THE DANBURY REPORTER Established 1872 GOVERNOR SPEAKS HERE MONDAY At the court house next. Mon day at 2 o'clock F. M., the same being the first day of Superior Court, Gov. J. M. Broughton will address the voters on the political issues. This event will mark the formal opening of the Democratic campaign in the county. Chair man of the Executive Committer R. J. Scott says sound transmit ters will be installed so that those who are unable to get seats in the auditorium may hear tlv, f •» m SpPnlccF Trom tlie outside. **•' COURT CONVENES MONDAY MORNING The Fall term of Stokes crimi nal court convenes next Monday With JUuge Felix Alley iiresidin7 Solicitor Scott will irosccut" Large docket, and big crowd ex pected. Eighteen-Y ear-Olds Register In September The following IS-ycar-olds nf Stokes county registered d"r ! r - SeptemVvr for Selective Service: Junior Franklin -. Pin nacle; Lovd Mabe. Sandy Ridge; 1 Gaston Pinnin, Pine Hal!: 9 L.oyd Hairston, 'Col.i Wa!- ove; Kenneth Alexander Lane. Pinnacle; R. J. Boaze, Pilot Mtn.: Benjamin Franklin McHone Lawsonville; Orrel Rooertson, Lawsonvillc: Wm. Rogers, Law sonville: Samuel Vernon. Madi son: Leonard Wade Hanes, Pine Hall: Marvin Grey Kallam, Pin nacle; Harold Stewart, Westfield; Charles Bailey Stevens, Danbi.r . Joseph Paul Rutledge. Dalton: Curtis Mar.-lull Bo; les, Kirg: Herman liny Burtvcll. Rural Hi!'; Ralph Elbert Ftillt. PiMi'ile; .7 in - my Lit' Wagoner, I.nwsonvii'e• Rob'-i* Leonard Mit.!ill, Walnu: Bud Heath, Walnut Cove: Arnold Tilley, Walnut Cive; Hen ry Eowden, King; Odell St even r, Vade Mecum; Carl Ray Merritt, Ger mailt on; Andrew Wilson Stuart, Va., RFD; Welburn Mad ison Simmeris, Francisco. Jr. Red Cross Drive Date Is Announe?:J Mrs. It. J. Gil:.3on of Sandy Ridge, who i:> chairman of the Stokes County J unit r R •' f n-.-s, announced lie*- '.his w; that the hc : :.!'ing of it:; drive wotil! b'- Now 1 through the lf>. BATTLESHIP TEXAS SEAMAN Dl T NLA F Iva.- lMf ("Shorthorn" Dunla,i, Mat' -i' J now aT Norfolk, V 'si'ing friends in the county f -el:, being on a furlough i, Tor a few days. He was on the bailieship Texas when the in vasion took place in .Normandy, and the ship took part in the ac tion. He says his experience was plenty exciting. Volume 72 KING NEWS ' By E. P. NEWSUM King, Oct. 5.-Announcement is mad • of the marriage of Glenn Moser of the U. S. Navy, station ed in California now on furlough here, to Miss Rebecca Rains, at York, S. C., Saturday, Sept. 23. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Rains of King and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Elsie Moser, also of King. A fvrce of carpenters are nt ! work remok>lin? rr.?r.r£,!r.g, the Palmetto Theatre on North Depot St., which is owned and op erated by J. .). Booth of Danbuiy. The new addition will i,ivc an nd .litional seating capacity of abont 00. . Barum Xewsum and Win. Wail j I have p r.e to Missouri to purchase a bunch of mules. Miss Ai sjie Sisk has enter.-d college at Harrisonburg. Va., in the Sht na i !oah Valley. , Balm.- a 1- ies, who wa3 wiun 1 I led in Guadalcanal, has received a i medical discharge and has re- I turned to l is homo here. Banner Sht it.>:> s sail has j .etuined to his here, hav-, ino been discharge.-' on p.ucount of a nervous breakdown. He was. stationed at Macon. Ha. Here's tlTe stork's report: t> ! Mr. and Mrs. Claud Lavvson. a daughter: to Mr. and Mrs. James Gowen, a daughter: to Mr. and' j Mrs. Wm. Matthews, a son: t j Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Lane, a son.' » Dr. and Mrs. Frank Stone of j Richmond, Va., are spending a { few days with Dr. Stone's par- ■ ••nts. Mr. and Mis. Joe S'one on, i West Main St. Dr. S: inc. v.lir i ii 'S been on the reserve list o' i ( • nt:.-t.6 with trie ;; , r.i > !i!