATIONING NOTES RATIONING CALENDAR FOR WEEK OF AI'»I. 7 I'KOt ES>ED FOODS'— Blue As through Ao .4' now vaiid at 10 points each, for .»ith t .kens, Good indefinite ly ti.'i through Fo become vaiid at 1 11 points each indefinitely 0:1 Aug. 1. Ht Vr> AM' I \ I - Red As :i: ru '/. x \3 Book 1) Uso vv iii * -\ - i i*. ly. M (. \K— Mi- ir .tan:; - 1 ar.i (Bonk -J _ ■ u : ; ._is ui definite!}. CANNI.V, >1 ». \K— S ; gar sta::::- . i :,r fi-.e pounds ranrii::. c .._ until Feb ruary i.'s. 1^4.5. SHOES— Airplane stands 1 . t: -. i . .Book 3) vaiid ind. liiiiti. n i l. Oil,— i; r.. jv. n..ti: . ,\> .« ar. : , | fc .. i t r t . ?'t • t I. \NOI.I\I __ A - lu - ■ C. • , Virginia. Expire August ?. A-l 1 coupon.- be. ;., v i A ;.. c,, ftftli*r .i s *■. that every . .r own : license number • i -: to on gasoline coup his J. asesss •. s. n . s !.. ;. .1, ; the r.ll n>n board. WANTED lady .as ( ..housekeeper, permanent i i . in good home, only three .jjvwr ups, gno 1 pay. light work Write Oiliee Box 17M. see W. A. Pegram. Manager f Liberty Warehouse, Winston- Salem. N. C. 1 iiiilii WALNUT COVE, N. C Sunday anil Monday, V.I.J. l ;, '• "BROADHAV Rll* THM' George M »rpl y— iiiii l V Smim- Tuesday only. An.'.. 1"> "IS EVERYBODY II UT\ * Ted Lewis —Nan V\»lih Wei and Thurs., \u;. I» - "DOrOllltOYS IN IIM.t \M»" Kenny Bal»er JeM Dmniell Friday and Saturday Vim. IMC "HIDDEN VALLEY Ol V:.U\>" Wllld Kill Elliot* PERSONAL Mrs. Jessie P. Christian return ed today, acc'/mpxuted by Walt Sun.itrs, after visiting for two weeks Dr. and Mrs. Kemp P, Neal of Raleigh and Myrtle Beach, S. C.. i" i Mrs. .Sanders at Mon roe. Mr-. Saniers will spend se.- •?ral d i - here. • r:-.iko i' r r.v 1:.,..: at Ni'.-.e us.a; J she At.- i .nipar.ied i»y her two :»ee- M.-.-s Edith and V.olet S.:a:Y • w.'.k.i should have been Miss s Edith in J Violet Hill. A : tter ' iii Miss Adelii says they like t.: -ir new home very much, an i "hit "hit is i wonderful touiv: but that it is very dry t> -.v She says Nashville is ,i • i-tiful eitv with many scene# . f ins l interest. !• is r: : V. .J. ('. Wri. ! i :: i !)us :r • : Mrs. Frances Mat shall and Mr.-. N. E. Pel; er visited the I. A. M ir shalfs at Gerr.ianton Friday of ; ,-t week, returning with peach- - i watermelons. .. ! s Mar*':: 1 Laws -r.v., • Mv.i. Beach *«. d-r ~ . .vice of his physic*..ii. hav'.. t) et. th: it : i'J w.'t.; a r.ervo's bnak down. **• • • Cove visited the court house Fri day. •** « • Deputy Sheriff J. M. Carroll or Hernia nton was in town Saturday •*• • • Sid Johnson of Germanton was in town Wednesday. He reports crops excellent in his section oi the county. Attorney W. R. Padgett, ac t ■ 'v>( nnied by his son. John, hi: .■ in the law firm c P:„|fc t>: Ih d;.ct*. visited Dan ! ;ry Wednesday from Pilot Mt Ti-.t .v report magnificient crops I Surry and western stokes, will farmers in some casts paying > and 7 dollars a day for help ii ■ ritring. THE DANBURY REPORTER, DANBURY NORTH CAROLINA AUGUST 10, 1944 #♦****♦** OUR BOYS ****#**•+» Pvt. 1.'... i..».« Hauler W0..-, iius.