. THE DANBURY REPORTER kstablisned 1.?72 KING NEWS Uy E. P. MiiAVSL ..1 King, Jan. 11. —11. LJrady Dv'.j ha 3 gone on a bus.uess trip Cedar Rapids, lowa. lie will spend about a week 011 the trip. Clay Helsabeck, marine c Cherry Point, is spending a f days with his parents in the Jeff erson section. John Culler of the U. S. Army stationed at Fort Benjamin Harr son, Mo., is at home on furlough. Dick Conrad has received a medical discharge from the arm and has returned to his home in Walnut Hills. Arthur Kapp l'.as purchase! : resident lot located on West !'av St re t from Landis N nvsum. The following patients u:i ! went t■ .ns". 1 r mov: 1 operations '• the clinic here Fi i lay: Carlos Jones of Capella; C!y Fnlkenbcrry of Mountain View Fred Hunter of Quaker Gap a*v Miss Jaequelynn Ham of Pinnacle. Seaman Bill Cain of Philadc' phia, Pa., is spending a six-day pass with relatives here. Monroe AlriJ.e of the ravy has returned to his ship at Boston aft er a 30-day furlough spent with n laiives here. ■*" 'arman HenJrix of Tobacc >- • war, among the business vis iti.es here Saturday. Harvcy D. Pulliam of Mount Airy, formerly of King, visited his parents. Rev. and Mrs. L. K. Pal lian, on I-TJ: 'n St. Robert Kapp, stationed Cnran PHn!in n ., FH., is a few days with his parents her*. The stork is back on the job ir. boxcar letters this week: to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Martin, a sin; to Mr. end Mrs. Hoy Coving' ; a daughter; to Mr. am! Mrs. Char lie K : ng, a son; to Mr. and Mi- Oscar Southerland, a daughter: t Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harrison, son: to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Martin a son; to Mr. and Mrs. Lem Hi! 1 er, a daughter; to Mr. and Mr;. T. A. Bennett, a daughter; an 1 to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth a son. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey G. Spain hower of High Point were week end visitors to relatives here. Seaman J. Lee Tuttle, at Bainbridge, Md., visited hi • parents here over the week-end. Colored Men Leave Monday For Induction The toiJbwing colored men of Stokrs left TTonday, Jan. 8, for Ft. Bragg where they will be induct- ed into the army: h.r.ies Larrair.e Trance 3ward Lee Thomas i.ntr.v Ralph Payne Christmas Henry Hairston Walter Headen C;ntry Wm. France 1 David Price I 1 George Henry Hairston : I Jessie Franklin Mabe, Jr. Eugene Franklin Hairston. Volume 72 Mrs. Mary Tuttle l asses .away fcaturda> Jtiis. *»lury -xL;: gaxvt luetic, ii-,v 00, V.ilC ui CiloJ y Kay luaiO titMk •• 1 »01««3, ~t the iioiiie iiiot nifciit at V; 1/ o'clock. She had been ill iur iou»' years an J her condition wao uA icai one day. Mis. Tuttle was born in Stok-.j county, June 10, 1900, a daughte.! of John and Nancy Ann Sla'. Stevens. i Surviving arc the husband; tivaj daughters, Mrs. Margie BoKs King and Virginia May Tuttle oi 1 the home; f.vo sons, Tho:.:as De wilt and M::rvin Flay Tuttl • the home; one {'.rain'chil i; t sisters, Mrs. Lula Fo.. !■•«, Slop.e. \ille and M:". L»! i i u!; , nanton a: d one l.roth- . , \V,.i Stevens of Walnut C >».•. The 1 ar.eral was h.\J at Man uel Funeral Home Monday a.'lci noon at J o'i:l ick and at Quak* • Gap Baptist Church at 3 o'clock.; Rev. R. B. Adams conducted th. , i services. Buriai was in th church gravejvrd. I | Mrs. Nealie Tilley Dies At Walnut Cove Mrs. Nealie Tiiley, aged &i.' wife oi Jo.* H. TT.ey of Walnu. Cove, die J at the home niter i long illness. Surviving pre the husband; t\v > sons, Lemmie Tilley c,!' Walnut Cove and Pfe. Fountain Tilley o; the army, overseas; five broth'iv ou.in »;i\*or, IleiJsviUe, Aeie Tay lor, Walnut Cove. Pete Taylc, j hTiSon, Tube Taylor, Spray, nnJ Eefmcc Taylor, Sandy Ridg-; tv/"' s:stera, Mrs. Ilosie Mabe, Wain :t' Cove and Mrs. Lizzie Big 1;;. L aksviiTe, and seven grand-jhi!:!