THE DANBURY REPORTER fc>tablisue«l 1872 TWO MOKE STOKES BOYS DIE IN WaK HARRY SMITH KILL-;.) IN GERMANY, WAS FIRST .--Eil ioisLV WOUNDED; LAI\ REP.RT ;s DEATH OF L. ROGER*' SON, IN FRANCE Harry Smith, son of Mrs. N«,r.> Smith ol' Lawsonville die.!, «i cording to a message from the War Department received by Mrs Smith, as a result of a serious wound received in action in Ger many, The family was first noti fied of youn. Smith's woi:n«!-, followed I y t!.O r. :::• ■ of ! ' death. As t' Reporter ens to pros.- 1 , news i: rr t ,| the d. >th I a sel JM }' igers of Laws.-n ville ■' - ' . t.> front in Frane ■. T!?e fa-iily ie eive-l the nieisa.,' Jan. 17. No other* details ;>r available rt present. Ed Rogers is a son o{ Alee Rot; crs, also of Lawsonville. The deaths of these two Law sonville servicemen swells the lit/ of Stokes war fatalities to 25, as follows: Lieut. David R. Mitchell, King killed in action in china. "pt. John W. Collin", Francisco A 1 i*i nctkin in Florida. ..ii:t, Hutcherson, Walnut Cove killed in plane crash while training in Flori la. Fvt. Loyd Morefu'ld, King, kill ed in action at Bougainville. Cpl. Robert Hall, Meadows, kill ed in action in South Pacific. Petty C!!icer Jimmy Wallace Jrillin, Sandy Ridge, killed in ac tion in Italy. Cpl. Drewry GUnn Hooker, ol King, killed in action in Sicily. Pi . Evritte Fulk, Pinnacle killed in action in France, July II 1914. Lieut. Thos. A. Eggleston, D. l !- lard, killed ::i action in Italy, Jul} 1 3, 1944. Sgt. Thomas H. Shelor, Fran cisco, killed in action in France, Juno 20, 1944. Sgt. Richard T. Pill, Jr., West, field, killed in France, July 11, 1944. Sgt. O. W. Slawter, King, killed In action in France, August 21, 1914. ■ Philip Simmons, Francisco, kill ed in action in France, Sept., 1944. Pvt. Gilmer W. White, Route 2 Walnut Cove, killed in action in France September 22. 1944. PL'. II >. ard D. Tuttle, German ton, MM on July 21. 1914, >! woi:nis r>v ive I while in action In Ti ir.c \ •t. .Indie C. limine, of Sandy killed i'i aetion in Holland ...I . c ' |t. 21, 1911. Hubert Merritt of King, killed in action. Pvt. Ruck Horton of King, kill cd in action in Belgium. Pfc. Millard E. Mabe of Sandy Ridge, killed in action in Bcl- I Volume 72 KING NEWS ' By E. P. NEWSLM -I King, Jan. lt>.—ii,»ua Walnut Hills is critically s.eK ... tlic home oi li.s uaU a »iMi, .... . Ziglar, near Stanleyville, in.- many friends will regiei to ka... Sgt. and Mrs. Herman Sniu-1 have returned to "Their home i Fort Bragg after spending sev eral days here, the guest ot Mrs. Snider's parents, and Mi.-> Joel Y. Southern on Spruce St. John and W. E. Spninhowe: have jor..ed the ..icrchant marine and will be .latioiu d L-mporari!'. :.t No: : i\'a. Mis. C >!• I Watts of Geraui::- t- .i ua re..C a t >nsil remov I oj i .i..'t in jo v linU !.( i ; 'i > ■ i i' - '". Clio, S. C.. i'.i i. -i!.." T is >-p.'nd:n.j .i L-.v d iys witli relatives and friends here. Rirhard Stone, son ol Pr. an Mrs. G. L*.' 'r!7»ne, has joined th Merchant Marine and will train a New York City, after whi.h h will go to sea. I Mr. and Mrs. Gabe Tuttle ol Rural Hall were tile guests of Rev. and Mrs. Paul Herman Newsum on West Main St. Work is well underway oil i new home for Pete Binkley Walnut Hills. Nome White of Norfolk, Va . formerly of King, is spending ; few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. It. C. White on Forest Grove Ave. Farmers in this svti.m ; re pre paring and marketing the remnant of tfieir tobacco crop. Most o» them are receiving fancy prices. Linda, the small dat:..liter >i Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Ne.vsum, i suflforini* from an attack of influ enza. Tier condition is improvin: Miss F! it' ie fTiate remains quit" sick a! Tier home on East Main St. Zona Marshall has moved hi family here from Pinnacle. J. A. Gordy has moved his fam ily to his farm near White Plain? which he recently purchased. And that's the news from here gium, Oct. 27, 1944. Pvt. Clnyt Cardwell of West field, killed in action in Germany ! " J Clyde Lawson, of Lawsonville killed in action in European the ater. Pvt. Charles Malcolm Wall, o Madison, Route 1, killed in action in Italy Oct. 29, 1914. Sgt. Marvin O. Lackey, Lawson ville, died of wounds receive! in the battle of Germany, Po. ember, 194-1. R. C. Booth, Gormanton, ki'! 