-a:;- of the t.rmer Miss Do::.: u: W.iinut Covo, is now England. Hi. 1 IT. tor. J service t : i'lit ; It'l.!, and received f.u traiat Firt M.C'.elian, A'..i. Pvt. James C. F.'.p. s..n Mrs. Bia.: .:e Fulp •:" Pino Ha., . an.! husban i ■: the farmer M:-.s iri rualeen Pnrdy v.! .e. has arriv t i in England. Enter -J ' service Ma. 20. ' .M 3, trained in Georgia mi Virginia. i. Paul W. Soott, son of S M. Soott of Pinnacle, had b-- v > promoted to Ills present rat 1-14 1. Ho er. orod the service in July 1 ;•!.). and reeoi.ed basic train::;. at Parris Island, S. C. w Pu\ n.i2z.o C. .Smith, so ; 0 M; Watt 5..: t:t 1 f La.VoOf.'. ' > r.'Vv sn:-v.::w iltily. H or.tor. >J sorvi M »rcb 3, 11 Fort Jackson, S. C. U 0 Pie. Levi J. Smith, sor of Mrs, Watt Smith of Liwsonviilo, 1- now in the Pacific area. Ho or. v torod service June 15, 1942, in.: received basic training at Cam, , Rucker. Ala. it . Pvt. V\m. F. Fulp, son or Mrs, j Blanrhe Fulp of Pino Hall, his boon in Italy since Doconiber. H entered service 'larch 12, and trained at Fort Jacks a.. H, was in Africa before g ing t Italy. C. P.. >:t. r F ..; .' • s.r. ot fu-j ~f p;. h. : i :1 s K •:; in Engh.r.d Mar*-!:. ii - 1 T.viv: the «ervir. M >—!. HM2: trained at Car.;;- Chaffee Anr.. Camj Co'k- ('■ SEND THE PEPOP.TER TO VOI R r>\- OR FRIEND IN* THE SERVICE. APPALACHIAN , STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE BJONE, NORTH CAROLINA. A State i allege fuil accreditee by tne North Carolina Depart nt «.f Education, the Souther;: As.ii. iatinii of Colleges and Sec' oral iry and the America; Association of Teachers Colleges COKRSES OFFERED 1 Four year curricula preparinc Primary Teachers, Grammn t Grade Teachers, and High Schoo j. Teachers in Business Education , English. French, History, Honv 1 Economics, Library Science, Ma j thematics, Physical Education Public School Music, and Science A three year curriculum in Pre /• Medical study. Two year curricula in: Pre 'Dentistry, Pre-Nursin 19 laboratory Technician, Chemica ts Engineering, and General Engir ir - eering study. | One year curricula in: Generf Agriculture, and General Offk Practice. ' C J EXPENSES Minimum expenses for North Ce ilina residents, §262.50; Maximui ■ expenses for N. C. resident: n . 5255.00. All necessary school expense 1 except clothes and writing m: 5! " terials are included in above, ill Small laboratory foes for M" ic. Home Economics, and Busine: n Educat ion. Writ the Registrar for 1911-4? Catalog ' GROUP CALLED FOR EXAMINATION AUGUST 15 1 1 The following men ace called . for pro-induction p U ( | Oft v :il exa rui ° nation oil Aug. 15: Dewey Carlton Flinn, Louis John Alvarez, Aubrey Richard Collins. Roy C. Tilloy. David Woodrow Mitchell, Dallas Brax-. I ton James Stodnian Mi; - choll, Joseph Lee f-prinkle, Jul;;x s Gid Jessup, Robert Franklin ~ elwood, Ernest Gault M.>ire, Ar- J thur Leonard Mabe, Waiter Ra!- - ugh Tucker, Samuel Peter Shel ton. Waltler Robert Goi;i, Jess:- James Lynch, Welborn Richard « I«iwrence, Claude Ray Stewart. Buford Bailey Manring, Carvia Leonard Smith, Charlie Hugh Fulk, Robert Earl Colo, Ray Les ; tor Boyloa, Raleigh Thomas Wall. Jesse Horman Collins. Coy Ix»e Jones. Uarly Thomas F!!