-' ren. Funeral services at Cloat Springs Baptist Church, Elders J Watt Tuttle and J. A. Fagg offici ating. Sfft Robert W. Powell j Receives Third Medal i For Biavery In Action Sergeant Robert W. Powell, soni of Mr. and Mr 3. W. W. Powell 01' Walnut Cove, has received his third Bronze Star for bravery i:i action. His first medal was j awarded in February, 1944, fat ; participation in the campaign' in Tunisia. The second was pre sented in August, 1941, for t!ir Italian Campaign and in Octohei he was given his third start for action in Southern France. I! has been overseas for 22 month". Pvt. Odell Duffgins Wounded Third Time Pvt. Odell Duggins is reror'rtl wounded again. This is the thit i time this young man, son of Mrs Susie Duggins, has receive ' i wounds. He is in the European 1 Firea. I Danbury, N. C., Thursday, Jan. 11, 1945. (1 Editorials) Lettei Medical Care A till will soon be introduced in the General Assembly creating' a great cen tral hospital in the State and establish ing hospitals in many of the poorer counties. Medical authorities say that one doctor i- needed for each 1,000 people, whereas the average in the rural sections is now only one doctor to 5,174 people. In Stokes county with its population of more than 22,000 people there are only rive physicians, or one to each 4,500 peo ple. Thus many people, especially those who la?k financial means, must neces sarily he deprived of adequate medi.-ji! t 'eatmoiit. Tlu U ! 1 t> come before the lc\u'islati-i'j wm. 1 -. \.as moted by c.\-C»ov. r» rough' t C'aiMi. e Poe and a number o: i' er a' "tii.j-.'uished citizens i.f the State v,-'u'd niovide a g'reat. central hospital as \*'ell as the establishment of hospitals and health centers in small rural com munities, the cost to be paid by the State. A hospital for Stokes county at which thoe needing hospitilization at a low expense, has long been agitated in the county. It is good news that the power of the State will take in hand this very serious problem of better care,for the sick. It goes without saying that our two representatives in the General Assem- My will heartily support this bill. The Avenger Returns True to promise that "I shall return," Gen. Mac Arthur returns to the Philip pines 250,000 strong. Hi* entrance was guarded by a string of warships 70 miles in length and cov ered by the world's greatest air armada. Loyte has been conquered. Luzon is under tire by the invincible American armies. The hiking of the Philippines cuts the Jap lifeline to her stolen lands in thr- South Pacific. B-29's are now bombing Formosa, the last big* stop to Tokio. Nemesis is crowding; the rats hack t> their lair. One of the happiest incidents of the re taking of the Philippines relates to the Fataan nenisula where American bovs died to tlr 3 last man under brutal punish • ment of the Jap's Ifith Division. Mac- Arthur announces that this famous divi sion was wiped in the Leyte cam paign. ' *** LOCALS Mrs. W. E. Joyce, Virginia Joyce and X. K. Wall have re turned to M'.rrhead City after a week's vis,t hire. Miss Luna Taylor returned I" Asheboro Sunday after spendinv the holidays here and with Mi \ W. E. Wilkinson in Winston-S'l em. Mrs. Wesley F. Haydcn atn : daughter. Brenda, have joined Lt Hayden at Monk's Corner, S. C.. after having visited her father, W G. Petree here, and relatives in Salem, Va. They were recently transferred from Macon, Ga. A. J. Ellington is at Fayette vilie where he will make his fa t're home, forming a partnership with a brother there in the pta tiee of law and accounting. H will he joined by Mrs. Ellingt >: and Ronner in another weei: They are still here. Snpt. of the County Home Hotif Loft is was n visitor today. John L. Christian of Pinnae! was here today. Mrs. Edwin Green of Walnut Cove is visiting Mrs. A. J. Elling ton this week. Little Ann Marshall is confine ] to her home with illness. PUBLISHED THLKSKUS i - Li A N N \\ : s Fran: is.:o. There wus no j on Tuesday due to bii weaii;- Sclioui busts lou!j ;; j. iia»i.i i . dirt roi ls. While Junior Shelton was no"*- from the army Christmas .ie ; -oi the flu and was unable to repor back at his camp. A Red C: ».