1 in a-tien in European area in i 1 ceniber, 1944. Harry Smith. Lnwßonville di I of wounds received in aeti«n in Germanv. * | Rogers, son of F i Rocers of Lawsonville, killed in action in France. I Danbury, N. C., Thursday, Jan. 18, 1^)45 i The einlifeen-ycar-old daughter of a cre»«rtl overseas vi'li iiV *'nerk-.-.n inwion forces ii;liis infantile paral\.sis in .\ u!!i ( ir.t "U. Her ii'ir.-- i tier inother, who volunteered • .»r i!ie d tri'i, .i ( -i !:»• epi'iernie eni«»ri en v ,-t fie Hickory Kmar ncy li.- • ji >•••••1, Hlirn ;t»e oai«-l:fer was strii!; I II ( IS lii:y WINS CALK X. By E. S. STOKES ~ milk. Not only is tobacco bein■; County Agent grown, but feed crops for the cat tie and other livestock are pro- Billy Nelson of Danbury, Route ducot , ThroU; , h this balanr ,, : 1, won a Guernsey calf which vvr: f;; ,, n r)rosr:im tlu , X( .i son - s hav . donated by Coble Dairies of Lo::- f:irm i11( , 0n .,, T|) , N ington. Billy is a member il th a ,. ( . „ ow st ,||j n n- ;>i>und five gallon." Walnut Cove 4-H Club and is a o( - ,, tive in agriculture. ~ . ... , In awarding the heifer, Cohu In 1943, Lilly had halt an neit Dairit 4 s of Ix'.vington wanted ii of tobacco which sold for s3o.> p | nm , someone who is get- His net return was slf,o since he tin „ tlu , fu |, su , of his had rented land on which to grow onts , Ml ._ Mrs x o j s ,, n his tobacco. This past year Bill; encouraging filly and advisin had an acre m tobacco which sold !.j ni j„ his daiiy and other far:. for $.'00.00. Me believes nemlv work. Through cooperation an $200.00 of this will be clour profit. „ b.-'niced farm system, the N- Billy iloes not Believe in one so . ;s hi llcvo they will eontribuL crop farming. That is the reason me.rv in our war effort and wil he is growing tobacco and scllin alf.o make a staple agriculture. VAI)K MECUM NE\\> ! Vade Mecum. — Pvt. Junior Ben nett of the I'. S. Army, and Sea man Second Class Bobby Bennett, USNR, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Char lie Bennett, are home for a fi w I days. i | Mr. and Mrs. Jim Venable of Greensboro visited Mr. and Mrs. Harvel Venable and family Sun day evening. Miss Shirley Va.len spent Tile-- I'.'iy nfaht with Mirs Kin". Mr. and Mrs. Claude Simmons of Winston-Snlem sne-it Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Georpe Sim mons. ; Miss Jenn Gravitt recently 4 ! 'fit the week-end here wit!) M-ss MaTTraref Ge.irue. Mrs. .T.ihn V'lilen and daughter Ruth and Ada. visited Mrs. Hessie Vaden Wednesday. Luther Shelton visited Mr. an' Mrs. Will "furphy Sunday ni;rht. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Vaden spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. I J"o Joyce at Sandy Ridge. Mr. and Mrs. Eulas Priddv an family and Mr. and Mrs. Wood row Robertson and family speii , Sunday with Mrs. Hessie Vaden. Miss Ruby Durham recent 1; visited here sister, Mrs. Marioi Vaden. SGT. LEWELLYN MISSING UN ACTION Karls so i of Mrs. S. C. Lewellyn of Walm. Cove, has been reported nissirv in action in I. i.yembnujir, necor! iii' to n mrt-s-.'j.' from t!ie \V rvpartmenf. St. Lowell a joiivd (he a>"". in f' ■ mfce*\ 7f!•_*. an ! *•» M'.'Coy, V. Is., J'lld "■ ?!1;• F>ec!..m ridge, Ky. Ho arrived ov err vis April 5, 1914. Refore he entered the servic he was employed at the Casl Wholesale Grocery Company a Walnu! Cove. I PCBLLSHLU Till KM 'A \ S Activities Of Stokes Rationing Board To Be hnlarked Tlie activities oi the D .rt wai pric aiid lationi.Mg ho.:. I to be considerably fill;.!; expanded, according to D. Goff, district board s: ]* r,:: J i• of the Charlotte liistrlct 0.'..c who has been here I>r days assisting the local board i: its operatic ns. In an inteiview with the R porter Mr. Goff stated that t! present group of honr.l rn> have nerved faithfully, tut ) ■, Keen ovcrb ;• !"n'-»l. !!