| i b-en ordered to duty t , Miar i. I".;. Mr. r-i,l Mr. JI r:r v Hnusei ! have t ;; notifi I by the Wai j Dc-p i;t that theii i ~i, Dei 1 aid Gray Hauler, vrs reriouslyj v.our.'kd in Belgium on Sr; t. 5. | M:. and Mrs. A.iron Ha:lcl ol] ' Wrnston-SMem were among the |vif' r-tj here Friilay. T'd Cox r,' Camp -"lajdin!;, Fl".. is sprnd:' •.' a lew lu>:\ oa I ilriKjih v tli hie i. tnily. The IMm/.v. -. 'inde>- wa'. tor. il .-T.ioval op'-- .".;.in» ta 111. iir,:.' 1 re F:i' •> • .'.'.i,i.. and ;>iiss June Websti r A r natiiua nd Miss .1 lunico V * of Walll'll C »ve. And thai ; the news from heie Tin: MARRY GO ROUND i Marriage licenses issued hen-, ' by the Ltrense Bureau are as iol lows: | Sept. 30— W. B. Haden to Beu lah Coley, both of Walnut Cove. | Oct. 4-Watson Andrew Mabe of Rural Hall, to Ruth Ellen H|icks, King. Danbury, N. C.. Thursday, Oct. 5, 1944 (Editorials) Peg-ler Reaches Home * The columnist Westbrook Pegier has quit the Scripps-Howard chain of pa pel's, and joins the Hearst organization. Whether lie was kicked out for his su per-foulness. or whether he just wanted to change his environment and attach himself to a more congenial atmosphere of smear, we do not know. But we do know that Pegier is now lodged in his native lair. i Honest, intelligent, constructive criti cism is needed in government and poli tics. It is healthy and makes for more wholesome government. Roosevejt and the New Deal invite criticism. The Pres ident admitted at the outset of his ad ministration that he expected to make mistakes, and he asked that he might be criticised, and welcomed it. But such honest and unbiased criticism is far different from the snarling, vitu perative, defamitory stuff put out con stantly by Westbrook Pegier. Hearst, the multi-millionaire publish er, who owns 27 big dailies and many magazine* and ether "publications— ev ery one of them a foe to Roosevelt and the New Deal —pays high for the kind of rajicor which Pegier i-pouts and in which Pegier excels. Hearst wants more shady writers to help smear Roosevelt -more misrepre sentatives of truth, more purveyors of bitterness and slander, more uncon scionable writers who have no regard for facts or for the character of those they attack. Hears l has found his man—Pegier has everything. His stock-in-trade is slime, vi tu per at ion, ca lum ny. Pegler's fuul pen smokes with venom and hate, and smells like the stench from a ditch-skunk. Pegier never wrote a pleasant sen tence. Except when extolling the vir tues of his masters, who furnish him with pay-cheeks. His writings are never uplifting, but always pitched on a low plane and de structive; never interesting except to those who insinuation, innuendo, character assassination; never informa tive except to those in kind who have previously missed his scurrilous ebulli tion?. We have nsver understood why self respecting newspapers circulate IV; - ler's vile propaganda on the h.,- pothesi*- that they want to hold up the comparison, between decent journalism and an abased form of newspaper .wri ting, and give their rmdevs a sample of skulduudery and billingsgate Jjy irre sponsible scribes. There are no limits to Pegler's shame less audacity. He allows no curbs on his malign abuse. He attacks the char acter of the President, the President's wife, the President's grandfather, the President's children. His reeking pen spares neither thfl jnodesty of woman, (Ctontbued on page 4) PUBLISHED TIIL RSDAYS Camp And Hospital Committee Members Named For Chapter Members of Camp iind Hospital • Committee of Stokes Cournv : Chapter ol the American Red Cross, were named as follows: j Miss Laura V. Ellington, chn'i Jinan; Publicity Chairman, Mrs. • Sallie F. Pepper; Executive Secre tary, Mrs. L. H. van Noppen. 1 Germanton, Mrs. J. C. Carson, jLawsonville P.