Fun for the Whole Family r ii ' I SPARKY WATTS By BO ODY ROGERS ; SKWS5 P/ W Jff&KSS (S&tJSRJX.) s BURIED MY HOUSE.' ■ WITH T>IE KAY?, I VOU KICK THE PIKT ( / OKAY T jTgON6ER ■ IP AMERICA WHY PIP J EVER JA TOO—SO PON'T I PACK IN THE HOLE ] ( M\ RfeW? ??''A MANY MAKE HIM SUPER yss? WORRY-I'LL \ ANP PACK IT POWN / \ ' Strong with iw, : A pis it up as V W,TH YOue eis Sr \ w -H\\ yuan \\ the great one our army —: I Ik ci;„?9? r^\ c '-1 Lmi v fr£\ c TBwsiWf, IrT™ 0 ) i yggjv ■ ( T Jy [I - ■• - »», : f ,'-■ . REG'LAR FELLERS—Cookstove Obbligato B y GENE BYRNES /^s E.E. / WHISTLING \ X WHISI LI INOj \ f WORKS, THERE'S \ ( r I f TEA KETTLE- ( TEA KETTLE, EH ? \ FAT RADIO CONTRACTS J X. JI m/ 0 i i 111 I I JUST BOUGHT / f MAYBE I ORTEPL 1 V JEST FER, THE f * (C\ I H AT POP—The Cclonel Doesn't Know Language By J. MILLAR WATT "" I THOUGHT VOU SAID wHy F*l WHEN HE SAW /V\Y cSs wi? aw ? JjjJL s*-& $ REPORT HE SAID rKi fvpfpt OKJ -u" WHAT'S THE . tAISING KANE—Where's the Third? By FRANK WEBB («' L ° Pe«cyPCA(f3ie oo(3, /U/matt-A yV"£A*2| S- |'M (30MNA' TAKE A T/2AMP) ("THfSecA A C e.OU>X)fJ JlHl/PIN Trie HILL 9, OO g V '^X^ OLJ wanna ' TOM£ AIOHGS) £.' - "Everything's camouflaged around here, Eva. I'm reaH totin' EEEE =i bd a bunch of military data to the Colonel's office!" j - » "* "My sister liked it. So 1 say it can't be tnnch of a pictures" THE DANHI'ItY RKPORTI'R. DAXHTTRY. N. C.. THURSDAY. JANUARY 4. 1915 On your favorite N. B. C. mi a Horn mvry Saturday morning 11(00 A. M.,E. W. T. WISE WSOC WFBC wptf wsjs 10:00 A. M., C. W. T. WSB WSM WAI-O U'ROL WSfA VS^AWW SNAPPY FACTS] / —\ ABOUT I RUBBER[ The popular site tire lot bombers is the 56-inch, th« making of which takes a* much time as the building or seven large truck tires. And | an active bomber may need •n entire new set of tirer J each month. Statisticians have developed the fact that the rubber used by the U. S. In the war up to date averages about 149 pounds per man in uniform In World War I rubber con sumption represented about 32 pounds per man. WHY QUINTUPLETS always do this for CHEST GOLDS! To Promptly Relieve Coughing Sore Throat and Aching Muscles Whenever the Quintuplets catch cold their chests, throats and hacks are rubbed with Musierolo. I'owcrful'y soothing- Mupternle not only promptly reliever roughs, sore throat, aching chest muaclst due to cohU —but ALSO Tifliis break Uf Con iMiiitl in upper bronchial tract, nose »ml throat. H'ntiilerfulfurgruwn-ups.Uk' In 3 rVTI VJj' j * 11*3 Strengths 11111 KM ► 1.11» * B *IJ r jf>\v 101 MIIOI Kill 111 tint It RHEUMATISM NEURITIS-LUMBAGO Large Bottle i ■ un«l , l2S- Small Size Mci » CIITIOi: ISC lilt It IlltCltl * nin toot tin stow it IT urn utuii n ni>» e.MI mi cs. 1.1 JITIMTIUT I. HIIIM{ Buy War Savings Bondi STOCK OWNERS' STAND-BY! Smart stockmen have relied for years on soothing, effective Dr. Porter's Antiseptic Oil. It'e soothing . . . tends to promote natural healing processes. Kiv-p It on hand always for emer gency use for minor cuts, burns, saddle galls, bruises, flesh wounds, and use only an directed. Ask your veterinarian about It . . . your druggist has it.