Fun for the Whole Family SPARKY WATTS By BOODY ROGERS cos MIC aw: f mwn &i I L with a hose mop feet- --anp with gooper]} orpinary g. YETI TO wJwim/ffV ) J "THEY'RE TOO Jf WE'P BETTER ■ PULL OP COSMIC JI SHOES ARE - rvTX euriP YOu .A. AfiASl # >c =flJ£S ze ■ eia POR A/A HIPE OUR J| RAYS ANP extra f TOO *ISSY -v vft REG'LAR FELLERS—Ready for Calamity By GENE BYRNES "*" / WARSHIPS RUN \ S ARRANGEMENTS /MIGHT AS WELL. \ L f AGROUND, - MEN,- \ v rHAVE RESCUE DRILL- \ / GETCHA USED T' ) f I AN 1 irs NECESSARY J f AVE. > OVER IN OUR LAUNDRESS'S ) I TH' BREECHES J Sbf 'V T7 ii MAN\MA|_t> AR£ \ >/ f P£>OU (MAN CDES J "B« V SHB f CLASSIFIED IN TWO / / NAANi AND TH' ( WHY THEYARE TH' _ POP—The Night Owl By J. MILLAR WATT j wny? RAISING KANE—Menace By FRANK WEBB |/, /,'/« ;>## if ; • / ' 1 "r % RjbDAy LETS P«AcO LA/ i"»"if",,* _>. . ■*■■ [_j£sZs' A Cat/ ipi" _ " " "Don't this sun t»n, Eva—l'm in the Camouflage L£ —, —, m '"*" "~~ = »»4W»WyEI Corps!" mLMBt "Oh, we're just pijttin'Butch Hagan through his'boot trainin'l' THE DANBURY REPORTER. P ANBURY. N. C.. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER Tf». 1011 I use this great rub for ! SORE THROAT GOUGHS7COIDS Wonderful for Grown-Ups, Too? Ever since (hoy were tiny tct#—vhn* ever tlie Quintuplets catch cold- • i\inm chests, throats an>l IKITI.S arc 1 .. LY rubbed »iilj Musterole. M usterolo gives such blessed prompt relief because it's more than just »» ordinary "salve," It's nhnt so niaoy I)oi tnrsand N ursescall a modern emutfa* j Il not o'ily relieves coughs, »jr% throat, achin'jchest muscli.sduetucuid*. | makes breathing ea: i r—but. it ertuaJf helps break tip tovgrxiUm in u. per brutt ch. d tract., nose ami throat. And Alusterolo is to much earnVr tm apply than a mustard iili 'cr. Whitu, Staitile, . Jit t rub it or.! "So ;'u*. \t i fi n.-s villi Mil?ft rnh !" IN 3 STUJ NtiTIIS:', M.» Mu. senile, Itegul«r, end L'x?r» M.-anj. CBSg i BE PREPARED to relieve colds' achy muscles, for* (htm* with St. Joseph Aspirin, world'* UTJM* ecller at lUr. No aspirin can d > toe you. Big 100 tablet size for only 354. - L> INOIAH PRINCESS, SAVED CAPTAIN X*M SMiTH BY FLINGING HERSELF UPON HIM AS HER FATHER V\A5 ABCUf 70 BEHEAD Httt. FAMOUS AS A SYMBOL OF PLR'TY / G \ V AND SWEET, WHOLE- I K £ .£» \ SOME GOODNESS, \ W ,J*L | THE NU-MAID \\ V £// J GIRL PERSONIFIES THE OMV LLTWV, IM^ MARGARINE WZ/JAL IV\ CERTIFIED BY ITS ( //L\R * MAKER TO BE J f , *TABLE-GRADEf / NU-MAID hat the mild, del cafe flaw that's a favorile on million! ol fcMvt. Good cook* prefer it also for icaioMog* Relief At Last For Your Cough Creomulsion relieves prompt)y be , cause it goes right to the seal of th« trouble to help loosen and esp«ii germ laden phlegm, and aiii stturr to soothe and heal raw, tender, ii> flamed bronchial mucoui men*-- branes. Tell your druggist to seii yot a bottle of Creomulsion with th« un derstanding you must like the way I quickly allays the cough or yvu an to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, B ronchlrit SURVEY SHOWS^ ★ HELPS BUILD STAMW ★ HELPS BUILD ACTBTT RESISTANCE TO COLOT Try good-tasting Scott's Emukioßl tains natural A& D Vitamins h% bring back energy and stamina M Un» fa dietarv deficiency of these tlematf*.