•■ •-■ •; i t! have n> ;i ' v. ■' I j , h• •'■» fr mi ; i'! • }»• -• • ti'l-'.c •).- v.! i v.:'l d Mi : t V'l'! k l'l I *0 ' »",;t ■ . will be no bin d n a any Tin r »• rvi f wi:i rcnd> red t 1 ■ '.he j - .:',!' •. Humors hav» circulate! tiro the local boar ! would not be con tinued. This, Mr. Goff said, > v not true according to all pres"" ■ plans. Rather, hp said, critical short ages of foods, petroleum product.'' including gi.foline and fuel oi' and the very serious shortage of rubber tiies for all kinds of r.v . tor transportation make it in:;.; ative tftaT the rationing pi >gra. be continued and made stro:i_i . '■ Every citizen has a tight to . '• shore of scarce commodity s. ;.r no person should receive no; • v than the law entitles h : r.i to !i;;v« •■" This responsibility is for group of volunteer board members to e sume. and Mr. Gofj advised th. it several men of known honesty and t- intelligence will shoith !• -ski i'- to render this servii • ;ri 1 t > • '• nient the • iw-nt I'.id ■ • in t! Is important work. " Prices are to be controlled ■- :l that the public is not over-char : id, enl so that no mi re ha nt ! • an illegal advantage ovi r :.notl:i ll menhant. This responsible \ is :;!so fir Hoard voltMilcrs w' ore known as Price P.-.n.-l r.-.e hers. I C. E. Davis, present chninra of the local War Price and Pa- II tionir.g Board, has served a Ion;. • time w . inadequate help, and '• v Mr. Goff said his efforts on behal: ,n of the "Stokes county people well recognized by the district o:" lice. New Ration Hoard office hours Sj are 9:30 A. M. to noon; from 1 P. M. to T:750. And on Sat ird-\ •" front to 2 P. M. Am* 1 ;;! "Vlpet Of Re* Cross Will I>> I Told Here Fe»>. _ T' anna ! meeting of t!e ' .'rnerir-n Red Cio s s v ' |M hh' l !in the i n;rt h ■ s p. 'i at 2 P. M. All members a r i urged to attend this Hport >i:t meeting during which oficeis will h be elected. it F'e.ns for a speaker are incom plete at pr"RTit. Number 3,7SK ITC. ROBERT SCOTT, IJUOTHbU OF K. J., MiSSING IN Ai TiON i : . i. .A i: !. t - t. iiUKbai: i of Mi*s. I lot ..i Wall Scott oi Wiii.-i iii-;- .!• . i „nd r >i So lit it..'i II.;)] a I. Scott >.! Danbury, Wits ! misting action in nil I>ecornb r LM, accord K. . *.(> ;i V\'• r Department mes- Pfc. Scott entered tho rrmy on March I'J, IJM4. trained «it Camp Fannin, Texas, and wont overseas ! { inb' r. Ho won the C0m !...•. I: !,u.ti > tail.: J • -dgo a sho»'t ::Ta VIK\V NCWS .v • M I Mrs. Winfi 1 Young an Mi-s !s:biil Young were suppei Ms oi Mrs. Ada Samuel and L! liter, Henrietta. 1.-st Friday ni^ht. Corn to Mr. and Mrs. Jones Okley, a girl. last week. Mr. and Mrs. Winfrod Young spent Tuesday night with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Mooro. Jack and Clarenc-o Alloy and Tonzie Mabo visitod Pvt. Xolnska Alley at Camp Croft, S. C.. nvi 1 tho wook-ond. Pvt. All' y is ill ii a hospital tho re. Sgt. Clyde Wood has return".! to camp after spending a 20-day furlough at his homo here. Elder Walter Mabo spent Satur day night with Mr. anil Mrs. C. M. Dillon. I:OSS' STORK NEWS Jlcss' Sto:v. Mr. and Mrs. A> cry Slate and children visited M". Frames Meadows ..i Walnut ,ie Sunday. Mrs. Xunl; Kisi r and Mrs. Yeln.i l>ishoj. iiaVi accepted positions i.l. , the Ciiibot: I'h.nt in Winston-.-'.-.1-cm. cm. Linda Ili;th Short ill of Walnut Cove t-i«lit the week-end wit!. Mr. i iind Mrs. I. G. Pais?. Miss Jewell Carmiehael h..s rc „ turned to her homo at Bassett, Va. f ,1 after spending several weeks with If friends here. i Mrs. Clyde Wolffo and childro'i f. visited Mrs. Avery Sliito Saturd iv night. s Miss Betty Kitor was homo i with a cold two days of this week. R. \\. Shite made a business trip to Walnut Cove Monday. | REPORTED MISSING IN GERMANY t Sg IJ' !:gji T. Sp;iinhoi:r. scit e ' 1 Mr. .'ti l Mr;'. L. O. Spainlioue i oi Kir.u. ,:;s been missing in no , tina in Germany sinr« Deooniher ~ "I, the Wiir Department has noti fiod his patents. It Sgt. Spainhour entered the sor. I vice in March, 1943. and was trained at Fort Jackson, S. C. Ho went -1 »•