->h ambulance came for him, and li is now in the army hospital r.t Greensboro. We hope he will soor. be well afatn. Carrol Collins, who was at home for Christmas, has resum* his studies at State College, Ra, eigli. Zi:la Mae Creasey -pent t past week-en 1 with Louise Fi i is. Cr ola and Caldwell Srhuyh r L ,v Gap s: nt part ol the Chi ■ mas holidays with their fist* M:s. Graham Fran-is. Announcement has been mad of the engagement of Lloyd Co. lins and Miss Rachel Sn:ith. The;, are both teachers at Francts'-o. Mrs. Cora Shelton and I illjmn have moved to Francisco, next door to Mr. and Mrs. Collins. Lewis Simmons, a Francisc • boy, who is in the navy, has rec ently been home. William Jones is at home now, hn\;rig received a discharge frov. the army. Fgt. Moir Collins, who recent!,, roturne* to the States from ov seas duty in Italy, is at home ci a 30-day sick leave. He saw )i> son, Jimmie for the first time m t':'s leave. His wife and sen lia" been living at Martinsville, Va. P\t. Dallas Martin is laik in a hospital in the : ; '.;.?is from o\\ - seas duty. ■ State Collects 82,936,517.31 Beer Taxt, In 1944 Raleigh, Jan. 7. Tiie State col lected in beer taxe« in 194-1, according to the I', i-" - Brewers Foundation's North Ca; olina Committee. License fees yielded $5-1,211.0 ' and the remainder came from crown and lid tax, stamps and labels. The crown tax netted .52.100.458.17; labels $531,996.9' and stamps $249,851.19. This amount is the State's shar and does not include beer t axes paid the federal and local roverr. ments. -I S!i«rhtly Wounded Technician Fourth Grade Wood ' row Holt llauser, son of Mr. anti Mrs. H. C. Haaser of Pinnacle, Route 2. \vas wounded slightly in action in Germany on December 19, according to a War Depart ' ment message received by his par ents. 1 He joined the army Sept. 3rd. 1942, and trained at Fort Rilev Kansas. Los Angeles, Calif., an.' i Camp Gordon. Ga., before goin,*j Number .'5.785. I ~~ Si* " Assessed $1,203 In entile Favalyfcis Fin % rive Jan. i .-'M 3 - 8 Tilt? a f und-nusmg appeal m of the >nul Foundation lor hifaiuile Paialysis \\d Lv opened officially Jaiiumy 14. The appeal will continue through Jan. Ul. Lr.st year we sustained tl"s worst epidemic of infantile para lysis ever to hit the nation in the history of the disease. More than 18,00(1 people were stricken and many of l!M4's victims will re quire continued medical care an 1 treatment for a long period o!. T; ijl!t i: , i I North . . ' . : Will " I . . r.-. •X] eadi ■ | ' J- r i:i ;i . ! .hd hospital care it urgently m eessarj thai we raise nil the funds we can. We have, therefore, set our sights high, and we have every reason to believe that the people of Stokes county will respond to this appeal for funds with unpre cedented generosity. Had it not been for the dimes and dollars contributed to pre vious appeals many children who are now recovered from infantile paraly.- :s r. kht still I e disabled. Trentm« ::t of infantile j -ralys's rises is e>:;K nsive, b..t it is the duty .'.ml privilege of ea.h of us to ; in insuring nit! to iu af flicted. We do not know what is in si' re for this county or any otli ce e ur' • of the nation in 191."). 1' it ve do know that it is up to ;\l >f us v. 1.0 v;.!ue the health and welfr!e i ;r (!:i!di n to pi > pare now for* ; ny eventuality. Aci-o:'.!irt> information n • - : v : • i Stat - Hi . 'i;; .i ters, t!-..' ;•••'.. s.t for Aloises county I'.!> is Si.L'o'i.oo. T'. ■ campaign will be handl. ,f th'\ u ihe schools and lommun iiy committees. The quotas cs tablished iV.r each community and school have been based on ; opu lation, school attendance and amounts raised in previous eam -1 ; aigns. ' Following is a list of schools and community committees with quotas listed opposite: ' "* ? King School $75.00; . j(> King Committee $125.00. Mrs. Elmer Boyles, Miss Agnes Pulliam, Mrs. Paul Kiser, Mis. C. S. Xewsome, Mrs. Jessie Stone, Mrs (1. L. Rains. Mrs. Ernest Smith. Capri la School SIO.OO. Mt. View Committee X 20.00 - Mis. Agnes Slate Stewart. Miss Willie Hirtgrove. Mis. C. J. Ervin. Mrs. Paul Lewis, Mrs. (!asto>i Mene'- *vs. Francisco School- .s>o.oo. Francisco Committee $50.00 Mrs. X. F. Christian, Mrs. Ernest Collins, Mrs. Willie Ray, Mrs. J. D. Parker, Mrs. Charles Moir, Mrs. Joel Simmons. (Ccr.V.r.w* en r'~? c )