- lington John Hazolwood, Tayh»r . Lee Roberta, Ear! Bon Culler, Alexander Edward White, Har vey Niniuel Southern. Ouoll Amos, Virgil'.l Mi; ell, Howard Franklin Lawson. Roy Bafort Shelton. Raymond Lr Tuttle, Gabe Kir.nett Hill Chester Elmer Stephens, Leonard .4 Hubert Hall. Robert Vance Moore. Willie East, Robt. Edward Slate. Joseph Clyde Joyce, Hambo Booth, Charlie Edmon Bodenham er, Edward Samuel James H-rman Vadon, Walter K.-r n ,i t '• Bowman, Elmoe Redding. Emmet Cassed Saiith, Carl Vance Per-i duo, Howard Lee Westmoreland. V stor Elwood Simmons, J;,nie> ' Wr.i, Roles. Ehvao 1 Divi i Voun-, Waiter Graham Francis. No-1 (i «k: • . 0.r.-i r G, in. W ; fa. I--:: :-. Niz Nathana! Ah. C . ale ~e. . H"" N i!h ir.i'. i S:..i« .. i. Brawn, (i >rd Enoch W i. Et.-- : raett Ta .maf- U i !.. Kh.a-j las Nan - E;. ..ry lar*.es ,\i Li nard Harry Stewart. (.«■. : HaroT.T Haz- lvvool. If. r;.a:: Wn„ ~i Gritfin, Luther IF-'rnan \Vh:te. •: Cecil Brown Wilson, Eilis Hook er. James Weldon Hiii, Charlie Thomas Fowler, Jr., Morris Mar it in Joyce. I 1 SGT. CLARENCE E. WEST IS MISSING t * s S.4t. Clarence E. West, son 0: .. J. F. West of Walnut Cove, has n been missing ir. France since J .lv s 4, according to a message fni.n the War Department, r Sergeant West entered service on October 3, 1942, and received a, ie his basic training at Camp Atter -1 bury, Ind. Before going over e »eaa in April, he was stationed at e _ Camp Breckinridge, Ky. He is married to the former e " Miss Lucille Crowder of Winston • : a j Salem. n- [ „i DANBURV HOY GETS PURPLE HEART Pharmacist Wm, E. Joyce, Jr.. m son of Mr. and Mrs. William E. ta, Joyce ot Morehead City, former! v of Danburv. has been r.wari, 1 itj . the Puiph- Htart for wounds saf. ferrd in line of duty. He is n ' the navy, serving with a medio;.! 'S3 . , , unit attached to the marine corps 5 and has been in tin South Paeili. area for 19 months. Over $570.15 Donated For Memoriai Board On Court Square i The f»!lov*_ 1 Jii.t l :::i 1 cn'ri- Ictior.s haw be ma ie t> t metr.oria'. >• i r. the «« art ..*>.:.»•• si.u .;-i : v.. K:Cut u si. Ai.■;>. mi- si. I ' "" 1 h 1 T_ J.; i «,is . V . M. FI. S3: K. F. !.. •: ; (';••• r. .$!: J. VV. Car:e:\ SI; A. T. S: ■• e. s:}; J. Va:i T:.'.- tle, $1: VV. C. Joyce. SI; P. >.!. Mwetieid, $2; O. L. Joyce, $2: Mnlard \enaole, .25; R. B. Flynt. .2."); H. C. Vernon. SI; S. P.. War J. SI; J. VV. Joyce. SI; E. J. Vernon, ■ $!; Avery Ward. 50; R. VV. King fo;i. $1; J. H. Chapman. SI: Torn Rhoies, SI; (J. E. Roberta. SI: Fletcher Carter. SI; Claud Amos. SI. these contributions secured by Walter M. Flynt at Dillard. Mar. ley Dur.lap. Si; „.. s s James. SI: B. C. Ma be. ,sc; Tkos. Joyce, .50. I. C. Mabe. .5' ; Har vey Uir.or.s. SI. John D. Film um, SI; t'a vll Joyce, .5". those contributions secured L\ Mar.ley Dunlap. Dodgetowr.. Tom Smith. .25; Walter Fry \ 23; C. A. Priidy. $5; Graham Francis, .50; S. E. Smith. ,5.); George Stephens. .50; Luth.r (Join. .50; Marvin Moser, .50; Miss Ellen George, .50; Ernest Hailey, .50; Chas. Arrington. .50; Mrs. Elijah Hi>«>ker. .50; R. R. Smith. .50; Claud George. .50; i George E. Nelson, .50; G. E. Col lins. .50; E. M. Arlington Jr.. .50; S. B. Hart, .50; Mrs. Fletcher George, .50; Guy Cullii.s. ,sa. 14- st>r Ovt rby, .50; Ranzy Co\ ,sn; .1 . Hill. .50; ,i. R. [■" rr . SI; Joel Simmons. >I: X. !