-T.A., Mrs. Marth i Morris; Danbi'ry school, Mrs. Dal i ( las C. Kirby; Stokesburg Metho dist. Women's Society of Christian Service, Mrs. J. W. Hutcherson; 1 Walnut Cove Baptist Missionary Society, Mrs. John Bray; Walnut Cove Episcopal Church Auxiliary, i Mrs. Paul Fulton. ! Sandy Midge Methodist Sunda.v School and Women's Society, Mis.-' Lucille Vernon; Oak Ridge Bajf ! tist Church Auxiliary, Mrs. J. N. ! Hutcherson; Junior Red Cross, |R. J. Gibson; Dunb.ry, Mrs. EJ IM. Taylor; Pino Hall Women' 1 - JSociety o£ Christian Service, Miss Mary WiTliamsorf. * • ««,«• - I The Home Demonstration Clubs lof the county have the following members as club chairmen: ( Francisco- Mis. XV. F.. Collins; Sandv Ridge Mrs. Ed Shclton; I Quaker Gap Mrs. Roy S. Red ding; f'ine Hall--Mis. M. I). Wefcb; Bcthesda Miss Pearl Johnsrn; i Mt. View Mrs. Grady Stewart; Leake Memorial—Mrs. Joe Brows; Lawsonville Mrs. K. G. Lawson; King Mrs. Joe E. Stone, Jr.; Col linstoun Miss Ruth Jefferson. Miss Pearl Johnson of the B thesda Club has collected 25 mag azines and some ladies' leath: i handbags; Rev. Lawrence gave i number of discarded basketball-! from Vnde Mcrum Camp: Miss Lucille Vernon secured S.'! tor •! magazine subscription frtn: the Methodist W'SCs of Sand- Ridgt NORTH VIEW NEWS North View. Miss AMI •• Jea'.i Stev i.s f-pent the past Week-etui with Miss Sin Hon at Lawsi.nvi!!.'. Mr. and Mis. Kolu rson Wilsoa and family and Mr. and Mrs Jnhnniv Wi'liam.s visited Mr. and Mrs. St vena and family Saturday niglu, j' w Cpl. John Alley, st: Fort Sloivy, Va . Is £;vr l.u. furlough with 111-; pa: Mi and Mis. Gilbert Al'ey. j Misses li- ibell Aiu n Young i.iul Curtis Young v Miss Anni Rath Yo:m ;; afternoon. ! Miss Doris Wood ..s.. the : • list this week. j Jim Dodr-m li.s returned 'o his home at Walnut Cove alter \ ; ut ing his daughter. ! Lcm Mabe spent Monday night with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stevens and family. ' Mi's. Randolph Mabc's fathei is in the hospital. Number >*.771 ANOTHERSTOKES WAR CASUALTY I DEATH OF PHILIP SIMMONS OK FRANCISCO IS REPORT KD - LIST OK FATALITIES NOW STANDS AT THIRTEEN I News is received here of the deaih in France of Philip Sim mons, son of Fletcher Simmons of Francisco. Particulars ol vounr Simmons' death have not been received. The Simmons death increases the list of Stokes casualties to thirteen. ' ( The war death list loi Stok -a row stands as follows: Li- ut. David R. Mitchell, Kin;, kill- 1 in action in China. S-t. .L.i :) W. Collins, Francisco kill".! in action in Florida. Li "..t. J.;ck Hutchorson, Walnut f\.\ ki'led i.i plain crash while training in Florida. Pvt. Loyd Minefield, kill' cd i'i action at Roiijjainville. i ; ! R.ibert Hall, Meadows, kill • I a action in South Pacific. I P •' y Officer Jimmy Wallace "IrifTifi. Randy Ridge, kiil' d in ac tion in Italy. C; I. Drcwry Glenn Honker, of Yadkin township, killed in action in Sicily. «■ P;c. Evetette J. Fulk, Pinnacle, killed in action ir, France, July 11, 1944. Lieut. Thos. A. Egglcston, Dil lard, killed in action in Italy, July 13. 1944. Sgt. Thomas H. Shcloi, fran cisco, k'lled in action in France, June 20, 1944. S«t. Richard T. Pell, Jr., West field, killed in France, July 11, 911. (V W. Sl-iwtci. Kinj; kiile i i:i i> iii, August 21, 194 i. I !uli;i ."-inn.ens. Kram n fill i d in :;.! ii.ii iu I'iai-i'i , Si ;>t . 194 1. *♦»****!> i: i OUR BOYS * * * * * K* i i Cor p. Wiu. K. S'. • ; i M ami Mrs. W. A . .^uuiy Ri . :e, has 1 . j.. . llVtt i ;.' i . , ; i ? : u> . t WJII! V '. . KM. i i„ «. i; |j , |-, v.>, " ii Mi .\\ ■i. lC| ' !i . • i ,u i ■ 1 ' 1 >' ■ l IS, ,!.S ill t. Si.r.S.; i\ • • i !lW« •SO I !,I ; :i (H i.; t; llo|ri Pnor to mli in the I'SAP he was employed as a tractor for L. A. Novaian. Tommy Gibson of the IJSN, now stationed at Norfolk. Va„ visited friends here this week. Hie is on furlough at his home at Walnut Cove. I