•. SI: Ihlon T. • • ■ v.i: .v. i- • •,. . R.iviii r. M. Hur.iilt: t '>• ■ _r i.. '"v.: Gi»in .")■>: I•. V\ !: . : .ri ; I. w. Simmon- ?" Frai:- is. .50: K.• i.!! Sh-lton. Jo FJor.durant, .50; Rei! Smi'h. .50; S. 1,, Lawrence. .50; C.a (,• Hill. .50: Edgar Palmer. .25; Clyde Collins. .50: Ftvd Ow- SI: H.>\vard Collins, .25; C. A Pridly & Co.. S2. These c. ntr - bntior.s srcured by Claude Pn ; I ;it Francisco. R. I j. Ziglar, .S2: Sam Ve:.\. : 50- FM Wall. .25: For.zy Verror.. .25; F'red Vernon, .25; Jin", I.e.ikt ! .25: Ben Oakley. .25: J. hr. Shaf fer, .40; John Dodson. .25; A. H. Kiser, .25; G. R. Brown, .25: H. Ij. Ziglar, .25; Woadrow Lawsan, ! .23; Orell Amos. .25; H. L. Wit son, Robert Knight, .25; Thalma Hall, .25; Clarence Martin, .25; i tisi on toofs. Many hundreds A'*Y W twenty, thirty and even, hirty f lvo ve *? aga ' «• •"» « iv . j ing excttlen' service. fc,?, r . -t :£-£&^f^WSyfe^-UJ v 1 » certainly pays to insist or A Genuine Ruberoid Roll-Hoof !:&*&.!»r!•. VP ing. Get that new Ruberoii WILSON BKOTIIEKS IAWIBKU CO KVKAI, IIAIX, N. C. Hail In Upper Stokes Does Some Damage— Saved By Insurance i I Bob Hall ol Lawsonville, wife liv'.p right else to the Vir;mm I: it* r. -therr Stokes, was her" f : til. of a destructive i-s : in his so diea list fn day two weeks ag>, nei'-ly. II;- .s.i iwn -op -:s wet! as the i-;s if Moir Rogers, Kimball :v l.nrr. Hal!. Ed Ha'l, Jas|»er Martin ar.i Frar.k Wright were daniag'd. Fortunately, most of these farmers carried hail insur ance rf '.boat SIOO.OO per acre. B) ! ) carrii $250.00 per acre on three acres, anil none on three other acres. And funny to say, his three insured acres were hit by tiie hail, while his three unin sured acres were not hurt. Bob collected $-'>21.00 insurance, which I was 44 12 |er cent, of his insur ed acres. F' V; ?.\ s he is busy these days h.«-:'ir..t ii'«' front Mt. Airy and •'•si* |! ants >r the citizens of |-i> s.-cti :.. H > says most of the f-irvs «.f tho set tn,r. have electri>- i s > at n-.a-.y farmers have no r frt»er'•■>«. b' ir.g ur.ab'e to get t" v. -it. time owing to war conditions. New Industry For t T pper Stoke* C. E. of Creek ts> here Tuesday, ar.pounc •'d that 11:.• !'.. VV. Geo ;,e roller mill on Pi,- Cnek, on No. }9 ;.' I:ig!r. ay, has h• •» b; I.i'tl a S| t iici-r of -'. i -ry ty, and w:'. i i ( ;rr.e i a wool en mi.,. 'ln i.■| i•; . I', m own • d ly Mr. s. ' •'" . VV. !.. F, .vniail, *1: S R. 'dl s. -.. .25: W. Mur '■■■■ ■' A: s : M.g. sol. ■■■■ n. I. M -r r.. .50; '•V. i: SI. • - .ntri bit is -j - r, • ~y f.. i;'• n Zig > n;y Ri „'e. T :til re .eirts t. i*.te "71.15. X O T I C El > tiood ISe>ulU Siimethinu tan he for AST II KITH' anil liliEU \l \I II P \|>,>. t ail or writs' tor tree inf-inuation U>— ihnnon iN»rrn tk IV'A 2 It) lUeh n *IIR(f, lud. Von Are Alwuv* H>!cnma To VUit the Nelson Funeral Home At Any Time 1 PHONE 913

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